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-   -   Invisible Swarm III: over (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=23735)

jeffr June 7th, 2005 12:24 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I was the last to take my turn, so a new turn is up.

CUnknown June 9th, 2005 11:43 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Changed back to 24-h host. If anyone has a huge problem with this, I'll change it back to 48. I'm getting impatient for turnz!

Boron June 9th, 2005 01:28 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

CUnknown said:
Changed back to 24-h host. If anyone has a huge problem with this, I'll change it back to 48. I'm getting impatient for turnz!

Finally http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif.
If you wouldn't have done that i would have asked you for that today. Thank you very much http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

CUnknown June 10th, 2005 01:19 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Blah, I don't want QM to stale. I'll extend the deadline at least until morning, maybe he hasn't read this thread today.

jeffr June 11th, 2005 01:54 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I'll be away from Saturday afternoon EST to Monday late afternoon/evening. Machaka is the only one left who hasn't played his turn (10 hours to go). If Machaka plays his turn in the next few hours, I'll play mine before I go.

Otherwise, if you can, please extend the timer a bit and I'll play my turn as soon as I get back.

CUnknown June 11th, 2005 02:22 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Sure, Jeffr. I was thinking of force-hosting anyway. It's been over 24-hours, actually. Sorry QM!

Jurri June 11th, 2005 03:24 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Perhaps you should PM him or something, if you haven't already. Mebbe he has a reason for not following the thread.

jeffr June 11th, 2005 04:43 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I was able to take my turn.

quantum_mechani June 12th, 2005 12:01 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Well, seeing as it staled the turn my capital was stormed, I think i will go ahead and go AI.

A shame, I think I could have inflicted massive damage or even won if I had been able to script my mages. Anyway, good game.

Boron June 12th, 2005 08:05 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Done my turn, so there is a new turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

jeffr June 13th, 2005 08:15 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I'm back and I've taken my turn.

Quantum, you did inflicy heavy damage! I do wish you would have taken your turn and I look forward to playing with you again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I think I had the advantage simply because I think Pan is the best early game nation. But your strategy took a heavy toll. Not to mention your surprise tactics! You took provinces to my Northwest that I didn't know that you had.

All the other nations (especially Yurri and his superior intellect: he is dangerous lads, watch him !!!!) will benefit because we spent our resources aganst each other.

So, once again QM, good game and I look forward to matching wits with you again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jurri June 14th, 2005 10:08 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Superior intellect... Made me laugh http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

But you sure seem to be on fire, jeffr! That's the second nation you off already, which is pretty incredible. I understand Mictlan took out C'tis and will soon kill T'ien C'hi, though, so I guess you're not alone for long in your heights. Still, Ulm has grabbed the most indies by a wide margin, which compensates a lot... This is a very interesting game, indeed! I only wish you weren't so awed by my notoriety http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I feel like I need to work extra hard although at least three nations are doing better. It's all fun, though.

Oh, and a new turn!

CUnknown June 14th, 2005 11:45 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
So modest Jurri!

I think you're doing extremely well. In fact, so well you really need to be put down. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

quantum_mechani June 14th, 2005 12:14 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Not to downplay jeffr skills, but I think the real reason for his victory was Cherry's modded centaurs. Before the mod, the centaurs were just fine, better than the majority of sacred troops. The light lance now means they can put down all but the finest SC pretenders, and countering with normal troops is quite futile. I would challenge anyone to try and beat 20 of them with a good bless with a force of equal gold cost, and level 4 or less research.

Jurri June 14th, 2005 01:16 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
CU, whatever happened to our blossoming love? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif It was so sweet and pure, yet now it's but a bitter memory of spring.

QM: 1400 gold? I wager 466 militiamen would stand a chance http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Requires considerably more resources and leadership, though...

quantum_mechani June 14th, 2005 01:41 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Jurri said:

QM: 1400 gold? I wager 466 militiamen would stand a chance http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Requires considerably more resources and leadership, though...

Actually, I doubt 466 militia would do it, even assuming you could deal with the supply.

jeffr June 14th, 2005 02:50 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
You know, I didn't even notice that the White Centaurs now had the light lance. I can't look at the game at the moment. Anybody know it's stats?

I did notice that the White Centaur now cost 15 resources instead of 11. That could possibly cause a problem and affect your scale and/or fortress decisions. I know I was burned by resource costs in one game where I took sloth 3 and the watch tower (common choices, at least prior to the scales mod).

But I never thought that Pan was overpowered. As a matter of fact, I thought most people considered Pan to be one of the weaker nations.

quantum_mechani June 14th, 2005 07:18 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

jeffr said:
You know, I didn't even notice that the White Centaurs now had the light lance. I can't look at the game at the moment. Anybody know it's stats?

I did notice that the White Centaur now cost 15 resources instead of 11. That could possibly cause a problem and affect your scale and/or fortress decisions. I know I was burned by resource costs in one game where I took sloth 3 and the watch tower (common choices, at least prior to the scales mod).

But I never thought that Pan was overpowered. As a matter of fact, I thought most people considered Pan to be one of the weaker nations.

No, they are not overpowered, nor underpowered. But white centaurs were just fine without lance. With the lance, they are the best troops Pan can purchase, even with a minor bless. With a major bless, they are nigh on invincible for most nations at this stage of the game.

CUnknown June 14th, 2005 10:26 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Yeah, I didn't realize they added a lance to the centaurs. SWEET JESUS!

Pangea may not be overall one of the better races, but the white centaurs were never the problem. I remember fighting Jeffr's centaurs way back in InvisSwarm II, and they were vicious! With a lance, I would have just looked at my computer screen and cried.

PashaDawg June 15th, 2005 12:51 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Arco's wise scrying priestesses have recently taken notice of large armies of jaguar warriors massing on peaceful Arco's border with the Blood Empire of Mictlan. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon10.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon12.gif[/img]

The Luminescent Shedu of Arco hopes that the Honorable Blood Emperor is not frowning with growing envy of the wonders found within Pasha's dominion. Surely, our long standing friendship should hold fast during these wicked times of war. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Peace.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Panda.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Peace.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Surely, he has studied his history and knows of a time when a foolish Pangean Fetid Smear of Rotting Filth dared attack his peaceful neighboring Great Spider Lord of Machaka, and was soon smote down to the floor of his own private abyss by the fury of said Spider Lord. <All lies in the press being duly refuted in said history texts studied by said Honorable Blood Emperor.> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif <froth froth> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

Bluebird June 15th, 2005 02:45 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
BTW - I am not dead yet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Though I probably won't last much longer.

Damn, these Jaguar warriors are mean and I have not yet found a way to beat them. Specially with a 9 fire god. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

So I am currenly sieged on my home castle, and will fall soon. So - so long and thanks for all the fish. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

quantum_mechani June 15th, 2005 03:12 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Bluebird said:

Damn, these Jaguar warriors are mean and I have not yet found a way to beat them. Specially with a 9 fire god. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Welcome to the club of people beaten by cherry's overpowered sacred units... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Bluebird June 15th, 2005 06:54 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Comforting to know that I am not alone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Jurri June 15th, 2005 07:16 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Bluebird said:
so long and thanks for all the fish. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

What's this about the fish!? I'm scared, especially with that grinning visage of yours!

Boron June 15th, 2005 09:26 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

quantum_mechani said:

Bluebird said:

Damn, these Jaguar warriors are mean and I have not yet found a way to beat them. Specially with a 9 fire god. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Welcome to the club of people beaten by cherry's overpowered sacred units... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Nah the Jaguars are not overpowered. I like the vanilla Jaguars seriously more then the new Cherry Jaguars http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

jeffr June 15th, 2005 11:40 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
All this talk of overpowered sacred units! Pan now strikes fear into everybody's heart? Did the addition of the light lance turn the White Centaur into the new Ice Devil or Air Queen? That's a powerful lance indeed.

My thought is that Pangaea doesn't have much going for it except for the White Centaur. The Pan is a good unit, but very expensive. The light lance makes the White Centaur better. But overpowering? I think it's a good thing that an army of elite troops has a chance against a SC.

If Pan can't win the early game, then they have no shot at any part of the game. Soon magic will dominate and the White Centaur, while still being more valuable than other troops, perhaps, will be relegated to the back seat. The standard tactics of castling, summoning and SCs will dominate.

Or maybe not in this game? Massive Ghost Riders, Wrathful Skies, Artillery and SCs have been the bane of national armies before, but maybe Zen's mods have changed that. I hope so http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

quantum_mechani June 15th, 2005 03:36 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

jeffr said:
All this talk of overpowered sacred units! Pan now strikes fear into everybody's heart? Did the addition of the light lance turn the White Centaur into the new Ice Devil or Air Queen? That's a powerful lance indeed.

My thought is that Pangaea doesn't have much going for it except for the White Centaur. The Pan is a good unit, but very expensive. The light lance makes the White Centaur better. But overpowering? I think it's a good thing that an army of elite troops has a chance against a SC.

If Pan can't win the early game, then they have no shot at any part of the game. Soon magic will dominate and the White Centaur, while still being more valuable than other troops, perhaps, will be relegated to the back seat. The standard tactics of castling, summoning and SCs will dominate.

Or maybe not in this game? Massive Ghost Riders, Wrathful Skies, Artillery and SCs have been the bane of national armies before, but maybe Zen's mods have changed that. I hope so http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

First of all, Pan has lots going for it besides the centaurs, my favorite nation in fact. I have played perfectly peaceful Pan early games and become a dominant power, many times. There is the maenad strategy, the dark vine strategy, and once you get mother oak many good uses for lots of nature gems crop up.

For comparison lets look at my black hunters. 125 gold, equal bless, yet they took out about 1 centaurs before dying, if they were lucky. Now you could say 'well that was just a bad counter'. Well, there are a good many more bad counters to them than any other unit I can think of. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

jeffr June 15th, 2005 04:00 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Oh, I agree that the White Centaur is among the best, if not the best sacred unit that I have seen. Better than your Black Hunter (although that unit is good). I based my strategy on them. They may not have a counter in the early game if they are used aggressively, although you destroyed many of them (as did Ironhawk, by the way). I didn't just roll over anybody (unfortunately http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif).

My goal was war from the outset. If you hadn't attacked me first, I was 50/50 on attacking you, but I would have attacked somebody. I would be the "anti-turtler" (no clams, fever fetishes, castles, etc.). I just find it more fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But it hasn't proven (except once) to be ultimately successful.

My problem has generally been that this strategy loses it's luster in the mid game. Perhaps I'm just not very good, but I've found that I start to lose against Mages and SCs. In being so aggressive, I also spend resources on armies (and not castles) and am therefore an easy target for a nation that has sat back and researched. I also have a small gem income because I haven't bought many mages.

Jurri was able to easily beat up on me in the last game with a combination of Ghost Riders, Ice Devils and Tartarians (and some other stuff that I've forgotten, I'm sure - Air Queens probably).

CUnknown June 15th, 2005 04:46 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
No way! QM, I have to object on this one.. The black hunters were -way- better unit for unit than the centaurs. Those things are -terrifying-. But, they are super-expensive if I remember right. They only took out maybe 1 centaur each before dying because they were always outnumbered like 5:1 (I saw like all those battles http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif). In fact, being outnumbered that badly, it's pretty awesome that they were able to do any damage, esp. with the lances.

No one is saying that you still wouldn't have beaten Man and Machaka anyway, Jeffr (unless QM is saying that?), even without the lances. But, the lances sure made things easier.

Aku June 15th, 2005 04:59 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Zens item mod with the nerf to life drain weapons and his magic mod makes things interesting of less sc's probably.

jeffr June 15th, 2005 05:15 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Yeah, CUnknown, I might have been a bit hasty in saying the White Centaur (70g, 15r) was better than the Black Hunter (125g, ?r). One on one it's not. The Black Hunter surprised me with how tough it was. I had never seen one before.

I did achieve a numerical advantage. Mainly because that is what I focused on to the detriment of other game factors. My scales are not set up for Einstein http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ironhawk June 15th, 2005 05:16 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

jeffr said:
Oh, I agree that the White Centaur is among the best, if not the best sacred unit that I have seen. Better than your Black Hunter (although that unit is good). I based my strategy on them. They may not have a counter in the early game if they are used aggressively, although you destroyed many of them (as did Ironhawk, by the way). I didn't just roll over anybody (unfortunately http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif).

For the record, the only thing that I found to be a workable counter to the Centaurs was powerful battlefield magic. Air would be great but Fire worked really well too. The trick is to get one-shot-one-kill (which is hard, since they have 20hp!), so that they dont go beserk and you have *some* chance of routing them.

Trying to fight them with regular (or even elite!!) troops is basically suicide. The only way I did any damage at my capitol was to just throw as much chaff at the centaurs as I could muster and then blast the hell out of them with Flares, Fire Darts, etc while they were tied up for a turn or two. In terms of later game magic, overland artillery spells wont be too useful since they have high HP. I'd once again bet on the chaff/spells combo. Tho centaurs might be vulnerable to GRs. And I found that jeffr staffs his armies very lightly with commanders. If you have assassins or assassin spells, use them. At the least you could knock out a blesser.

jeffr June 15th, 2005 05:28 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
No hints, no hints http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Aku June 15th, 2005 05:55 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
comon jeffr do your turn you are the last one and i need my crack lol

jeffr June 15th, 2005 06:00 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I'm not in front of my game computer, but I should be able to take my turn in a couple of hours.

PashaDawg June 15th, 2005 06:06 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Frickin' blessers!

quantum_mechani June 15th, 2005 06:53 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

CUnknown said:
No way! QM, I have to object on this one.. The black hunters were -way- better unit for unit than the centaurs. Those things are -terrifying-. But, they are super-expensive if I remember right. They only took out maybe 1 centaur each before dying because they were always outnumbered like 5:1 (I saw like all those battles http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif). In fact, being outnumbered that badly, it's pretty awesome that they were able to do any damage, esp. with the lances.

No one is saying that you still wouldn't have beaten Man and Machaka anyway, Jeffr (unless QM is saying that?), even without the lances. But, the lances sure made things easier.

Yes, the spiders are slightly better than the modded centaurs, for a much a higher price. And yes, I think I could have beaten jeffr without to much truoble, were it not for the lances and the stale turns.

And the strategy is certainly more than beatable with ghost riders, late game SCs, ect.. In shepherds of creation 2 for example I have no doubt I can do in jeffr's centaur swarm,
but that is around turn 60. Note that this does not mean Pan cannot be powerful late game, it just requires a differnt strategy.

jeffr June 15th, 2005 08:59 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
I've taken my turn, so a new turn is up.

Cainehill June 16th, 2005 02:19 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Don't think that it's so much that centaurs are so much better than various other sacred troops, so much as it is that Pangaea has a solid sacred troop where everything meshes synergistically with the nation.

Pan goes marvelously with a N9 pretender, and it has seemed to me that N9 is the most awesome blessing in the game, at least for solid troops. ( It isn't worth very much for, say, flagellants or other sacreds that are easy to kill. ) N4 may actually be the most cost effective blessing - +1 attack, armor, and damage, losing defense, and most experienced players will state that defense is not particularly important for troops. ( For commanders, especially SCs who will be fighting 1 vs 1 battles, things a re very different. )

More importantly, they get berserk, so a single troop can actually win the battle even after all other troops and commanders have routed. And with N9, regeneration both keeps them alive longer, and reduces the number of ailments they receive by 90% - sacred troops with 6 ailments aren't terribly useful.

So : White centaurs, Machakan hunters, Jotunheim's various sacreds, Marignon's paladins, Tien Chi's sacred cavalry, probably also Abysia's Lava Warriors and Atlantis's Mother Guards all become incredibly effective with N9 or even N4, and I may be leaving some out.

Most of the other blessings tend to be useful only on much more flimsy sacreds, ones that tend to die in hordes. (Water is also effective for most sacreds, but either requires vast hordes of cheap sacreds with a secondary blessing like F9, or the incredible sacred troops like Vans or Tuathans.) For instance : F9 - incredible on cheap sacreds, but most die like moths to missile weapons, any AoE spells such as Fireball, Orb Lightning that hit 1 or more squares, etc.

Does anyone rely on any blessings other than Nature, Fire, or Water to turn the game? I don't think so.... Okay, a high air blessing can minimize losses from missile weapons - but high armor troops don't suffer that much from missiles anyway, and being immune to missile weapons doesn't do anything when the foes barbarians and other hard-hitting melees troops attack - even militia and light infantry can wreak havok.

Death? I've tried a D10 blessing for an area of effect fear. Didn't work very well, even with Vanheim's Valkyries fearing the enemy archers. Maybe for a nation counting on swarms of incredibly cheap, weak sacred troops, effectively doubling the numbers on the field. Almost useless for the nations with sturdy sacred troops and commanders, simply because the reborn unit is 1/5 as good as the original. Astral : Nice for prophets, sacred mages, etc, but extra magic resistance and even avoiding the first attack doesn't help troops all that much. Blood : extra strength and a death curse that takes effect 1 in 100 times? Potentially useful for Mictlan, and for a nation that has a combination of blood magic and low strength/damage sacreds - ie, not often.

So, seems like one other blessing is potentially potent : earth. Even a lesser blessing allows the sacreds to last longer without being fatigued - not necessarily a huge blessing. But at E9, it's 4 fatigue restored a turn, and 4 armor. Once again - useless for most nations, whose sacred troops still die like flies when they have 4 armor instead of 0, or 7 instead of 3, but potentially valuably for sacred mages such as Pythium, Marignon, and Tien Chi - keeping them awake, and also helping to prevent them from dying to weenie missiles like shortbows and slings.

But Earth 9 seems especially valuable for a small handful of nations and troops, ones with high armor and preferably some way to heal wounds.

By way of explanations : Nations whose sacreds have low or medium armor protection receive medioce benefits from having the armor increased slightly. Simultaneously those troops with low armor don't tend to have as much of an issue with fatigue, rendering the extra fatigue recovery moot.

But : Nations whose troops already have a high armor rating tend to also quickly lose their fatigue. So Earth 9 both raises the armor to a point where most weapons bounce off, and delays the time when the troops are tired enough for all attacks to become armor piercing.

Still, a handful of nations and themes have sacred troops with 15 or higher starting armor protection, and correspondingly high encumbrances. With these, it becomes a question of which is more efffective : high berserking + regeneration, or additional armor + fatigue recovery.

Generally, the answer is : berserk plus regeneration. N9's berserking almost raises protection as much as E9, and gives added attack and damage to boot, not to mention never routing, regenerating from wounds, and receiving 1/10 as many afflications.

But there are exceptions : Machaka's Black Hunters start with 22 armor; at 26 armor they can be the equivalent of the Monitor and the Merrimack in the US's civil war, especially as they effectively stay at 0 fatigue (4 expended, 4 recovered from the bless).

Tien Chi'i's Red Guard only have 15 protection, becoming 19 - not nearly as invulnerable, but TC can hope for a hero who can heal wounds.

Add in N4 to the E9 blessing, and the troops stay alive a lot longer - and they go berserk and don't rout, as soon as they take damage.

But the real epitome of this blessing is probably Arcoscephale : Heart Guards start with 19 protection, damn near invulnerable once it becomes 23 from an Earth 9 blessing. N4 doesn't help the armor (not sure if N6 or higher's berserk would) but most importantly, it keeps them from routing. True, they can't take as much damage as Abysia's Lava Warriors, or Machaka's Hunters. But : Arco's priestesses can heal their wounds, making Arco one of the few nations that can keep troops around long enough to gain 3 or 4 experience stars before the troops are permanently crippled and useless.

It's the easy healing that makes it easy for Arco to go with a minor nature blessing (as can Pangaea, whose troops heal all by themselves), but even a minor nature blessing is potent, and a full (N9) blessing is often incredible. To compare the minor blessings : F4 is +2 offense. N4, if a troop survives first damage, is +1 offense, +1 protection, and +1 damage, plus never retreating. Only serious drawback is sacred mages going into melee combat. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Bluebird June 16th, 2005 03:14 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Jurri said:

Bluebird said:
so long and thanks for all the fish. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

What's this about the fish!? I'm scared, especially with that grinning visage of yours!

Have you ever read "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?

Aku June 16th, 2005 05:17 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

PashaDawg June 16th, 2005 08:24 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Wow - - thanks for the sacred troop discussion, Cainehill, et al.

Jurri June 16th, 2005 08:31 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open

Bluebird said:
Have you ever read "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?

Of course... That was a poor reference to the earlier chit-chat where it became apparent that I am a fish that's very scared for his well-being. (Although in reality I'm a very brave squid.) That is to say, an obviously failed attempt at continuity! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jeffr has a F9 bless, not N9. Effectively ensures that the lance hits!

Turin June 16th, 2005 12:21 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Well to chime in on the centaur discussion: I have used a n9e9 medusa in the most recent blitzes and I have won each of them, or was at the top of the score graphs when we stopped.

Even unmodded, they become pretty invincible(19 prot, 3 regen, doesnīt fatigue out) to troops with those blessing, with the exception of f9 blessed troops. 7 centaurs are enough to take almost any indie province, unless a random shot takes out your blesser.
The only counters are magic, which is pretty hard to pull off against their 21 hp and 29 action points, or thugs with etherealness and lifedraining weapons, but those are nerfed by zenīs mod.

And pan can easily cast troop enhancements on the centaurs. A lategamearmy will be accompanied by pans casting:haste, weapons of sharpness,army of gold/lead, mass regeneration, strength of giants,legions of steel and possibly gaias blessing.
That means you are facing centaurs with 32 prot, 6hp regen per turn, MR 18, 2armorpiercing attacks with 23 strength,high resistance to the elements, attack skill 16+ and they never fatigue out.

Combined with the huge gemboost from motheroak, which you will certainly get and a motheroakboosted gift of health, that makes pangaea really fearsome.

Another problem most nations relying on sacred troops have is storming castles, but pangaea has a superuseful siege unit,the harpy, which makes castle defense a moot point.

YellowCactus June 16th, 2005 01:07 PM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Cainehill, nice post. I'm experimenting with F9W9B9 blessings with Mictlan. Scales are Luck +3, all others -3. The worst is drain 3. This set-up gives all holys +4 attack/strength/defense, hastes every other turn and gives flaming weapons. It works because eagle warriors (flying with two attacks) only cost 15 gold and 3 resources. The Blood fountain with mictlan's blood bonus give +6 blood from turn 1. So one or two FoD can be produced each of the first 10 turns. With F9W9B9 on the pretender (7 dominion), items are not needed for recruiting Ice Devils/Archdevils/Demon lords/Hoards from hell. The silly tactics available with this set-up are too many to list here. At blood8, a level 3 blood priest can cast 'Gift of Strength' which adds another +4 strength to all units. Imagine Jaguar warriors with 18 attack, 22 strength, quickened with 3 attacks. They're expensive though....25 gold. The scale problem takes care of itself on large maps because Mictlan inately doesn't spread dominion well. For the first few turns you must use only the god for 26 research, but sages will help outside your dominion. The blood path is really all you need. This is no amazing, exploitable pretender setting, but as for the discussion on blessings, its pretty fun! It brings a whole new meaning to SHROUD OF THE BATTLE SAINT!

Boron June 17th, 2005 06:42 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
Only Jurri left.

Jurri June 17th, 2005 07:35 AM

Re: Invisible Swarm III: open
...and it's a new turn!

PashaDawg June 17th, 2005 09:19 AM

Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]

It is with great regret that the Wise Luminescent Shedu of Arco declares that he had no choice but to follow the unanimous advice of the Arcoscephalian Council of Philosophers in declaring a War of Defensive Aggression on the Kingdom of Ulm.

The Ulmish tin cans' unrelenting infringements on the divine sovereignty of the peaceful Dominion of Arcoscephale could no longer be ignored by the Council of Philosophers or His Divine Wise Luminescence. Ulm's sick, deviant, and covert campaign to cynically contaminate and mutate natural justice could no longer be endured. It must be resisted and defeated for the peaceful futures of all nations! Arco heeds the call for the defense of justice!!

His Luminescence has been authorized by the Council in the name of ideal LOVE and pure VIRTUE to accept Ulm unconditional surrender once the Tin Cans admit the truth and renounce their errant ways.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]

CUnknown June 17th, 2005 01:07 PM

Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
A Ulmish military receptionist picks up the phone:

"Hello, Ulm Military. You'd like to make war with us. Okay, great. What is your account number? No account number, hmm. You'll have to fill out this form, in triplicate, then send it back to us. Make sure it's signed by all important members of your governm.. You say your Shedu only has hooves and can't pick up a pen. Well... sir. Sir... that's not our problem. I know that might slow things down, but most of the Ulm military is busy right now anyway, and so you'd have to wait regardless. Yeah. Mm-hmm, that's right. Perhaps you'd like to come back at a more convenient time for the Ulmish Legions?"

Jurri June 17th, 2005 02:54 PM

Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
The squiggly squids of the Sunken City wish to express their admiration towards the noble ideals and virtuous way of life of the winged cow! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Rose.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Rose.gif[/img]

We only fear that not even the coming bloodshed will be enough to wash away the grievous sins and crimes against nature of the cruel nation of Ulm. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img]

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