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javaslinger December 8th, 2006 12:04 AM

Re: Balance Mod
Lets see... ABout 60% of the AI's agreed to a treaty of some sort with me. I attmepted a treaty with each one I encountered. It was a reasonable mix with one sneaking in a tech trade 1 to 1. From that I found out that he had reasearched an inordinate amount of social improvements like civics, etc... and light carriers... seemed like his research was a bit wasted for early game....

I found one AI to be particulary agressive.. they were on my initial border and shared the same planet type for colonization. no fleets, but small groupings of 4-6 ships...

All AI's were very heavy on units.. couldn't tell you what the units were for most.

Ship designs featured multiple armors with usually one single weapon.. almost exclusively.. is this by design? I won in every match I wasn't outnumbered with a gun heavy/limited armor ship design.

Oh, they also began to go crazy with the fighters and that really screwed me as I was very lax with the PD....

really didn't get too far, maybe 100 turns before I had to drop the game for exam prep...

I played the game with max AI's, no neutrals, difficult setting, and max bonuses.

I was first place scoring wise pretty rapidyly by rapidly expanding and grabbing every planet I could nearby. By the time I'd expanded as full as possible without any combat, I was nearly double or triple the AI in systems and planets. However, they had nearly double or triple my ships and units. My research points and resources were far ahead of the 2nd place race....

However, the AI that did the tech trade with me took over 1st once it received the crapload of military techs from me....

Hope this helps.. version 0.99 by the way...


Captain Kwok December 8th, 2006 12:21 AM

Re: Balance Mod
What about the treaties they offered you? Were they decent for the type of treaty they were suppose to be?

Phoenix-D December 8th, 2006 01:46 AM

Re: Balance Mod
In our test PBW game, I'm up against the Sithrak and the Sergetti. Neither has used anything bigger than a frigate yet, and they haven't seriously attacked me.

The Sergetti are currently blockading one of my side systems, though. They've got a FG sitting on each warp point.

Dodd December 8th, 2006 04:09 AM

Re: Balance Mod
In my current and preceding games the treaties have been fair. I can often get a non agression pact of some kind. Even if the aliens dont want a treaty they seem to leave me alone. They only get nasty if I block warp points they want to travel thru and we currently have no treaty.

The aliens dont seem very expansionistic after the early game. I have by about mid-game three times more planets and am producing about ten times more research points than my nearest competitor.


javaslinger December 8th, 2006 06:30 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Ok, Capn.. here's what I got for ya....

14 AI empires of which I have contacted all of them. I have attempted a treaty with all of them or accepted the one they offered me. Presently I have 9 treaties.. and am at war with 1.. the others have all refused...

As far as the treaties go.... and I couldnt' tell you which I suggested and which them did....

7 of 9 contain trade treaties ranging from 10-20%

Oh, I take that back, 3 were suggested by them, and 6 by me... the three that they suggested include a non-agression treaty, a cooperation agreement, and a trade treaty...

Wait there was one other treaty the damn Phong's suckered me into.. it included a tech swap 1 to 1....

Most treaties they offered were the non-agression sort with some sort of trade agreement... they at times try to sneak in a tech swap but usually it's the 4 levels old variety and I don't accept them. Also, most of their treaties include sharing resupply... one included colonizing in each others territory...

IN general I haven't seen anything bizzare out of their treaty offers.. and they're reasonable about what they accpet. I haven't been able to 'sucker' anyone yet into a bad treaty...

Hope that is helpful...Oh, by the way, it's year 2403.5.. so it's relatively early...


Captain Kwok December 8th, 2006 06:52 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Thanks for the report. The treaties the AI will offer depend on a few factors which include the race's mood (anger) toward you and their classification (peaceful, aggressive, etc). Most of the neutral/aggressive AIs might start out with non-aggression treaties, but if things go well they'll move up to trade or trade and research type treaties. A good relationship with a peaceful AI might get you a partnership treaty or military alliance if their at war.

AAshbery76 December 9th, 2006 11:01 AM

Re: Balance Mod

Captain Kwok December 9th, 2006 12:26 PM

Re: Balance Mod
The update should be good to go tomorrow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Raapys December 10th, 2006 06:09 PM

Re: Balance Mod
Could activating the See Ship/Unit From Memory features help the AI along? I'm not sure exactly how these works, haven't had the time to test it yet, but they sound like something that might be just what the game needs to greatly improve the AI. Too bad the See Planet feature, which is activated by default, doesn't also store the last known owner of the planet.

Phoenix-D December 10th, 2006 06:22 PM

Re: Balance Mod
See Ship/Unit is odd. It lets you see them after you move out of sensor range. That's good. It lets you seem them no matter where they are. That's bad.

It makes sensors almost pointless, actually..

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