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-   -   Worthy Heroes Mod(Version 1.7b! Hydra bug fixed) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=31818)

Jack_Trowell December 16th, 2006 09:19 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
For the broken seraph, shouldn't he have some water magic (even if it mean less air magic) as Caelian ice craftnig has always been associated with water magic, not air ?

Ygorl December 16th, 2006 02:56 PM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Copying the stats from the Seraph should give him 1W. I was thinking that 2A2W might make more sense thematically (especially given things he might have learned from his new masters) but that wouldn't be as exciting a pickup for Atlantis. I put the "flighty" in his description to account for the increased air - game mechanics meshed with game atmosphere, glued together with a bad pun.
I was also waffling on whether or not to give him a forgebonus. I decided to put it in, figuring that if Angra made it into Turin's mod he could remove it or leave it as he wished. Seraphim don't get it normally, but I justified it to myself since after his capture he's been forced to do a lot of ice forging, and also he's clarified techniques for himself during the course of formulating his teachings for others.

Endoperez December 17th, 2006 06:07 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Caelian Ice Crafters have forge bonus. LA Caelian Ironcrafters have forge bonus. W2E2?

Tyrant December 20th, 2006 12:31 AM

Re: worthy heroes mod version 1.4
Thanks for doing this mod, I loved it in DomII and I'm very happy to see it back!

Endoperez May 4th, 2007 07:39 AM

Nations that still need heroes
Here is a list of all nations with less than 3 heroes. Some others have duplicate heroes across all ages (Arcos, Pangaea, MA/LA Abys, MA/LA Caelum), and could also use new heroes if you happen to have an idea.

EA Marverni: 1 normal +1 multihero
EA Caelum: 1 +1 multi
EA Helheim: 1 +1 multi

MA Mictlan: 2
MA Shinuyama: 1 +1 multi

MA Agartha: 0(2) +1 multi
LA Agartha: 0(1) +2 multi
(might get more if my Brothers of the Cave gets incorporated)

EA Kailasa: 1 +1 multi
MA Bandar Log: 0 +2 multi
LA Patala: 0 +1 multi

EA R'lyeh: 1 +1 multi

EA Oceania: 0 +1 multi
MA Oceania: 0 +1 multi

EA Atlantis: 1 +1 multi
LA Atlantis: 1 +1 multi

Any ideas?
Marverni: they'll get Boar summons, and sacred Boars. Including elephant-sized ones. So... Hog-knight of the Hoburg? Wereboar? A shapechanging mage? A really good Sequani Stargazer? A Sequani who left to study in the great city of Ermor?

EA Caelum: A Yazada multihero? A huge bird? An anormous Sping Hawk? An Icecrafter with good magic and forge bonus?

Monkey nations:
A monkey born discolored, so as to be of a different caste, or outside of them: a red Vanara, a white Bandar, etc.
Sun Wukong the Monkey King (http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/m/monkey.htm) who is, among other things, invulnerable, indestructible by fire, lightning or over a month of alchemical fires of Lao Tsu of the Heavens, immortal, able to fly insane distances, can take forms of various objects (glamour), has a shape-changing staff (from the same source as the Spear of the Dragon King), etc.

EA R'lyeh:
Some ancient monolith/statue/spirit that precedes even the Aboleths.

Turin May 4th, 2007 04:12 PM

Re: Nations that still need heroes
A warning:
3.08 pretty much broke the mod, because suddenly the itemslot numbers I used are incorrect and now pretty much every hero has two heads. In addition some old age issue showed up, but a fix is on the way.

lch May 4th, 2007 05:35 PM

Re: Nations that still need heroes
Ugh. Quick, quick, fix, fix! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Thanks for this awesome mod!

jutetrea May 4th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: Nations that still need heroes
Love the work, and thanks for keeping up on it.

One request (of course), 1 more hero for T'ien Chi for a total of 4. Possibly a thug (horseman, tai chi, martial arts) or ancestral spirit (one of their national summons made corporeal).

Sombre May 5th, 2007 05:00 AM

Re: Nations that still need heroes
I'm totally sold on this mod and I just realised I never even said thanks Turin for making it. It's great.

I hope you update to mesh with 3.08 and it all goes smoothly. I have to update a bunch of stuff myself.

Meglobob May 5th, 2007 03:09 PM

Re: Nations that still need heroes

Sombre said:
I'm totally sold on this mod and I just realised I never even said thanks Turin for making it. It's great.

I hope you update to mesh with 3.08 and it all goes smoothly. I have to update a bunch of stuff myself.

Yea, exactly what sombre said goes for me too. Thanks for a great mod. Lots of MP games use this mod, it seems to becoming a SP & MP standard must have mod.

Lets hope Illwinter get the message, we want cool heros!

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