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Foodstamp May 22nd, 2008 11:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
HoneyBadger is definitely a guy. He mentioned his RL several times in the past, but considering the times we live in, who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!

chrispedersen May 22nd, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I know, believe me I know. = )

Amhazair May 23rd, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Foodstamp said:
I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!


Jazzepi May 23rd, 2008 09:35 AM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection

Foodstamp said:
HoneyBadger is definitely a guy. He mentioned his RL several times in the past, but considering the times we live in, who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

I am willing to trade helheim for a combination of two inferior nations!


Admiral Ackbar knows when it's a trap.


Xietor May 24th, 2008 12:41 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
If the Patch does not come out over memorial day weekend(by day's end Monday), we will take steps to move forward with the game starting on June 1 and we will just patch when it comes out.

I think Coobe wanted to trade his new race in for Midguard anyway. That leaves only 1 player who will have to select a new race from an admittedly small pool of remaining races.

In the event Dryunda does not like Blood races, LA Abysia and LA Mictlan are the only 2 races left(and EA Pangaea who with no turmoil scale available is crippled), then I will see if I can add some sort of fun "bonus" to EA Pangaea that may make it fun for him to play even with no free spawn.

However, I have no earthly idea what sort of fun bonus it may be, so do not pick EA Pangaea thinking you will go from the worst to best race overnight.

DaveCG May 24th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
Man, I know I'm new and all, but I really can't wait for this, it's shaping up to be great, you watch I'll end up falling flat on my face, oh well.

Thanks to the great community though I've gotten some good ideas on how to use EA Ulm, I can't wait to try some more MP games now.

Anyway, the point of my post was this, I take it we're waiting on the new patch before we start?

Also, regarding talking to other players I've been reading the lets play over on SA, and it seems like people use things like AIM and MSN etc to talk, other than the main system in game, is this looked down on? is it allowed in this game?

Anyway, I know my next question would be better served by posting in the general area, but I've started here, so I'll finish here.

Could anyone advice me on play EA Ulm? I've heard things like "get blades of wind the E4?3? spell" and not to really go for magic, being as ulm aren't great at it, just to mass troops early, I've been playing SP with my pretender and ulm, just trying to get a feel for it, and I must say I think I'm going to get eaten.

Anyway, any advice or help or anything, such as a "Shut up Dave" would be helpful/hurtful, thanks for reading and hoping to hear how I can end the would as DaveGG(wish I'd named him Crom now..) and my kick *** Conan, whom I'm sure someone will mind hunt to make me cry.

-EDIT- Dammit, while I was writting you posted Xie, phooey now I look silly....er....

Xietor May 24th, 2008 01:06 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
I think any form of communication is fine. If I am not mistaken, 2 of the players are actually brothers(forget which 2, which is dumb on my part and likely why i find myself fighting uphill numbers most of the time).

The only thing I ask, and I have no mechanism to enforce it, so it is just an honor thing, is that no players make alliances or "deals" before the game starts.

For instance, I am friendly with Llamabeast. Never met him in real life, or even instant messaged him. But we teamed up in a mp game once and it worked out well.

So say I am playing a strong research race like MA Ctis. And say he is playing a race with lots of n gems like EA Pangaea. And I say to llamabeast before the game , I will take a 5n pretender and race straight to alt 5 and cast mother oak. if you give me 50 n gems I will split the return with you(or something along those lines).

That is a type of pregame deal i think is unfair to other players. And it is banned-though as i said I will not make any effort to enforce such a ban as it is beyond my ability.

So it will just have to be an honor type thing, and if you are a type of player that can feel a sense of achievement winning with an unfair advantage over other players, then that is between you and your conscience-and you have my sympathy.


Of course if you are really treacherous, you make a deal with llamabeast's neighbor to kill him off, so you get the gems to cast mother oak and have no one to split the spoils with! How would an honest guy like me even think of something like that? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

coobe May 24th, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
so i can prepare my pretender for midgard ?

Xanatos May 24th, 2008 02:05 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
can i be late ermor?

Xietor May 24th, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: Mega Age II -Kingmaker(full) Race selection
so i can prepare my pretender for midgard ?

Yes. You are officially the Skinshifters! They are quite potent.

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