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MaxWilson June 29th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: Wierd battle results
I have had several inconsistencies lately, all since the last patch. I have no idea if that's significant. As far as I'm concerned, the battle report is the definitive version, and the replay is correct if I'm lucky.


Reay June 29th, 2008 01:18 AM

Re: Wierd battle results
Ah yeah well the battle report seems to be correct. It was just the replays in these instances that were not. However the other player was getting the same incorrect replay.

I never use to see these inconsistencies before the last patch. However, I might have missed a few.

Endoperez June 29th, 2008 04:29 AM

Re: Wierd battle results

Reay said:
Ah yeah well the battle report seems to be correct. It was just the replays in these instances that were not. However the other player was getting the same incorrect replay.

I never use to see these inconsistencies before the last patch. However, I might have missed a few.

These have happened from time to time, but they are usually caused by different versions. Sometimes spesific spells were handled differently on different operation systems, sometimes the host had patched the game before the players had, etc.
I suggest figuring out:
1) What OS and version of Dominions the hosting computer has
2) What OS and version the players have. If there are more players in the game than you and your friend, please contact them and ask if they've noticed any inconsistencies.

Xietor June 29th, 2008 06:22 AM

Re: Wierd battle results
The errors are happening in Fallacy(i am Reay's opponent). Velusion has the correct version of the gsme I am quite sure.

I also saw in the Manatee thread, which is on Lllamaserver, a similar complaint, and I know Llamaserver has the correct version of the game.

It is too early to tell, but a trend may be occurring. This bug, which has always existed, is occurring more frequently since the last patch, but only in the late game. And I stress the word may. It bears keeping an eye on.

Reay June 29th, 2008 09:33 AM

Re: Wierd battle results
I am not sure what OS Velusion is running on but I assume it is Windows. I have been playing games on his servers for more than a year and never had a problem seemingly until now.

I will keep my eye on it anyway.

Endoperez June 29th, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: Bug thread
A "Huge number of people have immigrated into this province" event is or may sometimes be too weak. After two such events on a capital which has not, at any point, been affected by Growth or Death scales or ever had any unrest or been patrolled, the capital in question has 30600 people. After the first even, there were 30350 or so people.

lch June 29th, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: Wierd battle results

Reay said:
I am not sure what OS Velusion is running on but I assume it is Windows.

Yes, Velusion is using Windows for hosting. I'm fairly certain that llamabeast's hosting server is using Linux.

NTJedi June 30th, 2008 01:35 AM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
A "Huge number of people have immigrated into this province" event is or may sometimes be too weak.

I completely agree... every time I see this event the "huge number of people" provide virtually no increase to the province. I've had this event hit my capital and hit small wastelands, yet no matter the location the increase is pointless.

Considering how many methods drop population it's too bad this event doesn't work as described within the event.

thejeff June 30th, 2008 09:52 AM

Re: Bug thread
The incorrect battle replay bug used to only (or at least mostly; maybe we assumed?) happen with different OS/version, but lately I've seen it even in SP, where the OS and version are obviously identical.

Reay June 30th, 2008 09:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
Yeah, Xietor thinks this is not related to OS either. Xietor and I are both on Windows XP and Velusion's server is on WIndows XP so it seems like he is right.

Endoperez June 30th, 2008 12:02 PM

Re: Bug thread
What kind of fights are affected? Early battles with no/just few spells, castle fights, late game fights?

Even one buggy spell or unit could be enough to cause incorrect replays. For unit to cause it, it'd probably have to have some special ability.
It can happen with Windows XP, at least. Has anyone experienced it with other OSs? Thejeff, what OS did you have it with?

Try sending the turns in which this happens to Illwinter. If you could send both the turn before it (both .trn and .2h files) and the result, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what happens. You'd generate the turn and view the battle, compare the log files and examine where it goes bad.

thejeff June 30th, 2008 12:26 PM

Re: Bug thread
It's happened on Linux (Debian unstable, not that it's likely to matter.)

I don't remember the details of the battles, though.

I'll have to start auto-saving turns, so I can catch it if it happens again.

NTJedi June 30th, 2008 01:05 PM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
What kind of fights are affected? Early battles with no/just few spells, castle fights, late game fights?

I've never seen any specific spell, location or game turn related to the inaccurate battle report issue. There are so many different spells, province terrains and game turns it would be difficult to pinpoint.


Endoperez said:
Has anyone experienced it with other OSs? Thejeff, what OS did you have it with?

I've experienced the issue on WinXP and Win2000 .


Endoperez said:
Try sending the turns in which this happens to Illwinter.

I haven't experienced the issue for 6months and unfortunately I don't use any save game turn program. I plan to send Illwinter the files next time it occurs.

MaxWilson June 30th, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: Bug thread
I've had the issue on Windows Vista in SP. Next time I see it I will save it and send in the turn.


Ewierl June 30th, 2008 02:02 PM

Re: Bug thread
I ran into the replay bug when I was on Mac OS 10.4.11, and the server was on Windows of some variety; I reported extensively at the time, but it was many months and patches ago now (back here).

Gandalf Parker June 30th, 2008 09:10 PM

Re: Bug thread

thejeff said:
It's happened on Linux (Debian unstable, not that it's likely to matter.)

I don't remember the details of the battles, though.

I'll have to start auto-saving turns, so I can catch it if it happens again.

Make sure you have the latest patch (I missed this myself). The Windows version is 3.17, the Mac version is 3.17, the Linux version is 3.17b due to an emergency change.

Reay July 1st, 2008 07:00 AM

Re: Bug thread
It's happened 3 times to me in Fallacy at least, and each time they were long non-castle battles (20-30 turns+) with plenty of spells being thrown around. One battle probably had around 1000 units like Maeneds and the like. The others have had maybe 400 units with lots of Thug/SC's.

The .2h and .trn files from the previous turn? Hmm, so we will need to have some sort of auto save mechanism.

lch July 1st, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
Has anyone experienced it with other OSs?

I've been hosting lots of games exclusively on Linux and I never heard that a player encountered the problem on my system. In which case I'd have backups from before and after the turn generation and could have provided them to debug.

MaxWilson July 4th, 2008 03:41 AM

Re: Bug thread

Kristoffer O said:
The golem is animated with a divine word and it acts on that principle. It is in his nature to acts and not to rout. When forced to rout the divine principle is broken and the golem is rendered inanimate.

We can't make exceptions on mechanics for all units that should behave in a particular way. Exceptions are fun and interesting, but are time consuming and makes the code more jumbled.

I think it is fun when my enemy's golem dies.

Retreating mages lose control over their undead just like I lose control over my students, when I rout from my classroom. I wish I could have the necromancers prudence and skill to make my students disappear when I rout.
I'm also under the rule of 50 turns. I automatically rout from my class after 50 min. If I am prevented from fleeing, I will pass out after 75 minutes.

Also I don't care much about customer loss. By now I'm pretty certain there are people who like my game, as well as people who dislike it. I'm content with knowing that there are people who like what I made, and I'm happy to continue working on projects I believe they will like in the future. It is nice if I do fix things that people like, but I will not fix things I think are OK or good. I might change my opinion on different matters though.

<laughs> Kristoffer, you just made my day with this post. Especially with the students <=> undead analogy.


JimMorrison July 4th, 2008 04:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
What page did you dredge that from, Max? That is pure comedy! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

It just kills me that something as brilliant as Dominions comes out of essentially a hobby. All of these large studios are fools for not approaching these 2 gentlemen like college football recruiters, offering to make all manner of salacious offerings, to get the chance to try and "bottle" that Illwinter goodness. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

We do need to work on Kris' morale though. Kris, you need to rely on your Awe aura, and just outlast them, I am sure you're not routing long before they would have. What happened to that Horror Helm we gave you? That should make them fail checks sooner in your lecture, resulting in a successful defense of the classroom with 0 Commanders killed.

Oh no Off Topic..... Wait, I have a bug..... a bug where every time I open Dominions, it runs on my computer for about a week, and I can't close it unless I am rebooting for some reason. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Edi July 4th, 2008 05:50 AM

Re: Bug thread
Comedy of this value shall not be punished even if it does take the thread a bit OT. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Kristoffer O July 4th, 2008 06:05 AM

Re: Bug thread
> We do need to work on Kris' morale though. Kris, you need to rely on your Awe aura, and just outlast them, I am sure you're not routing long before they would have. What happened to that Horror Helm we gave you? That should make them fail checks sooner in your lecture, resulting in a successful defense of the classroom with 0 Commanders killed.

The problem is I have morale, and my students don't. Some are mindless and unaffected by awe. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I did wear a high hat during a lesson the other day. It actually worked. They were impressed into obedience (or rather, were caught by the spirit of the time and produced good results).

I should deck myself up with more items. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Zeldor July 4th, 2008 06:08 AM

Re: Bug thread
Take Gift of Kurgi next time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Or send a group of sucide scouts with Slave Collars...

ano July 6th, 2008 08:14 AM

Re: Bug thread
"Never-healing" magic beings not only heal when they come to friendly lab (as intended) but also when they siege an enemy castle with lab in it.

ano July 6th, 2008 08:34 AM

Re: Bug thread
If Machakan spider rider is killed by poison and there's some poison remained, the spider itself will continue receiving poison damage even despite it is poison immune.

Edi July 6th, 2008 08:53 AM

Re: Bug thread

ano said:
"Never-healing" magic beings not only heal when they come to friendly lab (as intended) but also when they siege an enemy castle with lab in it.

That's interesting, but I doubt there is much that can be done about it. *sigh*

NTJedi July 7th, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Bug thread
Tidal Wave (EVO_LvL9)-- bug


JimMorrison July 11th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Bug thread
Nature magic (on pretender specifically, have not checked other casters) does not boost pre-existing regeneration as it is stated it should.

I can't see which category this should go under, so it's a dirty report. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

calmon July 11th, 2008 03:26 PM

Re: Bug thread
Indirect Magic (page 85 manual):

Nature: Supply Bonus +10, Magic Leadership +5

So no regeneration boost.

Do you mean the nature bless from N4 up? This isn't a bonus for your pretender.

JimMorrison July 11th, 2008 04:06 PM

Re: Bug thread
No. During pretender creation, it specifically reads:

"A mage of this path can feed 10 troops per level of Nature magic, and any regenerative powers of the mage will be boosted."

Currently, it only gives the caster a bonus to regen if it is from a spell/item, not if it is pre-existing.

calmon July 11th, 2008 04:31 PM

Re: Bug thread
I didn't notice this text but there is definitly no bonus so i think its just wrong and the manual is correct.

Even with item nature magic doesn't boost regeneration.

The spell Personal Regeneration give you 10%+(nature level *100/maxHP). Thats in the spell description so nothing special here.

However i like the idea boosting regeneration through nature spelllevels http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

MaxWilson July 11th, 2008 04:44 PM

Re: Bug thread

JimMorrison said:
No. During pretender creation, it specifically reads:

"A mage of this path can feed 10 troops per level of Nature magic, and any regenerative powers of the mage will be boosted."

Currently, it only gives the caster a bonus to regen if it is from a spell/item, not if it is pre-existing.

Not a bug, WAD. See Post #545984 by KO. The in-game message should be fixed, though.


JimMorrison July 12th, 2008 01:42 AM

Re: Bug thread
Well further testing, it doesn't even give the bonus to items, only to spells. That really severely limits the usefulness of the bonus. I know this isn't the relative balance thread though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

I guess it's just a text discrepancy. Should state that it provides a bonus to regeneration spells only.

Taqwus July 12th, 2008 05:27 AM

Province defense event during sieges?
As the besieger of a castle (a vanilla 3.17 SP game), I've just benefited from the "Many commoners are volunteering to serve in the militia" event. They showed up during an attempt to break the siege.

Intentional? Province was strongly under my dominion, if that provides an excuse for the locals to prefer me. :p

Herode July 14th, 2008 03:04 PM

Re: Province defense event during sieges?
A minor bug report about the display in the battle screen.
Dom 3.17, Windows Vista, no mods except Worthy Heroes.

I'm playing Abysia EA.
The sacred have a fire shield and the units have a heat aura.

Both display OK on the battlescreen except when my prophet is sneaking/hiding in the same province (present, but invisible on the battlefield). In such a case, the aura and the shield do not display well, and there are some other portions of the battlescreen (mainly the sky) flickering in an unaesthetic manner...

I saved a copy of the last turn showing the bug, if necessary.

Edi July 14th, 2008 03:06 PM

Re: Province defense event during sieges?

Herode said:
A minor bug report about the display in the battle screen.
Dom 3.17, Windows Vista, no mods except Worthy Heroes.

I'm playing Abysia EA.
The sacred have a fire shield and the units have a heat aura.

Both display OK on the battlescreen except when my prophet is sneaking/hiding in the same province (present, but invisible on the battlefield). In such a case, the aura and the shield do not display well, and there are some other portions of the battlescreen (mainly the sky) flickering in an unaesthetic manner...

I saved a copy of the last turn showing the bug, if necessary.

Known issue. It happens every time there is a slanting battlefield that goes down from left to right. There's usually also a transparency effect on the battlefield background in some instances.

Edi July 14th, 2008 06:39 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Added three wrong nametype entries to statfix list:
1608 Bakemono Shaman
1712 Celestial Master
1963 Bakemono Scout (also added the leadership issue for this one).

Taqwus July 15th, 2008 04:41 PM

Should Sirrushes be cold-blooded? They're currently warm-blooded quasi-reptiles.

Edi July 15th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: Sirrushes?
They're dragons and dragons are not cold-blooded.

NTJedi July 15th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Edi said:
Added three wrong nametype entries to statfix list:
1608 Bakemono Shaman
1712 Celestial Master
1963 Bakemono Scout (also added the leadership issue for this one).

Can we add the tidal wave bug which can target any province when casted by an AI opponent?

This includes a second typo bug where the description reads 40% population loss, yet the bad event reads 30% population loss.

Taqwus July 15th, 2008 08:59 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ah, so the dragons are ruminants. :p

K July 17th, 2008 03:05 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

SPELL Mists of Deception Keeps on producing phantasmal units even when all enemies are dead, causing combat to go on forever and autokilling all attacking units left on the battlefield

This is not exactly true. The combat ends if you kill all the phantasmal units on the field (and all enemies, of course). So it is working just like any other spell that produces independent units.

Attached games proving this are here: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1

Edi July 17th, 2008 08:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Your observations and findings on MoD noted. Will amend the issue from red to something less drastic, but I need to review that and other things when I get home.

ano July 18th, 2008 08:35 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bakemono scouts(1963) receive standard commander names instead of national ones.

Edi July 19th, 2008 04:48 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Known and listed.

chrispedersen July 20th, 2008 10:19 PM

Can anyone explain the following turn file?
Setup: I have a territory, besieging a fort.
Enemy attacks territory.
Enemy routes. Last enemy is destroyed.

My SC has 69 hp.. then takes 7,6,6,5 damage - not enough to kill.

But it does - and the enemy, despite routing, takes the territory...


llamabeast July 21st, 2008 05:06 AM

Game crash bug
1 Attachment(s)
I have a good bug for you here. If you host using these files, the game will crash, with a "bad f error". These are from an actual game, and this situation does come up every now and again, so it would be a good one to hunt down.

Specifically, it returns:

Något gick fel!
build: bad f
Något gick fel!
build: bad f

llamabeast July 21st, 2008 06:09 AM

Re: Game crash bug
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the map to go with the above bug.

Loren July 21st, 2008 04:53 PM

Re: Can anyone explain the following turn file?

chrispedersen said:
Setup: I have a territory, besieging a fort.
Enemy attacks territory.
Enemy routes. Last enemy is destroyed.

My SC has 69 hp.. then takes 7,6,6,5 damage - not enough to kill.

But it does - and the enemy, despite routing, takes the territory...


This is the battle replay bug. Sometimes you don't see the same outcome of the battle that the game uses.

NTJedi July 21st, 2008 05:01 PM

Re: Can anyone explain the following turn file?

I would classify this next issue as a bug since it can cause the caster to possibly go unconcious and the caster should have chosen different targets or a different spell.


Priests will cast 'Sermon of Courage' on friendly units retreating from the battlefield. Units fleeing the battlefield should never be targeted.

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