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Thanatus del Dragos January 30th, 2011 09:31 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Alright, this game has taken almost 3 weeks to set up, lets get started kicking some AI butt!

endomorphious January 31st, 2011 10:41 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Hello everyone, Have my pretender ready to go but i need help in loading the mod. It seems to be in a DM format that my computer is not reading. Any suggestions for a program that can read it or suggestions on what Im doing wrong to load it.

Thanatus del Dragos January 31st, 2011 01:37 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
What happens to the game after the AI are destroyed? Do we turn on each other?

Hrum January 31st, 2011 01:58 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 769790)
Hello everyone, Have my pretender ready to go but i need help in loading the mod. It seems to be in a DM format that my computer is not reading. Any suggestions for a program that can read it or suggestions on what Im doing wrong to load it.

endomorphious, when you unzip the mod all that stuff you get (the folder and the various .dm files) goes in the mods folder of your Dominions install (for me, on WinXP that would be "C:\\Program Files\dominions3\mods\").

Just stick everything that you unzipped in that mods folder and launch Dominions. Then you should be all set - I don't think you even need to select the mod or turn it on or anything for Turbocharged. I think Dominions will know that we're using that mod when you login to dom3minions.com so you should be good.

However, if you just want to confirm that the mod is being seen by Dom3 after sticking it in that folder, you can launch the game, and from the first menu choose Preferences (? ...umm Options?) and then see a new list of sub-options one of which should be "Mod Preferences". If you see Better Independents listed as an option you can click on and enable, that means you're all set.


Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 769716)
Alright, uploaded my pretender.



Originally Posted by Doo (Post 769718)
Gandalf has informed me of the game being ready for our pretenders.

Ninja'ed! :p


I've emailed or PM'ed everyone the log in details, please log in and upload. Note the game starts as soon as the last person uploads their pretender, can I ask whoever that is to post in this thread that the game is underway please?
I have my pretender design all set; I'll upload it once I get home from work tonight. Didn't see this update yesterday - was out and about until kinda late, and when I got home the focus was dinner and sobering up before bed. ;)

Indeed - if I'm the last one (seems like I will be) I'll post here.


Good luck everyone. NT Jedi has told me he's betting on a human win but is expecting the AI to be putting up globals and giving a strong fight.

NT Jedi is betting on us, lets not let the rest of humanity down, lets kick the AI back into the 286 age!
Thanks to NTJedi for helping get this game up and running with extra AI evilness. And to Gandalf. And to Doo for starting this game in the first place.

I hope to not embarass myself early on with the monkeys. I think they tend to be weakest early on, so we'll see if I can make it to the tasty summons at which point I should (hopefully) be alright. Of course, with all the boosts the map tweaking team have made to the AIs with their buffed pretenders and whatnot, the AIs might be coming into their own just when I'm at my most (over)confident. Hopefully, I'll manage to do more than just fling poo at our adversaries. :)


Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 769808)
What happens to the game after the AI are destroyed? Do we turn on each other?

I was figuring we'd just declare victory. I guess if some people want to celebrate by trying to smash each other, that's an option.

In any case, I look forward to waging war on the unholy ones with you gentlemen! Death to the AIs!

Doo January 31st, 2011 04:41 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Yeah, Thanatus del Dragos must have been like an Olympic sprinter crouched at the line and itching for the starters gun to go off, I only emailed him like two minutes before I posted on the thread :D

What happens when the AI is kaput? Whatever we want! Thats what we are fighting for are we not? Freedom? :p

In playing SemiRand maps before being aware of potentially encountering an awake SC with free starting gear can be important. I don't know if NT Jedi has done this to us, so have a think how you might stop an early SC rush. I'm bee-lining straight to Evo-4 for Thunderstrike.

Thanatus del Dragos January 31st, 2011 04:59 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
I'm thinking thunder strike and a swarm of Nemedians.

And, most of the time, I have nothing better to do other than hangout at forums at home or work...I do have a life, it's just not a very exciting one, and the girlfriend works nights, so she sleeps a lot when I'm on...so yea, I'm going to be posting a lot. No real threat of me taking a lot of time taking my turns either.

Hrum January 31st, 2011 08:54 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by Hrum (Post 769810)
endomorphious, when you unzip the mod all that stuff you get (the folder and the various .dm files) goes in the mods folder of your Dominions install (for me, on WinXP that would be "C:\\Program Files\dominions3\mods\").

Just to clarify, I didn't mean that it just lands there when you unzip the mod. You unzip the mod and move/copy all the files for the mod from whereever you unzipped it to your "dominions3\mods\" directory. There is no installer - you just unzip, move the files to the right place, and you're done.

Maybe that was clear already. I dunno. :)

I any case, my pretender is uploaded. It looks like we're just waiting on C'tis.

Doo February 1st, 2011 04:08 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 769818)
I'm thinking thunder strike and a swarm of Nemedians.

Nemedians probably won't hit often enough, although when they do it will be hard. We are talking Body Ethereal, Lucky and defense 22+ SC's...

Maybe NT Jedi has not been that mean.

Thunderstrike will do the job, as long as they are not resistant to lightning and the wizards don't spam Phantasmal Warriors/Wolves.

endomorphious February 1st, 2011 08:32 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Sorry guys. Just can not get the mod to get recognized by Dom3. I've downloaded and unzipped like 5 times now both directly into the mod file and not and then manually moving it over after extraction. Any ideas on what Im doing wrong. I used to run mods on WoW so I've done this type of thing before. Not sure what I'm bungling right now.

Gandalf Parker February 1st, 2011 10:01 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
What operating system?
And when you connect to the game, what does it tell you?

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