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Singularity24601 November 16th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
There are situations where if a battle occurs in a province, any gladiators in that province will disappear after the battle, even if they didn't participate in the battle... I'll need to do more experiments to get the specifics.

HoneyBadger November 16th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't think this has been mentioned before, but if so, it's worth mentioning again:

With the regular druid-the guy that summons extra vine men/ogres, the Ivy Crown does *not* stack with this power. I'm pretty sure this is a balancing act, left over from Dom2, but there's no documentation explaining this, or rhyme or reason for it, in the Dom3. It would be a nice ability, if the Ivy Crown *did* stack (it might go a ways to restoring vine ogres to greater usefulness in the game, if it were) -or if there were atleast some thematic explanation for it, atleast. If I remember correctly, he's not actually *wearing* an Ivy Crown.

lch November 16th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Does it stack with others, though, like the Animist, Treelord or Ivy King? That would make no sense. Otherwise it would be a lesser bug that might be easier to fix.

HoneyBadger November 16th, 2008 08:18 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't have a way to check, Ich. Sorry. It's just something that I happened to remember.

thejeff November 16th, 2008 10:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Single troops can be set to Guard commander. But I don't think they count for "Stay behind troops". So in this case, the Commander and his guards would both follow up right behind the hydras.

Guarding archers also don't shoot, which is annoying.

chrispedersen November 17th, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 653452)
Single troops can be set to Guard commander. But I don't think they count for "Stay behind troops". So in this case, the Commander and his guards would both follow up right behind the hydras.

Guarding archers also don't shoot, which is annoying.

Sort of required. Else why not make all archers guard?

Illuminated One November 17th, 2008 12:51 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
No, I think thejeff means it that way:

If the enemy is in range they should shoot but they wont move away to shoot at an enemy they can't reach otherwise. Which would be really cool.

vfb November 17th, 2008 12:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by lch (Post 653432)
Does it stack with others, though, like the Animist, Treelord or Ivy King? That would make no sense. Otherwise it would be a lesser bug that might be easier to fix.

Treelords and Ivy Kings can't wear hats! :)

And when I put an Ivy Crown on the Master Druid (the one on foot), he goes from Ivy Lord (2) to Ivy Lord (3), and gets 3 extra vine men per cast instead of 2.

If you give him a Treelord Staff, he summons even more.

Loren November 17th, 2008 02:02 AM

A very simple feature request
I'm playing with a mod race with nice assassins and I have come to hate a stupid little flaw in the game:

You get no message of any kind if you order an assassination and there's no target. I've got 20+ assassins out there handling much of my initial expansion and it's a royal pain keeping track of whether a province is cleared or not.

What I want:

<Assassin> was unable to find a target to assassinate. The goto button would take you to the assassin.

JimMorrison November 17th, 2008 02:11 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Illuminated One (Post 653481)
No, I think thejeff means it that way:

If the enemy is in range they should shoot but they wont move away to shoot at an enemy they can't reach otherwise. Which would be really cool.

Unless there was something totally buggy when I tried it, multiple times units with bows or with javelins have refused to fire at targets in range, when set to Guard Commander.

In assassination fights however, they will attack normally, of course.

lch November 17th, 2008 03:01 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
What Illuminated One means that thejeff means, archers set to Fire move towards an enemy if it is outside of their range. Guard Commander could take that specific role of standing fixed and firing if it becomes available. Also, amazing mexican archer stand-offs.

JimMorrison November 17th, 2008 03:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by lch (Post 653498)
Guard Commander could take that specific role of standing fixed and firing if it becomes available.

Yes, it could, but in my experience, it does not.

In fact, it led to sad defeat in one case in particular, even though I had plenty of archers, had they fired their bows, instead of milling around for awhile and then screaming like little girls when the enemy finally closed to melee.

HoneyBadger November 17th, 2008 04:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Thanks, vfb! It may have changed since the last time I was able to test it, so I'm glad that it's working properly.

lch November 17th, 2008 05:17 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 653505)

Originally Posted by lch (Post 653498)
Guard Commander could take that specific role of standing fixed and firing if it becomes available.

Yes, it could, but in my experience, it does not.

Yes, I said it could take that role, which it doesn't do at the moment now.

slayers_ai November 17th, 2008 07:48 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
umm...there's a weird bug happened in the game BloodBath that hosted on LlamaServer. I am playing MA Pythium and Suddenly all of my Retiarius (yes, I've recruited a lot and I am pretty sure some of them suppose to enter a battle that I've set and some of them are just recruited in a Fort. However either in a battle or on the Map, I just can not find them.) disappeared without entering a battle.

Not so sure if it's a LlamaServer bug or DOM3 bug. It happened in turn 23. If possible where should I report this bug and whom should I report to?

(PS: the Retiarius are all fine for the turns before turn 23. The bug just happened in turn 23. I have no idea why.)

Edi November 17th, 2008 09:00 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If there is a battle in the province they are in, they go poof. They only fight in one battle, then leave. There have been similar things about them sometimes. It is related to the special hardcoded behavior of units 11 and 12 (Gladiator and Retiarius)

Loren November 17th, 2008 08:57 PM

Beckoning I assume

Some of my units just wandered off into the woods.

Please explain what my *UNDEAD* units were after??

vfb November 17th, 2008 09:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Brains! :)

slayers_ai November 18th, 2008 02:20 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 653558)
If there is a battle in the province they are in, they go poof. They only fight in one battle, then leave. There have been similar things about them sometimes. It is related to the special hardcoded behavior of units 11 and 12 (Gladiator and Retiarius)

I know they only fight in one battle then leave. However there's no message show that they are in a battle and they suppose to be in a fort and there's no battle in that province. They just suddenly disappeared.:eek:

lch November 18th, 2008 05:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yes, that is likely a bug. Only the units that took place in combat should be discarded, not all of them that were in the province. So the "garbage collection" should be done for battle aftereffects while the battlefield is still in memory and maybe get active wherever the handling for commanders with battlefield enchantments are being checked, too.

Bwaha November 19th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The Eye shield seems to not work. I'm fighting a SC Cyclops and fought for at least 50 turns in close combat. How's the effect of this item resistible? Regeneration? Magic resistance? I couldn't find a mention of this. Thanks. :D

lch November 19th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The effect is MR resistable. Regeneration does help to avoid getting afflictions in combat, they say, it might help there as well, though I might doubt that.

fungalreason November 19th, 2008 05:26 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
What weapon was the cyclops using? And what was the relative attack / defense?

vfb November 19th, 2008 05:49 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I thought it was not MR resistable. As long as he hits the shield then he should get afflicted, I think. AoE attacks don't count.

There are a couple of possibilities (that fungalreason hinted at).

The cyclops has a base 11 attack before exp. If he's hitting with a frost brand and your thug has super-high defense, he could just miss every time and kill your thug with the AoE damage.

If the cyclops attack is really high and your thug's defense is too low, then he may just be blowing past the Eye Shield's parry, which is only 5. 20 attack versus 6 defense needs the defense (plus parry) DRN+6(+5) to be as high as the attack DRN+20. That's just 1 in 20 hits.

Loren November 20th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
<mage> was killed by a mental attack.

Please give ma link to *where*!!

vfb November 22nd, 2008 04:10 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The "fail to move" bug is still alive and kicking.

I've got turn 22 files (.trn and .2h) with the orders to move, and a new turn 23 .trn where my army did not move. I'll email them all to Illwinter. It's a really annoying bug.

Reay November 22nd, 2008 05:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Flying units in a storm seem to still be able to flee by flying. And yes it is not a storm demon or any other "can fly in a storm" unit (Bane Lord with winged shoes).

Rathar November 22nd, 2008 06:30 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
2 Attachment(s)
I'm uncertain how to describe the bug..

In the attached two turn files I start with a nation with an estimated income of 15 or so and an upkeep of 450+-. I have 550 saved and I have made deals to have folks send me 350 more next turn. I got messages that the gold was received and there are no random events that I can see.

By my reckoning I should end up with approximately 450 but in the enclosed example I only have 150 or so.. I had to rename them to .zip files in order to upload to this silly attachment system but renaming them to .trn files should work.

A bit odd I thought!

Loren November 22nd, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Rathar (Post 654896)
I'm uncertain how to describe the bug..

In the attached two turn files I start with a nation with an estimated income of 15 or so and an upkeep of 450+-. I have 550 saved and I have made deals to have folks send me 350 more next turn. I got messages that the gold was received and there are no random events that I can see.

By my reckoning I should end up with approximately 450 but in the enclosed example I only have 150 or so.. I had to rename them to .zip files in order to upload to this silly attachment system but renaming them to .trn files should work.

A bit odd I thought!

It's not a silly attachment system. You're expected to zip them to make them smaller.

Rathar November 22nd, 2008 04:22 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Shrug, 200k files seem small already. I forgot to add the passowrd for those and it's 1 s p a m 2 remove the spaces.

vfb November 22nd, 2008 10:53 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 654228)
I thought it was not MR resistable. As long as he hits the shield then he should get afflicted, I think. AoE attacks don't count.

There are a couple of possibilities (that fungalreason hinted at).

The cyclops has a base 11 attack before exp. If he's hitting with a frost brand and your thug has super-high defense, he could just miss every time and kill your thug with the AoE damage.

If the cyclops attack is really high and your thug's defense is too low, then he may just be blowing past the Eye Shield's parry, which is only 5. 20 attack versus 6 defense needs the defense (plus parry) DRN+6(+5) to be as high as the attack DRN+20. That's just 1 in 20 hits.

Please ignore my disinformation, sorry!

I've just tested this and looked at the debug output. Units actually hitting the Eye Shield do get to make an MR check (against 12, not 10) to avoid being blinded. Wearing penetration items with the Eye Shield does not affect its effectiveness.

Reay November 23rd, 2008 06:29 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
On further investigation it appears the Firbolg champion with the storm staff fled the field of battle before everyone started flying again :doh:.


Originally Posted by Reay (Post 654890)
Flying units in a storm seem to still be able to flee by flying. And yes it is not a storm demon or any other "can fly in a storm" unit (Bane Lord with winged shoes).

BDOC November 23rd, 2008 03:31 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Nagot gick fel
myloadmallock: can't open ./mod/./Worhty_Heroes/Dogfriend.tga

Then the game crashes and that game name can not play again. I tried deleting the trn file and 2h file and it still resolves to this error.

I a running Window Vista
Dom 3 version 3.21
Conceptual Balence 1.3

MAN Middle Age
Various maps
Rainbow god

Any ideas on a fix for this? Should I drop the mod?

Endoperez November 23rd, 2008 04:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The game can't find an image file. If your OS is case-sensitive (i.e. dogfriend.tga and Dogfriend.tga are different files), find the worthy heroes images and make sure dogfriend is spelled with capital D.

Loren November 24th, 2008 02:21 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Playing with that Reign of the Vampiri mod and got something strange:

I noticed hero in the hall of fame tht is supposedly mine but looked odd. 14 kills and 1001 experience. That looked odd, I looked at him.

He's an "Eternal Knight", probably a racial hero but I don't recall ever seeing him. Somehow he got -9976 hit points! I'm going to try raising him and see what I get...


Now he has 218 hp's. Current age: 4014. Start of old age: 500. He's also a plague carrier, something I don't recall ever seeing before.

Endoperez November 24th, 2008 02:44 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The plague carrier icon was only added few patches back, so it's no wonder you haven't seen it.

Orion the Eternal Knight leads a mercenary band. They are a group of 5 or so human-sized beings wielding flaming swords. Their backstory says they were imprisoned somewhere for a long time, so they have huge starting ages and start with huge amount of experience. How did you "raise" him? It sounds as if you used Ritual of Rebirth to create a mummy out of him. The mummy doesn't necessarily have high-enough maxage to keep ancient beings from getting old age penalties, and has plague carrier ability IIRC.

HoneyBadger November 24th, 2008 05:15 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know about undead, but it's possible that, if it's numerically based, they do, considering that aboleths-atleast-have lifespans of up to 20,000 years.

lch November 24th, 2008 05:33 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's the old bug/problem with Ritual of Returning to get mummies with a maxage of 500, even if the original unit could have had a far greater base age, like in this case.

BesucherXia November 24th, 2008 05:48 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If a laboratory is destoryed due to random event during a siege, the besiegers instead of the defenders will receive the message.

Edi November 24th, 2008 11:09 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by BesucherXia (Post 655272)
If a laboratory is destoryed due to random event during a siege, the besiegers instead of the defenders will receive the message.

Other problems with partially owned provinces as well, such as the besiegers getting the PD from PD increase events, besieger being able to blood sacrifice even though the temple belongs to the defender etc. This is just one more to the list.

AreaOfEffect November 24th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Sounds like most of those issues won't be fixed until Dominions 4.

Adept November 24th, 2008 01:56 PM

Arcoscephale (MA) chariot needs fixing
Just noticed. Charioteers are armed with spear and short sword, but the unit has no ambidexterity bonus. As a result both attacks are skill four(4)!

This needs a quick fix. One doesn't usually see it as the chariot only tramples, but it's ridiculous that it is helpless against an opponent of the same size class or bigger.

Loren November 24th, 2008 03:12 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 655258)
The plague carrier icon was only added few patches back, so it's no wonder you haven't seen it.

Orion the Eternal Knight leads a mercenary band. They are a group of 5 or so human-sized beings wielding flaming swords. Their backstory says they were imprisoned somewhere for a long time, so they have huge starting ages and start with huge amount of experience. How did you "raise" him? It sounds as if you used Ritual of Rebirth to create a mummy out of him. The mummy doesn't necessarily have high-enough maxage to keep ancient beings from getting old age penalties, and has plague carrier ability IIRC.

If he's a merc how did he end up in the hall of fame as my hero?

You're right about it being Ritual of Rebirth.

It does sound like the maxage on a mummy needs to be raised.

And why did he have that insane number of negative hit points while he was dead?

Endoperez November 24th, 2008 03:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 655336)
If he's a merc how did he end up in the hall of fame as my hero?

And why did he have that insane number of negative hit points while he was dead?

Mercenaries that die keep the flag of the nation that last controlled them.
Soul Slay, death upon retreat and other insta-Death effects will deal 9999 damage. I'm more interested to know how he has over 200 hps as a mummy. Does he have some absurd heroic quality?

Loren November 24th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 655341)

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 655336)
If he's a merc how did he end up in the hall of fame as my hero?

And why did he have that insane number of negative hit points while he was dead?

Mercenaries that die keep the flag of the nation that last controlled them.
Soul Slay, death upon retreat and other insta-Death effects will deal 9999 damage. I'm more interested to know how he has over 200 hps as a mummy. Does he have some absurd heroic quality?

IIRC he had heroic toughness. If the dead version shows the current hps rather than the hps he's supposed to have the screen would make sense.

After Ritual of Rebirth is he supposed to remain mine rather than leave for non-payment?

slayers_ai November 28th, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
just want to report a bug (or feature?)
when using transformation, if it transformed to a hydra hachling. The hydra hachling is still in the old version. And we'll get a strange thing that has the old-version hydra hachling data with a wired unit picture. (now code No.719, probably should be code No.1840)

Not so sure if it's done by purpose or just forgot to change it to the newversion hydra hachling tho.


Loren November 29th, 2008 01:26 AM

Strange one
I run Dominions in a window.

Today while playing a game I found it in full-screen mode. I have no idea how it got that way.

Habit took over and I hit alt-enter. (I do a fair amount of work with command prompts.)

Boom--something about a pixel, I was going to come and post it then but everything has interfered and by now I don't recall the wording of the message.

When I ran Dominions again it was back in a window where it belonged, no problems.

Taqwus November 29th, 2008 01:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 655393)
IIRC he had heroic toughness. If the dead version shows the current hps rather than the hps he's supposed to have the screen would make sense.

That would be the case.


After Ritual of Rebirth is he supposed to remain mine rather than leave for non-payment?
He'll be back as a mummy. Have you ever heard of a mummy going on strike, demanding more compensation? They're beyond such mere concerns as coin. :p

Illuminated One November 29th, 2008 09:50 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by slayers_ai
just want to report a bug (or feature?)

I think its a bug.
The hydra you get is very suicidal it has poison cloud but no poison resistance. :D
Another transformation bug: If you have a shroud of the battle saint on a mage that casts transformation the bless effect will sometimes remain in place. Don't know if that works with other items too.

lch November 29th, 2008 10:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by slayers_ai (Post 656104)
when using transformation, if it transformed to a hydra hachling. The hydra hachling is still in the old version. And we'll get a strange thing that has the old-version hydra hachling data with a wired unit picture. (now code No.719, probably should be code No.1840)

Funny, those "Hydra Hatchlings" (719/767) have one of the secondforms of the Daughter of Typhon (1824) as their sprite graphics set. It should get the poison immunity, though.

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