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Kelan October 19th, 2004 09:44 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I am not sure how well these ideas can fit into Dominions, but I figured I would throw them out there anyway just in case. My apologies if they have already been mentioned.

How about some type of sites that are like ruins or dungeons or abandoned temples. These are not gem producing (although they could be I suppose), but are one time conquerable sites once they are found. A new turn order would be added and be something like "Enter Dungeon" and would have a battle result for those that entered. If the army inside is conquered, there would be some random reward which could be gold, gems, artifacts, or other things perhaps. This would be similar to the feature that the old Warlords games had where you could fight the creatures inside the site to get rewards. The enemies inside could be any combination of troops and even pretender type creatures for the tougher ones. Maybe some sites of this type would be automatically found when a province is conquered, but some would need to be searched for... maybe by a new skill that allows for easier finding. There could be different levels (hardness) of each with scaled up defenders and rewards. I am not sure how this could be handled, but maybe on detection the scout/finder would get some hint of to the type of creatures or ability of them so the player could judge a least a little as to whether they would want to attempt the battle without wiping out easily. This could give you another choice in the game... do I keep expanding or take a shot at getting something cool/useful in the dungeon this turn (if I can win).

Edit: Another thing that may be neat as a reward would be a mage or commander could join your army if you defeat all of the defenders in the dungeon or site and "rescue" them. This could give you a new mage with paths you don't have or possibly a good leader or fighter or even a band of units.

Also, some type of diplomacy like the old Warlords games would be fun for single player, but that would be probably a lesser request. It would be fun to have as an option, though, and could add a level of complexity to the single player experience.

Other than that, some type of modified AI would be nice. This could include changes in how troops are built and having the AI build more castles like others have mentioned. Perhaps just having the AI be a bit more unpredictable would have the single player experience be a bit more enjoyable. I tend to think the AI plays very well myself, but is just too predictable for it to be a challenge to most of the good players.

Endoperez October 19th, 2004 10:17 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Instead of many new terrains, just new tags for #cold and #hot lands. Tundra is a cold waste, desert hot waste, jungle hot forest etc. This would, of course, affect the temperature. It would also make it possible to have quite thematic maps, from Ice Age to a land where Rimtursar are returning.

More ways to dispel. Independent globals defined in the map.

Zooko October 19th, 2004 10:19 AM

I don\'t wish for...
I don't wish for more complex scripting for battles. Those little guys are just mortals, and you're never going to configure them to do exactly what you want. And if you did, it would blow away balance and make battles into a "rock-paper-scissors" contest to see whose script destroys the other guy's script.

In fact, the current scripting options are just about as complex as I can stand.

On the other hand, adding complexity to battles in terms of terrain might be great fun.

Chazar October 19th, 2004 12:48 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I would only like Warlords-like Ruins if there would be an option to disable those! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif I do not like more random elements which would make the Luck Scale even more obsolete...

Kaljamaha October 19th, 2004 02:02 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
There are two things in the current game that really irk me:

First, no disbanding command. I mean, if Joe Farmer decides to take up arms for the greater glory of me, cool. But, if he expects me to feed and pay him, I should be able to tell him to sod off. Currently, I have to divert a commander, who in all likelihood could have been doing something productive, to go pick up Joe Farmer and his merry men, and ship them off to be killed. Except when I try to slaughter them, they don't even manage that, instead running around my kingdom, and doing things like causing Anthrax to flee from a couple of Blackhawks and... *head explodes*

Now that I've reassembled my head, the other thing that annoys me is when I choose a bunch of commanders and order them to go to that province over yonder. If some are able to and some aren't, the arrow shows up, all commanders are still selected, and I'm in no way informed that one or more commanders can't reach the destination. Instead, they commence to twiddle their thumbs. Extremely annoying. Though I guess this could go under the improved UI.

Err... so I guess I'd be happy if those two things were fixed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Graeme Dice October 19th, 2004 02:20 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Kaljamaha said:
Instead, they commence to twiddle their thumbs. Extremely annoying.

Their orders will only change to move if they are able to make the move. Otherwise they will still be on defend.

WraithLord October 19th, 2004 02:24 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I read the list of previous wishes, yet I will probably manage to reiterate some of the wishes http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

My list:

1. Less micromanagement. Make end game bearable. Some very good suggestions were already made to automate/streamline some of the more time consuming aspects of the game.
2. Combat simulator. Please let it return. Maybe even enhance it so that you could create a DB of armies and/or previous battles.
3. Game replay. So that we can learn from the games of the masters. So that we can analyze our mistakes.
4. More province structures.
5. Cold and heat change the map dynamically.
6. Saved pretender list.
7. New magic path. Maybe life ala MOM. Maybe psionic.
8. I still want a dark elf nation. (yes, yes, I know DOM isn't a typical fantasy game.)
Also It would be nice to have another nation except ermor that has less use for gold and more for gems. Sort of a summons nations.
For example, Pythium splinter (like ermor) that has gone completely devote to the divine and uses astral/holy magic only.
All commanders and units are summonable ( maybe angels/seraphs/kruvim/malachim etc).
9. A new strategic aspect to the game. Make a raiding nation (like TC barb king) a viable choice.
10. More counters to SCs. It doesn't make sense to me (in the alternate domII reality that is) that an equipped bane lord will stomp countless soldiers. SCs should stay a factor in the game only less major.
11. improve astral summons (angels?)
11. More content. More spells. More pretenders. More nations. More myth.
12.. Change light.bolt animation. I liked the old animation from dom I better http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kaljamaha October 19th, 2004 03:17 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Graeme Dice said:

Kaljamaha said:
Instead, they commence to twiddle their thumbs. Extremely annoying.

Their orders will only change to move if they are able to make the move. Otherwise they will still be on defend.

Ok, fair enough. But it still is IMHO extremely misleading that the group as a whole stays chosen, with no indication of trouble, when only a part of them can reach the destination.


Cainehill October 19th, 2004 03:31 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

izaqyos said:
Also It would be nice to have another nation except ermor that has less use for gold and more for gems. Sort of a summons nations.

You mean like ... Pangaea's Carrion Woods, or C'tis Desert Tombs? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Turin October 19th, 2004 03:35 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I would like to see a little picture when you select a province, which shows you the population and scale effects.( think MOM city windows).
Basically you have one basic picture and then add content according to the scale effects.
If the population is small, you see a village, if big a large city.
If it has death scale it could be bleak and maybe some corpses hanging from trees, if it has growth, there could be large wheat fields.
For misfortune you could have something like black cats, for luck some four leaf clover sheets.
sloth could be one to three guys sitting lazily at a tree, etc.
Pd could be shown as little soldier icons in one corner of the picture, high unrest could be shown as burning houses.

I think this would add lots to the immersion factor(which is somewhat missing in dom2) and provide you with needed info without hovering your mouse over the scale icons to see if they are 1-3 scales.

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