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-   -   Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36507)

Kristoffer O October 24th, 2007 05:37 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
MR doesn't negate the increased affliction chance.

calmon October 24th, 2007 06:04 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Death Bless is fine in my oppinion.

Its not the ultimate bless for your sacreds but the bless bonus is ok for your troops.

In addition you power up all your mage to do 100-500% more afflictions and this can be very good in battle with the right strategy even against SC's.

I tested spells like Flames from the Sky. This also work. In middle/late game some of my caster wear shroud of the battle saint just to bring affliction pain to big/nasty armies.

Air 9 is really crap. Don't touch it in moment.

Well Blood 9 could be good if there were a race with for example weak sacreds + bless commander as PD. I did some test games with the insectoid mod and it works pretty good against attacking SC's and other things. Sadly the mod MP game wasn't started so i can't test it more. Mictlan has sacred PD but other blesses are better here. Maybe Kristoffer can make a race of a lot of really crappy & really cheap sacreds which are also in PD to make this bless more interesting.

Kuritza October 24th, 2007 07:18 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses

KissBlade said:Umm... SC's I design don't get hit by D9.

If you arent talking about turn 60+ or a medusa pretender, its more of an oversight by your opponents. There are ways to counter such an 'uncratchable' SC, like giving some cheap commander an eye of the void.


[In THEORY D9 should be the SC destroyer but a magic /negatable/ attack is laughable.

Arm loss and chest wound arent.


Also, the very idea of bless troops against SC rarely happens since the entire point of getting a SC is that he's maneveurable enough to avoid armies you don't want to fight and squash the ones you do.

It happens every now and then, when your opponent relies on sacred troops heavily and your nationals cannot do jack against them so you are forced to rely on SC instead.

mathusalem October 24th, 2007 07:49 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
and why not a D9 bless giving Deceased ?

HoneyBadger October 25th, 2007 09:47 PM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
Ideally, in a magical world where code dances to my whim, blessings would be based on your Pretender and his/her level of Dominion, not on anything else. It's silly to say "well, my Pretender is really good at fire magic, so all my sacred troops do magical fire damage" and call that a blessing. It's not a blessing, it's the result of a spell that the magical game-fairies cast for you when you're not looking.

It's equally silly to suggest that your Pretender can be X amount good/knowledgeable of fire magic and that's why his blessings are effective, but if he becomes X+11, that doesn't do a damn thing.

Much more sensible, fun, and opening-of-the-game-to-roleplaying-and-modding, if the bless is based on the form chosen and divine power possessed by the Pretender-including obtained divine power from temples built, since that would make for some very interesting strategy.

Naturally, it would be difficult to implement.

DrPraetorious October 26th, 2007 01:11 AM

Re: Suggested Changes to Bless Bonuses
I'll jump in, since I'm drunk.

All of the blessings are fine except for Death, B9 and A9, which are a bit underpowered.

A4 gives you the ability to forge air boosters, which is so useful that the A4 bless can be substandard. None-the-less, A4+ should give sacreds +1 precision, +1/2A past 4, IN ADDITION TO THE AIR SHIELD, because sacred archers should want an air blessing. and sacred non-archers wouldn't care.

While we're at it, F9 should give flaming arrows as well as flaming weapons.

B9 should absolutely be "blood weapons", which have lesser life drain. Lesser life drain is not that big a deal. Arrows should become "blood arrows".

The death blessing should simply be better - about twice as big a bonus to affliction chance. D9 should apply to missile weapons as well, of course.

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