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Rathar June 24th, 2008 02:51 AM

Re: New turn
1 Attachment(s)
Nor I but I thought it was just me as I can't connect to any dominions server.. I can do everything else internet wise but most annoyingly not dominions and I NEED to get my turn in.. I am going to try to attach my file to this and PM Velusion and hope he can stuff it in the right place.. Sorry if this doesn't work out.. Been trying all day and even my network admin brother in law is lost..

Corwin June 24th, 2008 04:51 AM

Re: New turn

Rathar said:
Nor I but I thought it was just me as I can't connect to any dominions server.. I can do everything else internet wise but most annoyingly not dominions and I NEED to get my turn in.. I am going to try to attach my file to this and PM Velusion and hope he can stuff it in the right place.. Sorry if this doesn't work out.. Been trying all day and even my network admin brother in law is lost..

Same here.

My turn has been ready all day, but I could not connect to the server since this morning, despite trying many times.

I really hope that server is simply down and the timer is not ticking.

AdmiralZhao June 25th, 2008 02:12 AM

Re: New turn
Well, it looks like my third stale is coming up. I guess we all know what Sauromatia's new tactic is. =)

I would quibble with a number of Sauromatia's points, which are made so that he appears weaker than he really is. While Sauromatia is indeed fighting a 4 front war, he is gaining ground on three of those fronts, while holding the Mictlani front steady. Even on the Mictlani front, my forces have taken large losses, both in Tartarians and in Beast Bats and other holy warriors. And many of the provinces Mictlan has nominal control over still have Sauromatian forts on them, forts full of Sauromatian archers and mages. In addition, ownership of the Forge has switched to Sauromatia, which can only be viewed as a dark omen for the Allies. In short, we all have a long way to go before the Sauromatian Menance is crushed, once and for all.

Corwin June 25th, 2008 04:35 AM

Re: New turn

AdmiralZhao said:
Well, it looks like my third stale is coming up.

Yours and mine both. I spend like 4 hours making last turn, and I could not upload it. And I haven't heard anything from our host yet. Has anybody been able to contact Velusion?

I can only hope that the server is down, and that the timer is not ticking.


I would quibble with a number of Sauromatia's points, which are made so that he appears weaker than he really is. While Sauromatia is indeed fighting a 4 front war, he is gaining ground on three of those fronts, while holding the Mictlani front steady. Even on the Mictlani front, my forces have taken large losses, both in Tartarians and in Beast Bats and other holy warriors. And many of the provinces Mictlan has nominal control over still have Sauromatian forts on them, forts full of Sauromatian archers and mages. In addition, ownership of the Forge has switched to Sauromatia, which can only be viewed as a dark omen for the Allies. In short, we all have a long way to go before the Sauromatian Menance is crushed, once and for all.

As for your points - I did not nesseserly disagree with most of what you have said. And I am certainly not throwing a white flag yet. Nevertheless I was quite impressed with your blitzkrig - you have catched up with me in number of provinces in just 2 turns, even considering that I have stalled one of them. Still last turn I have thrown most of my reserves at you, and all I could do was to halt your advance (mostly), not even throw you back, while I still lost the castle and a many more SCs than you did.

I do hope that my Forge may help me, if it will not get dispelled quickly. And I can't wait to see the results of several of my new anti-Mictlan weapons and strategies, assuming I will be able to upload this turn and few next ones.

Basically I feel that the scales of the great war are more or less balanced at this moment (me vs you, Oceania and Marveni), despite our violent clashes all over the map. Graphs seem to confirm it. But with Fomoria's entry to the war on your side, I think I will likely to start losing ground again. But we shall see how it will go.

Corwin June 25th, 2008 10:24 PM

Re: New turn
The server is up and running again. Oceania's turn is the last one left before the next hosting.

Rathar June 26th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: New turn
Thank you for fixing it Velusion!

AlgaeNymph June 26th, 2008 02:31 AM

Re: New turn

Corwin said:
Oceania's turn is the last one left before the next hosting.

Wish I would have found out sooner, I got a stale and Corwin didn't.

Any chance we could roll back? Please?

Then again, my mermage offensive didn't work very well anyway.

Corwin June 26th, 2008 03:17 AM

Re: New turn

DryaUnda said:

Corwin said:
Oceania's turn is the last one left before the next hosting.

Wish I would have found out sooner, I got a stale and Corwin didn't.

How did you manage to stall? The hosting was still 62 hours away when you have submitted your turn. Have you accidently submittrd your turn before completion?

Also my client now freezes on "waiting for game info" message, and having 2 Dom3 windows open doesn't help. Anybody else having this problem?

AlgaeNymph June 26th, 2008 03:38 AM

Re: New turn
I dunno why I staled, it is a mystery. :insert ghost graemlin here:

AdmiralZhao June 26th, 2008 04:07 AM

Re: New turn
Corwin: Yep, I'm having the same problem. It started for me about 45 minutes ago, when I clicked End Turn. Previously I was uploading my moves at about 20 minute intervals, and so long as at least one player hadn't uploaded a turn, it seemed to work ok. The last time I clicked End Turn, DryaUnda had also submitted a turn, and at that point I ran into the freeze problem. Maybe the turn was already processing at that point, even though I was connected to the server? It'll be interesting to see how much of my turn is actually executed. By interesting, I mean potentially maddening. =) My troops are going to look pretty silly if the right SCs don't show up at the right places.

DryaUnda: I think the stale message was left over from the last turn, when you and Formoria staled because we thought it was going to be a 72 hour host rather than a 48 hour host. At least according to the status page (http://www.arsnotoria.net/dominions3...p?game=figment) you've uploaded a turn for this round.

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