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Korosuke November 6th, 2006 03:05 PM

Re: Bug thread
Tien Chi Immortal with the iron crotch died of a disease in a friendly dominion and stood dead. lol

BluSteel November 6th, 2006 06:54 PM

Re: Bug thread
Thanks thejeff. That worked great.

Now, why am I no longer able to go to fullscreen after I patch?

Peter Ebbesen November 6th, 2006 08:04 PM

Re: Bug thread
C'tis Miasma in 3.01 applies the -5% income/dominion, which is supposed to affect other nations, to C'tis. This makes the nation unplayable except for masochists, who are presumably only a small part of the market.

Arralen November 6th, 2006 08:51 PM

Re: Bug thread

Blofeld said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Mournful of LA Atlantis are depicted with shields, yet they don't get them
They are armed with halberds, but assorted Shamblers (war shamblers, coral guards, mother guards) get huge coral glaives along with turtle shields.
It might be that coral glaives are one-handed code-wise and mournful's 2-h halberds override the shields

No override - they would need a "Bone Shield", which simply seems not to exist.

Here's a quick fix - copy into mournfulfix.dm and drop into your mod directory:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
#modname "Fix: Mournful, Atlantis(LA)"
#description "Gives Atlantis' Mournful the missing Bone Shield"
#version 0.01
#domversion 3.01

-- ATLANTIS, Frozen Sea (LA) --
-- missing shield for Atlantis (LA)
#newarmor 200
#name "Bone Shield"
#type 4
#prot 12
#def 3
#enc 1
#rcost 2

* Mournful * - FIX
#selectmonster 1703
#armor "Bone Cuirass"
#armor "Bone Helmet"
#armor "Bone Shield"
</pre><hr />

AMF November 7th, 2006 02:33 AM

Re: Bug thread
Am I doing something wrong? I conquered a coastal region that allowed me to recruit tritons and triton commanders. I did. The commander drowned the next turn. Seems wrong to me...has anyone else had this problem? I am using the 3.01 patch.


Endoperez November 7th, 2006 02:42 AM

Re: Bug thread

AMF said:
Am I doing something wrong? I conquered a coastal region that allowed me to recruit tritons and triton commanders. I did. The commander drowned the next turn. Seems wrong to me...has anyone else had this problem? I am using the 3.01 patch.

Tritons are aquatic. The bug is that they are recruitable on land.

Boldened for visibility.

calmon November 7th, 2006 09:13 AM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
In my 3.01 Testgame i just want to try out an Awe Pretender

I don't know why but when using F3 (Hall of Fame) There are 3(!!!) Arco Pretenders (my nation) in the Top 10, 2 of them are Virtues (which i chose) and 1 is a Mother of Serpents. I can click on each of the 3 Prtenders and got detailed inforamtions, but only 1 can be found on the board (the true one)

Very weird.

I attach my save game zip.

PhilD November 7th, 2006 09:51 AM

Re: Bug thread

AMF said:
Am I doing something wrong? I conquered a coastal region that allowed me to recruit tritons and triton commanders. I did. The commander drowned the next turn. Seems wrong to me...has anyone else had this problem? I am using the 3.01 patch.


I'm pretty sure I had this several times too (in 3.00). Was the province initially defended by Kappas? This was my experience - when an independent province has Kappas as defenders, the poptype there lets you recruit tritons instead, who will "drown" instantly.

thejeff November 7th, 2006 10:19 AM

Re: Bug thread
I've got the same no fullscreen problem. I'd assumed it was a consequence of the fix to some of the Windows GUI issues.

I've just been playing in a maximized window, but it's still irritating.

Did full screen mode go away on Windows too?

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] No full screen mode in Linux.

Theophile November 7th, 2006 01:47 PM

Re: Bug thread
Tien Chi EA : Ancestors from the Call Ancestors spell are Holy but are never blessed ! (same as Sauromatia)


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