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Tifone December 10th, 2008 11:59 AM

Re: Your favorite spell
Wind Ride is broken? :confused:

JimMorrison December 10th, 2008 02:07 PM

Re: Your favorite spell

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 658848)
Wind Ride is broken? :confused:

I meant to tell you, Tifone. :o

Charm is lovely, but I usually just go with Enslave Mind for my dirty deeds. The range, and communionability, just get my mojo going.....

Meglobob December 10th, 2008 02:15 PM

Re: Your favorite spell

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 658848)
Wind Ride is broken? :confused:

Many patches a go I was in a MP with a 1 province strip of land, half a dozen provinces long, next to a huge sea. I had a castle on the NW shore with a mage casting wind ride at enemy commanders coming up north along the land bridge. Using wind ride I dragged commander after commander to a instant watery grave in the deep seas.

What seeems to happen is wind ride can no longer bring a enemy commander more than 1 or 2 provinces so drops them along the way...:D

Tifone December 10th, 2008 04:15 PM

Re: Your favorite spell
? Wow, huge nerf it seems. Still yeah, used that way sounds like a true instakill :D Not to mention on enemy researchers' provinces...
Maybe still useful to grab the enemy commanders about to enter your province and organize them a meeting with your PD before their troops? :happy:

Lingchih December 11th, 2008 02:53 AM

Re: Your favorite spell

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 658842)
With Wind Ride broken I would LOVE to see Winged Monkeys improved. It would go so well with Charm. :)
I know that Charm is considered a "waste" by some but I love to gain enemy commanders that I cant recruit PLUS their equipment AND THEN get to see their old army rout in combat for lack of leadership. Sometimes even get to see their old commander force them to rout. I picture him switching sides then turning and yelling BOO!
MUAHAHAHahahahahaha (evil laugh)

I just use Charm to get new mages from my allies. Never really use it in battle, although I have had it used against me in battle (with limited effect). I was Niefel. Opponent Pan took about 5 jarls off me using spam charm.

Gandalf Parker December 11th, 2008 11:16 AM

Re: Your favorite spell
I never use it in battle either altho a mage with blink or sandals might do ok.

But I LOVE giving it to assassins or seducers. People who get into 1-on-1 combat. If an assassin charms his target then the next message is a combat in that province between that commander and his old army. Much fun.

Giving it to seducers can vastly improve their effectiveness. They try their seduction, then if that fails they end up in combat where they can try charm once or twice before fighting.

It also works great with spells like Winged Monkeys to have a small group of Charm casting mages ready to greet the new arrival. Setup a lab with no PD and turn it into a recruitment center.

Amhazair December 11th, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: Your favorite spell
It has to be ghost riders for me. There's nothing that compares to the feeling of taking out several enemy provinces each turn without even having to move out of your cozy castles. One casting is enough to take out any decent amount of PD unless it is equiped with magical weapons. If your oponent tries to retake your newly acquired provinces using small forces of his own you destroy them with two castings. If he sends out a reasonable force or thug, you can teleport something really big and nasty on top of him. This spell helps tremendously to take and hold the initiative in the decisive lategame wars. (coupled with more traditional raiding tactics. )

Of course, if you don't have native D4 mages it does require a rather serious investment to get yourself a stable of casters ready. (Lich+skull staff+skull helmet = 54D with a hammer. If you do have D3 mages you can give them the hardly inexpensive RoS for the same effect) On the bright side, these are the same guys you want to summon your tartarians (with a RoS on top of the above equipment) so you'll want to get as many as you can afford anyway. They can chain-summon Tartarians for you to Gift of Reason the unafflicted ones until the war begins, and then seamlessly switch to Ghost riders. My current game is the first time I didn't manage to get a nice number of casters ready before end game.

:mean: Of course, this time I have access to send horror casters, so I can hopefully accomplish the same thing. :mean:

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