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Dogged57 September 2nd, 2012 12:26 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
It is way too damn easy to counter Niefel giants at this point in the game :)

CUnknown September 2nd, 2012 01:56 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
But we're doing well, Dogged! We've got those naked chicks on the run!!

Dogged57 September 2nd, 2012 06:03 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Originally Posted by CUnknown (Post 810479)
But we're doing well, Dogged! We've got those naked chicks on the run!!

I'm not sure what game you're playing. Definitely not the one I'm in.

CUnknown September 3rd, 2012 11:42 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Oh come on Dogged, my area of the world is so much more friendly now that you showed up! I've got you, my comrade in arms on my left, Lanka, my... umm.. frenemy? on my right... and soon the naked chicks will be driven out of my lands completely.

I assume that the rest of the world is peaceful rosey happy land, I refuse to scout and figure out that's not true. Don't burst my bubble.

Executor September 8th, 2012 12:04 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Dogged has made an entrance, now it's time to bow down and leave the stage. ;)

Time for WL to step up! Central isle or north for crossing over, what will it be than?
And Lanka too of course. Take the fort in 98 with our compliments, please, we insist. And by no chance am I forced to give it up due to a stale on my part, I promise.:rolleyes:

I was quite surprised (was actually doing my turn at that time) when the game hosted twelve hours after the twelve hour reminder email...

Executor September 8th, 2012 04:27 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Oh boy, it's hard not to gloat in moments like these!

Dogged, it has been an immense pleasure playing against you. :)

Executor September 12th, 2012 04:09 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
WL, I ran into some PC problems. I will most probably have everything fixed by tonigh but could you delay the game a bit for me just in case? I'd rather not stale again.

WraithLord September 12th, 2012 04:55 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Hosting postponed for MemoriesOfIce by 24 hours. The game will now host at 20:08 GMT on Thursday

Dogged57 September 12th, 2012 08:04 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 810827)
Oh boy, it's hard not to gloat in moments like these!

Dogged, it has been an immense pleasure playing against you. :)

Yeah, I'm just not sure what to do about the Charm spam. With no boosters. Horrifically effective.

WraithLord September 16th, 2012 07:36 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Ulm was just about to stale. I gave him 24h more (and it was damn luck I noticed that since we stayed very late after a party).

CUnknown September 16th, 2012 09:19 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Thank you! I will take my turn now.

CUnknown September 17th, 2012 01:27 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Those naked chicks better get a jacket on or something... it's cold in Ulm! Put some clothes on girls. Oh wait they're all dead.

Executor September 17th, 2012 01:48 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Hmmm, that didn't go down as planned. I scripted wrong, and there were too many ice elementals. I also forgot about that air dome on your cap. This was a bad turn for me. Lost a lot of Pans.
Did you lose anything meaningful CUnknown? I can't make out which commanders I killed.

Anyway, I seem to be in control of Illwinter now. :)

WraithLord September 17th, 2012 05:55 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Yes. A broken spell if ever there was one.
Oh wait a sec. there's looming hell ;)

Awesome battle guys. Thanks for the entertainment.
I actually watched it w/ a crowd in the background :)

CUnknown September 17th, 2012 11:22 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Being completely honest, what I lost was pretty significant. Mostly just steel warriors and archers, but with my gold situation, even just basic troops are hard to come by. I didn't lose anything irreplaceable... but it might be a while.

Obviously I need even more bottles of living water to be my frontline. :up:

I did lose a bane commander (you charmed him so he had to be put down), and I think a waerwolf commander with some items, but that was it. You decimated my frontline and archers though. I think I lost a couple mages as well.

It was a fantastic victory... but you have thousands more menaeds where that came from and I am down to bottles of water as a frontline. So I've got no illusions that I can take you down or anything. Maybe C'tis though...

Executor September 24th, 2012 07:16 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Treachery! Fire and blood, hecks and curses, plagues and banefires!
The foul lizard of C'tis has lain siege to the good, kind hearted giants of Niefelheim!
Step no further foul lizards! The icy peaks of Neifelheim are under Pangaen protectorate. We have cast out and exiled the false god which sought to use the gentle giants for his own twisted purposes.
Even now the former Skratti and Jarl rebels yield to us. They have seen the error of their ways and swore allegiance to the one true God and have even granted the knowledge of their deepest held secret of everlasting winter.

Pangaea will restore balance to this decimated world. The forges of Ulm will be quenched and forest burning brutes will be punished! The demons of Lanka will be banished and their perverted reanimation ceased once and for all.

Vacate Neifel land or face the wrath of Pangaea. You will not be warned again.

-Pangaean ministry of love and peace-

WraithLord September 24th, 2012 09:02 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
To that we have a saying in the swamps: Brings itss onsss ssssssssss!

If at all possible Ctis will save Neifel. If not, then avenge it. Our only wish is to go down fighting with our claws and teeth dripping Pangaean blood.

Seriously, my only regret is that this map made it very difficult to engage you earlier. In-fact, even now I must tread on Niefel lands just to engage :mad:

Amhazair September 24th, 2012 12:42 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 811536)
Seriously, my only regret is that this map made it very difficult to engage you earlier.

Yeah. It's too bad, because I think the map looks absolutely gorgeous, but the geography really doesn't lend itself to competitive MP. (The southern half even more so than the northern one)

WraithLord September 25th, 2012 06:37 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Yes. I regret choosing this map. It is as you say, not suitable for MP.

Executor, are you playing Moses now?- Sending biblical scale plague of toads at us?
Yummi, we love toads :p

Executor September 25th, 2012 08:08 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
While yes I am!

Let's see; I've already turned water to blood (all those poor ice elementals tainted with the blood of maenads), and I've smitten all thy borders with frogs. Than I unleashed disease upon thy livestock (technically that came in pair with the frogs) and I've sent swarms of flies upon thee.
We can't really sprinkle boils all over the world, however a certain Skratti is helping us sprinkle a bit of frost. How's that preaching against the cold going btw? :)

Our Pretender is working up to thunder and hail atm, and we've a little short of nature gems for the locusts but we'll get around to it eventually. Lanks has also been gracious enough to tend to the darkness problem we were facing.
I'm probably going to have to skip smiting you with Lice though, technical difficulties, you understand.
That leaves us only with the death of the firstborn, which is up for debate on who the firstborn actually are; Yomi? Neifel Jarls?

The map is very pretty lookin' btw, but very impractical for MP. Adding a couple of port provinces could fix the connectivity issue. Though in this particular case I'm thankful for the lack of access point to me.:)

Dogged57 September 25th, 2012 08:29 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Did you Charm the guy who cast Illwinter and take over the global? I didn't realize that was possible.

Executor September 25th, 2012 09:43 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Yeah, I charmed Illwinter Skratti, but tehnically you still hold the global. It's possible to steal a global holding commander but it isn't possible to steal the global itself under any circumstances. No matter what you do, the original global holder remains in control of it.

I wonder what will happen though once I kill you. Maybe the global will disappear or remain in control by a dead nation. :)

Dogged57 September 26th, 2012 07:28 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
I have never seen anything like that. Should be fun to find out. Killing me shouldn't take typo much longer. :)

Executor September 28th, 2012 04:05 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
WL, I need some 12 hours on the turn please. My turn is mostly done but I don't have internet access home and probably won't have tonight either as it seems. I'll send it in tomorrow morning from elsewhere if I'm not able to send it tonight.

WraithLord September 28th, 2012 04:10 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Hosting postponed for MemoriesOfIce by 12 hours. The game will now host at 10:38 GMT on Saturday September 29th.

Dogged57 October 8th, 2012 11:07 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Well, it looks like this'll be my last turn. Both fortresses are breached. Thanks for the game, gentlemen. As always, I've learned a lot from watching some damn good players. The heavy bless on the Niefel giants worked really well in that early-mid war against Abysia. I was surprised at how effective they were against fire flinging mages and heat-aura'ed hellspawn.

I could not seem to get the research going, though; mages are just too damn expensive to upkeep. I was way behind and continued to fall backwards while Pan managed to expand so effectively. The south was definitely more cramped than the north, and getting across the sea proved to be disastrous due to the deleterious effects of a few charming Pans. Congrats to whoever pulls this out. I'll keep my eye on it and poke my head in again when the winner finally emerges.

gg all.

Executor October 9th, 2012 08:24 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Dogged57 (Post 812264)
deleterious effects of a few charming Pans.

Hey, I take offense to that!


Originally Posted by Dogged57 (Post 812264)
The south was definitely more cramped than the north, and getting across the sea proved to be wonderous due to the beneficial, favorable and invigorating effects of a few charming Pans.

There. Fixed that for you! ;)

Thanks for playing it out till the end Dogged57! It's been a great game so far, at least for me, with everyone sticking it out to the end and refusing to die (yeah I'm looking at you CUnkowen:mad:).

BTW, WL, what the heck are you doing with you income? Patrolling the crap out of those caps? Half of your provinces are drowning in unrest and you're barely feeling it.

CUnknown October 10th, 2012 10:38 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Ulm will never die!!!

Actually, I'm almost with Dogged57 here. I might have a few turns left. It has been a great game! Congrats, Executor, you're a total Dominions 3 badass! :D

WraithLord October 10th, 2012 11:23 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Yeah, I'm patrolling a bit :)

GG Dogged57. Thanks for playing.

Executor October 19th, 2012 07:28 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Need 6 hours on the turn WL. Nice job kicking my ars last turn btw.

WraithLord October 20th, 2012 04:18 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing

Yeah, I got lucky I guess. And I know, absolutely know, that my *** is next in line for kicking :)

WraithLord October 27th, 2012 02:35 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Executor has notified me he can't cont. playing :(
He suggests either conceding the game to me or finding a sub for him.

I asked Catquiet to vote which option he prefers. His vote is to concede the game to me.

So, it looks like the decision by the three active major powers is to concede the game.

I suggest caution here. There's no rush to close the game yet. Let's wait a day or two and see if someone has a change of heart or mind. Only if nothing changes then we can call this game over.

Executor October 27th, 2012 05:58 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Sorry for not answering WL, some relatives are staying over with me for the annual book fair. I'll make a throughout post tomorrow to answer anything, especially why I'm dropping out.

Executor October 29th, 2012 05:04 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Okay, finally,
Here's my original PM to WL, I think it explains everything;


Originally Posted by Executor (Post 813061)
Hello WL,
Would it be a terribly dick-y move if I backed out of the game at this point?
I would be very glad to proclaim you the winner or at the very least try to find a sub for me.

I don't think I have the stomach for MM intensive and very time consuming games any more. The last YARG game is still weighing down on me even though the new one is about to end soon.

In any case, I wouldn't mind playing it out if I had little or no actual chance of winning, the problem is I can actually win this and therefor need to put a much bigger effort in the game, and especially for the rest of the players too, you and Lanka.

Lately, the game has been becoming a chore instead of something I come home to relax to and have fun. Last turn I decided to bite a stale as I didn't have the energy to finish the turn at all, even with your flexible hosting schedule.
Might have something to do with the fact I've fought most nation in the game and now I seem to be facing an organized Lanka/C'tis alliance (nice touch on the UD this/last turn btw, didn't realize why Lanka put down the only thing keeping me from attacking him until I saw the turn a few hours ago.).

I don't like when people drop out or turn AI, especially now when it seems I suffered some serious loses for the first time, so I realize how ****ty a thing this is to do. I was nearly in the same situation at the end of last YARG when I *****ed at Rdonj how I wanted to drop out just a few turns before I won, but I managed to bite my tongue and play the game out. Not sure I can do the same here.

I find myself waiting as long as I can to actually start playing the turn, and I can't do it. It's fun playing against all players, one of the reasons I told Lanka several time to ignore the alliance we made and attack me with the rest if wanted to, but it's also exhausting.

What bothers me is that I'm doing what I hate when others do and I may very well be denying you the chance to kill me... legitimately? I guess..?

Please let me know what you think.

Pangaeas had two stales so I can try to find a sub still, not too much damage done. Even with Utter Dark cast last turn to negate my GoNB Pangaea is probably the top nation still. But I really don't think anyone would be masochistic enough to dive into this position now.
I've fought several nations in this game, 5 out of 7 to be precise, and it's been fun most of the time, esspecailly against Ulm, however the game has turned into a dreadful obligation for me, and frankly I don't care about winning games any more and putting in the numerous hours to do so for a game I'm not enjoying any more.
My vote is to proclaim winner the next best nation, that being C'tis/WL. So I guess you can call it WL seeing how it's really only you, Lanka and me left (not counting the remnants of Ulm).

WraithLord October 30th, 2012 03:56 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - Ongoing
Executor, I agree w/ your analysis. Catquiet thinks the same, that subbing into your position will be very difficult.
Pan does indeed have a good chance of winning but the effort to get there is insane.
I personally was looking fwd to having an epic, mega scale late game war w/ you but I also can't frankly say there's not part of me happy that the game ends instead of dragging on an on for months. That way a new exciting game can begin :)

So guys, it looks like this one is settled by consensus and the victory will go to Ctis by concession.

Thank you all for a suberb game. This game was rife w/ conflict and wars and to make it here one had to climb a pile of bodies.
Great game all. See you, hopefully, in the next game - which I plan to be balanced mod nations themed.

WraithLord October 30th, 2012 04:26 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - WL Ctis wins
A random assortment of notes & impressions I have from this game:
  • My build:
    ShadowFang, the God above All, God of Gods, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory, He Who Is at the Center
    C'tis, Early Era
    Manticore (Body 462, 155 hits)
    No magic
    Dominion 10
    Scales: Order 3 Heat 3 Growth 3 Misfortune 2 Magic 1
  • I was happy w/ my choice until Mictlan's armies w/ D9 bless gave him all possible afflictions and more :doh:
  • After which we made peace
  • And then war once I realized expansion is not possible and the either Ctis or Mictlan can take our half of half of the world
  • Long and difficult war w/ Mictlan
  • Pan getting ever stronger
  • Fabulous to watch Pan+Lanka vs. Ulm war
  • Then Lanka and Ulm sign a peace agreement :eek:
  • Pan overrunning Niefel much faster than I expected :shock:
  • Finally getting to actual war w/ Pan. Was the best part of the game for me.
  • Not thinking even for one moment that I have a chance to win. Seriously, most of the time I was feeling like the underdog.
  • And finally, you got to love EA Ctis. It's dripping w/ flavor. Have excellent pros and crippling cons and really need attention to details and great care in order to thrive.

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