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Fakeymcfake September 2nd, 2009 05:39 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
I'll get my pretender in by thursday, just got back online (damn shoddy internet providers) and need to take care of some pressing paperwork before I do anything else.

iainuki September 3rd, 2009 02:45 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
We have a problem. Is LlamaBanners set as part of the game settings? I am playing in another game where that mod was set (Aquamarine), and I could not load the first turn file without LlamaBanners. Squirrelloid suggested that in Water Total War, where LlamaBanners was not included as part of the game settings themselves, players who wanted to use it could. If there is a workaround for the situation where LlamaBanners is include as part of the settings, I can use that, but I'm not aware of it. Otherwise, I see two options: restart the game (players would have to reupload their pretenders) or figure out a way to withdraw without disrupting the game. I don't like this situation, but I don't see any other way to handle it.

Squirrelloid September 3rd, 2009 02:51 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
Um, i make more detailed comments in the Aquamarine thread, but the gist is I'm incorrectly recalling where the discussion was had - its not the WTW game thread (i was certain it was...). But I know I read that discussion somewhere. Logical candidates include Noobs vs. Vets - but that thread is massive.

Frozen Lama September 3rd, 2009 03:28 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
well squirrelloid, i'm trusting you on this one, that people don't need it enabled.
of course iainuki the easiest solution would be that IF you need it, just download it.

iainuki September 3rd, 2009 03:49 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 708645)
of course iainuki the easiest solution would be that IF you need it, just download it.

I think you're somewhat missing my point. I don't like LlamaBanners and if I'd known the game was going to require it, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place. As it was, I believed it wasn't going to be a problem. If the game starts with the current settings, it will be a problem. I signed up for a game without LlamaBanners, or so I thought, only to have the terms of the agreement changed without consulting me (admittedly, because of technical issues no one seemed to understand right). Thus, why I'm requesting it that the game either be set up so that I can play without it (as the earlier discussion promised, but failed to deliver, though not because of anyone's fault) or that we reach some mutually-satisfactory way for me to withdraw.

GrudgeBringer September 3rd, 2009 04:56 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
OK IF you are in Aquamarine....

The first turn just posted and we DO (I am also in Aquamarine) have what you call llama-banners in that game as I have it turned on and they show up for me.

IF you got the turn and everything is OK and you Don't have llama-banners showing (Standards and Streamers to the rest of us)then you SHOULDN'T have any problem with this game as it is set up the same way.

IF you have a problem with both games because you don't want a bigger flag then in the game just say so and we will delete your Pretender in this one as it hasn't started yet (at least I haven't got turn 1).

But I don't think Aquamarine will restart (although I wish they would with my HORREDOUS start) as it took so long to get all the Pretenders in.

So...It may be that you just have to HAVE the mod, not necessarily have it on. So you mght want to give it a shot and D/L it but don't enable it.:up:

Frozen Lama September 3rd, 2009 04:57 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
i see what you are saying now. hopefully squirelloid is right, and you don't need it. If not, we shall work on it then.

Frozen Lama September 3rd, 2009 05:00 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
Sir Jope has PM'd me and apparently someone else submitted an Atlantis pretender. remember, refer to the origional post by GB to see what nation you have, although it seems that everyone but fakey has sent a pretender. so then- whoever sent in the Atlantis pretender- sorry but Atlantis has been taken.

Sir Jope- see my PM, but i will just delete the current Atlantis pretender, and you can submit yours.

Frozen Lama September 3rd, 2009 05:27 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
ok this is getting dumb... who is C'tis? no one is signed up for it. Sir Jope you cna submit your god, but Fakey will have to pm me when he's ready so i can delete C'tis and he can quickly get his guy sent in.

iainuki- according to some of the modders on the IRC, you will need to use llamabanners. there is apparently a way to work around this by modding the llamabanners mod and replacing it with the origional flags, but i am modding incompetant, and thus, i'm sorry but i really can't restart the game again. i'm sorry about this. i realize that it isn't really fair, but in intrest of saving the game, i think we will have to run with it. if your out, i'm sorry. of course if you are ok with sticking it out for a couple turns, i could post in the mods forum, and see if i can figure out how to help you. Gregstrom seemed to know how to do it, but didn't have the tga's available.

Trumanator September 3rd, 2009 06:27 PM

Re: Viscious Circle 3
lol, ninja players are fun...

I vote we gank all of them at the start of the game.

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