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Minor Kitty November 13th, 2012 08:54 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 813769)

Originally Posted by Minor Kitty (Post 813759)

Originally Posted by Ossa (Post 813750)
Let it be known that American Foreign Policy's word is not worth the breath it is spoken in.
He broke his NAP with Marignon without notice or warning. Wish we would have heeded Ulms call to arms instead of staying with our supposed ally.

We never had a nap, I said it was profitable for us to be at peace, I did not accept any NAPs. I was non-committal because I was already plotting with Krpeters on invading Marrigon. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I accepted the NAP.

Minor, I would be pissed if you did that. I call it NAP breaking. Trying to be a smart arse with a reply giving the general appearance of "accepting" a NAP knowing that you actually didn't say that you did will get you a reputation very quickly. Oh, and its a rep you don't want to have, because people who know this will not make NAPs with you.

Because I have had similar things pulled on me previously, if I get an evasive reply, then I go back to the person confirming that we do NOT have a NAP....

Ossa on the other hand is a proven NAP breaker. Just FYI, don't make a NAP with him, because he will break it at his earliest convenience.

Well I'm new, I simply do not know these things. As shown with Parone I do honor my NAPs, I just wasn't aware that warm but non-committal language (experience from starcraft) counted, I thought it was diplomacy and fair gain.

I'll guess I'll just say no next time then.

Well I was getting used to saying "I'm looking forward to a profitable (for me) relationship between us"

HoleyDooley November 13th, 2012 09:16 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
I was a tad harsh in my comments, more than I intended, but giving misleading information will help you in one game, but hurt you in others.

Fool me once, your bad, fool me twice, my bad.

parone November 13th, 2012 03:23 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
hooley is right about game to game relations. however, most people would find your behaviour, while admittedly sneaky, acceptable. it has happened to me many times.

also, ossa, when someone refuses to committ to a formal NAP, in the future you should be carefull. it often means they may be gearing for war. and also ossa, since your record(like all of ours) is hardly exemplary, i think it would be sporting for you to let it go and fight on in good conscience.

if it makes anyone feel better about their own situation, hereward is using, of all things, excellent use of PD, as well as a superior understanding of movement mechanics, to make me look downright silly. so at least you are not me.

on with the war!

parone November 13th, 2012 06:04 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
wow. dunno what happened, but got my turn file, never opened it, then got another turn file. checked, the admin/staling and it seems only marignon got his turn in-

very odd. perhaps it has hosted again while i was writing this?

my guess is there is no password, and someone intentionally forced hosting in order to mess the game up.

parone November 13th, 2012 06:08 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
i was actually really enjoying this game(even though i thoroughly admit hereward was making me look silly).

however, what with the current situation vis a vis mictlan/staling etc we all might be better off calling it quits here. i am NOT dropping out, just floating the idea.

it is hard enough to keep a game going with a good group. with someone actively(apparently) trying to mess the game up, it seems not to be worth the trouble.

i will, however, abide by the group decision.

no matter what happens, i have met several very cool dudes in this game. there are always other games, hope to see you there.

Minor Kitty November 13th, 2012 06:12 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Ok fixed, admin pass set, turning the clock back a turn/

Tiavals November 13th, 2012 06:17 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Hopefully the turning the clock back didn't make the game go bye-bye as it's prone to do.

parone November 13th, 2012 06:22 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
kitty, do you think someone force hosted?

Minor Kitty November 13th, 2012 06:24 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 813835)
Hopefully the turning the clock back didn't make the game go bye-bye as it's prone to do.



Originally Posted by parone (Post 813837)
kitty, do you think someone force hosted?

I cannot say, I was quite surprised at the staling myself.

Hereward November 13th, 2012 06:35 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
We should probably make people aware of googly's behaviour. I am enjoying the game, so I hope we keep playing.

And I won't hear any of this talk of making you look silly parone, you are playing very well!

parone November 13th, 2012 06:44 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
thanks hereward, but our war reminds me a bit of the soviet union's invasion of finland.

actually, that DID eventually work out...

but seriously, i think the tally is one win for me...a lot for you!

it's is humbling, but instructive! thank god i have a lot more to work with, resource wise.

at least, i think i do...you craftly devil

parone November 14th, 2012 07:50 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
not gonna be able to get my turn in. need 24 hour extension please

Minor Kitty November 14th, 2012 03:19 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

parone November 14th, 2012 03:31 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
will get it in around 9 tonight, for those of you itching to play...

Hereward November 14th, 2012 06:36 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Whoa guys parone asked for 24 hrs but the hosting is set back to friday? That is 48 I'm pretty sure. I will also remind you that as Mictlan is still considered as being in the game, it will not host until the last moment.

parone November 14th, 2012 07:14 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
got it in. force host whenever. can we get mictlan AI? the guys over at invisionfree are trying to get ahold of googly, but i guess no luck there either.

ahhh googly

googly1 November 14th, 2012 07:15 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Hi sorry I didn't realize you needed my password until someone emailed me just now. my password is daves1.

parone November 14th, 2012 07:32 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
halleluja. thank you googs. sorry this game didn't work out. good luck elsewhere

Hereward November 14th, 2012 08:31 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Sso I guess I vote we just turn Mictlan AI. I think the majority of its forces have already been destroyed.

parone November 14th, 2012 08:36 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Sluagh November 14th, 2012 09:40 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Mictlan has one army that will be destroyed this turn if we don't find a sub. I'm willing to organize a pull out of my forces with someone who takes the position in exchange for some sort of peace agreement.

Minor Kitty November 14th, 2012 10:52 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Originally Posted by Hereward (Post 813908)
Sso I guess I vote we just turn Mictlan AI. I think the majority of its forces have already been destroyed.

Can't he has it password locked. Basically only he can do it.

Also I'm talking to Smeghead, see if he is still interested. Go easy on him K Ermor? You basically got the land against a AFK player.

Sluagh November 14th, 2012 11:04 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Like I said, if the game's delayed until Smeghed can sub then I'm offering peace, and probably some of the provinces I took.

edit: googly1 mentioned his password is daves1

Smeghead November 15th, 2012 04:32 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Sorry guys, I grew tired of waiting around set up my own game.
Good luck with Mictlan.

parone November 15th, 2012 07:31 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
cant blame you smeg. good luck elswhere. things in this game have gotten...wierd

Minor Kitty November 15th, 2012 09:07 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
AI it is then.

edit; set to AI

parone November 15th, 2012 04:25 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
wow. i am truly getting a steady diet of defeat.

of course, it might have been wise to take the time to actually rescript those 15 commanders...

you have to admit, hereward, Ulm can really take a punch! or even 10 of them

krpeters November 15th, 2012 08:49 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
It's a shame we don't have graphs enabled. You would have all gotten a treat. The good news is that I don't have any upkeep issues anymore :)

parone November 15th, 2012 08:54 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
LOL. thanks for that krpeters. i was getting lonely living over here in *****slapville.

i suppose for us, there is always the next game!

krpeters November 15th, 2012 09:29 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
Well, I'm not out of this one yet, not by a long shot.

"Eat all you want, we'll make more" -- my monkeys are fast breeders, they'll be back!

But yeah, losing comically is what newbie games are all about. Welcome to the club!

parone November 15th, 2012 10:04 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
any shot we could get the turn delay up to 36 hours? or 48? got it in tonight, but guaranteed im not gonna get two turns in this weekend. gotta work a ton

Minor Kitty November 16th, 2012 08:03 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Originally Posted by parone (Post 813981)
any shot we could get the turn delay up to 36 hours? or 48? got it in tonight, but guaranteed im not gonna get two turns in this weekend. gotta work a ton


parone November 16th, 2012 08:15 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining
incidentally kitty, i have been meaning to compliment you on the game name. saying as im 40, and all

Minor Kitty November 16th, 2012 08:30 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 8/8 Players Remaining

Originally Posted by parone (Post 813995)
incidentally kitty, i have been meaning to compliment you on the game name. saying as im 40, and all

It's the only online name that is friendly with the people critical of America and those fiercely patriotic of America. Plus it makes for so many double entendres .

Tiavals November 16th, 2012 11:28 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Could we postpone by 24 hours? I may need it.

parone November 16th, 2012 04:08 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
lol. i meant middle age crisis...

krpeters November 16th, 2012 10:55 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Thanks for the extension. It's not easy getting a turn in on a Friday night :) I should have a turn in shortly.

Sluagh November 17th, 2012 02:30 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Hey, I'm in a pinch. I'm going on a bike trip out to a friend's cottage in 6 hours, and won't be back for 62 hours or thereabouts. I know we've delayed a lot already, and hope I'm not causing too much trouble by asking for another delay. Completing this turn alone would probably take half of my packing time >_<

Minor Kitty November 17th, 2012 09:06 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Well people I check in on this once a day, so I almost missed Sluagh's post. Delayed by 48 hrs, I'll check again in two days.

krpeters November 17th, 2012 06:50 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Maybe it'd be a good idea to do an automatic extension on weekends. RL does compete :)

Sluagh November 18th, 2012 09:37 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Woah, that was an amazing bike trip. Thanks for waiting, I really needed that :D

krpeters November 19th, 2012 07:52 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
Welcome back!

parone November 19th, 2012 07:55 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
there has been a lot of PED talk in cycling lately sluagh. i hope your clean...

parone November 24th, 2012 06:53 AM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
gonna try to do my turn after work tonight, but might need a 24 hour extension.

sorry guys. you should thank hereward, though. if he didn't keep killing Ulmish units by the 100s, id never get a turn in!

parone November 24th, 2012 03:15 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
well, that sucks. it was a bad turn to stale.

parone November 24th, 2012 03:24 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
hmmm. that stale has soured me up. kitty, im not sure what your policy vis a vis extensions are, but to be honest, when a guy stales, it tends to remove his interest from the game.

like mine is removed from this one.

Hereward November 24th, 2012 03:31 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
I am sorry you staled parone, and it must hurt when you asked for an extension, but as you can see your tactical situation did not suffer, I.e. I made no attacks etc. I know that it is still a harsh blow in terms of not having been able to do certain things, but you are still in a fairly good spot. I hope you do not leave the game, worthy opponent.

krpeters November 24th, 2012 05:13 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
It would be a good thing if the game administrator checked the board once a day... especially during holidays / weekends, when RL frequently gets in the way.

Minor Kitty November 24th, 2012 10:37 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
I try to, if you give me 24hrs warning I would get it since I check once a day, but if you get something like 1-12hrs I can't guarantee that I'd see it. You sent yours in 4hrs before the deadline at 9:30AM GMT+5, I was sleeping. If you gave me four hours warning that would mean that I have to check 6 even intervals a day to get that (not possible for anyone with day-time occupations or anyone who sleeps 8 hours). It's unfortunate that you staled but don't try to blame me when you gave me 4 hours worth of warning, and do you want a rollback?

parone November 24th, 2012 10:46 PM

Re: Middle Age Crisis ,CBM1.94+Assimilation mod 1.1 7/8 Players Remaining
thanks kitty. but a roll back is likely to corrupt the game, as well as force everyone to redo their turn, which is no small inconvenience at this point.

this stale was really just awful timing. hereward and i have been fighting a tooth and nail conflict for the last 15-20 turns. i have more numbers/resources, and he has simply played smarter/better.

as such, it has resulted in an incredibly bloody, costly stalemate, but i have felt i was losing ground. i did, however, see one opportunity to turn the war around. i have spent the last 6 turns pouring everything into an attempt to take advantage of this opportunity-trying to move enough forces into position, borrowing assets from other players, making a desperate research push, and spending gems ruinously on conjurations/artifacts. the idea was to try and take our best shot before our window of opportunity closed.

anyway, i was attempting to do all this and launch the attack last turn, which was why i asked for the extension(normally, if i can't get a turn done, i just do a 5 minute blitz turn-which, by the way, is an awful idea). i tell you this not to *****, but so you know im not 'rage quiting' or just being a total wussy. staling last turn ruined about 6 turns of prep, and i honestly feel took away any real shot Ulm had at turning the war around.

im going to send in a turn file next turn, which will allow me to repay a few debts, then will go AI.

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