![]() |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
You are "Having a bLast"...So this is supposed to make me feel good while I'm stuck in a hotel room far from home with only 1.75 to play?
I feel so...so helpless and neglected. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Kerio has a really good personal firewall that is free... Much better than Zonealarm. I have been informed that you will want Kerio 2.1.5, not the newest 4.x Version... Download link: http://www.kerio.com/dwn/kpf2-en-win.exe
If you want a good AV, Kaspersky (www.kaspersky.com) is one of the best. Definitely better than Norton AV, which is actually on the low end of the spectrum... Partially because they make you rebuy it for engine upgrades, unlike most anti-virus programs... Definitely not free though. Free AV programs include Avast (http://www.avast.com/) and AVPE (http://www.antivir.de/). Stay away from AVG... Just be warned that free AV programs have poor detection rates compared to good "professional" AV programs. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I am growing depressed again over the mod. It seems for no reason that I can identify, the AI is not expanding again. Oh sure they are building colony ships, good designs, but the yare not expanding at all. They colonize the planets in their home system then sit on their asses like they are all neutral AI or something. I ran a test game up to 200 turns and NOT ONE AI expanded!
I don;t know what to do. At this point I am just to put out to try and figure it out. Here is what I have done. 1. Replaced orginal research files - edited slight to avoid conflict with missing or name changed Technologies. 2. Replaced orginal design creation file. 3. Reset changes to Warp Nacelle back to orginal settings. Nothing I do works. At this point I am so discouraged that all I want to do is just forget about the whole mod and stop playing SEIV all together. I have no clue as to what in the hell is causing the AI to behave so stupidly. The AI is designing solid designs, researching well, but not expanding. Like I said it is as if they are all behaving as neutral AI. Please someone help me who knows how to fix this GD problem. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
They merely need more scout ships. Add "Attack Base" design types, then have the AI build some in Construction_Vehicles. The AI will use these to explore new systems. Colony ships can _NOT_ be used to explore by the AI. These "Attack Bases" need no weapons, and are just warship hulls with lots of supplies. Well, you might want a few weapons in case they run into a ship they need to blow up...
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks fyron, but I don't follow you at all. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif The design creation file already has this in it and they still do not expand. They used to, but not any more.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Are the "Attack Bases" warship hulls with lots of supplies? Do you have an entry similar to the following one in all AI Construction Vehicle files? Make sure it is the first one in the Exploration state...
AI State := Exploration Num Queue Entries := (number of entries you have) Entry 1 Type := Attack Base Entry 1 Planet Per Item := 20 Entry 1 Must Have At Least := 1 Also, how many supplies to the ships have? The AI is hard coded to send ships that go below a certain threshhold back to a resupply base. I forget whether it is 1000 supply points or 500... Ships definitely need many more supplies than this to be used effectively for exploration (and most other purposes) by the AI. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
AI State := Exploration Num Queue Entries := 19 Entry 1 Type := Colonizer Entry 1 Planet Per Item := 0 Entry 1 Must Have At Least := 2 Entry 2 Type := Attack Base Entry 2 Planet Per Item := 120 Entry 2 Must Have At Least := 2 Entry 3 Type := Base Space Yard Entry 3 Planet Per Item := 0 Entry 3 Must Have At Least := 2 Entry 4 Type := Colonizer Entry 4 Planet Per Item := 100 Entry 4 Must Have At Least := 5 Entry 5 Type := Attack Ship Entry 5 Planet Per Item := 40 Entry 5 Must Have At Least := 4 |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Is it actually building "Attack Base" ships? Are these ships just sitting at the homeworld as well?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The only differance between 181 and 185 is the amount of supplies each ship uses.
In 181 the ships are consistantly have less then 1000 supplies, but the usage rate is far less than in 185. So I am thinking this might be the problem. Supply useage and not amount. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
If the attack bases and attack ships move out, then back to the HW next turn, they are indeed running out of supplies too quickly.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Bingo. I set the supply usage of the Warp core from 100 to 50 and by turn 20 the major races, say for the borg, had moved into another system.
Fyron I don't know how to thank you other than to say Thank you very much. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Did you see my post on firewalls and such?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Beta testers. I have PM'ed you about the latest patch. One Last night, for Version 1.8.4 Full, and one tonight for 1.8.5 data files. If you did not get one or the other please email me.
Version 1.8.5 fixes a few minor bugs that should improve game play over 1.8.4. I hope. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
That's a good thing to know about supplies. I always figured that it would look at percentage of supplies remaining and not just a hard figure like 500 or 1000.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
What do you like better, the standard SE IV fleet images, that being of ships, or the idea of using the race emblem like in other games such as Birth of the Federation?
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I will combine 1.8.5 with 1.8.6 so no need to download 1.8.5 seperately. That is unless you want to. The fixes included in 1.8.6 really only just fix the research bug. The races will still research up to a point, but after that, no dice. The 1.8.6 patch address that. Hey, even I make mistakes from time to time. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] So change the file link I gave you from StmBeta185.zip to Stmbeta186.zip <font color="brown"> Again, the 1.8.6 patch is combined with the 1.8.5 patch so if you have not yet downloaded the 1.8.5 patch don't. Just download the 1.8.6 patch and all is good. </font> Sorry about any confussion I might cause with this. The Last two beta patches have been important ones so I put them out as soon as I found and fixed the bugs. If you need specific instruction: 1. Download the full beta Version of STM 1.8.4 2. Install STM 1.8.4 3. Copy your Base / Pictures / Component folder (Hopefully you have all of the latest IMAGE MOD component images added.) 4. Past into your STM / Pictures Directory. 5. Download the Components.zip 6. Place the contents of the components zip into your STM / Pictures / Components folder. 7. Click yes to over write when asked. If not asked then something is wrong. Email me. NOTE: Why do we have to do this? Well because until Suicide Junkie can update the Image mod to include the new components I just made for the STMod we want to avoid conflicts so copying over the image mod is the best option. Unless you just want to apply the new components directly to your base space empires iv / pictures / components folder. Oh boy.... *drops head* damn.... Well crap hind sight is always 20/20 isn't it? Oh wait, better just do it the way I originally instructed. Just in case the location of the new components is changed by Suicide Junkie. Better to have the change happen under your STMod folder than to the base folder which could effect all mods. 8. Downlaod beta patch StmBeta186.zip and install I am going to go to bed now. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
STM v.1.8.6:
1. Little error in Dominion Torpedo Weapons tech: Name := Dominion Torpedo Weapons Group := 8472 Technology (should be "Dominion Technology") 2. Spelling errors in: a) Anit-Proton Beam I-X. Should be "Anti-Proton Beam" b) Pulse Anit-Proton Beam I-X. Should be "Pulse Anti-Proton Beam" c) Telokinetic Torpedo I-III. Should be "Telekinetic Torpedo" 3. Error in Organic Nacelle II-V Name := Organic Nacelle II-V ... Tonnage Space Taken := 50 (should be 500) Tonnage Structure := 25 (should be 250) 4. Warp Drives still have damage resistance of 20 kt. With Propulsion mount applied, they have damage resistance of 0 kt - undestructible component. Change it to 200 kt, or better 500 kt. 5. Serious bug with Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs: All races use 2 techs for their energy weapons - Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons. But in fact there are several Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons tech in Techarea.txt and each one requires different and incompatible racial techs: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Name := Energy Weapons ... Number of Tech Req := 2 Tech Area Req 1 := Advanced Physics Tech Level Req 1 := 1 Tech Area Req 2 := Borg Technology Tech Level Req 2 := 1 but also Name := Energy Weapons .. Number of Tech Req := 2 Tech Area Req 1 := Advanced Physics Tech Level Req 1 := 1 Tech Area Req 2 := Breen Technology Tech Level Req 2 := 1 etc, for each race</pre><hr /> Same for Enhanced Energy Weapons tech. It really confuses game and therefore _all_ weapons that require Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons tech are unavailiable. How to fix: make this techs completely independent, ie Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons and Breen Energy Weapons/Breen Enhanced Energy Weapons, etc for each race. Change racial weapons to require modified Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thank you Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif This is an impressive bug list. And here I thought I had a solid patch. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Aswome work my firiend. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The name of the technology shouldn't be playing a part in this or causing the AI to foul up. The tech Tree is: Beam Technology I - V gives Adv Physics gives Energy Weapons I - X gives Enhanced Energy Weapons I - X. Does not having the Energy and Enhanced Energy weapons named after each race not named after each race cause problems? If so how? Quote:
Thanks again Aiken. Your a tremdously huge asset to the success of this mod. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Every tech area needs a unique name.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Did you get rid of some of the ship mounts and things of that sort or are they not going to be in this one. (ie Defiant mount, small shield mount etc etc). Or are they not yet included.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The mounts have been re-organized. The defiant mount is still in the game and unchanged. The same for the BOP mount. I removed many of the Dreadnought mounts as they were pointless.
Currently most mounts are weapons or propulsion mounts. Base/satellite/ and drone mounts are still the same as they were in previous Versions. I will be adding a smaller ship class mount that will be given later in the Ship Construction file to enable better use of smaller ships. I will be expanding the miniturization racial trait a bit and revamping the Warrior tech trait as well. Warrior tech trait will give better mounts in range and damage, along with stronger troops, and more ship hull choices. I am toying with the idea of adding one grade of weapons mount for all races, that improves with ship size. I don't know what I will call it, or even if I will add it. I want the mount to be based off of warp technology. IE Tie in the warp core to boast power sort of thing. Again I don't know if I will add it or not. I would enjoy looking at any suggestions people might have for mounts provided they do not become over burdonsome and that they are equal to all races. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Just add a few custom mounts for races or specific weapons, and make the remainder of the "standard" mounts equal damage increase for size increase, i.e. 2x size = 2x damage.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The STM 186 Weapons Report Alternate |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Also consider removing either Ram Scoops or Bussard Collectors - because technically they are actually the same thing - known as "Bussard Ramscoops" in Trek. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Just apply this patch to your STM BETA folder. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ok heres the scoop.
Version 1.8.8 will update the beta mod from 1.8.5 full. So if your in the beta and do not have Beta 1.8.5 Full email me for the link. Beta 188 Link <font color="red">If your not in the beta, don't bother downloading the file. It will only muck up your mod.</font> Since Suicide Junkie has update the image mod, Patch Version 23c you MUST delete the STM BETA / Pictures / Components folder and update to the latest Version of the component pack. The mod has been updated for to this Version. There is a problem though. This latest update by Sucide Junkie is missing ONE component form the STM. Therefore until he updates the image mod component pack once again, YOU MUST download the intrum patch which basically is the missing component, Comp_888 and a new Comp.bmp file. Comonent 888 and new Comp BMP Just apply this patch to your base space empires IV / pictures / components folder after you have updated that folder to the latest Version of the Image Mod Component pack and have deleted your STM BETA / Pictures / Components folder. Suicide Junkies Image Mod SITE Link If you have downloaded the patch before this edit, 02:50 am Nov 04 PST, download it again as its been updated. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I know, I'm evil http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
1. There's no Propulsion mount for drones, so it's impossible to install Warp Nacelles to drones, hence they won't move. 2. Question about Engineering I-III comp: they have 2 abilities - Repair and Maintanence Reduction, but the Last one is disabled: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Name := Engineering I ... Number of Abilities := 1 (--here--) Ability 1 Type := Component Repair Ability 1 Descr := Repairs 1 component per turn. Ability 1 Val 1 := 1 Ability 1 Val 2 := 0 Ability 2 Type := Modified Maintenance Cost Ability 2 Descr := Reduces maintenance cost by 5%. Ability 2 Val 1 := -5 Ability 2 Val 2 := 0 Weapon Type := None</pre><hr /> Is it bug or feature? 3. Warp Core is not used on Drones. Is it intentional? I thought they should use the same propulsion scheme as ships, since drones can move through warp points too. But that's only my idea, afterall. 4. Small Warp Core (for Fighters and Shuttles) weights 40 kt. I find it quite big for 20-40 kt fighter http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 5. I made a proper drone propulsion mount (see point 1) and now Large Drone with 4 Warp Nacelles V moves at whooping speed of 23 (!!!) - about 2 times faster than fastest ship. Is it ok? 6. Most technologies are not capturable anymore (compared to 1.7.5). Did you decide to get rid of capturable techs? 7. Small balance suggestion: make Hyper Optics III a little weaker, so you won't be able to reveal mines and Romulan Adv Cloaking Device II with it: <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Name := Hyper Optics III ... Number of Abilities := 1 Ability 1 Type := Sensor Level Ability 1 Descr := Allows EM Passive scanning at level 6. (change it to level 5) Ability 1 Val 1 := EM Passive Ability 1 Val 2 := 6 (change it to 5) Weapon Type := None</pre><hr /> |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
8. Error in Armor Skipping Mine I-III:
Weapon Damage Type := Only Shield Generators (should be "Skips Armor") 9. Error in Weapon Destroying Mine I-III: Weapon Damage Type := Only Engines (should be "Only Weapons") 10. Error in Weapons Destroyer I-IV: Weapon Damage Type := Only Engines (should be "Only Weapons") 10.1. Weapons Destroyer I-IV has the same family (562) as Reload Disruptor I-IV. Because of that Weapons Destroyer I-IV is invisible then "Only Latest" is on. 10.2. Small visual glitch with Focused Energy Weapons tech: Name := Focused Energy Weapons Group := Weapons Technology (should be "Weapon Technology") |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thank Aiken. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Another awsome bug report. With your help we are getting them nailed down.
As for reduced maintenance cost, I had no idea that it was disabled tech. I shall fix it now. I will add a drone mount. 23 is a bit to fast, but that depends upon if a drone should be fast or not. This I really never thought much about. I am also going to tweak the Laser and federation mount. WAY to powerful. |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
About captureable tech. I haven't reviewed which techs I want to be captureable yet. I thought I had set them all to non capturable.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ok heres the scoop.
Version 1.8.8 will update the beta mod from 1.8.5 full. So if your in the beta and do not have Beta 1.8.5 Full email me for the link. Beta 188 Link <font color="red">If your not in the beta, don't bother downloading the file. It will only muck up your mod.</font> Since Suicide Junkie has update the image mod, Patch Version 23c you MUST delete the STM BETA / Pictures / Components folder and update to the latest Version of the component pack. The mod has been updated for to this Version. There is a problem though. This latest update by Sucide Junkie is missing ONE component form the STM. Therefore until he updates the image mod component pack once again, YOU MUST download the intrum patch which basically is the missing component, Comp_888 and a new Comp.bmp file. Comonent 888 and new Comp BMP Just apply this patch to your base space empires IV / pictures / components folder after you have updated that folder to the latest Version of the Image Mod Component pack and have deleted your STM BETA / Pictures / Components folder. Suicide Junkies Image Mod SITE Link If you have downloaded the patch before this edit, 02:50 am Nov 04 PST, download it again as its been updated. Quote:
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I will add more drone engines and sizes in the next Version. Suggestion sought though.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Drones shouldn't be moving faster than ships - the "warp ten" limit should apply to them as well with traditional components. You could make them require only one nacelle with 1 engine per move.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
1. From Revision.txt: "1. Changed Engineering I - II second ability is now working"
You forgot about Engineering III http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 2. Stellar Harnessing tech is redundant now. 3. Name := Drone Propulsion ... Vehicle Type := Ship\Base (should be "Drone") I don't think it's enough for new patch, let's wait for more errors http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I have plans for stellar harnesing. I am thinking of using the ram scoop as an upgrade to the Bussard Colloectors. Use the same family number and AI tag. Two RS would equal 4 BC at each level. Also add in a list of monolith like facilities. I will fix the drone issue also. Give drones five classes of engines, and one more size hull: Heavy Drone. I am heading out the door now with a friend to go do something so I will work on these when I get back. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Sorry I have been out of the loop for a few, having legle problems right now and do not see an end to it in the short http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif I will put in to this when I can.
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Um you screwed up the Fed and Dominion techs up in that newest mod Version 1.8.8 I got the Dominion special with the fed but the dominion race is fine
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Never fear, that was a very helpful report. I have gone through and set all tech to non capturable until I have a chance to talk with CK or UserX about what technology should be captureable. Any ways here is what I am working on currently. Quote:
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