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-   -   MP: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48492)

Calahan April 22nd, 2012 02:40 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
If you send in two .2h files for two (or more) different nations during the same turn, then you run the risk of getting a CD violation during hosting which results in one (or both) nations who used the same key being given a forced stale. Doesn't always happen, but you need to know the exact requirements to prevent it kicking in. (and the consequences of getting them wrong just isn't worth it)

So whenever a nation needs to be turned AI in a llamaserver game, it's best to post a thread or ask on IRC for a volunteer to do the AI turning. In this case though there's no need to look, as I'll do it since I'm passing. (mattburn7. I assume you are the admin, as such I'm sending you a PM with my email once I finish this).

Edit - PM sent. please let me know if you didn't get it (I got a forum time out error my end while sending, so not sure it got through to you as I didn't save the msg)

Edit 2 - Problem has been solved by Yomi's death. Move on.

Adam J April 22nd, 2012 02:44 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Just looked at the new turn file- it appears the issue is moot. Yomi is deceased.

Calahan April 22nd, 2012 02:51 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Haha, that's certainly the easiest way of dealing with the problem :) Enjoy your game guys and gals. Nothing to see here.

Adam J April 22nd, 2012 03:19 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Thanks for your offer for help Calahan. Looks like the server still wants a 2h file from Yomi irregardless of his death... I think there's a one turn lag there. Rather then bothering with the whole AI issue I can force hosting once all the other turns are in if no one has a problem with that.

Calahan April 22nd, 2012 04:03 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Yeah, the llamaserver needs to be sent a final .2h file once a nation is defeated.(I can still do this if it helps. mattyburn has my email).

Needing to send a final .2h file isn't a bad thing actually, as it allows the defeated player a chance to send out a final message, or to empty out his gem/item vault to other players. As these orders will still be carried out even though the nation is technically dead (as you would probably not want to send out final messages or goodie baskets until you were officially dead)

samoht April 26th, 2012 09:29 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Well I just did my first ever stale turn. That sucks. I forgot that the time my email tells me doesn't account for daylight savings, so I missed getting home from work and sending in the turn by an hour. Oh well, it happens I guess!

Adam J April 26th, 2012 11:17 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Ugh, sorry to hear that samoht. Anytime you need an extension just notify me and mattyburn and one of us will do so. Hopefully nothing too painful happened as a result.

samoht April 27th, 2012 12:52 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Its alright. If I thought I needed an extension I would have let you known :p but this was just simple human error on my part. It won't happen again!

Adam J April 27th, 2012 12:06 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Woo hoo... stopped Caelum's arena champion with a measily level 1 fire mage casting an unscripted blindness spell (a summoned earth elemental gets the assist but would have almost certainly been demolished otherwise). Too bad the mage didn't get to follow his dream of devoting himself to a quiet life crafting lightless lanterns and picking up easy women at the local tavern with tales of his heroism... a eagle king promptly flattened him.

By the way, in case anyone didn't know (and I didn't), the arena champion's gear is pretty epic. It's a helmet which gives sick protection, quickness and attacks at the same time. I'm kind of confused how the seraph got it the champion's gear, I thought it was cursed and I though Caelum sent a tempest lord to the arena.

Aderion April 27th, 2012 04:23 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hi everyone,

I won't probably be able to play my next turn in time, thus I would like to request an 12h extension.

Regarding the arena gear, there was some battle in which my tempest lord died and the seraph came by and looted the body...

Adam J April 27th, 2012 04:28 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Thanks for the forewarning, extension granted

mattyburn7 April 27th, 2012 04:29 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Ya just beat me to the punch!

Adam J May 7th, 2012 04:03 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Balasker stalled last turn and might be Mia. I'm gonna extend 12 hrs for now...

Adam J May 7th, 2012 09:38 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Looks like he got this turn in- crisis averted

Aderion May 8th, 2012 02:39 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Just to let everyone know, I went AI this turn.

I had a lot of fun in this game and I also learned a lot, thus the game lived up to its name for me...

mattyburn7 May 8th, 2012 02:49 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Thanks for Playing Aderion. Looking forward to seeing you in other games!

Adam J May 8th, 2012 05:12 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Good game Aderion!

mattyburn7 May 13th, 2012 05:12 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Everyone: I postponed hosting 24 hours.

Adam J May 13th, 2012 01:54 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Works for me- bit of a crazy weekend, just told my parents that they were going to be grandparents.

mattyburn7 May 13th, 2012 02:41 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Well Congratulations!!

Is this their first grandchild?

shard May 13th, 2012 10:01 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Congratulations on the new addition!

Coincidentally I just told my parents about a future daughter-in-law myself so the more time the merrier...

Adam J May 13th, 2012 10:21 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]

jotwebe May 14th, 2012 05:39 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Joining with the congratulations, felicitations and general well-wishings.

shard May 15th, 2012 09:47 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Ooops I did not mean to send in the turn just yet - mind if we turn off quickhost??

jotwebe May 15th, 2012 10:03 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I can hold sending off my turn until an hour or two before the deadline, if that helps.

mattyburn7 May 15th, 2012 10:05 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
I turned it off. I'll be gone most of day tomorrow so post when you have turn in. Either Adam will turn it on or game will just host when time is up.

shard May 16th, 2012 03:44 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]

Those Zmeys are pretty cool, so many new CBM monsters to play with (anyone know where i can get a list of their unit ids? Cant find some of them on Edi's DB)

Adam J May 16th, 2012 08:59 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
They are great- sadly I had no idea how hard the seal guards hit. I'm bogged down with work and going to delay hosting for 6 hours. Sorry bout that.

shard May 16th, 2012 09:20 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hey take your sweet time I am nowhere near done with my turn >>

mattyburn7 May 16th, 2012 06:53 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
k. I turned quickhost back on. If you need it back off just let me know.

Adam J May 17th, 2012 10:15 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Okay, I'm retarded and sent in the turn from this game when I intended to send in the turn from another game... so I turned off quickhost again.

Adam J May 17th, 2012 05:15 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Quickhost is back on.

Adam J May 18th, 2012 03:11 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sheesh Agartha, those seal guards didn't mind their acid bath at all. At least I gained some satisfaction through dismantling that ridiculous ember lord of yours.

shard May 19th, 2012 04:33 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Hidden in Snow - oh my god.... I need wd access in my next game

Oh and I am out of town this weekend and would like to request 24h extension

Adam J May 19th, 2012 07:46 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Granted. Hidden in snow is pretty wonderful- its saved my hide in this game. Extension granted.

Adam J May 22nd, 2012 11:47 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Looks like we have a couple stalls in a row from Atlantis... Balasker are you there?

shard May 23rd, 2012 06:38 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Extend the time a bit to we wait/look for a rep?
(also I dont mind getting a bit more sleep tonight...)

mattyburn7 May 23rd, 2012 08:37 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Postponed 24 hours.

Adam J May 23rd, 2012 11:14 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Mattyburn- Are we looking for a sub or are we looking for someone to send Atlantis AI? I'm not sure we'll find anyone to pick up Atlantis, they're not doing so hot.

Anaconda May 23rd, 2012 11:34 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
If Atlantis is doing bad, I would be happy to send them to the grave with pride! However, if there are some or even any prospects for them I am not your guy because I have too much on my hands with other games. And, I need the interval of 48 at least...

shard May 24th, 2012 02:41 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Im pretty sure we wont have a problem with 48, its at 36 but we seem to be extending it pretty regularly.

Atlantis isnt dead by any means, they still have 3 forts, half dozen provinces and an intact army according to the score table. I dont border them so I dont have the details but I know that they are under attack by at least 2 neighbours so even with a human player its pretty hopeless..?

Anaconda May 24th, 2012 03:35 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
They are pretty dead, it seems. I am gonna escort them to the grave. What happened to the player? He just gave up?

Adam J May 24th, 2012 08:44 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
We have no idea what happened to him, he simply disappeared. Second time that's happened with Atlantis too, quite mysterious. Thanks for taking over Anaconda, much appreciated. I'll increase the hosting to 48h and bump the current timer by 24 hours to give Anaconda time to get his turn in.

Anaconda May 24th, 2012 12:53 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Well, my turn was in before I posted. Thank you anyways. Atlantis is quite gone at this point, I would say. She just needs clean warrior burial.

Anaconda May 27th, 2012 09:47 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]

Unfortunately the commanders escaped.

jotwebe May 27th, 2012 02:33 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Some of them didn't. It appears that a commander with a troop water breathing item (manual of waterbreathing, sea kings goblet) will die if unable to retreat to a friendly land province, while those with a ring or a shambler skin will be fine retreating into another water province. I'm not sure if that's only while they're actually leading something or not. So while it sucked to loose those guys, at least we all learned something.

shard May 28th, 2012 12:53 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sorry for the short notice but I forgot to forward my turn to my PC here. I can redo the turn but if possible I'd like a 6hr extension.

mattyburn7 May 28th, 2012 01:54 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Sorry. I didn't get to this in time with memorial day.

shard May 29th, 2012 03:04 AM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Its ok, with the glaring exception of forgetting to hire any troops or mages, I managed to get most of what I wanted to do done.
On the other hand, Niefel staled...?

Adam J May 29th, 2012 05:59 PM

Re: a lEArning experience (Newbie EA CBM1.92) [in progress]
Looks like he did... Samoht are you there?

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