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Olive June 13th, 2005 06:18 AM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3
Some ideas :
- Introducing basic diplomacy would be nice (OK, It has certainly already been said, but this is how I see it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ). Peace, alliances (maybe allied victories), the possibility to offer units to another pretender (same way as gold and crystals- of course it's possible to refuse). And the possibility to cross allied provinces.

- Possibility to move the capitol city to recruit capitol only units nearer to the front (for example). Of course, it shouldn't be free, it should have a high gold cost, and maybe require the presence of the pretender working at it for some turns in the new capitol (or the prophet).

- Heat/cold should modify units characteristics instead of being an economic factor. Or maybe both. A bit like cold blooded units, units from a race liking cold should be very disadvantaged in hot provinces. Temperate units should have smaller characteristics reductions in cold/hot provinces. Don't know if morale, strength, hps or something else should be affected, but you get the idea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif .

And I like magnate's idea to have magically summoned buildings. It should replace the non-existing city improvements and province enchantments and be managed in the magic sites lists. One commander could destroy them. I.E. : death magic would allow an assassins guild (permitting to recruit assassins), fire should permit a volcano (increasing hotness), etc...

Sandman June 13th, 2005 01:24 PM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3
Magically summoned buildings are kinda against the spirit of the game, since they reward ultra-defensive play. Mind you, so do gem-generating items, which the developers seem to tolerate.

A small wish: Change the way libraries work. They're just too useful at the present.

NTJedi June 13th, 2005 08:03 PM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3

I completely agree with Sandman... libraries are way too powerful.

An ideal fix for this and many many other issues would be an advanced options menu where the host could enable/disable specific game features.


Advanced Options Menu:

Enable/Disable Items/Artifacts
Enable/Disable Magic Spells
Enable/Disable Magic Sites
Enable/Disable Building Types (labs, temples, forts, etc.)
Enable/Disable Commanders/Units
Enable/Disable Province Population Types

Here gamers can enable/disable one or more from each category.

** THUS far fewer complaints/issues about some spell or item or mass castle building because the gamers and host can decide before they start **

--- another idea is maybe making these options available as commands within the .map file so map makers will be able to create more unique worlds and different experiences. ---

Grallon June 13th, 2005 11:01 PM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3
1) A full fledged (as in I-don't-want-to-type-page-loads-of-code-&-commands), graphic interfaced editor...

- for units (sprite libraries topick from)
- for items (same + all properties)
- for nations (sprite lib. again - symbols/colors/shiels)
- for the map (the actual way of modding maps is extremely clumsy)

2) Diplomatic options (competing pretenders need to form stratgic alliances at times - even if only temporarily)

3) Management options (more specialized building with various funtions)

4) More control on the advancement/upgrading options of units/leaders (now they just increase without the player having any control over the process)

5) Built-in save/load command !

Basically check out other games on the market and don't be shy about borrowing whatever neat options those others have. It would only improve an already very addictive game.


Olive June 14th, 2005 04:42 AM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3

Sandman said:
Magically summoned buildings are kinda against the spirit of the game, since they reward ultra-defensive play.

I know, but I'm a camper who has always played the few strat games he got ultra-defensively. I just tried http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif .

Sandman June 17th, 2005 10:34 AM

More random stuff:
Some new afflictions:

Parasite: Causes -2 strength, +2 encumbrance and 10% less hit-points. Strongly associated with ocean and swamp provinces.

Disfigurement: 50% leadership penalty, and -2 precision. Nasty on commanders, not so much on soldiers.

Frostbite: -1 attack, defense, move and strength. Similar to limp, but it can stack with it for extra misery. Strongly associated with cold provinces and frost spells.

Horrific burns: -3 protection, -1 attack. Caused by fire and acid spells.

GriffinOfBuerrig June 17th, 2005 08:47 PM

Re: More random stuff:
What about "dynamic" magic sites:

e.g. when you make construction spells in one prov all the time, you get there a construction 20 bonus - Site after a timr...

or after a big fight(something like battlefield), or when a pretender dies.

Johan K June 18th, 2005 07:56 AM

Re: More random stuff:
I like the fire/cold dependent afflictions! Disfigurement might not be as serious in Dominions where a blck hawk or a super intelligent hydra might be their commander the next day.

Nerfix June 18th, 2005 10:37 AM

Re: More random stuff:
Magic site descriptions, or at least possibility to make them, would be pretty neat. Magic sites generating random gems would be kinda nice too.

I would also like to see some summons that are double-edged like the demon lords. Perhaps some new demon lords. I'd also like to see more advanced spell modding, ability to alter the summoning spells that summon unique/random creatures and the ability to change spell names. Perhaps a way to make spells, combat or ritual, with random effects defined by the modder. Ability to add new spells would be pretty neat too.

Cainehill June 20th, 2005 12:32 PM

Re: A humble suggestion or 3

Alneyan said:

Cainehill said:
I believe someone actually did a mod that facilitated removing all the spells and constructed items, but I think it had to be editted to get the exact level of magicality desired, and then distributed to all players.

Actually, these are two mods to do that, but you can merge them without any problem. They are SC's Null Spell mod and my own Null Item mod; paste all the contents of one of these mods into the other, and remove everything with a research value higher than what you need (Find and Replace all in a text editor). It will, of course, conflict with any other mod changing spells and items, most notably Zen's Balance mods... unless you feel like converting Zen mods in the Null mods format.

That's why I think it would be wonderful if it were a command line (or other) option : it could be used with any set of mods to quickly and easily cap the research levels, without the likelihood of introducing errors into the mod files (or winding up with scads of copies of modified mods : one for research 2, one for 4, one for 6, one for 7, etc). Much easier to programmatically cap the research (vis a vis the demo) then to manually edit complex mod files time and again.

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