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Sombre January 17th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Sir_Dr_D (Post 726724)
I just had some thoughts on middle age Ulm. Are you able to mod the starting sites of a nation. If so would you be able to give ulm a starting site that allows it to collect an extra 100 or so resources per turn? The theme of the nation makes it sound like they should have access to a high resource site.

They already get a resource bonus in all of their forts. This can be changed.

But yes, you could easily give them a site which gives them extra resources in the cap, or add the extra resources to an existing site.

rdonj January 17th, 2010 06:15 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Actually I was just wrong, so thanks for straightening me out.

In other news I have finally figured out how to create new forgeable magical items, although it seems a bit buggy. I couldn't get multiple attacks to work while having a #secondaryeffect or #secondaryeffectalways.

Mardagg January 17th, 2010 06:39 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
ok,i am glad that the stats of the magic items can be changed.:)

I think a lot of items are just off or way-off stat wise, some for thematic reasons,some for balancing.
Instead of changing the gem cost it often might be better to slightly alter the stats instead.
Lets take the brands for example,they are meant to be massable,i.e not very expensive.
Probably better therefore to just lower the damage output for both while keeping the price.That would make them still a great choice vs chaff but they would be considerable weaker vs thugs/SC`s.

what about the following list : ( )=old value

Fire Brand:....4(4) 1(1) 6(12) AP,area effect
Frost Brand:..2(4) 4(2) 12(16) area effect
Wraith Sword:5(2) 6(3) 18(9) Partial Life drain
Hell Sword:...7(3) 0(0) 16(9) Partial LD

If possible to mod,maybe change Damage type from Hell sword to AP instead and make it like 10-12 damage.The berserk effect grants indirect more damage anyways.

With that list,i would keep all prices the same except for the wraith sword which probably should cost 15-20 Death gems.

What do you think?

Mardagg January 17th, 2010 06:43 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
bah,how can i remove the automatic formatting?

Sombre January 17th, 2010 07:09 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 726763)
I couldn't get multiple attacks to work while having a #secondaryeffect or #secondaryeffectalways.

That's weapon modding not item modding!

Mardagg: I suggest you read through the mod manual to find out what is and isn't possible. It will help inform suggestions.

Mardagg January 17th, 2010 07:33 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I just took a quick peak at the modding manual and i think i might understand it slightly better now.
So you cant change those values of existing magic items,just weapons.

You got me confused,since i was referring to the magic item wraith sword and you were telling me,the damage output can be changed..for weapons.Which at that time i wasnt aware of the difference.
So basically,for my changes to work you could either create new weapons and assign these via #weapon <weapon nbr> to the corresponding item,or you could alter the existing weapon.Didnt know before that such a manual exists.Good stuff.

Sombre January 18th, 2010 10:08 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
You are correct sir!

Bravo for taking up the invitation to check the manual out. I think you might be the first person I've suggested that to who actually bothered, rather than continuing to make suggestions without a sense of what was possible.

Zeldor January 18th, 2010 12:35 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Huh, I'm not reading all that discussion, too much of it. I wonder if QM will :P

Nation balance was not a concern earlier, surely not the biggest, but now it's changing. While whole game is now almost fully balanced [still, tarts need smth to be done with them], lack of nation balance is even more apparent. But last CBM already had big changes, so I bet QM wanted to see reaction to that [and it had probably the biggest amount of nation balance in long time]. I know there are some changes for weak nations that did not make into 1.6 but hopefully they will be in 1.7 [like 100% random instead of 10% for EA Ulm Shamans].

kianduatha, Squirrelloid:

No new spells will be added [maybe llamabeasts late game mod if it's great?], so if you have any suggestions, they should be about things like price/research level of national spells; randoms on mages [that can be upped]; prices; unit being cap/non-cap.

kianduatha January 18th, 2010 06:36 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 726886)
kianduatha, Squirrelloid:

No new spells will be added [maybe llamabeasts late game mod if it's great?], so if you have any suggestions, they should be about things like price/research level of national spells; randoms on mages [that can be upped]; prices; unit being cap/non-cap.

Wha? I've never suggested new spells. My suggestions have largely been minor stat changes:

-Jomon's Samurai archers should get 11 def, 11 precision, 11 morale, and if QM is feeling rowdy maybe a Yari instead of a Katana(lowers the resource cost a bit, gives more variety of weapons, keeps them from making normal Samurai obsolete)
-Jomon's Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals should have Naginatas instead of Glaives, if just for theme.

-MA Ulm's Iron Angels' Divine Grasp should be #bonus, and while we're at it Iron Angels should really be 0-encumbrance(and only 4 earth/Conj 7)
-MA Ulm's Guardians should get at least 10 MR.

-Machaka's Hunter Spiders(the big black ones without riders) should get 16 str so their Venomous Fangs match up with the Spider Bite on the original Black Hunters (the normal Great Spiders could be changed too, but those don't matter so much)
-Machakan PD should get priests/casters. My personal preference is towards a Witch Doctor at 1 and a Voice at 20. Some ruckus was made about not having casters at PD 1, but EA Vanheim, EA Helheim, EA Oceania, and MA Oceania(the latter two only on land) have casters at PD 1.

-MA Oceania's Ichtycentaurs and Trident Knights should get hoof attacks, like the Centaur Warriors they're based off of. Maybe give Trident Knights a lance, too, though I'd almost rather just lowering their cost to 75.
-both Triton Kings and Capricorns could afford to get their 10% randoms up to 20 or 25, so you have more than just a freak chance of getting A2 or E2.

-Flaming Arrows should go back down to 1 gem.

-Riches From Beneath should probably be only 4 earth.

Here's a new one, from playing a couple of MP games as underwater nations: give at least Mermages, Slave Mages and (maybe)Mages of the Deep the ability to bring some troops underwater. This prevents the very odd necessity of creating underwater breathing items to move your Bog Beasts/Frost Drakes etc. from your staging ground to your battlefield.

Just as a question, how often do people use/see Amphipteres?

Squirrelloid January 18th, 2010 07:27 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I don't recall specifically requesting new spells either.

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