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-   -   Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48963)

jimbojones1971 October 3rd, 2012 05:40 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Well, I am back to supply parity, so my dudes are no longer starving.

Hopefully the Ragster is going to Domkill me soon - fingers crossed. You can do it buddy!

Ragnarok-X October 8th, 2012 04:03 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Can i please get an extension of like 6 hours ?
- thanks

Tiavals October 8th, 2012 05:33 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

schoelle October 10th, 2012 06:36 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Ouch - that hurt. I am kind of proud that I managed to resist Lanka, Oceania, Abysia and Caelum for that long. But I think I have played all my cards. Will continue playing, but have fun dividing the loot.

Tiavals October 10th, 2012 06:40 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Sounds like I'll be next. Unfortunate.

jimbojones1971 October 10th, 2012 08:53 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I think I will precede you both, this turn my friends.

Marverni was executing a slow but sure domkill, so with maybe one turn to go (after I ran out of dominion in my own capital and had 4 candles in one province - that had one of Marverni's temples in it) I decided to venture out and get crushed by the sieging forces.

Good game, all - and congrats to Rag-X :-)

mattyburn7 October 11th, 2012 08:08 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Thanks for jumping in and subbing Jimbo!

Ragnarok-X October 11th, 2012 01:18 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Hm, so Niefel is going down ?

Time to look into the future. I think its time to forge some new alliances, i for one am pretty sure who did get the most out of the war vs Niefel. And it wasnt me :D

mattyburn7 October 11th, 2012 02:34 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
He's still got some life. I think over 10 provinces yet and at least 2 big armies...at least bigger than what I can field. I don't think there was any one major winner in the Niefel wars.

schoelle October 11th, 2012 04:32 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yes - this was a fun game, and I have rarely been as successful as in this one. My main mistake was underestimating Abysia. I just was too afraid of Oceania as I was very exposed to them. I did forget the power of Abysia spells, specially once they can field a significant number of Zmeys. Everyone else, beware!!

I will see what damage I can still do with my two armies, but I already have a hard time maintaining them with the few provinces I have left.

Tiavals October 11th, 2012 04:34 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Pillage your provinces, both to get money and leave useless burnt land to those who would conquer you!

mattyburn7 October 11th, 2012 04:46 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Yes Schoelle, You really did have a powerhouse there. When Austen was playing he sent a message implying you were about to roll right through him and with Oceania locked up in Sea of Ice it really looked like you might pull it off. Sounds like Abysia was able to make a comeback on you. Well played though!

Sigil Runestone October 16th, 2012 01:45 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Request game delay until 0600 GMT on 10-18-12. My Medicine Boards are on the 17th, and with final reviewing and RL I am better off putting off my turn until afterwards. Thank you,


Tiavals October 16th, 2012 08:02 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
It is done. Check that I made postponed it the way you liked, to be sure.

Sigil Runestone October 16th, 2012 05:48 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Is lovely, thank you.

Sigil Runestone October 18th, 2012 11:56 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Did Oceana stale last turn? Has not responded to PM's for two turns now, and no armies (that I can see) have moved since last turn.

Tiavals October 19th, 2012 08:09 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Staling data shows he didn't stale.

mattyburn7 October 19th, 2012 08:34 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Dang. 57 turns and not a stale from anyone! Great Job everybody.

Ragnarok-X October 19th, 2012 01:01 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Oh, he is playing. I see him conquering Niefel terrain regulary.

dark7element October 22nd, 2012 11:28 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I'm sorry I haven't responded to any messages, I've been very busy the last couple of weeks (it's election season in the USA and I'm volunteering). I'll respond to your private messages tonight. It's been all I can do to just get my turns in.

Sigil Runestone October 24th, 2012 12:27 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Please be advised that Ragnarok-x of Marverni has seen fit to attack me before the diplomatic delay of our NAP3 had ended. Plan your dealings accordingly.

Ragnarok-X October 24th, 2012 04:54 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Wow now i have to post my crap again, out of the PM.

recap. Its the border between Maverni and Lanka. i have a fort, he doesnt. I have 40 guys in my fort, he has 250 guys in his province, building strength over like 4 ? or 5 turns. I send him a message, declaring im ending the NAP due to the buildup in forces on his border and asking for a explanation to maybe get back on the NAP.

He messages back, telling me he finds my reasoning dubious, but the war being my call (i.e. he doesnt care).
I attack him and kill his army.

I find nothing wrong with this.

Now Sigil, please dont argue about this like you did in the PM. what i did was more than approbiate. You had a chance to explain yourself or move your 250 guy army away, but you didnt.

Sigil Runestone October 25th, 2012 01:43 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Wow, you are quite obsessive on that whole "OMG, you aren't going to beg me not to attack you?" issue, aren't you? Strange, in a game where we are supposed to eliminate our opponents, you are shocked that I don't act surprised about ending a NAP? Regardless, my point, as is obvious above and also in the PM's (which you are so carefully ignoring) is that Ragnarok-X chose to attack prior to the end of the diplomatic delay of ending a NAP3 and others should now plan accordingly. Of course, since you seem to want to twist my discussion with you via PM, I think it's fair to simply declare you outright untrustworthy even outside Machivellian diplomacy. PM's saved and available if anybody really wants them.


Ragnarok-X October 25th, 2012 12:11 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Post them PMs. I have no nothing to hide. While it may seem i attacked one turn early, i dont think thats true. What i think however is that you are a sore loser. I have been in like 20 games and i have yet to break a treaty. Make of that what you will.

Sigil Runestone October 25th, 2012 12:43 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 812974)
Post them PMs. I have no nothing to hide. While it may seem i attacked one turn early, i dont think thats true. What i think however is that you are a sore loser. I have been in like 20 games and i have yet to break a treaty. Make of that what you will.

I believe you have confused "sore loser" with "not amused with Treaty-Breakers", as I could have bailed back when Fomoria handed me my MonkeyButt on a platter with parsley, but that's not really my style.

As requested: (Starts on the bottom, works up)


Im gonna make this really short. I still think my timing was perfectly fine. If it wasnt, anything besides trading is not binding at all.

Regarding your assasins. I had astral window open and knew about assassins, or rather, seducers. It would not have changed a thing.


Originally Posted by Sigil Runestone
1. I believe I have committed enough hours to this game to express my feelings, thank you.
2. re-read my message. I specifically included the turn you declared in the three turns I listed. If both counting and reading are difficult for you, this world will be a challenging place.
3. Yup. Just don't mind that I'm happy to share your reputation with others. Consequences of own actions and all that.
4. You are a strange duck. This is the second time you have expressed surprise that I simply acknowledged your intent for war, when we are playing a game who's premise is that a bunch of players will attempt to kill each other off. Not sure about your obsession with my response, but I'm not offering my couch time to find out.
5. A single turn would not have changed the outcome of the gargoyle attacks, no. But the main army conflict? Most likely. For one, my scripting was not completed due to the toils of RL getting in the way of finishing the previous turn. More importantly, the 6 assasins in your lands waiting for the honorable turn to strike would likely have changed your line-up a tidge.

On the plus side, my time committment for micro'ing has just lessened, so thank you for that.

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X
1. Chill
2. re-read my message. i specificly said "including this turn"
3. even if 2. doesnt count
"Diplomacy: Machiavelli"
4. i gave you a chance to explain yourself but all you did was message me with "whatever".
5. would the single turn have changed anything ? i dont think so.

long story short, im kinda sorry, but you should have known better.

Originally Posted by Sigil Runestone
Were you intentionally being a dick, or can you not count? You declared end of nap3 on turn 58. That should mean turn 58,59,60 must pass before conflict occurs on 61. See how I counted out three turns passing? That's the whole nap3 part of the deal.

mattyburn7 October 26th, 2012 08:36 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 812385)
Hm, so Niefel is going down ?

Time to look into the future. I think its time to forge some new alliances, i for one am pretty sure who did get the most out of the war vs Niefel. And it wasnt me :D

I don't know who got the most out of Niefel, but I do know who got the most out of Tir Na and now Lanka and is turning into the largest power by far.

dark7element October 27th, 2012 01:32 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Can I please get a 24 hour extension on this turn? I've just lost someone close to me and I've been in shock for the past day. I don't want to quit this game altogether, I've really enjoyed it and it is something to help me get my mind off things. Thank you for understanding.

Tiavals October 27th, 2012 03:28 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Sure. Postponed the game by 30h.

Sigil Runestone October 27th, 2012 07:47 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by dark7element (Post 813049)
Can I please get a 24 hour extension on this turn? I've just lost someone close to me and I've been in shock for the past day. I don't want to quit this game altogether, I've really enjoyed it and it is something to help me get my mind off things. Thank you for understanding.

That sucks, dark7element. Godspeed to your grieving.


Ragnarok-X October 31st, 2012 01:44 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Postponed by another 2 days on top of the 30 hours ? Why ?

schoelle October 31st, 2012 06:08 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I am still standing, but I will probably switch to AI next turn. It was fun, everybody.

mattyburn7 October 31st, 2012 08:15 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I got hit by a hurricane. No power for 3 days. I'll try my best to get turn in as early as possible.

Sigil Runestone November 1st, 2012 12:35 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Take your time, Mate. Hope you and yours are alright!

Tiavals November 1st, 2012 07:32 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I'll delay the turn by a bit just in case it's needed.

mattyburn7 November 1st, 2012 09:52 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Thanks. I appreciate it. Still no power. trying to scramble using starbucks, etc. and mixing it work, keeping family warm, etc. If nothing else, Friday night I can probably get to McDonald's after boys go to bed and get it in.

Sigil Runestone November 1st, 2012 10:12 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Methinks your family is more important than a game, especially since I bet your turns are long. Take your time.

dark7element November 5th, 2012 02:04 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Guys, I'm afraid that I staled last turn. Sorry about that, I was really busy helping my mother move. I'll try to get this turn in on time but I may have to submit a sub-optimal turn, turns are taking a really long time at this point. Any chance I could get an extension of just a few hours? Like, three or four? I came in really late last night and I won't really have time to do my turn until a couple hours from now, which leaves me a rather narrow window.

Tiavals November 5th, 2012 07:02 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I changed the hosting interval to 72, since it's already late game. You have 24 more hours.

Ragnarok-X November 7th, 2012 12:50 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Holy Mow. Lanka you lucky bastard. That REALLY annoyed me.

Sigil Runestone November 8th, 2012 12:31 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Um, I haven't seen the turn yet, so, uh... take that?

Ragnarok-X November 19th, 2012 05:52 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
It would be pretty cool if people would post if they request an extension or if the admin does one. Lately it has become really annoying (to me) to see that Oceania always submits his turn 5 minutes before the deadline. I would like to get this back on a proper track, please.

Sigil Runestone November 30th, 2012 01:25 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
I staled. I apologize, I lost track of dates. I recognize that my position at this point is hardly of importance, but since I find this behavior abhorrent in others I cannot hold myself to any less of a standard. Again, I apologize.


mattyburn7 November 30th, 2012 07:30 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Sigil, You are a class act. No apologies necessary. Cheers Mate!

Sigil Runestone December 1st, 2012 01:07 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
That's kind of you to say, Matty. Thank you!

Sigil Runestone December 2nd, 2012 03:55 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Okay, great. I am a semi-idiot. "Semi" because this was not documented on the Illwinter patch page, but I suspect most others read the proper protocol for updating Dom3. Basically, after llamaserver rejected my turn for being the wrong version, so I updated. However, the new version won't recognize my save. I have my manual/key but my disk is at the old house we have been moving from (see several pages back for a delay request in September). Basically, I'm hosed until later this week when I can go back and then reinstall Dom3 into another directory. I see little point in you guys waiting all that time for Lanka and it's one province (assuming I have one province after the stale), although I am disappointed that my very first MP game will end on this note.

Thank you for hosting, and having me. Cursed be Fomoria for wrecking my dreams of early conquest, and praise be to Caelum for being an awesome ally. All and all, not a bad length of survival for my first game!

Be well,

dark7element December 2nd, 2012 05:35 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing

Originally Posted by Ragnarok-X (Post 814155)
It would be pretty cool if people would post if they request an extension or if the admin does one. Lately it has become really annoying (to me) to see that Oceania always submits his turn 5 minutes before the deadline. I would like to get this back on a proper track, please.

It's the late game, I have a million billion mages to keep track of, and what's worse, it's the holiday season. And it's not just me who submits his turns at the last minute. We've all been pressed for time, I think.

Incidentally, because of this awful nonsense regarding the update version, this turn is probably going to be a stale from me. Apparently I'm going to have to reinstall the entire freaking game, mods and all, in order to submit any more turns, and I'm sure the deadline will have passed by then.

Edit: Okay, I finally found the other thread that tells you what to do. Kudos to Mattybyurn7 for figuring it out. Apparently, the game has to be uninstalled, then reinstalled in a non-program files folder. I'm doing that now. Still will be too late for this turn, but I'll submit next turn.

Tiavals December 2nd, 2012 09:55 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Remember to PM me if you need turn extensions, since I've already been eliminated I might not follow the thread too often.

dark7element December 5th, 2012 05:39 PM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Edit: I'm an idiot. I finally found out what I was supposed to be doing. I think it might be too late for me to get the turn in this time, but after several days of fiddling around with this absurd thing I think I FINALLY have got it working again. I'll have suffered a couple of stale turns from the bargain (I don't want to request extensions and slow the game down any worse), but hopefully Ill finally be back on track.

Double edit: Did manage to get a turn submitted. It's a bit suboptimal, but oh well. I won't be as pressed for time now, hopefully, and I'll try to do my next turn sooner rather than later.

Tiavals December 9th, 2012 07:36 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Game has been delayed 72 hours due to requests from players.

Ragnarok-X December 9th, 2012 11:11 AM

Re: Tower of the Elephant - Newbie-Intermediate 10/10 - Ongoing
Turn is due in 48 hours and already people are asking for a 72h extension ? Sure its the correct game ?

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