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-   -   Scorched earth (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36844)

PyroStock November 16th, 2007 05:00 PM

Re: With my last breath, I spit at thee
IMO, the conquering player is also not entitled to the labs, castles or whatever the losing player has pre-battle anymore then he is entitled to his gems/gold/items. So complaining about losing something that you're not entitled to have and do not own is a bit of a stretch.

Some players like to "leave their mark" if they're going to lose and for some that's leaving a deep scar on their worst enemy nation, some cast armageddon(s), and others give generous gifts. It doesn't mean they are doing it because they're bad sports.

Forrest November 16th, 2007 06:11 PM

Re: With my last breath, I spit at thee
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Wow, give all my gems, money and magical items to my destroyer at the end as a "well fought noble enemy" gesture warms my heart and fills me with pride over my honor. I always take life so my lands will grow and be better at the end. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif One thought. One item. Bane Venom Charm http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

I will take death on my Pretender so I can spam this. Every province your army sits in will have a scout with one in it. Every province you attack will have a scout with one in it. Every castle you siege will have one in it. Every enemy you have will get one with your name on it. Even you will find your lab filling with them. You will cross your land with them just to get rid of them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

From death's door I spit at thee.

Lychanthropos' Amulets shall cover the ground you walk on. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Envy.gif[/img]

Eye's of aiming and eye's of the void shall hang on every tree http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif

Rod's of the Leper king shall be every leader's weapon of choice http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

The spells of choice shall be Curse and Horror mark. My mages shall retreat so they can do it again in the next province. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Your troops will wither and die of old age before your eyes.

Burnt Earth? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Campfire.gif[/img] I'll show you burnt earth [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon49.gif[/img]

Edi November 16th, 2007 06:16 PM

Re: With my last breath, I spit at thee
I draw the line at pillaging my own provinces, because I generally play the role of a more or less benevolent god (whether a genuine nice guy or an ironfisted tyrant who looks after his population for his own gain) and pillaging my own provinces would go counter to that. But the rest of it, gems, gold, items, provinces, they'd go to those who I favor over the one who defeated me. If I detest everyone else even more (in-game, of course), then I'd still go down fighting, but take my stuff with me. Or maybe even give it to the victor if I wanted him to win.

Reverend Zombie November 16th, 2007 06:28 PM

Re: Scorched earth
Shorter Original Post?:

"I'm entitled to everything you own in pristine condition because I attacked you."

Morkilus November 16th, 2007 06:44 PM

Re: Scorched earth
I don't consider the analogy to a tournament sports player valid at all. A tournament is by definition NOT a multiplayer game, and almost all non-duel, non-team Dominions games are. The point of a multiplayer game is to do the best you can, and maybe be the one on top when it ends; it is not a series of matches. There are alliances, 2-on-1's and 3-on-1's, and so on.

Besides, if a player wants to have fun and keep playing, there's no reason he should give up at any point just so the dominant player can have an easier time beating others. If you aren't having fun losing or see a point to it (roleplaying, "honor", or otherwise), find a replacement or simply go AI. Under ridiculously overbalanced circumstances such as 4-man pile-ons, I've gone AI when reduced to a few provinces, but I also think it's fun to give a dominant opponent as much hell as I can in the off chance that he'll leave me alone for a minute out of frustration. Otherwise I feel like it's throwing the game for no particular reason.

konming November 16th, 2007 07:23 PM

Re: Scorched earth
Just a few random thoughts:

About "sore loser". While he may be sore because you attacked him and he lost, you are certainly also sore because he scorthed earth and cause you to lose as well. Do I sense another sore loser?

About "deter aggression". Losing an all powerful, artifact ladden SC to some soul slay or life for a life is frustrating. So you will think carefully before you do this again, although you are still going to use SC anyway. Losing a game when you beat up a much weaker guy or gang up on some poor soul, and got scorth earth, is also frustrating. And maybe that will teach you something - maybe next time you should try to befriend some weaker nation instead of beating them to death.

About "sportsmanship". Well, this is a sport that you mercilessly beat up weak guys and have shadowy alliance coming down on other players. It is certainly valid to "injure" the other player as long as you are in the game because "injure" each other is what you do in this game. Really I do not see anyone complaining seriously about an opponent being more of a cakewalk than he should be. So I guess this has much more to do with losing than with "sportmanship".

Baalz November 16th, 2007 07:29 PM

Re: Scorched earth

Reverend Zombie said:
Shorter Original Post?:

"I'm entitled to everything you own in pristine condition because I attacked you."

Really, there's no need to make such an inflammatory and blatantly misrepresentative statement. I view Dominions as primarily a strategy game played by all for fun, and when I lose I congratulate my opponent and honestly wish him luck in the rest of the game. If the response is a screw you, I hope you die and get eliminated next, I don't think its too hard to see how some would view that as bad sportsmanship. My point is *so* not about being entitled to anything, I may be a bit biased but I think that's pretty obvious by my posts if you're not trying to deliberately misunderstand me.


Stryke11 said:
You see, if you are going to lose, and therefore by definition cannot win, you cannot derive satisfaction from winning, BUT, you can derive satisfaction by causing the person who denyed you the win a denial of their own chances to win. You see this as "bad sportsmanship," and I see it as you being a wuss.


The answer is that YOU are the one who is attacking Player A, not Player C. That's good enough justification for me.

Yep, you hit the nail on the head, I see it as bad sportsmanship to try to sabotage the guy I lost to so he subsequently loses. I don't get upset when somebody attacks me in a war game, and I don't bear them bad will if they do it successfully. I'm not sure why this causes you to claim I'm a "wuss", it's kinda the definition of poor sportsmanship. From wikipedia: "Poor sportsmanship can either be the winners "rubbing salt in the wounds" of the losers, or the losers expressing their frustration at not winning, even to the point of holding a grudge." The only real justifications for it I've seen on this thread are basically that people don't view it as a sport/competition/game, but rather a simulation/roleplaying experience. That's a valid position I guess, though I tend to see little enough roleplaying up until that point.

Forrest November 16th, 2007 07:45 PM

Re: Scorched earth
You should not be mad at the person when the game is over because it is just a game.

If you brag when I hand you a easy win then you should brag when I bite your ear off and hand it back. If it kills you to kill me then I guess I fought the good fight. If you can't stand to have your body found laying next to mine then don't attack.

There are lots of terrible things put in this game just so you can spit at your killer from death's door. The point is to have fun winning or to have fun loosing.

Reverend Zombie November 17th, 2007 12:24 AM

Re: Scorched earth

Baalz said:
I view Dominions as primarily a strategy game played by all for fun...

What if the thing that brings your beaten opponent the most fun, at that point, is bringing you down with him?


The only real justifications for it I've seen on this thread are basically that people don't view it as a sport/competition/game, but rather a simulation/roleplaying experience.

Here's a sport analogy for you: teams that are hopelessly behind in games don't just walk off the court or field--they continue trying to score against their opponent.

BigandScary November 17th, 2007 01:36 AM

Re: Scorched earth
But do they try to take out the knee of the other team's top player so the team that beats them loses in the end?

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