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revenant2 July 2nd, 2012 02:36 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 807557)
1) It sounds like everyone is about ready to concede. I know the writing is on the wall, but I'd like a few turns of fighting with Ermor to try to test some things and learn some things. If others want to turn AI that is fine, but I'll stick it out a bit longer.

Excellent. We have a few things we'd like to try out as well since you're one of the few nations (besides Marignon) that we haven't fought yet.

By the way, I'm giving notice to Atlantis that Bone Daddy's hordes will be attacking him this turn since it's obvious that an attack is imminent from him. However, we'll refrain from attacking if he still wants to be bound by the terms of the NAP.

revenant2 July 2nd, 2012 03:10 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 807557)
2) I found it amusing how LL kept insisting I was the main threat based on research and 1 battle while it was painfully obvious that Ermor was conquering the world. Everytime I tried to point out that Ermor was the main threat I'd hear from LL and Shardphoenix about how easy it would be to beat Ermor. Well, we see how that turned ou.t

I think in the majority of the games those guys would have been right, but in a large map with borders, i.e., no wrapping, and no scoring, it gives additional time and protection for Ermor to grow in power to the point where a lot of those tactics become less effective.

Also, many of those tactics that were touted, e.g., Undead Mastery, are difficult to research and require a fair amount of preparation to setup, which most nations are going to be reluctant to pursue when they have other wars going on. If you can pull it off, then great, but it's not a magic bullet and there are always counters to the counters.

mattyburn7 July 2nd, 2012 03:14 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Yes. The map definetly helped in this case. Of course it also created a situation for me where I could expand and get way ahead in research. So it worked for me in the early game and worked against me in the mid-game when I was best positioned to check (had access to spells that would have been devestating to chaff) you but had no way to get my armies near you.

revenant2 July 2nd, 2012 10:23 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 807557)
I finally have time to chime in a bit. Couple thoughts/points

3) There was a somewhat long thread on the main forums page about NAPs. The consensus seems to be there is no consensus. Some players think its perfectly acceptable to move 20 stealthy armies into every province during a NAP, cancel, then spring a huge Alpha. Others would be appalled by that. My view tends to be the strictest form. No spies, so stealthy armies (only scouts allowed), no "offensive globals" (like UD) although I think dispels, etc. would be ok. Perhaps in future games, players should be encouraged to define the details of the NAP when they make them. I see lots of areas of potential conflicts.

I know this horse has been beaten to death, but I can't resist to get in one more kick:

To underscore one of your points, I totally agree that in a Machiavellian diplomatic game with no defined NAP that players are going to have varying ideas of what constitutes an agreement.

However, due to the depth of the game it might be difficult to hash out a comprehensive agreement without a lot of work and not without sounding very lawyer-like.

Unless someone in the community comes up with a precise definition of what constitutes a NAP (which is highly doubtful based on what Matty noticed) I think that anyone playing under this model will need to be accepting that these situations are going to occur and that NAPs are open to interpretation.

Personally, I think invasions, remote assassinations, and remote attacks, e.g., Fires from Afar, are gross violations of a NAP and reflect unhonorably upon the violator. However, if you're violating the NAP because your opponent is doing something hostile or even potentially hostile such as casting a destructive enchant, building up a possible invasion force on your border, or even sending in scouts, etc, then you have Causi Belli to launch your own attack. Everything else is fair game -- including anonymous actions, e.g., dispel, although if they find out and interpret your action as hostile then be prepared to face the consequences.

I'm mentioning this in case I play with any of you guys in the future so you know where I stand.

Scout infiltration might be a bit controversial, but even if they don't cause too much damage when found (and I have first hand experience they can depending on the layout of the forces -- play a game as MA Ermor with all their Nether Dart spam and chaff and you'll see) they are gathering valuable intelligence that serves primarily one purpose: to plan an attack. In some other games I've been in players will send a friendly message asking for permission to let them move scouts through their territory.

In this game, I didn't make a big deal about Atlantis's scouts since I wasn't eager to start a war with him at the time, although it spurred me to send in my own scouts. However, if the situation was different, I would have been justified to use it as a pretext to war.

Note: I don't think it's wrong to spy on people you have NAPs with -- just be prepared to handle the consequences if they are caught.

Russian_Comrade July 3rd, 2012 01:46 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 807577)

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 807557)
1) It sounds like everyone is about ready to concede. I know the writing is on the wall, but I'd like a few turns of fighting with Ermor to try to test some things and learn some things. If others want to turn AI that is fine, but I'll stick it out a bit longer.

Excellent. We have a few things we'd like to try out as well since you're one of the few nations (besides Marignon) that we haven't fought yet.

By the way, I'm giving notice to Atlantis that Bone Daddy's hordes will be attacking him this turn since it's obvious that an attack is imminent from him. However, we'll refrain from attacking if he still wants to be bound by the terms of the NAP.

Well, you may attack me anytime, you already broken NAP with UD and while my forces are not in thier positions it is of little importance juset now.


Yes. The map definetly helped in this case. Of course it also created a situation for me where I could expand and get way ahead in research. So it worked for me in the early game and worked against me in the mid-game when I was best positioned to check (had access to spells that would have been devestating to chaff) you but had no way to get my armies near you.
No wrapping is bad bad bad. Normally you are going to have at least three nations working against LA Ermor in the early game, this time we had two. And players in corners have great advantadge. It is possible to limit the effects of that problems with very careful map design, but it is not a trivial.

About scouts and casus belli: if you are concerned about someones scouts you may talk to that player about it. To deaclare war if someone sent a scout or two to your territory is not a good thing.

Casting Utterdark is the same thing to say "World, I want to bugger you and I'm doing this rrrrright now." I can't understand how this may even possibly lie in the gray area, sorry.

Shardphoenix July 3rd, 2012 09:47 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

they are gathering valuable intelligence that serves primarily one purpose: to plan an attack.
Or they just keep an eye on you to ensure, that you`re not preparing to backstab.
I always do it, for example.
BTW, I was planning an early attack against Bogarus... Mainly for the reason I couldn`t move my scouts to the west, past his capitol. But then Parone started threating me - and became №1 priority target.

mattyburn7 July 3rd, 2012 10:08 AM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Next time ask and I'll pause patrol for a turn or 2 so you can sneak by.

I really was convinced you were going to attack me sooner or later. With the way LL was going on and you agreeing with him (and having each of you on each side). I always had to keep at least 1/2 my army facing you. It really slowed down my attack on Marignon.

Shardphoenix July 3rd, 2012 01:20 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Well, having super-fast research, not needing anything but scales and AND simargl patrollers on top of that makes Bogarus one of LA`s biggest powerhouses (if not THE biggest in Ermor`s absence). Easy access to soulcontracts helps too, OFC. So, you cannot blame me for that. :)
BTW, next time limit yourself to magic-1. Your best researchers (Starets and master of names) have sage bonus, so magic-3 isn`t too effective on them.

mattyburn7 July 3rd, 2012 01:29 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Thanks for the tip on the magic. I should move those points elsewhere...and nope don't blame you one bit. Just was surprised not to be attacked!!

And like I Said before the map really helped me early. I was able to expand way south, not too much east(because we bumped into each other), but nevertheless I was able to get a great early jump with crap troops and a dormant pretender.

I think by turn 20 I probably had 6 forts and was way ahead on research. Unfortunately I got overcautious expecting to get double-teamed and got into a war that took wayyyy too long and moved me away from the Ermor action. It was a fun learning experience. Unfortunately every other game I've played with Bogarus since this I have either gotten caught into an early war or hemmed in and had trouble expanding.

parone July 3rd, 2012 04:31 PM

Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
shard, me thinks that is not accurate. i was at war with abysia when you attacked me-i didn't threaten you! you said you were going to attack and so i threatened to kill every one of your men you moved across the bridge(a threat i failed to execute).

anyway, i think i will eventually win this game now that my cap has been liberated. big mistake bone daddy.

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