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Foodstamp June 23rd, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep

DonCorazon June 23rd, 2008 08:40 PM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Elephant burger run out. Now Utgard have to eat crunchy Ermorians. No meat on them! Argghhh!!!!

Darkwind June 23rd, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep

DonCorazon said:
Elephant burger run out. Now Utgard have to eat crunchy Ermorians. No meat on them! Argghhh!!!!

I was considering an alliance (as far as an alliance could go when neither member knows where the other is) with Utgard, but this might hurt that idea. You see, the MA Ulmish are quite meaty (though also tough, and possibly crunchy since many live almost their entire lives with armor on). Who wants an ally prone to eating your warriors? Not MA Ulm, at least.

Well, at least Utgard isn't Hinnom, whose Rephaim have a nasty reputation for just popping people into their mouths, clothes and all. No offense to Hinnom, of course; the Rephaim are otherwise quite nice fellows, once you get past their habit of gruesome and horrible feasts on humans, some of whom are sometimes still living. So, at least, I've heard.

Lingchih June 23rd, 2008 11:01 PM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep

Darkwind said:
Well, at least Utgard isn't Hinnom, whose Rephaim have a nasty reputation for just popping people into their mouths, clothes and all. No offense to Hinnom, of course; the Rephaim are otherwise quite nice fellows, once you get past their habit of gruesome and horrible feasts on humans, some of whom are sometimes still living. So, at least, I've heard.

Don't worry about offending Hinnom. They are almost deceased, courtesy of the friendly neighborhood Lankans.

JimMorrison June 24th, 2008 02:43 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Just be afraid of offending Lanka, evil devil-worshipping monkeyspawn! :O Or is it evil monkey-worshipping devilspawn? I always get those two mixed up.....

DaveCG June 24th, 2008 06:20 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Hmm, EA Ulm wouldn't be good eats, we're too hairy, and manly to boot, we'd get our loin cloths all up in your mizzle, fizzle.

We also take lessons in street.


atul June 24th, 2008 06:27 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
EA Ulm all manly to boot? That's strange, last time we saw your troops they featured mostly female archers.

...on the other hand, if EA Ulmish women are all manly to boot and hairy, we probably don't want to know.

Word indeed.

Foodstamp June 24th, 2008 10:34 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
I am looking for a sub to cover my turns while I am away on my honeymoon.

Whoever wants to sub for me (Helheim) I will need you to sub from July 4th to July 12th, which should encompass four turns or so.

Thanks http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Xietor June 24th, 2008 10:52 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Fortunately for you Foodstamp, your honeymoon falls over the 4th of July holiday. so you will not miss as many turn as you otherwise would.

Game will be paused July 4, 5, and 6.

atul June 24th, 2008 11:16 AM

Re: Hinnom goes back to sleep
Paused? Could you at least keep the quickhost on, in case people get their turns in? We already had a big holiday (summer equinox) go past without anyone complaining.

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