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Hadrian_II November 20th, 2007 04:11 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Amhazair said:

Hadrian_II said:
We of MA Pangaea strongly resent to call Centaurs horses.

Hehe... I seem to remember another game thread where you called centaurs horses and I had to 'politely yet insistently' remind you to change your vocabulary. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

The glorious nation of Pangaea does not know the meaning of "another game thread" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor November 21st, 2007 01:01 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
The Lizardmoot began the next morning after the fall of Lanka's Captial and the banishment of Lanka's Pretender-and lasted three months. About 50 Lizard Kings and Marshmasters gathered in Derndingle and Bones told them what he had learned.

Desperate cries for help from Tien Chi have been received. Thier position was dire-the forces of Mordor(LA Ermor) were coming. A Black Cloud of Doom shadowed the West. On the afternoon of 1st day the Lizards came to the decision to go to war against Saruman(MA Ermor). In what will likely become known as the Battle of the Two Towers, the Lizards marched to war.

"Of course, it is likely enough, my friends," Bones said softly, "likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Lizards. But if we stayed at home in the Swamps and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. That thought has long been growing in our hearts; and that is why we are marching now. It was not a hasty resolve. Now at least the last march of the Lizards may be worth a song. Aye," Bones sighed, "we may help the other peoples before we pass away."

Xietor November 21st, 2007 02:52 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
Battle report to Bones from forward commander:

"We suffered tremendous losses sire at the hands of MA Ermor.
16 mages lost to 2 of theirs, and countless Lizards slain. If our allies do not step forward now, all will be lost. Tien Chi's armies and pretender were slaughtered nearly to the last man by MA Ermor. Our spies were able to capture this image.

Their mages cast darkness, antimagic, relief, rigor mortis, army of lead, mistform, mass regeneration, will of fates, divine blessing..."


Tichy November 21st, 2007 05:41 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
They spilled all the tea. AGAIN! And broke all the tea pots. Soon there will be no tea for anybody.

What's the word I'm looking for here? Dire? Yes. Dire. That's the word.

Lingchih November 21st, 2007 07:20 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards

Xietor said:
Battle report to Bones from forward commander:

"We suffered tremendous losses sire at the hands of MA Ermor.
16 mages lost to 2 of theirs, and countless Lizards slain. If our allies do not step forward now, all will be lost. Tien Chi's armies and pretender were slaughtered nearly to the last man by MA Ermor. Our spies were able to capture this image.

Their mages cast darkness, antimagic, relief, rigor mortis, army of lead, mistform, mass regeneration, will of fates, divine blessing..."

Our intrepid Harpy reporter on the scene reports seeing "lots of sparkly shiny lights, and explosions, and blood"

Harpy reporters are not incredibly bright.

Lingchih November 21st, 2007 07:22 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards

Tichy said:
They spilled all the tea. AGAIN! And broke all the tea pots. Soon there will be no tea for anybody.

What's the word I'm looking for here? Dire? Yes. Dire. That's the word.

It was the giant Earth Elementals that spilled all the tea. My Centaurs (that's the real name for the man horses) were trying not to spill a drop.

Xietor November 22nd, 2007 12:00 AM

Re: Perpetuality - EA Mictlan
I want to say game well played by EA Mictlan. He defeated Arcos early on, then had Pythium on the ropes, until Tien Chi came to Pythium's rescue.

Then he was doing well against both Pythium and Tien Chi,until MA Ctis finally was able to get a few thugs into that area to help.

But he was a fierce foe, and a skillful player. His only failing was making no allies and fighting uphill the entire game.

malthaussen November 22nd, 2007 12:56 AM

Re: Perpetuality - EA Mictlan
This thread has been better than most novels. "Epic" is the word I'm looking for, here.

-- Mal

LoloMo November 22nd, 2007 01:20 AM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards

Xietor said:
Battle report to Bones from forward commander:

"We suffered tremendous losses sire at the hands of MA Ermor.
16 mages lost to 2 of theirs, and countless Lizards slain. If our allies do not step forward now, all will be lost. Tien Chi's armies and pretender were slaughtered nearly to the last man by MA Ermor. Our spies were able to capture this image.

Their mages cast darkness, antimagic, relief, rigor mortis, army of lead, mistform, mass regeneration, will of fates, divine blessing..."

Excellent reporting by the Lizards. MA Ermor will attempt to reveal the other side of the war. This view is brought to you by one of MA Ermor's lone surviving commander as he fled the battlefield. We threw a total of 3 brave armies at this host to halt their advance and barely scratched them. And this is a largely teleported army. You can see one of MA C'tis Angels of Fury SCs acquired from MA Pythium, plus numerous fully decked out Tartarians, Banelords, Demiliches, etc. Spells cast include Will of the Fates, Mass Regeneration, Wind Guide, Flaming Arrows, Light of the Northern Star, divine blessing...

web page [image]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g4...zardarmy89.jpg[/image]

Lingchih November 22nd, 2007 02:51 AM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
Methinks MA C'tis is a bit of a deceiver. No surprise there really. Time to go into stealth mode.

Xietor November 22nd, 2007 03:44 AM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
Me a deceiver? I lost 16 mages in that fight. MA Ermor lost 2! His angelic SC(maybe he got it from MA pythium)had the Ark and most of my surviving army is blind.

MA Ermor's 3 armies were 1 mage and a few archers to bleed my gems, a small stealth army that was uncovered by patrol, and a suicide attack with a tartarian gate casting multiple rain of stones and a seraph with the ark to blind my troops.

His Seraph escaped-along with the Ark!

I would say it was a decisive victory for MA Ermor since his goal was to maim my army. I doubt he expected to defeat it with 3 sc's.

Stelteck November 22nd, 2007 04:02 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
It is funny to notice that many power use titan from the tartarian gates.

May tartarian be empty soon ?

Stelteck from LA abysia.

Hadrian_II November 22nd, 2007 04:31 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
Tartarians are just the TINA summon. I think there are 4 solutions to that problem:

-Make Tartarians unique so that there wont be hordes of them in the endgame. (--> tartarus might become empty)
-Give other SC capable summons(--> there will be other units than tartarians)
-Add Tartarian Markata, Tartarian Imp, Tartarian Crow and Tartarian Goat to the list of possible tartarians. (--> Most tartarians will suck, so there will be less of them on the battlefield)
-Create some unit that can kill tartarians with ease and that is cheaper than a tartarian (Like some angel that has 20str and wields a flambeau)

Somehow the endgame is always ruled by tartarians (and i think that is boring).

Lingchih November 23rd, 2007 09:50 PM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
Why don't we agree to set a turn limit on this game? That might keep important players from dropping out, if we have a clear goal that we are shooting for. Determine some conditions for who is the most powerful player on turn X (100? 120?). It seems that while still interesting to some, the game has become a beating to others.

Velusion November 24th, 2007 12:46 AM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards

Lingchih said:
Why don't we agree to set a turn limit on this game? That might keep important players from dropping out, if we have a clear goal that we are shooting for. Determine some conditions for who is the most powerful player on turn X (100? 120?). It seems that while still interesting to some, the game has become a beating to others.

I suggested this along time ago but players didn't want one.

Xietor November 24th, 2007 02:26 AM

Re: Perpetuality - Last March of the Lizards
I still do not favor turn limit games. When a clear winner emerges the other players will resign. Happens every time.

Lingchih November 24th, 2007 02:27 AM

Turn Limit for Perpetuality
Well then, let us suggest it again. This game could literally go on for years without a turn limit. I do have a life away from this game, and it gets harder and harder to find subs when you need to be away. This game needs a turn limit!

LoloMo November 24th, 2007 02:41 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I'm not in favor of a turn limit either, but I think a victory based on number of provinces would have a lot of supporters. I would agree to as low as a 51% of all provinces victory.

Xietor November 24th, 2007 02:45 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
The game has not even reached turn 100 yet. When it hits 110-115 we can reevaluate winning conditions. Alpaca was played on Cradle of Dominions and I think that went 110-115 turns before it ended suddenly.

How many turns did it take to bring EA Oceania down from number 1 to near dead? 10? In the next 15-20 turns I think more players will be eliminated, and a clear favorite may emerge.

Reay November 24th, 2007 03:02 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I am for any change in the rules that will give us a justified result in this game and prevent people from going AI.

I only have a mid ranged sized empire so it is not too much of a hassle to play and I am still enjoying it. If I had an empire as big as LA Ermor I would struggle to play a turn every 3 days.

If LA Ermor goes AI then I will probably go AI as well. I would then back LA R'lyeh for the win.

Evilhomer November 24th, 2007 06:09 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality

If LA Ermor goes AI then I will probably go AI as well. I would then back LA R'lyeh for the win.

I belive DryaUnda has offered to play ermor, so he will not go AI atleast. I do really hope vel reconsider his plan to leave Ermor, though I will have full understanding if he don't.

Also about changing the victory conditions, I suggest we go till turn 100 before deciding any changes.

Hadrian_II November 24th, 2007 06:22 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I dont like turn limitations, but i would agree to a victory condition like to have more than 300 Provinces for 3 turns or something like this.

But if there should be an end of the game by some arbitrary turn then i will set myself to AI, as it would no longer be fun to play this game.

Szumo November 24th, 2007 11:03 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I'd prefer a set turn for game to end in this case. Would stir things up http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Xietor November 24th, 2007 12:18 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
While MA Ctis has less than a 1 percent chance of winning, due to lack of gem producing items,(if everyone else was ready to say LA Ryleh won, the Lizards would concede as well).

That said things are stirred up now. Most of the nations are at war. Very few are doing nothing.

Amhazair November 24th, 2007 12:36 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
Pha! LA R'lyeh have not won yet. The Triton kings are making sure of that. Just last turn a very powerful army consisting of many hundreds of troops and about 50 commanders, mainly starspawn and including a couple of Tartarians, was totally annihilated - by a poor little nation that holds under 10 provinces. (unfortunately all my Triton Kings have died, and I can't recruit new ones since I lost my capitol, but don't tell anyone about that little detail, okey?)

Xietor November 24th, 2007 01:00 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
And so passes the last vestiges Of EA Mictlan and EA Lanka.

The Lizards salute both nations. Both leaders were great generals well versed in all the nuances of Dom III and worthy foes. Two feared blood races gone.

Evilhomer November 24th, 2007 01:25 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality

There will be NO (Zero, Zip, Zilch) delays for absences until we are down to 15 or less players. I highly recommend you ask around and find a temporary substitute if you plan on being gone for an extended time.

Well we are down to exactly 15 players (if you don't count the AI nations) so I will suggest a delay:

After this current turn (90) could we maybe postpone hosting of the following turn for about one full week ?. I will hand in my dominions computer for repairs, and maybe this delay will allow vel to catch up so he can go on playing. I have already spoken with with some of the other powernations (like MA agartha/atul) and he was fine with the suggestion. Anyone having a strong objection to this delay ?

If anyone has objections I belive DrPretorious will be kind enough to sub for me, but if possible I do not wish to burden him with this.

Lingchih November 24th, 2007 05:33 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
No objection to a delay. I would also suggest a week long delay over the Christmas holidays.

LoloMo November 24th, 2007 10:44 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
No objection here either.

Reay November 24th, 2007 11:09 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
If a delay helps keep the current people in the game then I will support it. It is getting close to the end of the year as well so there might be several delays needed.

malthaussen November 25th, 2007 03:46 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
Is the .map file going to be made available for download along with the .bmp file? Since I'm only an observer, and not a player of this madness, I would need it in order to be able to actually see what the world looks like.:)

-- Mal

Velusion November 25th, 2007 03:53 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I'll give the game a delay then.

Xietor November 26th, 2007 12:47 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
the status page reflects no delay? I do not object to one, but i would like to know what it is?

Lingchih November 26th, 2007 02:03 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
128 hours, last time I logged in.

Salamander8 November 26th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
A delay right now is good. Between the holidays and my grandfather's condition, I barely have time for much right now.

Xietor November 26th, 2007 12:45 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
Is there a reason the status page does not reflect the accurate time remaining? Is it not tied to the server in some manner? Not complaining, as I have no technical experience with this stuff, just wondering if the status page is normally a reliable mechanism to check time remaining?

Hadrian_II November 26th, 2007 08:53 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
It looks like the status page is based on the time of the last host, so if there are changes on the server, it still will show the time when the next host would be supposed to happen.

Xietor November 26th, 2007 09:59 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
ok, thx hadrian.

Evilhomer November 27th, 2007 05:41 PM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I will not have access to dominions for 1-2 weeks, during this time DrPre has kindly offered to sub for LA R'lyeh. I have informed him of my current deals - so no worries, but direct all messages his way during this time please.

Question: Is Ermor getting a new player or is vel going to continue to play this nation ?.

Edit: Dagon is back and he is still a garbage zombie. So now we know to NEVER cast life after death in a battle that our pretender is involved in.

Lingchih November 29th, 2007 04:33 AM

Re: Turn Limit for Perpetuality
I believe Velusion will continue to play LA Ermor for now. He has not been active on the boards for a few days now, so I am not sure, but I await the definitive answer.

Xietor November 29th, 2007 07:45 PM

lolomo has a great sense of humor.

Some of his leaders' names:

Marshmaster Killer
Off you go!
My Fury says hello!

And many more. I actually look forward to the fights just to see the new names.

LoloMo November 29th, 2007 09:19 PM

Re: Lolomo!
Hehe, some of the names are so that I remember which unit is supposed to do what, as the turns are several days apart, I forget what my plans were. But glad you noticed =)

Lingchih December 1st, 2007 05:30 AM

Re: Lolomo!
Hey, thanks for the gear, C'tis. We really appreciate it. We have such a hard time forging gear for ourselves, you know. Sorry we killed the Tartarian delivering it. Our commanders overreact sometimes, kind of like pit bulls.

Xietor December 1st, 2007 01:01 PM

Re: Lolomo!
We would do it again if we had it to do over.....

trust me.

Lingchih December 2nd, 2007 02:49 AM

Re: Lolomo!
Then do it over. Or send your Seraph. We would just love to Charm that Seraph.

Xietor December 2nd, 2007 03:12 AM

Re: Lolomo!
You want a pat on the back for killing a tartarian gate? ok you got it. /pat on back.

Heh. I have lost dozens this game to Lanka, and some to MA Ermor(and killed some as well). But I do not get overly excited about losing or killing one. If the Seraph dies it dies. Whenever you send out solo sc's they likely will die.

Even had the tar Gate survived that fight, he would have been stuck in the middle of your area and likely died sooner rather than later. Thems the breaks.

The Lizards are honoring their mutual defense treaty with Tien Chi. And since our lands are nowhere close to the action, logistics play a key role in our tactical decisions.

Try invading MY lands 15 provinces to the north and you will see some of the hurdles long ranged campaigns face.

What I sought to accomplish last turn was in fact accomplished. Lolomo can likely explain to you why i did what i did with the seraph and tar gate.

Lingchih December 2nd, 2007 03:22 AM

Re: Lolomo!
Oh, I do not wish the Seraph to die. Far from it. I wish to convince the Seraph to join our side. And believe me, I have a force that can Charm the pants off a Baptist.

Xietor December 2nd, 2007 03:58 AM

Re: Lolomo!
Not too worried about a Seraph getting charmed-not with his mr. killed yes-charmed no.

But feel free to prove me wrong! I think there is a chance of charm succeeding regardless of mr.

Lingchih December 2nd, 2007 09:48 PM

Re: Lolomo!
Well, I certainly can't kill it. I'm far behind you in research. Spam charming with a bunch of Pans would be about my only hope, even with the high mr.

Lingchih December 4th, 2007 04:09 AM

Is this game now on a once per week host?

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