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Sombre May 27th, 2007 02:04 PM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.7
I got distracted by other stuff and by trying to get a Tharoon beta together, but I did whip up some new graphics for the Archer, Groundbreaker, Sorc and Hermit. Hard to make the little vaetti look that good, but they're recognisable anyway.

The Speros present more of a challenge. I'm basically thinking of a slave warrior or regular ctissian of some kind as a base, stick on some wings, make them white/grey,... anyway it'll get done soon enough.

Here's a preview gif of the new stuff I did. The sorc looks very distinctive because I figured they're an entirely new order of vaetti that have formed and they're somewhat more influenced by newer 'evil' schools of magic than the old 'evil' Seith of the Gygja.


Should work.

BandarLover May 27th, 2007 04:13 PM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.7
You never cease to amaze me Sombre. Those pics are sick. My fave has to be the bottom one. Is that a tank of some vile liquid it is carrying? Anyway, awesome as per usual.

Sombre June 1st, 2007 05:25 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8
I should have 1.8 released by the end of tonight. I've done all the new graphics apart from the white werewolf and I've coded in the speros, the hermit hero, added a vanilla gygja hero, coded the white wolf,.... altered the groundbreakers (instead of making a new vaetti pickaxe weapon I just gave them an axe and shield - the graphic is still a pickaxe though).

The thing I haven't quite worked out is the new stats to turn the troll shaman into a troll druid and the stats/magic the vaetti sorcerer should have. I'm thinking he'll be blood astral death randoms with slim to no chance of nature picks.

llamabeast June 1st, 2007 06:15 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8
Hmm. For the nature-free sorceror, how about D1 + (SDB) 130%? You could include nature in the 30% pick if you wanted.

I think that would work fairly well. He'd have quite a high chance of being useful. Well, getting S or D would be good. Getting blood would be a bummer - what do you do with a B1 mage (if they're too expensive to use as blood hunters)?

I suppose one solution would be to make him D1B1 + (SDB) 130%, so that blood picks would then be more useful. Are they meant to be strongly blood-themed though? I'm not sure what you have in mind.

How about just making the druid N2E1? Maybe with an extra 10% N, just for excitement.

Sombre June 1st, 2007 06:48 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8
The Vaetti are a bit odd - if anything you can say they are nature based, since they get a couple of nature magic wolf summons. I would say Seith puts equal importance on BND with S as a secondary focus. I'm actually going to remove the chance of the hags getting S2 because of this - they'll still be able to get B2, N2 or D2 as before, if they're lucky enough.

The Troll Druid (formerly shaman) gets H1N2E1 with a NE 10% chance.

Sorcs don't exactly follow Seith, they've branched off and lose nature in the process; they still have S as secondary and still go for DB (blood and death are both alluring to these power hungry little sods, since it's widely used by the LA humans they mimic).

So I'm thinking of giving them D1B1 SDB120%, as per your second suggestion, with nature in the 20%. I'm sticking nature in there and making it 20% because I really don't want people getting 3D or 3B - they still can but it's real unlikely. We'll see how that turns out - with communions (which are a good idea with the nation in CBM) they should be able to pinch hit for the gygja as combat mages when needed.

I tested the netters just now and they made a mess of some heavy cavalry when sprinkled in with the standard spear vaetti.

The spero have odd graphics, but they look ok. You'll soon see what I mean.

llamabeast June 1st, 2007 06:58 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8
That all sounds really good.

I will miss my S2 hags (of which I had no fewer than 4 in our game, which I think was ridiculously lucky because I reckon they should be 1 in about 48), but I suppose lucky Gygjas can fill in for them. It seems a shame to reduce the chance of hags getting astral, since the S1 ones are by far the most useful, but I can see where you're coming from.

The shamans and sorcs sound great.

Sombre June 1st, 2007 07:58 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8
You should still get enough S1 hags with a 1/4 chance of getting it off the NBSD 100%.

Sombre June 1st, 2007 10:21 AM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
I've updated the attachment to 1.8 and it seems to be working.

If it stops working tell me and I'll set something up on mediafire.


Oh and llama (and others) feedback on cost and stat changes is more than welcome. I think the vaetti sorcerer for instance might be priced a bit oddly.

llamabeast June 1st, 2007 12:30 PM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
Awesome, good stuff Sombre. I had a chance to take a quick peek, and the new graphics are really good. I won't have a chance to have a proper play till Monday unfortunately though, so I'll try to post some comments then.

llamabeast June 4th, 2007 08:56 PM

Re: Vaettihiem SE 1.8 UPDATED
I lied unfortunately, it's been a hectic evening. I've had a brief look, but will spend some more time on it before I post comments.

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