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Edi October 4th, 2008 01:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
WAD then, since groundpounders must have correct survival to pass the terrain, otherwise movement is limited.

Loren October 4th, 2008 12:36 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 642799)
WAD then, since groundpounders must have correct survival to pass the terrain, otherwise movement is limited.

But why can't the seraph fly above the army as it's marching through the forest? You can't follow a commander because he's 200 feet up in the air???

I don't think WAD is right in this case.

Psycho October 4th, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've had a problem trying to cast flaming arrows through communion. LA Man Magister Arcane as master and 4 more as slaves. Master has F1 and 2 fire gems. Communion should get him up to F3 and gems allow him to cast flaming arrows, but this doesn't happen.

Log shows that he may use gems (mayusegems 1), but the evaluation for spell flaming arrows returns -1. I presume that this means he doesn't have the paths to cast spell, because spells like hand of dust and others he doesn't have paths for return -1 as well.

He does get at F3, because he is able to cast flare. If I teleport in 4 more magisters as slaves he casts flaming arrows.

Is there anything that prevents magic level rise from both the communion and extra gems? Sorry if this is a known issue.

Tifone October 4th, 2008 01:27 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Maybe he considered the battle not worthy to use gems to win, Psycho? My Dragon did the same thing in some of the smaller battles, instead of Cast Flaming Arrows-Change Shape-Fire Enemy Archers as scripted, he used to cast something like fire shield before changing shape, if the army was engaged by little enemy forces - to save gems for more worthy battles, i'd say.

Loren, if I understood your problem correctly, it's working as intended. Armies, with their commanders, always go at the speed of their slowest unit; if you want the Seraph to go above the forest and immediately attack the target, you need another commander to lead the elephants in the forest the first turn, and to the target the second one. Armies don't move without commanders or to different (even half-way) provinces - so, yes they need to be "babysitted" (led? :happy:), and yes WAD I think.

Psycho October 4th, 2008 01:41 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The enemy army is worthy the spell. It's a SP simulation. Mayusegems = 1. With four more commanders on my side and the same enemy army the spell is cast.

Tifone October 4th, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Oh, wait. I may be horribly wrong (so I should better not talk probably :D) but I may try a guess. The communion brings your communion master to F3 and he has just 2 gems... to get to F4 he needs a gem, but possibly other 2 are required to cast the spell as required by the 200 fatigue and he has just 1 now? So maybe it works when you add 4 more slaves because now he has F4 and he uses the 2 gems to cast the spell normally. See if adding the 4 more slaves when he has cast Flaming Arrows he has gems left or not.

Psycho October 4th, 2008 02:31 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Flaming arrows is 100 fatigue and requires one gem.

Tifone October 4th, 2008 03:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Oh, sorry again. It's 200 fatigue with CBM 1.3 mod only so. I thought it could have been the case.

Psycho October 4th, 2008 03:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Nope, it's a game with no mods

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2008 03:52 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Alright. Let me just tell you what the deal is before this thread runs any further down this track.

Your effective level for casting the spell is 3 via communion, but your mage is still only a fire 1 caster. As stated in the book you can only use as many gems for a spell as you have in actual skill level. Your mage can only use one gem at a time for this reason.

Research Phoenix Power to get the boost you need.


Psycho October 4th, 2008 04:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
No, when communioned up to F4 he uses both gems when casting the spell.

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2008 04:04 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Loren, Edi might not remember that Bandar Logs elephants have forest survival. Like I said, if you admit to having monkey PD then you might have a case. Could you please submit the turn file for me to examine.

Zeldor October 4th, 2008 04:07 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's a good idea to give 1 more gem than needed to casters, sometimes they want to get more for lowering fatigue and refuse to cast some spells, even if able so [but ones that would give them a lot of fatigue].

Psycho October 4th, 2008 04:17 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
He won't cast it with 3 gems either. Spends them on fire flies instead.

Tifone October 4th, 2008 04:34 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Fire Flies? the F1 Evo 0 20 fatigue spell? He uses gems for that?

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If there is a bug it's that he's using 2 gems when communioned fire 4/actual fire 1, not that he can't cast the spell at communioned fire 3/actual fire 1.

I would assume that a check is missing post-success in meeting the conditional for casting the spell based on actual caster skill.

Psycho October 4th, 2008 05:50 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Your actual level doesn't determine how many gems you may use, but the level gained with all the buffs such as phoenix power, items and communions (even if the manual states otherwise).

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2008 05:54 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Instead of waiting for Loren I decided to test the scenario myself. Here are the details:

-Map: Cradle of Dominion
-Friendly provinces located in 46, 29, and 28
-Province 29 is a forest, no other terrain tags
-Bandar Log Elephants with forest survival located in 46
-Bandar Noble with forest survival located in 46
-Manticor Pretender with flying (no survival) located in 46
-Bandar Noble can lead Elephants to 28 via 29
-Manticore can not lead Elephants to 28
-Manticore can travel to 28 by himself

See attached file for confirmation.

Tifone October 5th, 2008 03:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Mmh, yeah. That seems annoying

Loren October 5th, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 642951)
Loren, Edi might not remember that Bandar Logs elephants have forest survival. Like I said, if you admit to having monkey PD then you might have a case. Could you please submit the turn file for me to examine.

Yes, it was bander log. I don't have the turn file anymore.

Edi October 6th, 2008 09:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
EDIT: Yes, in that case it's not WAD. If the groundpounders have forest survival, then it's a bug and may run afoul of something that checks that stackmove != flying, therefore does entire stack have forestsurvival and if not, then mapmove 1. I'll ask Johan about that.

Adept October 7th, 2008 06:54 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
A partholonian sorceress of mine (Fomori) got diseased. She was and is wearing a shroud of the battle saint, that gives her regeneration (N4E4D9 blessing). She is diseased alright, but her hitpoints aren't dropping at all, nor is she getting new afflictions.

JimMorrison October 8th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
2 Attachment(s)
I find all the fun bugs! :D

This is from the game that ChrisPedersen sent in because of the movement bug. IIRC, both of these were summoned last turn, so they weren't pre-existing, they were created like this.

(EDIT - Just to clarify, the Kokythiad whould be 3W3D, and the Spectre should have 1D + 2x100%WESD.)

Edi October 8th, 2008 01:24 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 643824)
I find all the fun bugs! :D

This is from the game that ChrisPedersen sent in because of the movement bug. IIRC, both of these were summoned last turn, so they weren't pre-existing, they were created like this.

(EDIT - Just to clarify, the Kokythiad whould be 3W3D, and the Spectre should have 1D + 2x100%WESD.)

This is a known issue and there isn't anything that can be done about it. The game you are in has hit the commander limit or is close to it, so whenever new commanders are recruited or summoned, they get the unique ID of some other commander who died on the same turn and since the ID is immediately put to use again, it isn't sitting idle for one or more turns and doesn't therefore get reset. So looks like the spectral mage got the ID of a basic priest or some other H1 unit and the Kokythiad seems like having the ID of a Sidhe Champion.

This problem was far greater with Dominions 2 with the lower unit and commander limits, but the limits for Dom3 are somewhere in the vicinity of 150k units and 9k commanders after the last patch before this problem crops up.

licker October 8th, 2008 10:41 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

I'm still losing the commander windows when playing my MP games, and support hasn't looked at my ticket in over a week.

Does this happen to anyone else??!?

I load the game, and everything comes up fine, but after issuing a couple of commands the commander windows disappear and I can't get them back. I can cycle using 'n' but can't see the commander other than through 't', which doesn't help that much :p

I have to repeatedly exit dom3 and restart it (which fortunately doesn't take too long, but still...) eventually the windows stick.

I rarely see this happen in my SP test games fwiw...

Ornedan October 12th, 2008 03:53 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by licker (Post 643936)

I'm still losing the commander windows when playing my MP games, and support hasn't looked at my ticket in over a week.

Does this happen to anyone else??!?

I load the game, and everything comes up fine, but after issuing a couple of commands the commander windows disappear and I can't get them back. I can cycle using 'n' but can't see the commander other than through 't', which doesn't help that much :p

I have to repeatedly exit dom3 and restart it (which fortunately doesn't take too long, but still...) eventually the windows stick.

I rarely see this happen in my SP test games fwiw...

This happened to me a few times in 3.17. Hasn't happened after upgrading to 3.20.
But it is happening in 3.20 to a player in a game I'm hosting.

I could provide the save files for that game if it would help? Can also ask him to do a debugmode log.

Would be nice to get this fixed, since it plays merry hell with actually getting any playing done if someone is suffering from this every 1.5 games or so.

Edi October 12th, 2008 04:22 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Then that someone should come forth on their own, create a support ticket and maybe give some details as to where they got the game. People who have that precise problem generally get zero or negative sympathy on the forums for a good reason and if you dig around, you may even find the reason why.

DrNietzsche October 14th, 2008 11:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Recently switched PCs to one with Vista. Most of my games worked fine after a little tinkering, and Dominions 3 runs fine in and of itself. The issue? Mods. I can't seem to activate them. Up to date patches..so what could be the issue?

konming October 16th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Found a new (or existing for a long time?) bug. When castle is under siege, you can cancel any unfinished unit production and get the money back. But when you save the game by hitting end turn or save and quit, the unit production is reinstated but the gold remains. This will trigger cheat detection when the turn hosts.

konming October 16th, 2008 11:26 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I should have read the short list more carefully. The bug was reported. :(

thejeff October 16th, 2008 12:09 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've got a Skratti thug refusing to cast Breath of Winter.
He's scripted to Quicken Self, Breath of Winter, attack
Several others cast it without problem.
He either casts something else or just closes to attack.
The main difference is that I've given him Lifelong Protection. Is it possible he's refusing to cast because of the imps?
I think there was a change in BoW behavior to avoid casting it unscripted, since it would often wipe out other nearby mages, but I'd hope that wouldn't override a scripted order.

Here's the relevant bits from the debug log:
com Fafner cast spell (favspell Breath of Winter) (mayusegems 1)
est. choices 15
BOW before 17
best Area10 cold dmg3 this far, 6 16 (-66 pnts)
spellscore, Area10 cold dmg3 score -66 (boost 104 scorat 0)
BOW after -49
spellscore, Breath of Winter score -49 (boost 115 scorat 0)
Eval: Breath of Winter score 0 (fat 20)
comp_castspell: eval Breath of Winter result 0

It gets a negative score, presumably due to hurting the imps?
It doesn't add in the favspell bonus, which seems wrong to me.

JimMorrison October 16th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 646102)
I think there was a change in BoW behavior to avoid casting it unscripted, since it would often wipe out other nearby mages, but I'd hope that wouldn't override a scripted order.

Well, recently I had a mage kill another with BoW. And a couple of days ago, I had an idiot Spectre wipe out my entire communion by casting BoW as a Master.

thejeff October 16th, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Actually a Communion Master casting BoW should work well. All the slaves should pick up the cold resistance as well as the Chill aura. Other mages or masters could be hurt, but the slaves should be fine. If not, that's a real bug.

Beyond that though, if they're still casting it unscripted, the AI certainly shouldn't overwrite my thug's script.

JimMorrison October 16th, 2008 01:33 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The CR is not permanent, as per the spell description, they are resistant to cold "while casting". Regardless of whether one might hope that it was good for a communion, it really did kill all of my slaves very very quickly.

thejeff October 16th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Every time I've cast it, the caster has gotten +100% cold resistance for the battle. Puts my Frostbrand equipped Skratti up to 250% :)

If that's not happening in communions, it's a problem.

thejeff October 16th, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I just tested this. Communion slaves picked up both Chill effect and Cold resistance for the entire battle, as I expected.
Is it possible your masters just cast enough high fatigue spells to kill the slaves? Or cast something else that lowers cold resistance? I know Stoneskin drops CR by 50.

thejeff October 16th, 2008 04:44 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
And back on my original problem, the debug output when one of the other thugs does cast Breath of Winter is:

com Oddvitner cast spell (favspell Breath of Winter) (mayusegems 1)
est. choices 23
BOW before 18
best Area10 cold dmg3 this far, 6 7 (0 pnts)
spellscore, Area10 cold dmg3 score 0 (boost 119 scorat 0)
BOW after 18
spellscore, Breath of Winter score 15 (boost 106 scorat 0)
Eval: Breath of Winter score 15 (fat 10)
comp_castspell: eval Breath of Winter result 15
best spell so far Breath of Winter (score100015)

I also tried it with a Starspawn next to illithids. He wouldn't cast it either.
I'm glad if it won't be cast unscripted, but if it's scripted I'd like to see it allowed.

Endoperez October 16th, 2008 05:25 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Could it be that the spell won't be cast unless there's someone in the AoE? It seemed to do damage calculations when evaluating whether or not to cast the spell. Try adding some militia nearby and see if it works then.

I doubt it's that, because I'm sure people would've noticed if lone thugs couldn't cast Breath of Winter.

thejeff October 16th, 2008 05:48 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
No, the other thugs cast fine without anyone nearby. It seems it won't cast if there are (non cold immune?) friendlies in range.

chrispedersen October 16th, 2008 10:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The spell selection kind of cheats.
It runs the spell - analyzes all possible results
and then selects the best results to figure out which spell to cast.

So, if you kill a bunch of friendsly, thats going to deprecate the spell.

So, with imps, usually what happens is they go and fly off and engage the enemy.

I bet if you script something like
After all the imps are gone, it will cast it just fine. (Presuming fatigue, no close by enemies etc.).


thejeff October 17th, 2008 08:25 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Not to helpful for Lifelong protection, since it keeps making Imps.

Since it's a thug, Quicken Self, Attack, Attack, Attack, BoW, might be worth trying. It might cast if there are more enemies than friendlies around him.

But it's not just a deprecation. My best guess from the log is No enemies hurt :0, Some allies hurt: -value. Since the result is negative, the spell is forbidden. The 100,000 bonus for being scripted isn't added in. If it was, 100,000 - 49 would be far above any other spellscore.

chrispedersen October 18th, 2008 09:52 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Gugner the Jotun hero, monster 2845. Text lists golden armor. However, he actually has no armor, and instead has two shields. And an iron cap.

CBM 1.3 is enabled.

chrispedersen October 18th, 2008 10:04 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Hydra 1839,

lists twice the regeneration of the earlier forms, (12hp regen) but doesn't actually regenerate in battle

chrispedersen October 18th, 2008 11:37 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Also, the hydra tamer says its the only unit that can catch and tame - however any unit can actually lead the hydras.

usually the catch and tame verbiage does restrict - aka see abysia's fire drakes.

AreaOfEffect October 18th, 2008 11:48 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646679)
Also, the hydra tamer says its the only unit that can catch and tame - however any unit can actually lead the hydras.

usually the catch and tame verbiage does restrict - aka see abysia's fire drakes.

The catching and taming part is simply flavor text. Beside catching and taming has nothing to do with leading. Once tamed (recruited), any unit with leadership can move them.

The Beast Tamer of Abysia can lead Salamanders because he has magic leadership. Again, the taming and training in the text is just for flavor. Any unit with magic leadership can lead the salamanders. There isn't some specially coded leadership with these units.

All leadership breaks down to regular, undead, or magic.

Edi October 19th, 2008 05:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646663)
Gugner the Jotun hero, monster 2845. Text lists golden armor. However, he actually has no armor, and instead has two shields. And an iron cap.

CBM 1.3 is enabled.

Vanilla Dom3 units end somewhere a little below 2100. That's a mod problem, not a Dom3 problem.

Edi October 19th, 2008 09:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The illwinter email address where files can be sent has been added (in broken format) to the bug shortlist opening post. But if you do send files there, detailed descriptions. And if you're playing with mod games, the mod files and everything else necessary as well. Use zip format when packing things. Kristoffer at least does not use rar at all and I'm not certain if Johan does either.

chrispedersen October 19th, 2008 11:18 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 646680)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646679)
Also, the hydra tamer says its the only unit that can catch and tame - however any unit can actually lead the hydras.

usually the catch and tame verbiage does restrict - aka see abysia's fire drakes.

The catching and taming part is simply flavor text. Beside catching and taming has nothing to do with leading. Once tamed (recruited), any unit with leadership can move them.

The Beast Tamer of Abysia can lead Salamanders because he has magic leadership. Again, the taming and training in the text is just for flavor. Any unit with magic leadership can lead the salamanders. There isn't some specially coded leadership with these units.

All leadership breaks down to regular, undead, or magic.

A couple of comments.

It might be flavor - but the hydra tamers never get built - so what flavor is that?

Second, if the bugs in hydra regeneration get worked out, sauromatia becomes a little bit stronger. I mean, poison, multi headed, nasty temper - and it took the greatest hero in Great Mythology to slay *one*. I think it should require magical leadership. And it balances Sauromatia just a little.

lch October 19th, 2008 12:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646667)
Hydra 1839,

lists twice the regeneration of the earlier forms, (12hp regen) but doesn't actually regenerate in battle

Are you sure about that? I just placed her on a battlefield with the Shift+U command for testing, but she regenerated just fine for me that way. She won't regrow any heads, of course, only up to the 40 HP that she has. Even as a secondshape from unit number 1838.

chrispedersen October 20th, 2008 12:23 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
No, I'm not sure Ich. Now that I retry it, it seems to regen for me as well. But I was sure the base hydra was sitting at 36 hp (vs the 40 its supposed to have).

But even if it is being technically correct, can this really be whats intended?


Form 1: X heads. 6Hp 6 reg
Form 2: X-1 head 6hp 6 reg
Form 3: X-2 heads 6hp 6 reg
Form4: X-Y heads 40 hp, 12 reg

So every time the hydra takes 6 points of damage - it wacks off a head, which *willnot* regenerate.

The only use for the regenerate is if the hydra takes less than 6pts of damage.

So, more or less most of the time, the only time a hydra regenerates is when its down to 40 hp or less.

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