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Nikelaos August 26th, 2010 07:24 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
The lands of Rus were once a chaotic battleground, rival princes leading their clans in hope of glory. Much to the pleasure of the now jubilant populace, order was restored to the land with the coming of the new faith and a new age, an age of heroes.

Today the first of these heroes was to be chosen, an intermediate between the people and the still slumbering goddess to whom they owed so much. Near the front stood the Eparches hoping to be rewarded for their service to the Goddess, further forward stood the Grand Princes; each smug with overflowing pride and confident in their chances, even more confident though was Alexej - the patriach of the faith and a former khlysty and occultist.

Alexej soon found himself disappointed, a divine spirit erupted from Vladmina, staring Alexej in the eyes the spirit turned away and drifted outside of the sacred home of the Goddess, embedding itself into the body of a lowly scout.

Gasps of sheer surprise thundered from the mystified crowds. The chosen one feeling holy power surge through his veins immediately collapsed on his knees to pray. Alexej gave a deep piercing glare before storming away, abandoning his duties. The nation of Bogarus will be missing the help of it's former religious leader, but has gained another. Many also believe this is not the last that shall be seen of the Patriach, perhaps he shall return to prove himself worthy.

Squirrelloid August 27th, 2010 10:32 AM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Come on Samulus, its turn 1, what's taking so long?

pyg August 27th, 2010 03:51 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
I think Samulus is a pretty cool guy, eh dos his turn last and doesn't afraid of anything.

Fantomen August 27th, 2010 05:50 PM

Re: Warthog - LA,CBM - upload pretenders!
Samulus apparently had difficulties finding the map tga. :rolleyes: I helped him and now the second turn is finally out. Let's all help to keep a bit of tempo now shall we?

13lackGu4rd August 27th, 2010 06:07 PM

Re: Warthog - running
aye aye sir!

Nikelaos August 27th, 2010 06:48 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Wow, I did that whole aar roleplay thing about assigning a prophet, got thanked for it, and then got the new turn and realised I hadn't prophetised anyone... I suck.

Let's hope this one is accurate. Redemption time.


The time has come, a generous Prince offered a few Malaia Druzinha to fight for the goddess immediately... for a small price. Research has been begun by the starets to give them new ways to use their magical abilities to serve the goddess and the gears of war are finally in motion.

The 'donated' cavalrymen are grouped together with the city garrison under the command of Sviotoslav the voivode. Sviotoslav grew up as the child of an unsuccessful farmer who raised just enough money for his family to get by, he would be proud now to see his son; a commander of men, going forth to conquer in the name of the most holy Vladmina.

Sviotoslav himself was full of pride aswell as fervor. "Look now to the horizon men" he bellowed at the men under his command. "It is ours! Rus was once known as a land stricken by civil war, plagued by thieves and vagabonds. Today this changes, united now we march on to show the world the glory of Rus - a land of HEROES!" As the regiment roared in approval, Sviotoslav roared back louder. "Heroes of Rus, look now to the horizon, TAKE IT...IT'S YOURS!"

With the second cacophony of cheers they were off, marching to unknown lands without fear or hesitation.

Fantomen August 28th, 2010 12:04 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Pug stod on the battlefield, resting on the sword and gazing out over the scattered bodies. It had almost been to easy, the iron clad Agarthans shook off the rain of arrows as if it were no more than a light summer rain. And the infantry who stood before the archers had fallen like straw to the massive cave drakes and their stout riders.

Yet the smell of blood and atrocities of battle were new to Pug, well trained as he was he'd lived his life up until now in peaceful isolation underground. The surface world with all it's brightness and vivid colors made him squint and get dizzy. And the bloodshed made him feel sick, though he was careful to hide his feelings from the soldiers. It would get worse, that was for bloody sure, Pug could only hope he would harden with time.

Nikelaos August 28th, 2010 01:16 PM

Re: Warthog - running
Crossbow bolts slammed hard against the shields of bogarus' heroes, but they trudged on unwaveringly and slammed hard into the enemy line. At this point it seemed almost like a stalemate, with the men of Rus on having a mnor advantage.

This illusion was soon dispelled as the Druzinha looped around the edge of the battle field, charging at the leaders of the heretics. In one swift action the enemy force was decapitated and fell limp against the might of Rus.

Sviatoslav buried two brave heroes this day, a statistical triumph considering how many wicked ones were slain, but it was a personal defeat as these men had grown up with Sviatoslav and he had failed them. Already shaken by the horrors of war, Sviatoslav swore not to let their deaths be in vain, he would fight on for Rus so that it's heroes would always be remembered as such.

Squirrelloid August 28th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Warthog - running
From the journal of Mortal Kombat, prophet of Fatality:
mmm... blood

Squirrelloid August 29th, 2010 10:50 PM

Re: Warthog - running
ok, seriously, its turn 4. Samulus!!!!

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