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MaxWilson June 4th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Major modding bug
Wasn't there a poster a few weeks ago who posted that he gave his pretender 100 magic randoms (because the game wouldn't let him set #magicskill over 10 directly) and it made all the randoms on other mages vanish? Post#608898


Sombre June 4th, 2008 06:33 PM

Re: Major modding bug
Great find MaxWilson. If there is a hard limit on randoms it would definitely have been brought closer by the addition of three new nations. Though in this case /all/ the paths are vanishing, not just the randoms. This might suggest that there's a hard limit to the total amount of magic paths,.. as unbelievable as that seems -scratches head-

Wick June 4th, 2008 10:08 PM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
deleted very belated reply

NTJedi June 4th, 2008 10:59 PM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
Probably not as important as the bug Sombre found, yet I did confirm the following bug for priest magic:

#custommagic 32768 <chance>
doesn't work.

Zeldor June 8th, 2008 01:56 AM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
I have really crazy script order violation.

My Couatl scripted to Communion Master, 4x Astral Healing, spells decided to break script on turn 3 and cast Vortex of Returning!!

Caster's army was easily winning [0 losses], there were about 30-40 enemies left against about 800 of mine troops. There was Darkness and Storm in the battle but he should have plenty of other spells to choose from [at least soul slay, enslave mind...].

P.S. What is the command to view spellcasting details in debug mode?

Endoperez June 8th, 2008 02:27 AM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported

Zeldor said:
I have really crazy script order violation.

My Couatl scripted to Communion Master, 4x Astral Healing, spells decided to break script on turn 3 and cast Vortex of Returning!!

Caster's army was easily winning [0 losses], there were about 30-40 enemies left against about 800 of mine troops. There was Darkness and Storm in the battle but he should have plenty of other spells to choose from [at least soul slay, enslave mind...].

P.S. What is the command to view spellcasting details in debug mode?

Open log.txt in the main Dominions 3 folder to see details. That sounds very bad!

Edi June 8th, 2008 04:47 AM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
Sorry for my lack of response here lately. Endo was kind enough to post the custommagic bug in the beta forum bug thread. I'll also be adding it to the shortlist when I get around to updating it, so it will be visible shortly.

I'm just trying to beat a couple of functions into place first so we can have an actual working DB again. I just found out that the 3.15 version has some things horribly broken in it due to new columns having been added and messing up with displays.

Endoperez June 8th, 2008 04:52 AM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
Gadite Swordsman (1991) is LA Gath unit, desribed as a descendants of rebel humanbreds who oppose blood sacrifices. I got "A Gadite rebel has managed to sneak past your temple guard and set some of your blood slaves free." event as EA Tien Chi. The event should be restricted to LA only, or LA Abysia and/or Gath only.

Zeldor June 8th, 2008 05:34 AM

Re: Small Bug - maybe reported
Ok, here it goes:

com Nanauatzin cast spell (favspell Astral Healing) (mayusegems 1)
est. choices 76
comp_castspell: eval Fire Flies result -1
huge load of avaluations
Nanauatzin communion members 4
best Gift of Flight this far, 43 10 (5 pnts)
best Gift of Flight this far, 42 13 (7 pnts)
spellscore, Gift of Flight score 4 (boost 111 scorat 0)
Eval: Gift of Flight score 4 (fat 10)
comp_castspell: eval Gift of Flight result 4
looser spell Gift of Flight (score 4)
Nanauatzin communion members 4
castspell: cnr1440 spl683 (Vortex of Returning) vis6 x44 y15 spldmg1
Nanauatzin communion members 4
vis 6 xvis 3
Nanauatzin communion members 4
Drain communion 4 mbrs

Taqwus June 8th, 2008 07:44 PM

Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Spell description states that the Zamzummite should die -- swapping places with the Malik.

However, the spell seems to inflict 'some' damage, but not Soul Slay/Petrify level -- I just had a Zamzummite cast it in a max Gift of Health dominion (+35hp = 70hp) but no items or heroic abilities, who survived with an affliction: likely if it did 35 damage, not so much if it did the 999 points that seems to be common for 'death' effects.

Edi June 9th, 2008 07:07 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Disappearing random magics due to number of mods bug has been listed as fixed on the progress page.

thejeff June 9th, 2008 09:14 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
What does the debug log show for Astral Healing?
It doesn't look like VoR should have overridden it unless Astral Healing couldn't be cast for some reason.

Zeldor June 9th, 2008 09:35 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
I won't put whole log for that caster, but it goes like that:

com Nanauatzin cast spell (favspell Astral Healing) (mayusegems 1)
est. choices 76
comp_castspell: eval Fire Flies result -1
Nanauatzin communion members 4
spellscore, Astral Healing score 0 (boost 105 scorat 0)
Eval: Astral Healing score 0 (fat 14)
comp_castspell: eval Astral Healing result 0
comp_castspell: No eval Antimagic, choices 76
comp_castspell: No eval Haste, choices 76
comp_castspell: No eval Poison Ward, choices 76
comp_castspell: eval Fire Fend result -1
comp_castspell: No eval Thunder Ward, choices 76
comp_castspell: No eval Winter Ward, choices 76
comp_castspell: eval Friendly Currents result -6
comp_castspell: No eval Quagmire, choices 76
comp_castspell: eval Undead Horde result -1
comp_castspell: eval Foul Vapors result -2
comp_castspell: No eval Heat from Hell, choices 76
Nanauatzin communion members 4
Not enough vis for Arrow Fend

And no more mentions of Astral Healing there. I will put whole file with what happened with that mage.

thejeff June 9th, 2008 10:41 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
The score zero has to mean Astral Healing couldn't be cast.
Maybe nobody was wounded?

Regardless, Vortex of Returning really shouldn't be cast unscripted. Nor should Returning.

Zeldor June 9th, 2008 10:49 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Yeah, no one was wounded. I am not complaining that he did not cast Astral Healing but that he decided to choose Vortex of Returning. The game was already finished and I won, but if that happened in normal battle [that was outside of fort of only VP - imagine someone storming the only VP with few units and defending mage casting Vortex] it would be devastating. He had plenty of other spells to choose...

Endoperez June 9th, 2008 11:36 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)

Zeldor said:
Yeah, no one was wounded. I am not complaining that he did not cast Astral Healing but that he decided to choose Vortex of Returning.

Yeah, it's been suggested that Vortex of Returning is made non-AI spell.

You still haven't posted the spellscore for Vortex, though. Could you just attach the relevant log file as a text attachment?

Zeldor June 9th, 2008 11:44 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
1 Attachment(s)
Here it goes.

Endoperez June 9th, 2008 12:05 PM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)

Zeldor said:
Here it goes.

The second-highest result was for Body Ethereal (584), while Vortex got 695. I think the AI just calculated which spell would affect most people, and the first-turn-buff boost wasn't enough to give the top place to Body Ethereal.

thejeff June 9th, 2008 12:17 PM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Monthly ritual Casters who pick up Old age afflictions that reduce their magic paths will continue to cast the ritual.

At least for one turn, I haven't played the next one yet.

A Crystal Mage casting Gnome Lore monthly picked up Mute and now only has 1E, but is still casting Gnome Lore this month.

I assume this is due to the spell being assigned before the old age afflictions are determined. If it's only this month it isn't too bad, if he can keep casting as long as I don't try to change his orders, that's more of an issue.

Edit: The next turn he stopped, so it's only a one turn problem.

llamabeast June 12th, 2008 05:22 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Wow, the bug thread escaped from the front page! That has to be a good sign.

One from Wick on the Machaka thread:

863 Apostatic Warrior is stealth 0, probably should be 15 or 20 if he's an "able assassin".

Edi June 12th, 2008 06:14 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Apostatic Warrior added. Also changed colorcode for fixed entries from green to darkgreen to spare my eyes. Looks much better now...

Renojustin June 13th, 2008 06:03 PM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
MA Atlantis' War Lobster failed to flee with the rest of its army when routed. It was in the current form (sans rider) and its morale was 14. Not mindless, either. Kinda sucked as that was the difference between taking the critical first sea province.

Endoperez June 13th, 2008 06:17 PM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)

Renojustin said:
MA Atlantis' War Lobster failed to flee with the rest of its army when routed. It was in the current form (sans rider) and its morale was 14. Not mindless, either. Kinda sucked as that was the difference between taking the critical first sea province.

I think they go mad when riderless. Usually this means they attack friendlies, sometimes it means they do something useful.

Edi June 13th, 2008 06:55 PM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)

Renojustin said:
MA Atlantis' War Lobster failed to flee with the rest of its army when routed. It was in the current form (sans rider) and its morale was 14. Not mindless, either. Kinda sucked as that was the difference between taking the critical first sea province.

Special hardcoded behavior, they attack nearest unit, whether friend or foe, until killed. The lobster does not survive the battle anyway, it's a tempsecondshape.

Dedas June 14th, 2008 08:53 AM

Re: Banquet for the Dead vs. caster (Ashdod)
Bug - it can snow in cave battlefield terrain.

Maraxus June 14th, 2008 01:23 PM

The "Move and Patrol" command does not get canceled, if units get added to the commander, even if the units could not move this far.

Edi June 14th, 2008 01:29 PM

Re: Bug

Maraxus said:
The "Move and Patrol" command does not get canceled, if units get added to the commander, even if the units could not move this far.

Known bug, in the shortlist. It is one of the more odious exploits, which allows moving stratmove 1 units several provinces in one turn.

Endoperez June 15th, 2008 10:40 AM

Re: Bug
A resource-increasing event has no effect
I got the event "The local lord has something something slave labour, permanently increasing resources in the province" as on turn 2, as MA Ulm. I had exactly the same number of resources available as I had last turn.
1) The event bonus doesn't stack with Ulm resource bonus in forts.
2) The event doesn't give any resources at all.
3) The event doesn't give any resources on the turn it happens.

Coldshard June 19th, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: Bug
LA Pythium Reveler seems to have a much lower chance of gaining an extra magic path than the listed 20%. After recruiting nearly 100 of them I had 0 which had gained an extra nature or blood.

I'm not sure if this is a typo or a bug though.

llamabeast June 19th, 2008 06:58 PM

Re: Bug
I am skeptical of this last one, simply because I have had a fair few revelers with blood. Also the chance is 10%, not 20%, because half of the randoms will be nature.

NTJedi June 19th, 2008 09:20 PM

Re: Bug

I've also had revelers with blood.

Wick June 19th, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: Bug
The 1880 Reveler says it has a 20% NB random but only had 11 randoms (9N+4B) in 100 when tested. How big of a sample do we need for 95% confidence?

Reay June 22nd, 2008 02:34 AM

Re: Bug
I had an assassination on my mirror imaged mage where the assassin had a poisoned dagger. The dagger did poison damage even after not doing any HP damage. The poison then caused HP damage and cancelled the mirror image.

I thought poison damage by melee weapons has to get through the armour before taking effect?

MaxWilson June 22nd, 2008 02:41 AM

Re: Bug
There's a weird relationship between poison and armor. Sometimes you can cause HP damage without any poison, and apparently sometimes the opposite happens. My suspicion is that if the defense succeeds because of the shield parry, poison damage is not inflicted regardless of whether or not the attack blasts through the shield + armor Prot. Conversely, if defense does not succeed, poison damage IS inflicted regardless of whether or not it gets through armor Prot. I have not empirically tested this hypothesis though.


Reay June 22nd, 2008 02:52 AM

Re: Bug
Strange, since I do not think my mage had any protection. Anyway perhaps secondaryeffect occurs if you succeed in hitting the unit even if no damage is done.

That is how missle combat works AFAIK. It was just that I read that it was different in melee in another thread.

Edi June 22nd, 2008 03:07 PM

Re: Bug
Poison is known to be bugged in a couple of ways and not all of them are in the shortlist. I'll ask about it.

ano June 22nd, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Bug
Not a bug but still.
Alchemist of the Five Elements(1891) and Imperial Alchemist(1892) have almost identical sprites and can be differentiated by the black cap only. The cap is hardly seen normally and this causes problems in differentiating this two VERY different mages in combat as well as in commander list.

lch June 22nd, 2008 11:37 PM

Re: Bug
Translation: Give the Imperial Alchemist a fancy new hat! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

ano June 24th, 2008 04:17 AM

Re: Bug

Translation: Give the Imperial Alchemist a fancy new hat!

Not a bad idea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Reay June 27th, 2008 12:09 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
In the multiplayer game Fallacy I have seen two battles in sequential turns where the battle results have not matched the battle movie.

In one battle I lost 4-5 mages which clearly fled off the battlefield and should have ended up in my neighbouring province. Instead the were listed as dead in the battle report and were missing on the tactical map.

In the other battle, an Air Queen was clearly killed by Banefire but appeared in the neighbouring province the next turn.

These were both big battles so the results were important. The other player (Xietor) is seeing the same results as I am and is confused as well.

The turn is attached so all can witness. You can see the Queen of the Thunder is still in province 263.

Edi June 27th, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
Fleeing units may die instead of successfully retreating. I've seen that happen many times. The AQ thing is different. However, I am at work right now so can't review that file. Someone else with better expertise with the debugger could do it and we might get something useful out of it.

thejeff June 27th, 2008 12:27 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
Fleeing units can die? Even if you hold a neighboring province?
I'll believe you, but I've never seen it.

I'd assume both of those are battle the replay bug.

Edit: I'm also at work, but it would be interesting to see if these battles replay the same way for everyone.

Reay June 27th, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
Oops there is no map file is that ok? It is a bit big to post here anyway.

The battle is in Senextro.

I have never seen fleeing units die if there is a neighbouring province before.

lch June 27th, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
One doesn't need the original map image to view the battle reports, just any map image of the same name. No problem.

Edi June 27th, 2008 01:16 PM

Re: Wierd battle results

thejeff said:
Fleeing units can die? Even if you hold a neighboring province?
I'll believe you, but I've never seen it.

I'd assume both of those are battle the replay bug.

It probably is the battle replay bug in my opinion as well.

As for the retreating, I've seen it several times. AI mages dying when retreating from the battlefield in the most recent game Kaljamaha and I played and in LeafNosedBat Vanheim lost two Vanadrotts when his army retreated from my pretender. They ran off the field, but you see a small burst of blood if the retreating unit dies. That happened to those two and they were listed as killed in the battle report.

thejeff June 27th, 2008 02:33 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
Yeah, that happens when they're suffering from some delayed damage, poison, decay, something along those lines. The damage is applied when they retreat as if they'd stayed long enough for it all take effect. (I believe regen continues to counter it, as if they were still on the field)
They're reported as dead in the battle summary.

I think of that as dying on the field, not retreating so I didn't even think of it.

Edi June 27th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
I've seen units burst in blood even when they did not have any delayed action damage going for them. For example, units with hit points left, no poison, no fire and no enemy units near them, run off the field, blood burst and reported as dead. If they had poison or fire, it'd actually run the series of numbers over the bloodburst to show the damage taken. Or so I have observed, though I cannot be 100% guaranteed of having understood things right.

thejeff June 27th, 2008 03:13 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
I think mercs show the same effect. And any units that don't survive battles for one reason or another (battle summons, some second forms, etc) might as well?

Some types of damage don't show the little floating numbers, but I can't think of any that have lasting effects.

Reay June 27th, 2008 11:42 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
Well I did not keep the turn where the mages fled and died. They definitely did not have any poison or delayed damage etc. I did not see any blood bursts and there was no message saying "This unit has died by retreating into an enemy province".

I forgot the turn has a password, if you want to see the turn where the Air Queen seems to die just PM me for it.

Reay June 28th, 2008 11:56 PM

Re: Wierd battle results
I checked the debug log file of the report. The AQ definitely dies to banefire, you can even see the line where it calls the female death sound right after the 51 damage to Queen of Thunder.

Also, some Tartarians that were killed in the battle report apparently survived.

This is the second turn in a row I have had discrepancies in the battle. I think it happened earlier in the game too after the last patch was applied. It kind of makes the battle reports a bit useless.

Are there any other people getting incorrect battle reports since the latest patch? Xietor says there has been a few instances and maybe it has increased in frequency since the latest patch.

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