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Velusion December 4th, 2007 04:59 AM

Re: Hosting
Ack, I forgot to change the timer. I'll turn it back to 72 after this host.

Evilhomer December 4th, 2007 05:13 AM

Re: Hosting
Just in case if someone missed it:

DrPretorious is a temporary substitute for LA R'lyeh for 1-2 weeks ahead.

Hadrian_II December 7th, 2007 07:04 AM

Re: Hosting
MA Pangaeas troops are preparing for war
a war of liberation
a war of unification
soon the unfit leadership of EA Pangaea will crumble
Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpys, Dryads, Minotaurs and Pans rejoice
Pangaea will soon be one again.

Xietor December 7th, 2007 09:32 AM

Re: Hosting
The Battle of Two Towers has begun. LA Ermor has launched an assault upon MA Ctis. Though our losses were heavy, the Lizards will persist in its war to protect the free nations
from Evil.

Lingchih December 7th, 2007 10:55 PM

Re: Hosting

Hadrian_II said:
MA Pangaeas troops are preparing for war
a war of liberation
a war of unification
soon the unfit leadership of EA Pangaea will crumble
Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpys, Dryads, Minotaurs and Pans rejoice
Pangaea will soon be one again.

EA Pangaea? You hate them too brother? (I knew you hated us). But know that LA Pangaea still bears you no ill will.

Hadrian_II December 8th, 2007 08:40 AM

Re: Hosting

Lingchih said:

Hadrian_II said:
MA Pangaeas troops are preparing for war
a war of liberation
a war of unification
soon the unfit leadership of EA Pangaea will crumble
Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpys, Dryads, Minotaurs and Pans rejoice
Pangaea will soon be one again.

EA Pangaea? You hate them too brother? (I knew you hated us). But know that LA Pangaea still bears you no ill will.

We dont hate our older brothers, we just cant stand anymore to be seperated from them.

Velusion December 8th, 2007 10:52 AM

Re: Hosting

Hadrian_II said:

Lingchih said:

Hadrian_II said:
MA Pangaeas troops are preparing for war
a war of liberation
a war of unification
soon the unfit leadership of EA Pangaea will crumble
Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpys, Dryads, Minotaurs and Pans rejoice
Pangaea will soon be one again.

EA Pangaea? You hate them too brother? (I knew you hated us). But know that LA Pangaea still bears you no ill will.

We dont hate our older brothers, we just cant stand anymore to be seperated from them.

Naked Rabid Chick Fight!

Salamander8 December 10th, 2007 10:53 AM

Re: Hosting

Velusion said:

Hadrian_II said:

Lingchih said:

Hadrian_II said:
MA Pangaeas troops are preparing for war
a war of liberation
a war of unification
soon the unfit leadership of EA Pangaea will crumble
Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpys, Dryads, Minotaurs and Pans rejoice
Pangaea will soon be one again.

EA Pangaea? You hate them too brother? (I knew you hated us). But know that LA Pangaea still bears you no ill will.

We dont hate our older brothers, we just cant stand anymore to be seperated from them.

Naked Rabid Chick Fight!

Time to grab some popcorn and watch! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Lingchih December 12th, 2007 02:10 AM

Naked Chicks
Alas, we of LA Pangaea have no naked chicks that fight for us, although we have definitely tried to recruit some. We have naked dead vine creatures, if that turns you on.

Hadrian_II December 12th, 2007 07:36 AM

Re: Naked Chicks
MA Pangaea can offer chicks and vine creatures, so we have something for everyone.

LoloMo December 12th, 2007 11:52 AM

Re: Naked Chicks
Bondage and Fern Fetishes, kinky!

Xietor December 12th, 2007 02:22 PM

Re: Naked Chicks
When the Ctis scout peered over the hill and saw the enemy encampment, he knew that the doom of the Lizards was at hand. Countless as black flies on a rotting carcass were the undead armies of MA and LA Ermor. He must report what he had seen.....

"But my Lord", the scout exclaimed later, "too few of our friends have joined the war. We cannot hope to defeat the armies of both LA and MA Ermor."

"No we cannot," exclaimed Bones, "but we shall meet them on the field of battle nonetheless!"

Stelteck December 12th, 2007 03:57 PM

civilized undead ?
undead making campment ?

I was thinking that undead only stay where their master told them to stay and moan....^^

Stelteck, prince of LA abysia.

DrPraetorious December 12th, 2007 04:06 PM

Re: civilized undead ?
Shelteck, you're thinking of Maenads.


-- Knife Bright Insight,
State Department Special Advisor on Unspeakable Gibbering and Meeping,
LA R'lyeh

LoloMo December 12th, 2007 10:50 PM

Re: civilized undead ?
"My lord, we have captured a C'tis scout. What shall we do with him?", asks Benhur. Having been dead only 5 days, his tongue and jaw muscles were still working smoothly, and in fact felt more limber than they were yesterday.

General Amphoteros looks up from his study of the terrain maps, a malevolent red glint inside his empty eye sockets the only clue that vision is used. "Another one? What does he have to say for himself?"

"My lord, he appears to be mumbling something about large swarms of black flies", replies Benhur, obliviously slapping dead a couple of fat black flies against his cheek.

General Amphoteros sighs, "Is he the same one we caught eight months ago who came declaring war on us and screaming about "Friends in High Places" on their side?"

Benhur squints at the dimunitive slimy lizardkin. If his olfactory senses have been what it once was, he would probably have been nauseated by the miasma that exudes from the C'tisian too. Being undead does have its perks.
"My lord, they all look the same to me".

"Nevermind, send him back. Their cowardly pretender is probably still holed up in his den all warm and cozy waiting for others to fight his war for him. For all that old coot's bluster, we haven't seen a real fight from him. It's his "Allies" MA Pythium and MA Tien Chi that have been doing the fighting and the dying. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up if by some miracle that huge army next door starts marching. Maybe in another year", snickers General Amphoteros, making sure that the little C'tis scout is absorbing everything that was said.

Xietor December 12th, 2007 11:05 PM

Re: civilized undead ?
Bones chuckled at Benhur's report. "MA Ermor's so-called pretender, an immobile rock, hides inside a castle. His armies are off fighting minor skimishes while our army sits on an open field of battle waiting on his armies to attack."

"Sire," Benhur replied, "that fool likely has no idea that you were in the Hall of Fame during the Demon wars, and that the tally of your slain numbers in the hundreds, including LA Atlanteans, Lanka demons, LA Man's knights, and MA Oceania's Trident Knights. How must longer must i continue my work as a double agent? I tire of that fool's dribble?"

"Not much longer Benhur. Far have our armies marched to wage war, and do we sit hiding behind castle walls? No. We sit here blocking a key pass while Ermor builds 20 more forts to hide even more of his armies in. I thought rocks and undead had no fear of battle. But the stench of their armies' fear is pervades these lands."

Lingchih December 12th, 2007 11:41 PM

Re: civilized undead ?
Tien Chi. We don't mind you camping on the lawn around our castle. Really, it's the least we can do for you. But you must tell your minions to quit vandalizing the property! The graffiti was bad enough, but now they've started stealing parapet stones and door knockers. If you don't make them stop we are going to charge you for damages.

Tichy December 13th, 2007 03:35 PM

Re: civilized undead ?
Draw up an invoice and I'll forward it to the Celestial Accountants.

Reay December 15th, 2007 12:49 AM

Re: civilized undead ?
Hmm strange.

This turn 8 of my mages' summons did not appear, but 4 other mages' summons did appear. They were in order in the messages list as well. The top 8 mages didn't get any summons, bottom 4 mages got all their summons. Most of my province recruits did appear as far as I can tell.

I have had not this issue before. It might be related to the amount of units I recruited this turn from provinces (many).

Not very happy about losing the troops I summoned since they were quite powerful ones, bugger. Hopefully this does not continue. Did anybody else have a problem with summons this turn?

Xietor December 15th, 2007 01:26 AM

Re: civilized undead ?
I had mage summons that failed to appear also. Unfortunately one was a very expensive summon.

I also had a mage with ritual of returning who did not return when he was hit. The battle shows he did not die, but he is also not back in my capital.

On another note, my commanders in the rear were killed by 2 la ermor flying tar gates. Just to be clear, it was decided that you cannot copy attack commander script from the dark knight to other commanders correct?

I am not saying, btw, that it was in fact done. Just want a clarification. It is possible they flew over all the troops
with attack rearmost command, though that tends to mostly attack rearmost troops.

Lingchih December 15th, 2007 03:07 AM

LA R\'lyeh
Holy balls, batman. Did you see that coming?

LA R'lyeh has thrown a fastball at us. What did we ever do to you R'lyeh? I hope you wasted a lot of gems trying to knock down those domes. And you did knock down a few, but never fear, we can put them back up.

Fear the day when you attacked mighty LA Pan. We shall destroy you. Or at least, kill a few of your militia.

LoloMo December 15th, 2007 04:57 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I'm missing one summon that I know of, one of my ghost riders artillery spell arrived without the leader and so died, one ghost rider spell arrived with only 4 units and no leader, one earth attack was cast but couldn't view the battle, so I guess he didn't make it either.

Also, an enemy earth attack against a unit of mine couldn't be viewed, so I'm guessing it didn't arrive either.

Also, last turn, I had multiple astral window spells cast that I got a messages for, but didn't have any effect.

archaeolept December 15th, 2007 05:59 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
you all are hitting the unit limit of the game, due to the extreme map size and vast late-game armies. you need to be killing each other's units more :p

atul December 15th, 2007 08:39 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
Yeah, it would seem we hit the unit limit. I wanted to see what happens with improved crossbreeding and cast it, yet not a single crossbreeding unit appeared. Probably didn't get other stuff either, but can't be 100% sure.

Anyway, time to start killing stuff.

Hadrian_II December 15th, 2007 08:50 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
Im missing 2 tartarians :/

And i had another strange effect this turn, i was not able to watch the battles for some earth attacks (both on me and from me) so there might be some strange other stuff going on too.

But my war with EA Pan should yield some death maenads so there should be some space for new summons. And if LA Rlyeh and LA Ermor could start an all out war, the unit limit problems will be solved.

Xietor December 15th, 2007 10:46 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh

I cast Earth Attacks and could not watch the fight(: Not sure if Lolomo lost mages to them or they just did not appear.

Several ghost rider castings failed to appear.

That starspawn teleported into your province velusion with 15 s gems scripted to cast magic duel. but when he arrived he had no s gems, and cast horror mark instead. Consider yourself lucky.

Is there any way this issue can be fixed? Can dr p or someone go in and manually hack out about 20,000 units from la ermor and la ryleh? or maybe just remove all free summons and shut that off?

atul December 15th, 2007 12:23 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I'd guess the only things that would help against this problem were either next patch increasing the unit count, or that people would seriously start beating each other up.

Hm, was wishing for Armageddon supposed to kill 10% of armies, too? *eg*

Hadrian_II December 15th, 2007 01:08 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
As said before, i will soon kill about 5000 or more units from EA Pangaea, and i might loose a few hunderd on my side too, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif but when Rlyeh and Ermor not engage each other, there will be much trouble.

I think if that glitches go on, it is almost impossible to play, as the chance that you loose a major battle cause your spells did not work is just too big.

Why is there an unit limit anyway or why is it smaller than 2 ^ 32?

Xietor December 15th, 2007 01:32 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
The game is not playable as is.

Last turn was a total fubar for me. i have a dead starspawn instead of velusion having 3 dead tar gates. I wasted 50 bloodslaves casting internal tempest with a b7 guy in a castle that is going to be stormed this turn. No units appeared. my Earth elemental attacks and ghost riders did not work.

If the game cannot be fixed somehow I vote that it is over.

Winners: Agartha, LA Ryleh, LA Ermor
Contenders: MA Ctis, MA Ermor, EA and MA Pangaea
Honorable mention: The survivors with over 25 provinces

archaeolept December 15th, 2007 02:17 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
you need to destroy whomever has vast chaff armies. A game like this is playable, in the sense that everyone is equally affected; and it is easy enough to rectify, if y'all don't just turtle-up carebearing ;p

just attack whomever has the most chaff. attack now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor December 15th, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I do not think everyone is equally affected. And I do not think it is playable. When you summon troops, they are supposed to appear.

Some races rely on summoned troops more than others. And races that have been at war need to summon troops to compete with races that have had long periods of peace and already have many tough troops.

I think hacking the chaff out of the game before the next turn is a more realistic solution then trying to kill off all of the free spawn-much of it underwater.

Velusion December 15th, 2007 02:56 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I'll need everyone to chime in here.

I'm fine with calling it now, but will soldier on to the end if the majority wants to continue.

That's partially fatigue talking (for me) of course, but I can see how non-free spawning nations might feel hurt by this.

Frankly I'm really surprised it took us this long to hit the limit...

archaeolept December 15th, 2007 02:58 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
it's a good reason to ban LA ermor, and maybe a couple other nations like MA pan, from games such as these. Or, if you don't, at least try to take them down before it comes to this http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

atul December 15th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh

Velusion said:I'm fine with calling it now, but will soldier on to the end if the majority wants to continue.

Same here, I can go both ways.

It has been a great game, and I'd hate not to do it justice by just letting everything slip while the game hosts on 3-days intervals. But, dunno how much of that feeling is due the fatigue.

I don't think it's the freespawn nations that are the problem, but getting a realistic winning goal. I mean, current 650+ provinces is _huge_, no-one's even near it. I've got a fourth of that amount. %/ Can't say what would be a better goal, though.

Stelteck December 15th, 2007 03:58 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I had also a strange thing this turn : An event that have to lead to an attack of my province by neutral, do not create this attack.

But of course it is not as important as yours.

My people are great and proud but they are not anymore in the course for victory, and i hope that a mighty god will give me a small place in heaven at its side. Perhaps i can play music, or sing, or serve ambroisia and nectar.. Things like that.

If you want to stop the game, no problem for me. But i'am not a major player. If game go on i will go on.


DrPraetorious December 15th, 2007 04:00 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I don't think there's anything I can do to fix it from a modding standpoint - I could make a mod that killed all of LA R'lyeh and LA Ermor's units entirely (by making them amphibious or air-breathing, respectively), but I can't actually change the way freespawning works.

Obviously as a sub I'm not going to wish for Armageddon; but if anyone else wants to keep the game going, that would do it.

Salamander8 December 15th, 2007 04:08 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I didn't get hit as bad by this as others it appears, only 2 of the 3 abominations I called didn't appear.

If people want to call it, it's all good. My last few turns have not been any great shakes as it was thanks to my grandpa's illness and funeral, and now with the holidays here, I have a lot less time to focus.

I've had a great time, and was quite pleased that I was able to survive and, while not being in the upper echelon of nations left, I can't complain about my fortunes either. I do have 1 artifact (the ankh), when I saw it was available in my construct list. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor December 15th, 2007 05:07 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
Someone decided to lower the world population last turn by summoning my Djinn away from me! I wonder who that may have been? /winks lolomo.

solo December 15th, 2007 05:20 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I also had a notice of an Indy attack that never materialized, as well as losing out on quite a few summons that did not materialize.

Since all players seem to be affected, perhaps a turn or two more are needed to really determine if this limit has made the game unplayable, but if the majority want to call it a game now, it's okay with me.

Velusion December 15th, 2007 05:25 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
When is EH coming back?

Hadrian_II December 15th, 2007 05:29 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I would say that we wait for one more turn to see what happens. Maybe we can get a raise of the unitlimit inot patch 3.12 if we whine enough in the general forum http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

I think that freespawn nations might be slightly out of balance as from the nations that get lots of freespawns (EA & MA Pan, LA Ermor, LA Rlyeh) all are still around.

Also the 650 province goal for winning is way of the scale. My turns with a 75 province empire take 1+ hour, and im not the guy that micromanages everything do the deepest, so turns with a 600 province empire might take easily 10 turns, and the game would just be won by the guy who is willing to make that effort.

I would think this would be a bad end for the game, as just now the things begin to move. But if the strange bugs do not end i vote to end it now, as with this bugs we could also choose the winner by throwing dices.

Szumo December 15th, 2007 05:48 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I (EA Pangea) am willing to end the game. It was a great expierence, but at this stage in game, it's getting more and more tiring due to micromanagement. Managing hundreds of mages when you have stockpiled thousands of gems, fitting out many thugs and moving freespawns is more tedious then fun IMO at this scale.

Lingchih December 15th, 2007 08:35 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I'm also willing to end the game (LA Pangaea). But maybe, if LA R'lyeh and LA Ermor attacked each other in force this turn, it would solve the problems for a while. It appears LA R'lyeh is going to end it for me soon anyway.

I will continue to play though, if the consensus wants to.

Xietor December 15th, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
"When is EH coming back?"

Not for 2-3 weeks last i heard from him. His computer repair had issues.

Velusion December 15th, 2007 09:54 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
It would take many turns for me to maneuver my big armies to take losses.... and naturally I'd want to take as few as possible.

LA R'lyeh's freespawns can't even enter the sea...

So far I haven't heard anyone say they really want to keep playing... though I'd feel bad ending it without Evilhomer's input. However if it will be another 2-3 weeks before he comes back we can't really wait to decide.

Lingchih December 15th, 2007 10:05 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
So that's it. An extremely entertaining six month long game, and a draw at the end because of game limitations. Sounds fair to me. Medals to everyone who survived to this point.

I personally achieved all my goals in this game. Which were, to survive to the endgame and see what a really nasty MP endgame was like. Yes, I did it by becoming a pawn of one of the great powers, but hey, I haven't really heard of LA Pan being a seriously powerful nation. I did what I had to do to continue playing. This has been a wonderful experience.

Xietor December 15th, 2007 10:07 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
It is not a matter of "wanting" to end it. I just cannot play with my summons not working. That is a huge part of my endgame as Ctis. It is not really playing when it is pot luck as whether your spells will work. heh.

It was a great game regardless. 62 nations is quite a feat. And Velusion deserves credit for hosting it.

For my part though, the saga is over. Unless the issues are fixed, I am done. I feel quite good about the game. My main goal of destroying the LA Atlantis Alliance was accomplished, and I stayed true to my allies and defended them as best I could. No regrets.

Agartha was a surprise to me doing as well as they did. /bow Atul. Masterful work beating Dr. P and the rest of the East. MA Ermor was going to be quite a handful as well. My brief exchanges with Lolomo showed me he is a masterful player and had his armies very ready for conquering.

Had I not burned my reserves to aid Pythium and Tien Chi, he would have conquered them both in a very short period of time.

K was a fierce foe in Lanka. Though I beat Lanka the cost was so large I really had nothing left to fight the Ermors with.

Reay December 15th, 2007 11:09 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I am already taking plenty of time to do my turns and I am not even at war yet and don't have freespawns. Unfortunately, I do not think I will have enough time to plan attacks or defend my lands in future turns. Especially seeing that I am losing summons which are very important to my plans.

I think I would have gone AI a long time ago if I was LA Ermor or LA R'lyeh. Thanks to those guys for managing to do their turns in time and helping making this epic game great fun.

I was able to survive through diplomacy mainly. However, I did manage to conquer LA Tien Chi (with LA Ermor's help) after he foolishly attacked me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. I did warn him that he was making a mistake. His grovelling afterwards as my 30 sorcerers cast every spell at his 1000's of barbarian horseman was highly entertaining http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif.

Conquering EA Helheim at the start of the game was also a good strategic move. Flaming arrows is great against massed Helherdlings.

EA R'lyeh was a constant thorn in my side, thanks to Yucky for keeping me on my toes. That Polypal Queen you had was difficult to defeat. It took me around 80 turns to finally conquer your capital in the water.

If this game is ending now, I have to thank Velusion for hosting it. Hopefully there is a new mega game soon.

LoloMo December 15th, 2007 11:28 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I can play on or end, both is acceptable to me. I have to thank Xietor for showing me all the nasty tricks possible, I've added all those little techniques Xietor used on me to my library of counters hehe. I specially liked that naked, solo raiding illusionist =) And yes, I have a shiny new lamp sitting in my treasure room =)

I can suggest another course of action, which is to shelve the game until the new patch comes out, and if there is still enough interest perhaps continue with the new patch that would have hopefully solved the unit limit.

Hadrian_II December 16th, 2007 09:46 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I would rather play on, but with this bugs it is impossible.

The history of MA Pan would end hereby, before it really becomes glorious but the game was fun anyway.

If i think that i almost got killed in the very beginning while fighting Sauromantia. (i was so weak at that point, that i had to allow xietor to take the capital)

Afterwards i decided to invade tir na n'og, but on the turn i wanted to send the NAP cancellation there was no more Tir na n'og (a big alliance out of LA Atlantis, MA Oceania and LA Man and Lanka had attacked him, and anhillated him in one turn).

Now comes the time where the glorious nation of MA Pan safed the existence of MA Ctis, as the same alliance that crushed Tir na n'og now moved on to crush the lizards, Pangaea extended his realm around ctis to shield him from Atlantis and Oceania and i engaged LA Man, what allowed Ctis to fight Lanka.

After Man had ceased to exist i decided to annex Ulm, as Xietor was somehow just ignoring them. My biggest losses where when my centaur catapracts fainted at a castle gate, and so my army autorouted after 50 turns, and my carrion beasts and vine ogres dissolved. But the war against ulm was just a walking over him.

Then i got word that LA Ermor is moving into MA Oceania, and so i started a rescue operation, and took some of his provinces.

Now when MA Pan would face some real war after all the game is ending http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.

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