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-   SEIV Scenarios and Mods (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=83)
-   -   Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=14626)

pathfinder May 1st, 2003 02:24 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Path's B5 Gaim (include Gold AI):


Atrocities May 1st, 2003 12:49 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
The Vaadwaur v1.0 By Atrocities.

To View

Andrés May 6th, 2003 05:51 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
My spreadsheet to estimate ship sizes and a simple shipset I made to "test" the proportions.



oleg May 11th, 2003 01:57 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Azkorians with fixed portraits - 128X128


Katchoo May 13th, 2003 06:32 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here's the Nu'Wam Shipset (Gold 1.84 Certified):


pathfinder May 22nd, 2003 12:56 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
B5 Cascor (neutral race atm):


Atrocities May 22nd, 2003 07:53 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
The Huron

This set is complete with EMP files and AI. The set is also Neo-Standard Compliant including two extra ships.

pathfinder May 23rd, 2003 04:40 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Forgot to add weapon platforms and drone in earlier upload (B5 Cascor):


pathfinder May 25th, 2003 05:55 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
EA AI Update:

B5 Components.txt Update:


cybersol May 25th, 2003 07:33 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This is all the work of others. I just wanted to post it so it doesn't get lost since the singularity is down right now. I hope this is ok, please let me know if it is not.

Khrel Shipset by Richard Meic.

Khrel Death Match 2 AI by Rexxx.

[ June 21, 2003, 21:12: Message edited by: cybersol ]

Xaren Hypr May 25th, 2003 11:43 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
(..umm, originally posted on the WRONG thread... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/blush.gif )

My first update for the Blackstar Nexus shipset.


Comments, suggestions welcome.

pathfinder May 25th, 2003 11:25 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Cascor AI_General.txt file fixed to allow its use as a neutral in B5 MOD (Gold Version):


pathfinder May 25th, 2003 11:53 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Update for Markab AI_General.tx file to allow them as a B5 Neutral Race:


mlmbd June 5th, 2003 01:51 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here is the TXT file for the complete Neo ++ shipset.

Neo ++ List

<font color=purple>mlmbd http://www.shrapnelgames.com//ubb/icons/icon6.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif </font

oleg June 5th, 2003 09:29 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
I made few changes to some Proportions AI. It should deal better with the scrapping base ship yard problem. At least AI will try to rebuild infrastructure faster after scrapping franzy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon9.gif
Before unzipping, move the file to Proportions/pictures/races folder. I think.


Hrothgar June 7th, 2003 01:00 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This race is sort of an homage to the pulp SF magazines of the '30s and '40s. Not being an artist myself, I took all the images from pulp magazine cover scans [from mags like "Planet Stories," Startling Stories," and "Thrilling Wonder Stories"] which I found on the net and modified them to make them usable in SEIV. For this reason, the various ship graphics are less homogenous than those of other ship sets, but I still think there's a certain similarity in style due to them all belonging to a particular era in SF illustration. However, in the race description I did attempt to justify this graphic variation, by portraying the race as both rag-tag refugees from another galaxy and part of an extremely decentralized society. This seemed to fit the ideal of anarchic freedom which was so prevalent in pulp-era SF.

I based my AI files on the TDM Modpack files, with a lot of modifications to get the effects I wanted. My limited playtesting indicates that at least the 5k Version is competitive. I think it would work best in a large galaxy with not too many other empires, but, right now I'm testing it in a medium galaxy with eight other empires and 6 minors [TDM Modpack races], and the race is still hanging on after 350+ turns.

Anyone who is familiar with the SF of the pulp era will probably recognize where the names come from.


p.s. Thanks to Oleg for explaining how to upload the file.

[ June 07, 2003, 22:30: Message edited by: Hrothgar ]

Hrothgar June 7th, 2003 11:28 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Oleg caught file name errors on two of the ships ["pulps" instead of "pulp"], so I fixed that and here's the corrected zip.


I started working on the "Speech" file, but there are so many lines, and I wasn't sure how I wanted to go with it, so I gave up after changing all occurences of "senates" or "councils" or "regents" or whatever to "Constituent Assembly," which is what I decided to call the Duke's council. If I have time, I'll do some more work on the speech file before we leave the country.

I also intended to make a design name file, but, again, I'm not sure how I want to handle it. I thought of using the names of all the pulp magazines I could find, but that would only amount to a few dozen, and many of them wouldn't be SF pulps, but, instead, magazines like "Railroad Stories," "Six-Gun Western," "Film Fun," and "Love Stories."
I may still do this, and throw in the name of some of the pulp SF authors and characters from some of the stories. If, and when, I do, I'll post it here. Maybe I can do some work on it tonight. At any rate, for now, I've set the "emp" files to use "ravager.txt.," which, actually, has some names that sound like the kind of names you might find for a spaceship un a pulp story.

[ June 07, 2003, 23:03: Message edited by: Hrothgar ]

Hrothgar June 8th, 2003 03:49 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here's a pulp.txt file for my race--390 names, mostly the names of all the pulp magazines I could come up with, plus a few dozen authors and artists whose work appeared in the pulps.


pathfinder June 9th, 2003 05:16 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Data files for B5 Gold:


Hrothgar June 9th, 2003 08:10 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here's the complete, updated Version of the Pulp race. I slightly revised the speech file, and included the pulp.txt file of design names.

Thanks to everyone who has commented on the race. If anyone has any problems with it, let me know and I'll try to address them.

If I have time, I'll try to come up with a neo-standard Version.


Hrothgar June 9th, 2003 11:00 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Should have known I'd forget something. Here's a credits.txt file. Although it took quite a bit of work for me to make this race, that's just a fraction of the work of the artists whose pictures I used for the ship set. Plus, I used previously existing AI files as the starting points for mine. Now that the race has "gone public," this info should be included. I'd appreciate it if those who have downloaded the race would stick the credits.txt in the folder:


And, if you haven't downloaded the race yet, here's the complete file, including the above credits.txt


pathfinder June 15th, 2003 05:31 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Latest Version of the B5 MOD Gold.

B5 Gold "Main" files:


B5 Mod Race AI:


[ June 16, 2003, 00:39: Message edited by: pathfinder ]

Katchoo June 21st, 2003 12:04 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here's Version 1.1 of the Nu'Wam Partnership Shipset:


ADDED: 3000 & 5000 Racial Point Empire files, adding to the existing 2000 Racial Point file.

Chronon June 30th, 2003 04:32 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here are the Verdurans Version 0.8 (No AI, provisional race picture)
Verdurans v0.8

[ June 30, 2003, 15:34: Message edited by: Chronon ]

Hrothgar July 6th, 2003 04:25 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
I've upgraded the Pulp race/shipset to neo-standard [++, I think] and improved the AI. My unit is leaving for overseas duty in a few days, so this will probably be the Last update for while, altho I would like to do more with the AI. However, it's as good as I could get it, given the deadline I had to work with, and testing indicates that it compares favorably with other TDM AIs, altho the best ones, like United Flora and the Space Vikings consistently beat it. I hope everyone who downloads it enjoys it.

Here's the link:


Perhaps we'll have internet access where we're going. If so, I'll try to follow developments in the SE community. I wish we had remained here long enough for me to get a copy of the new game--guess I'll get it when I get back, plus, hopefully, SE5. Take care, everyone.

Rojero July 8th, 2003 10:54 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Ok here is my first attempt at shipset making, this since my race is figther based i started with the fighters tell me what you guys think?

Rojero July 9th, 2003 11:10 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Huge Carrier
Small Fighter
Medium Fighter
Large Fighter

[ July 09, 2003, 10:13: Message edited by: Rojero ]

Z.e.r.o July 27th, 2003 06:30 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Ok I've rewritten almost completely the old AI of the Infernal Realm (that was copied by a stock AI). It works pretty good and is also a pretty cool shipset!

Here's the updated shipset: Infernal Realm Version 1.1

It was tested with SE4G 1.84.

[ July 29, 2003, 11:24: Message edited by: Z.e.r.o ]

Chronon August 2nd, 2003 02:25 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here is Version 1.0 of the Verdurans, complete with AI files (optimized for TDM-Modpack), and original race portrait by Dogscoff.

Verdurans v1.0

Z.e.r.o August 2nd, 2003 02:09 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Star Empire Of Romii 2.2
I wonder why no one took over to revive this great shipset for Gold, it's really well done.
I corrected a couple of bugs (they had 250 race points unspent) recreated the empire files for gold and added the usual drone technologies and research, so it's now prefectly 1.84 ready.


SEOR 2.2 Download

SORRY Corrected a mistake in the rar file previously uploaded, if you downloaded it before this edit please redownload it or you may have an error message when playing againts SEOR.

[ August 02, 2003, 13:23: Message edited by: Z.e.r.o ]

Z.e.r.o August 2nd, 2003 02:49 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Addisian Empire 1.9
After my long absence from SE4 I realized that my first revision of the Addisian Empire was really flawed: no drone construction and the empire files were not rebuilt to respect Gold features.
Hopefully now all is fixed.


Addisian Empire 1.9 Download

[ August 02, 2003, 13:49: Message edited by: Z.e.r.o ]

Z.e.r.o August 3rd, 2003 06:21 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Akah Amalgamation 1.1

Here's a new complete Gold upgrade:
What's new:
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Changed the happiness type to Bloodthirsty, it was Agressive and didn't make much sense for Gold.</font>
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Drones, explosive warheads and construction queues for them
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I based my work on the Trooper's quick fix for Gold. Trooper, if you want feel free to update it at SOTAS!
Akah Amalgamation 1.1 Download

[ August 05, 2003, 05:25: Message edited by: Z.e.r.o ]

Z.e.r.o August 4th, 2003 06:42 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Angelican Regency 1.3

Another easy work http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Whats new:

  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Rebuilt the non-gold empire files</font>
  • <font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Upgraded to non gold to 1.84 Gold. The lasck of kamikaze ships in the construction queues is my choice: kamikaze doesn't mix well with peaceful.</font>
<font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">Oh and from now over my shipsets readme will design me as MAINTAINER of the race, to avoid troubles and misunderstanding.

Angelican regency 1.3 Download

[ February 12, 2004, 16:13: Message edited by: Z.e.r.o ]

AJC August 5th, 2003 05:52 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here is the latest Orion Empire ship set - I totally revamped the AI and fixed a couple of images.
Feed back is appreciated - good or bad, post your comments on the forum!


Atrocities September 13th, 2003 10:54 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This[/b] HURON[/b] race v1.0 is from NASY and was developed for SEIV GOLD by Atrocities. The race contains an HTML readme with documention files. This set contains custom ship images made by William Christopher and can be viewed at Huron. AI by Malfador.

Mephisto October 13th, 2003 02:17 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
TDM-Modpack Version 3.40, for download click here

TDM-ModPack 3.40 (Gold Version)
May 12, 2004

For use with Space Empires IV Version 1.91 only.

First - many thanks to the folks at Malfador Machinations ("MM") and Shrapnel Games for their continued support and communication with the gaming community. Since MM is dedicated to releasing a number of future patches, this "Mod" pack does not contain any modified tech trees, new components or facilities, just a major overhaul to the AI files to get the most of the current Version of SE4.

AUTO-INSTALLER - Just double-click on the file and follow the instructions.

(1) Copy the file "original Path.txt" from the TDM-ModPack folder to your Space Empires IV folder.

(2) Delete the file "Path.txt" in your Space Empire IV folder.

(3) Rename the file "Original Path.txt" now located in the Space Empire IV folder to "Path.txt".

(4) The game will now run with it's default settings. The "TDM-ModPack" folder is still present. You can either delete it now or keep it to reinstall the TDM-ModPack if you desire to do so. To re-install the ModPack, follow the instructions for un-install but use the "TDM-ModPack Path.txt" instead.

(1) Open the file "Path.txt" in your Space Empires IV folder.

(2) Alter this line:

Using Mod Directory := TDM-ModPack


Using Mod Directory := None

(3) Save and close the file "Path.txt".

(4) The game will now run with it's default settings. The "TDM-ModPack" folder is still present. You can either delete it now or keep it to reinstall the TDM-ModPack if you desire to do so. To re-install the ModPack, follow the instructions for un-install but use the "TDM-ModPack Path.txt" instead.

We are happy to be able to incorporate one of the best utilities created by a fellow player for those that use mods with this game. This utility was designed by Matryx and is included with his express permission. It allows you to choose a particular "mod" folder upon starting SE4. This utility will be automatically installed along with the TDM-ModPack and will be located in your main SE4 folder. For more detailed information be sure to read the file "SE4Launcher.doc" located in the main SE4 directory after installation. To use:

(1) Press your "Start" button on the windows task bar, select "Programs," then select "Shrapnel Games" and click on the program called "SE4 ModLauncher"
(2) When the utility starts, choose the mod in the left most column that you would like to use for this game by clicking once with the mouse (note- the utility automatically creates these choices based on the list of folders located in your main directory and is designed to give your information for each mod that contains a "modinfo.txt" file)
(3) Once your selection is made, click the button called "Play SEIV."
(4) That's it! If you selected the "TDM-ModPack" you should be greeted with our specially modified intro screen to let you know your selection was successful.

If you want to use other Mods while playing the TDM-ModPack, make sure to install all other MODs you download into the "TDM-ModPack" folder and do not edit or override the "Path.txt" in your Space Empires IV folder. Following these instructions makes sure you don't cripple your ModPack installation involuntarily. BEWARE: Overriding any files in the "TDM-ModPack" folder may disrupt your ModPack installation!

VERSION 3.40 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.91 patch. Added the "Tessellate" race.

Compiled file contains the following:

(01) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Aquilaeian" - Version 2.40 (with shipset by Klaus Lehtonen a/k/a Zarix and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(02) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Colonials" - Version 1.23 (with shipset and AI files by Dracus).

(03) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Cue Cappa" - Version 1.21 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Rollo and speech file by Quikngruvn).

(04) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Cylons" - Version 1.40 (with shipset and AI files by Dracus).

(05) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Dra'kol" - Version 2.20 (with shipset by Don Phillips a/k/a Voidhawk, AI files by Tampa_Gamer and speech file by John Zamarra).

(06) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Earth Alliance" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Randy Stulce and other artists and AI files by Mephisto).

(07) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "EEE" - Version 1.30 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Rexxx).

(08) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Fazrah" - Version 1.60 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Blade).

(09) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Gron" - Version 1.10 (with shipset by Richard Meics, AI files by Rexxx).

(10) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Jraenar" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(11) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Klingons" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(12) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Krill" - Version 3.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Atraikius).

(13) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Narn Regime" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Randy Stulce and other artists and AI/speech files by Mephisto).

(14) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Norak" - Version 2.10 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(15) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Orks" - Version 3.00 (with shipset and AI files by Atraikius).

(16) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Piundon - Version 1.70 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Tampa_Gamer, speech file by John Zamarra)

(17) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Praetorian" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(18) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Pyrochette" - Version 2.30 (with shipset by Grand Mausic Yith Saulkar and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(19) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Rage Collective" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Alpha Kodiak and AI files by Unknown Enemy)

(20) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Romulans" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(21) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Sallega" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(22) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Sergetti" - Version 2.10 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(23) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Shadows" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(24) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Terran" - Version 4.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Mephisto).

(25) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Tessellate" - Version 1.20 (with shipset by Gryphin and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(26) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Toltayan" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(27) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Toron Confederation" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Klaus Lehtonen and AI by Mephisto).

(28) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Ukratel" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(29) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "United Flora" - Version 2.02 (with shipset by Henk Brouwer, AI files by Rollo).

(30) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Vaxin" - Version 1.31 (with shipset and AI files by Alpha Kodiak).

(31) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Vikings" - Version 1.11 (with shipset by Dogscoff and AI files by Rollo).

(32) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Xiati" - Version 4.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Mephisto).

(33) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Xi'Chung" - Version 2.20 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(34) Revised default AI_Planet_Types file to tweak planet selection for AI (by Daynarr).

(35) New formations.txt file that includes 9 new formations (contributions by Tampa_Gamer, Daynarr and Master Belisarius)

(36) Settings.txt modified to make "Quick Start" option available for all races - including 4 additional default races and all new races and increased default max units/ships (modified by Tampa_Gamer and Mephisto).

(37) "Modlauncher" info file added (created by Mephisto).

(38) Revised "Intro.bmp" screens for both 800x and 1024x Versions to indicate that "TDM-ModPack Directory" in use (created by Tampa_Gamer).

(39) Complete SE4 Launcher Utility - Version 2.26 (created by Gregory 'DM-Matryx' Sweetman).

(40) New default AI_Construction_Units file included to increase AI unit production in default, non-modded AI races (by Tampa_Gamer and Mephisto).

VERSION 3.30 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.84 patch. 5 races were added.

VERSION 3.20 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.78 patch. Added the "United Flora" race.

VERSION 3.11 - Includes fixes for all known bugs from Version 3.10. The Earth Alliance, the Narn, the Terrans, the Torons and the Xiati were tweaked. Fixed a problem with the install program.

VERSION 3.10 - Introduction screen now using the GOLD screen (again modified to indicate use of "TDM-ModPack Directory"), minor bug fixes, again rework of all previous races and re-adding several races that we left out on the CD for copyright reasons. Also, most of these new races files take advantage of the new features implemented via the Gold Patch.

VERSION 3.00 - GOLD-Version of the TDM-ModPack. All the races were modified and made compatible with the GOLD-Edition.

VERSION 2.00 - Introduction screens modified to indicate use of "TDM-ModPack Directory", major reworks to previous races and several races added (Cue Cappa, Jraenar, Krill, Praetorian, Ukratel, Terran, Xiati and Vaxin).

VERSION 1.80 - Aquilaeian race added, older races updated and ModLauncher info file added.

VERSION 1.75 - All races (except Norak, Xi'Chung and Sergetti which have been tested and are working with Version 1.41) reworked by respective authors.

VERSION 1.72 - Minor patch to include strategy changes to Norak, Sergetti &amp; Xi'Chung and minor tweaks/spelling corrections to other AI files

VERSION 1.71 - Revisions to all races, updated for SE4 ver 1.35 &amp; Pyrochette race added.

VERSION 1.70 - Revisions to all races &amp; additional races added.

VERSION 1.60 - Revisions to all races.

VERSION 1.50 - Added shipsets for two races, all AI files tweaked and updated.

VERSION 1.01 - Fixed several range errors caused by spacing and spelling error in Dra'kol files.

VERSION 1.00 - Initial Release.

(1) Each of the races has a complete revision history and additional notes contained in their own respective "readme.txt" files located in the race subfolders.

(2) You can find the most recent Version of the TDM-ModPack at

(3) Contact the TDM-ModPack-Team at HeavyLoad@Gmx.de

(4) The TDM-ModPack may be freely distributed as long as no files are modified, added or deleted.

Have Fun!
- The TDM-ModPack Team

Atrocities April 28th, 2005 10:33 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
The Star Jackels

Atrocities May 1st, 2005 01:59 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
The Solops

The Solop are an intelligent warrior race of machines who prefer non-atmosphere rock worlds.

Hrothgar June 16th, 2005 08:25 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
Version 2.0 of the Pulp race, with minor graphic changes and a thoroughly reworked AI.

Atrocities July 9th, 2005 07:49 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
Terran Empire v1.1 (Stock Gold and STM AI included) - Set is Neo-Standard

Version 1.1 - Fixed Design bug. (7-21-2005)

Bug Fix Download for version 1.0only - Not complete set just the bug fix.

Atrocities July 14th, 2005 03:30 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
Version 1.5 Imperial Ship Set. Updated (3-30-2006)

Updated to v1.3 on 9-29-2005 = Updated AI, Replaced EMP files, New Base images, new troop images added, replaced Troop Huge image.

Star Wars Imperial Navy v1.3 The Set is Neo-Standard

To View The Set Click Here

UPDATED to 1.3 - Requires Downloading, MUST replace old EMP files in Empires folder with the new ones from version 1.3.

Hrothgar July 17th, 2005 08:49 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
I've made kind of a sequel to the Pulp race [near the bottom of page 16 of this topic], called the P'ay P'ur-Baks. As played by the AI, they're a predominantly carrier race--altho, obviously, when controlled by a human, they can be played in any fashion. Here's their first publicly released version.

Hope you enjoy them.

Atrocities August 18th, 2005 05:23 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
The Aikenian v1.1 8/18/2005

Aikenian Patch from 1.0 to 1.1

Atrocities August 18th, 2005 05:27 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
For the above post.

Atrocities September 29th, 2005 08:41 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
Star Wars Rebellion (Rebels) V1.0 (Oct 11th added Extra Ship)

This set is 100% custom made images. (Say for items listed in the read-me file)

View Set

Atrocities October 11th, 2005 06:46 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
If you have downloaded the Rebellion ship set before October 11th, you can download this new ship file and add it to your Rebellion set if you want.

Rebellion Extra Ship

Atrocities November 10th, 2005 04:19 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)
The Caspian Empire v 1.0

To View Race Click HERE

The Caspian Empire was founded in 2061 following the end of the Great Galactic War which left the galaxy in ruin and many colonize worlds isolated and presumably alone for all eternity. The deployment of the Armageddon Device forever changed the face of known space as it permanently ended faster than light travel within the Galaxy. The deployment of this doomsday weapon was the only way to permanently end the conflict that had brought about the collapse and the out right extinction of many great societies. Space travel was thought to be lost forever, but the wonders of the Universe chose otherwise. Slowly, almost methodically, a mysterious thread of pure energy ribbons began to grow between star systems. A virtual spider web network of interconnecting filaments began to establish themselves throughout the galaxy. These micro filaments grew into massive neutronic conduits for which man and machine could pass from system to system. These "warp points" become more and more stable as the years went buy. Finally, some 360 years following the end of the great war man was once again able to travel the stars.

Atrocities November 10th, 2005 08:22 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
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The Shadow Fleet v1.1 (Updated 11-29-2005)

Or download just the Update - Version 1.1 (No other files)

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From what we have been able to gather we know that the Shadow race is one of the First Ones. They are an incredibly old race who at one time were dedicated to peaceful exploration of space. But over the millennium they began to adopt the theories of chaos and began to wage an ugly repetitive 1,000 year war with other races in the galaxy. They believed that through chaos, change would come. That races would evolve, and become more. This philosophy of chaos led to war after war every 1,000 years or so. Eventually only the great cataclysmic brought chaos to the Shadows chaos campaign. Now that travel through the stars is once again possible the Shadows have reemerged to once again bring chaos to the galaxy.

Atrocities November 11th, 2005 05:38 AM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
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The Remorhaz Society V 1.1 Gold/Deluxe

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The Remorhaz began their space exploration in the year 2400.0 Galactic Time, and since that date have fallen victim to many hostile races. Having defeated many, the Remorhaz are still fighting for the survival of their people and planets.

Atrocities November 13th, 2005 07:22 PM

Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
1 Attachment(s)

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