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David E. Gervais November 30th, 2004 08:03 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
..After being caught in the event horizon of a black hole for what seems like too long, I wander into the old joint and see that there is a good 4 inches of dust on my usual table and chair,.. that's ok, it makes for a good cushion...

Hey all, just thought I'd tell you all that the renderings of the various 'Event' pics in SE5 is comming along fine. Just a little note.. While I'm in Bryce doing renderings (that often take a few hours) I am un able to multitask, and my MS Messenger does not notify me if anyone comes Online. While I would normally say hello, every now and then, While running bryce I can't. So, don't think I'm being rude if i miss saying hi, I'm working.

That's all I have to say, Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

mac5732 December 30th, 2004 02:17 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
bumpty bump, Have a brewski, pull up a chair, fratenize with the FBW in their new skimpier outfits, order some meyhem, cartoon violence or just chat about whatever...

Puke December 30th, 2004 08:04 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
The Last I remember of this place, a catastrophie of cartoonish porportions had destroyed the THIRD cantina, and our ghosts had all pitched tents in the netherworld to setup a makeshift shanty town. Subsequently, we collectively willed a new universe into existance and founted a new Cantina, but that was probably another two or three incarnations ago.

Whats been happening with this place since then? Its good to see some of the same old faces (avatars, anyway) about.

Renegade 13 December 30th, 2004 08:47 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
*I hand Mac and Puke both a huge mug of good Canadian beer.*

Kamog December 30th, 2004 11:43 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
It's so quiet here at the Cantina... anything interesting happening? Is there going to be a New Year's party? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Balloons.gif[/img]

mac5732 December 31st, 2004 02:12 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Ahhh, Good Idea Kamog

NEW YEAR EVE'S PARTY HERE AT THE OLD CANTINA, everyone drop in, have a pint or two, chase the FBW's around the table, (lap dances optional) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif We'll fire up the old grill in the kitchen, steak, roasted tribbles, baloney, chips, much more , and ahem, of course, brewskis http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif If anyone sees the Taz, tell him we could use him at his usual place behind the bar. Bring your favorite music, rock all nite, dart Boards of your favorite infamous charactars also will be available. Park all Space craft in the parking lot outside, Old T-Rex is back and he has brought some of his cousins to help with the parking, Only a small gratuity fee is required

Hey Puke good to see ya still around, havn't seen ya in the se4 chat for awhile, drop in when ya can, the old cantina has been pretty quiet lately, I lost count of what number this one is 5 or 6 i think, They seem to have some type of calamity wish every so often http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif

David E. Gervais December 31st, 2004 06:02 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Aaaah, it's good to see the old joint again. There's one good thing about this two inches of dust on all the chairs, it makes them even more comfortable. Now If Taz makes an entrence, there will truely be a dust storm to end all dust storms. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

The next round of drinks are on me, Cheers everyone, I hope this past year has been good to you, and I predict that 2005 will be even better.

Yabba, Dabba, Doo! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

mac5732 January 1st, 2005 06:10 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
the old wize one wobbles over to his table and enbibs upon David G's gracious offer, he lowers himself onto his chair, leans back and enjoys another brewski, calling over a FBW to assist him in his endeavors of celebrating the New Year.. ah, the fond memories flood thru his torso of the year 2004 past, the cartoon violence, the meyhem, the little fold in the inner sanctum, Gryphin trying to steal his pizza and falling into the rose bushes, the "O" word disasters, the explosions and the diabolical aspects of various members as they put the doomsday devices upon the anatamys of their illustious members of meyhem, T-Rex, GT and his red hot poker, the thrill of the chases, the new weapons of mass destruction unleashed within the confines of this fine upstanding establishment, Taz attending to the ministrations while behind the bar of the patrons, the food and of course, the FBW skimpy outfits.... sigh, those were the days, will 2005 be as rewarding? Only time will tell he mutters has he upends a brewski to wet his parched old throat while obtaining a massage from several FBWs.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Alneyan January 2nd, 2005 07:40 AM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill

David E. Gervais said:
The next round of drinks are on me

Aha! An host of Vikings is currently making their way through the town (or what little remains of it, after several Cantinas had to be... shut down). From the looks of it, they will not settle with a single glass, so you had better be ready to pay a round of kegs.

See you next year then; I will retain my usual spot in the shadow, lurking, sneaking by, and spying on the patrons. In a few more days, the O and M words will be extensively featured in the first tabloid willing to delve in such things; I hope Renegade will still be resolved to check the dark of things, going boldly where angels fear to tread. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Growltigger January 19th, 2005 03:45 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Growltigga walks in through the door of the cantina, takes a look round and says "blimey, not again" before walking out shaking his head etc

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