Ironhawk |
February 3rd, 2005 09:13 PM |
Re: An old Newbie ;)
Yes pirate, there are. I posted this a bit further up in the thread but it got overwhelmed by the Norfleet frothing....
Ironhawk said:
Getting back to Pirate's original question tho:
As far as I know, not much has changed in terms of gameplay. Some of the patches have changed the values of certain pretenders (the VQ point increase comes to mind). Additionally, Zen has released a series of great Balance Mods (pretenders, spells, scales) which significantly alter pretender choices and research.
So, there you go. Zen's mods are the most popular that I have seen. Dunno about maps. Strangely I seem to end up on Aran a lot just cause I play games with fewer people and it just works out spacewise. I think there were a couple of big games on the Faerun map.
I think mosehausen closed up shop a bit ago? Could be mistaken about that. I belive that Reverend Zombie hosts a handful of games. Also, I'm an admin on Sheap's server and willing to host games there for anyone who wants them.
Pirateiam said:
Ummmmmm yes I am scratching my head. This was not the purpose of this thread at all.
Are there any Mods that are recommended and which are being played on multi? The last favorite map was Karan when I played. What is the popular one now? Any other server hosting other than modehansen?........tries to get thread back on topic.