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GrudgeBringer April 8th, 2010 07:12 PM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
First...We have a 72 hour extension for Xanatos...

Second...Who the H*** is casting Armmegedon!!!

I have been on here 2 years and have never seen that cast.:(

Xanatos April 8th, 2010 09:01 PM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
I've never heard of that spell, or seen it, can everyone cast it?

Whomever is doing it, wants to do it multiple times, I think they are either going to try and starve the world out (because they have all undead or something) or something to that extent, I have no doubts we will see 2 more next turn.

Thanks for the delay, I am on a different machine now that has no dominions on it, or disk drive to install it. Hoping to have the other machine back in 2 days.

rdonj April 9th, 2010 12:03 AM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
Everyone can cast it, yes. Armageddons are cast via the Wish spell. So that is 200 pearls spent in one turn. This game seems to be running without cbm, so the likely candidate for a wish caster is someone who has a lot of gem income and a lot of clams, who either has fairly high hp units or has the gems to forge armor for every single mage they have. Being a nation that does not "need" gold also helps make it easier, but again, having a strong gem economy allows you to mostly ignore the income loss, especially if you have all research done.

Grudge - it's not exactly 40% of the population. It's 20% of 80% of the population... which is... more like 34%? My math is probably wrong. Anyway, each successive armageddon does less economic damage than the last.

Sensori April 9th, 2010 02:45 AM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
My guess is it's the nation that I heard is getting dogpiled by a bunch of others, who most likely doesn't have the HP on his mages/commanders for them to live through Armageddons. So they'd have to be armored through items, or then that nation lost a bunch of mages. There's only one giant nation left in the game, and I don't see the player of that nation having any inclination to do so. What with not having full research (thus not probably even having the ability) and likely being somewhat reliant on blood, which is the only magic path severely hurt by Armageddons.

Luckily for me though, Ulm's mages come with some armor out of the box, so my losses there were quite conservative. I think I lost more silly ape archers than anything else. :p Only really bad thing is that if this keeps up, I'll be running out of gold, and soon after I'll be running out of regular troops (like everyone else).

Xanatos April 10th, 2010 11:42 AM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
ok, i have installed dom3 on another pc now, it has windows 7.

first, I cannot seem to make the savedgames folder appear in the dominions directory, even after making a game and saving it, no savedgames folders appear (though they DO show up in the game itself to play)

any suggestions on this?

also which patches does this game run again?

Gregstrom April 11th, 2010 04:46 AM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
Latest Dom3 patch is on the game's page on the Shrapnel website. You only need that one.

Savegame folders appear somewhere wierd in Win7 when you install to Program Files. Search for .trn files and something might turn up, perhaps.

Xanatos April 11th, 2010 12:23 PM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
im not sure HOW to search on windows 7, i cant find a search feature.

Xanatos April 11th, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
wow 7 is a real POS...i found search, but i cant find any saved games folder.

the only .trn files are in tutdata, which i think are the game si made to see if i could create a saved folder when i first installed it on this machine...no saved game folder and i dont know how to open up the .trn file to play the turn.

Xanatos April 11th, 2010 12:51 PM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
i have cbm/worthy heroes dl'd as well now, we need worthy heroes on this game - but i dont know how to get the files to the right folder on win7

Sensori April 13th, 2010 09:14 AM

Re: David & Goliath - Running noob game
Why does it pretty much always end up so that the guy who the extension was given for ends up not being the last guy uploading his turn. :confused: I really don't get it. Just because the host extended the time you can make your turn in, it doesn't mean that people who didn't need the extension have to upload at the last minute. :(

The only reason I can come up with is that people are prone to procrastination.

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