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dfsuther October 12th, 2006 06:38 PM

non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs
There are a bunch of "un-Mac-like" things in Dom III as currently implemented. Here goes:
  • Right-click is currently implemented as command-click, but it should be control-click to match the Mac standard.
  • Multiple selection is control-click, but it should be shift-click for contiguous selection or command-click for non-contiguous selection.
  • Clicking in a scroll-bar below the thumb should scroll down; above the thumb should scroll up. Neither does anything ATM.
  • Page-up and page-down should cause scrolling lists to scroll by one page, but does not.
  • up-arrow and down-arrow should cause scrolling lists to scroll by one line. They don't.

And of course, there's the one all-important non-bug: It runs on the Mac! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

thejeff October 12th, 2006 10:04 PM

Re: Siege reports
First time I've beseiged a castle with spies present.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]The game reports: The besieging army is about 230 units large. <snip> The army is besieging a Great City.

The snipped part gives a description of the defending army,
not the besieging one.

Which is correct, but it shouldn't say besieging.

Ubercat October 12th, 2006 11:53 PM

Re: Bug thread
I don't recall seeing this one listed, so here goes. Gateway spell is bugged. The spell description both in the manual and in the game, state that this allows the caster to teleport himeself and units under his command to a friendly lab. Only the caster is moved. His troops stay behind.

Daynarr October 13th, 2006 03:09 AM

Re: Bug thread

Ubercat said:
I don't recall seeing this one listed, so here goes. Gateway spell is bugged. The spell description both in the manual and in the game, state that this allows the caster to teleport himeself and units under his command to a friendly lab. Only the caster is moved. His troops stay behind.

It has been reported here. As you can see there, it's already fixed for the next patch.

Taqwus October 13th, 2006 05:43 AM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Omission: according to the manual, certain armors ex. dragon scale mails provide a morale bonus to the wearer, but this is not actually mentioned in the in-game description.

Arralen October 13th, 2006 08:38 AM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

dfsuther said:
There are a bunch of "un-Mac-like" things in Dom III as currently implemented. Here goes:

These are no bugs!!
This isn't a Mac - game. Its a Windows- and Linux- game that accidently was compiled to run on Macs as well. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

In earnest - these things might be "un-mac-like", but don't expect them to change because that would mean the Mac version of the game would have vastly different GUI code than the other versions.
But without a whole team of developers, this would become unmaintainable soon - and Johan is all on his own ...

Buatha October 13th, 2006 09:08 AM

Re: Bug thread
Is there an ETA on a patch or is it too early at this point?

dfsuther October 13th, 2006 10:32 AM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

Arralen said:

dfsuther said:
There are a bunch of "un-Mac-like" things in Dom III as currently implemented. Here goes:

These are no bugs!!
This isn't a Mac - game. Its a Windows- and Linux- game that accidently was compiled to run on Macs as well. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

In earnest - these things might be "un-mac-like", but don't expect them to change because that would mean the Mac version of the game would have vastly different GUI code than the other versions.
But without a whole team of developers, this would become unmaintainable soon - and Johan is all on his own ...

I kind of figured this might be the case. That said, if ya don't report it, it certainly won't be fixed... By the way, I didn't realize that Johan is all on his own. I'm very impressed with this as a one-man product!


Nerfix October 13th, 2006 11:39 AM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs
Actually, he does have KO with him. So it's a two man product. Not such a huge difference though... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

NTJedi October 13th, 2006 02:41 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs


I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but on the top right of the screen a small icon for the time of year is displayed. The bug is when you highlight the icon it tells you the time of year yet says "of the ascension wars".

Agrajag October 13th, 2006 03:47 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

NTJedi said:


I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but on the top right of the screen a small icon for the time of year is displayed. The bug is when you highlight the icon it tells you the time of year yet says "of the ascension wars".

Yes, because that is (for example) Summer in the third year of the Ascension Wars. The Ascension Wars being the wars between all pretender to ascension, that started right about when you started the game.
Just because the game has a different name doesn't mean the wars in it should have a different name http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
EDIT: Unless you meant that the bug is that the number of the year or season are not properly displayed (in which case, I don't suffer from that bug)

The DarkOne October 13th, 2006 03:54 PM

demonbred weirdness
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Demonbreds can reanimate the dead now.
I assume that's a bug and not some new feature.

<font color="blue"> An unforseen effect. Will need some kind of fix I suppose </font>

NTJedi October 13th, 2006 04:29 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

Agrajag said:
Yes, because that is (for example) Summer in the third year of the Ascension Wars. The Ascension Wars being the wars between all pretender to ascension, that started right about when you started the game.

I'm quite certain "the Ascension Wars" is specific for Dominions_2 consider the title of Dominions_2.

Agrajag October 13th, 2006 04:35 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

NTJedi said:

Agrajag said:
Yes, because that is (for example) Summer in the third year of the Ascension Wars. The Ascension Wars being the wars between all pretender to ascension, that started right about when you started the game.

I'm quite certain "the Ascension Wars" is specific for Dominions_2 consider the title of Dominions_2.

I would instead consider the meaning of The Ascension Wars, ie The Wars fought in order to obtain Ascension (or to Ascend(!)).
Besides, what would you expect these times to be called?
Late summer in year 4 of The Awakening O_o

ologm October 13th, 2006 06:27 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs
<font color="green">The ghost mages created by the soultrap artifact don't have magical powers. Also item doesn't give undead leadership </font>

Artifact woundflame does not have disease aura anymore <font color="blue"> It only diseses the wearer. Anyone (not undead) struck is affected by plague (as per the plague spell) </font>

<font color="green"> Levithan can be created on land, in contradiction with its description. </font>

NTJedi October 13th, 2006 06:39 PM

Re: non-Mac-like behaviour on Macs

Agrajag said:
I would instead consider the meaning of The Ascension Wars, ie The Wars fought in order to obtain Ascension (or to Ascend(!)).
Besides, what would you expect these times to be called?
Late summer in year 4 of The Awakening O_o

I doubt Illwinter would have all wars for godhood called "Ascension Wars" considering the title of Dominions_2 was "The Ascension Wars". If what you say is true then why use this for only one title??
In any case Illwinter will examine the icon on the top right which displays the time and stating "Ascension Wars" and decide whether or not it should be changed. Only they truly know if this is a bug or not, perhaps they will make a quick post or send us a PM and let us know the official opinion.

Kristoffer O October 14th, 2006 06:25 AM

Re: Pretender Mod Bug

MTCason said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] In trying to play a game with a mod loaded, I get a crash to desktop whenever I try to proceed past the first turn, along with the message, 'No Holiness'

Your unit is probably not made holy. Only sacred beings can be priests. Priests must have a holy tag on them IIRC.

Juzza October 14th, 2006 06:35 AM

Siege bug
<font color="green"> Hey guys, I noticed while I was playing the demo that when I sieged the pale one guys fort, I could use their Orical site and scry on provinces while they were still alive and in it. </font>

Kristoffer O October 14th, 2006 06:39 AM

Re: Bug thread

B0rsuk said:

Seems like my friend found a truly ugly bug.
Note research values on these guys. This is from windows version, of course. I can ask my friend for savegames, if necessary.

Philosophers have research value dependent on sloth in the province. Not magic. If you have a high productivity they philosophize less and make useful stuff such as work with their hands and organize society. If they are in a lazy land they just sit and think up magic systems.

Kristoffer O October 14th, 2006 07:20 AM

Re: Bug thread
Hmm, I suppose the wars are still ascension wars. The awakening gods still want to ascend. Switching to summer first year of the awakening would be a bit strange since the dormant gods haven't started to awake yet. Only the weak and cowardly ones that hid have emerged to wage war when the game begins.

Endoperez October 14th, 2006 07:37 AM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Niefelheim doesn't get longdead giants from Reanimation. Haven't tested Raise Dead/Skeletons or Carrion Reanimation, but normal Reanimation only gives size 2 corpses.


PDF October 14th, 2006 08:29 AM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green">Not really a bug, rather an oversight from dom2 :
Max possible Dominion victory value at 2000

With 500+ provinces map it will cap the victory conditions to approx 25% of map only ! </font>

ologm October 14th, 2006 11:07 AM

Re: Bug thread
1 Attachment(s)
<font color="green"> Attached game hangs in the AI thinking stage when I press end-turn. </font>

Edit: Horror seed spell could lock up the game if cast on a province without suitable targets.

dirtywick October 14th, 2006 11:14 AM

Re: Bug thread
Drain scale 2 is listed as having -1 RP but it actually takes off 2 points. Not sure if that's a typo or a bug.

Endoperez October 14th, 2006 11:57 AM

Re: Bug thread
Drain 1 and 2 are supposed to remove 1 RP. Drain 3 is supposed to remove 2 RP. That's it AFAIK.

Agrajag October 14th, 2006 12:00 PM

Re: Bug thread

Endoperez said:
Drain 1 and 2 are supposed to remove 1 RP. Drain 3 is supposed to remove 2 RP. That's it AFAIK.

So why would you ever take Drain 1 instead of 2?

Wazooking October 14th, 2006 01:08 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]Helheim PD uses Huskarl unit with Glamour, but when the battle starts, Glamour isnt cast on them like with the recruited Huskarl unit.
From the note on the progress website, looks like it has been fixed.

Graeme Dice October 14th, 2006 01:25 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Niefelheim's Jotun Skin Shifters don't appear to switch forms when damaged.

I'm not sure if this has been reported before or not.

<font color="blue"> My skinshifters in my current game is switchi8ng fine, so if it isn't working it has either been fixed or something else is amiss </font>

BigJMoney October 14th, 2006 01:39 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Legions of Steel not working, or at least not showing up

I don't know what to attach for this. Do I attach the .2h file? I don't have debug turned on, so I don't have a log available, right?


Endoperez October 14th, 2006 01:45 PM

Re: Bug thread

BigJMoney said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Legions of Steel not working, or at least not showing up

It only works for armoured units. If whatever you tried to cast it on didn't have armour, it doesn't do anything.

ologm October 14th, 2006 01:53 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Darkvision doesn't appear to help with the global darkness spell. My agarthan pale ones still have a -4 defense and attack penalty </font>

<font color="green"> The area of effect lightning effect of the artifact tempest is bugged when you watch it in the battle replay. It will play through whole bunch of different animations and end with a nagot gick fell! cst: bad sprnr </font>

dirtywick October 14th, 2006 03:28 PM

Re: Bug thread

Agrajag said:

Endoperez said:
Drain 1 and 2 are supposed to remove 1 RP. Drain 3 is supposed to remove 2 RP. That's it AFAIK.

So why would you ever take Drain 1 instead of 2?

That's why I took 2. But it takes 2 points off research instead of 1 like it's listed. I'm not sure how it works with random paths adding to research exactly, but the ones with no randoms are taking -2 from what I've seen.

Foodstamp October 14th, 2006 04:42 PM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] AE Arcoscephales Oreiads cannot seduce commanders!

I believe the seduce value is set too low versus the commanders morale check. In 3 games with massed Oreiads I have NEVER had them seduce an enemy commander. This is with hundreds of tries. The reason I know it is hundreds of tries is because my Oreiads end up in the hall of fame by killing commanders they cannot seduce LOL. Most often the message appears "So and so was not even remotely interested in so and so's beauty. This is against the lowliest independent commander all the way up to pretenders, it just doesn't work at all.

For clarification, I am trying in provinces adjacent to mine, they just resist the seduce ability. The only way I can see this ability working in it's current state is possibly on the lowest morale commanders who also have the affliction "Battle Fright". </font> There was a bug in the seduction ability (oreiad, naginei and perhaps some more, not succubus though) thet has been fixed. They had a slight chance of seducing (like -10 on the 2d6 roll).

FrankTrollman October 14th, 2006 05:24 PM

Re: Bug thread
I can confirm that Faery Trod doesn't work as advertised. Your wizard teleports to the target forest (where he is killed), and your army stays home and chills out (where they are useless.

In short, it works like Teleport. Which for the cost is no good.


Nerfix October 14th, 2006 05:26 PM

Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Celestial General has no attack sprite

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.

Foodstamp October 14th, 2006 06:10 PM

Re: Bug thread

Nerfix said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Celestial General has no attack sprite

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.

I can confirm the "Sometimes move orders aren't followed". Happened to me in an EA game as Neifelheim. Around midgame, Atleast one of my stacks would only move sometimes if the command was given. They were not being attacked, and there were no other appearant special circumstances (IE Enchantments). The stack consistented mainly of neifel jarls and neifel giants.

Daynarr October 14th, 2006 07:01 PM

Re: Bug thread

Foodstamp said:

Nerfix said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Celestial General has no attack sprite

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.

I can confirm the "Sometimes move orders aren't followed". Happened to me in an EA game as Neifelheim. Around midgame, Atleast one of my stacks would only move sometimes if the command was given. They were not being attacked, and there were no other appearant special circumstances (IE Enchantments). The stack consistented mainly of neifel jarls and neifel giants.

That's actually not a bug but game mechanic. When you have 2 opposing armies move toward each other 3 things may happen:
1) Army A will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army B will appear as if it refused to move)
2) Army B will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army A will appear as if it refused to move)
3) Noone will move and no combat will occur.

From your reports it seems that no.3 happened.

ioticus October 14th, 2006 07:31 PM

Re: Bug thread
Alt-tabbing out of the game causes the graphics to corrupt such that the right and top menu options become faded and are very hard to read.

Amos October 14th, 2006 07:59 PM

Re: Bug thread
Mod Bugs:
-Custom anti-demonic weapons ether dont show the dmg type or like weapons with poison effect on them dont do anything
-Custom made ranged weapons fire faster than they should, ignoring #nratt command most likely
-Castle defense is always 1000
-Siege Bonus doesnt work at all

Foodstamp October 14th, 2006 08:16 PM

Re: Bug thread

Daynarr said:

Foodstamp said:

Nerfix said:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Celestial General has no attack sprite

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] Sometimes move orders aren't followed.

Happened to move three times in a row once on the Silent Seas map as Late Ermor and once as Middle Tien. The ordered commanders just refused to move to a bodering province, even if the Move order clearly apperead for them.

I can confirm the "Sometimes move orders aren't followed". Happened to me in an EA game as Neifelheim. Around midgame, Atleast one of my stacks would only move sometimes if the command was given. They were not being attacked, and there were no other appearant special circumstances (IE Enchantments). The stack consistented mainly of neifel jarls and neifel giants.

That's actually not a bug but game mechanic. When you have 2 opposing armies move toward each other 3 things may happen:
1) Army A will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army B will appear as if it refused to move)
2) Army B will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army A will appear as if it refused to move)
3) Noone will move and no combat will occur.

From your reports it seems that no.3 happened.

Aye I know about those rules. This happened to me in friendly territory where I had the neifel jarls researching. I gave them some neifel giants and sent them south to the next province or two down. From that point on they had numerous difficulties moving even though "move" was selected. It is worth noting at this point in the game they had numerous afflictions, but I checked all the afflictions and could not find anything that would keep them from moving.

Daynarr October 14th, 2006 08:38 PM

Re: Bug thread
Save game would help to hunt this one down.

thejeff October 14th, 2006 09:39 PM

Re: Bug thread
I got a message saying "Gravescreech, &lt;titles&gt; has broken free."

Problem is that was Ermor's pretender, a lich who had died when I took Ermor's capital. Ermor had attacked last turn and was sieging his old capital. Gravescreech did join in the battle and was killed again. Got the "You killed our God!" message from Ermor again.

I'm not sure how much of this is wrong. It's possible he'd called his god back, though it had only been a few turns.
Immortal gods don't return once they no longer hold the capital. Do they come back at once if it's retaken?
The "broken free" message is certainly wrong.

Foodstamp October 14th, 2006 09:46 PM

Re: Bug thread
I searched and found the game. What all needs to be uploaded? The entire folder compressed is well over the 3 meg (including the random generated map and a file called...ftherlnd)

ioticus October 14th, 2006 10:00 PM

Re: Bug thread
I notice that you cannot appoint a prophet in a besieged province. Is that a bug or WAD?

Taqwus October 15th, 2006 12:58 AM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Minor [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] -- Middle Age Mictlan should not list Blood as one of its paths.

Well, you CAN get blood off of one of your recruitable commanders -- but it's no better than a 2.5% chance (10% random, 1 of 4) -- so unless your pretender has it, the Lawgiver's ban is pretty solid. </font>

tka October 15th, 2006 04:31 AM

Re: Bug thread
<font color="green"> Typos:
-EA Arco's description states that they have access to Death magic, but none of their mages have death magic.
(Magic: Astral, elements, Nature, Death...)
-Also other typo in EA Arco description: "...and most free men hve plenty of time..." </font>

Daynarr October 15th, 2006 04:38 AM

Re: Bug thread

Foodstamp said:
I searched and found the game. What all needs to be uploaded? The entire folder compressed is well over the 3 meg (including the random generated map and a file called...ftherlnd)

Best thing is to zip all files in it. I think all are needed as you probably played on random map so noone else has it. Use maximum compression so it wont be really that big.

Agrajag October 15th, 2006 04:59 AM

Re: Bug thread

Daynarr said:
That's actually not a bug but game mechanic. When you have 2 opposing armies move toward each other 3 things may happen:
1) Army A will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army B will appear as if it refused to move)
2) Army B will move to the enemy territory and engage enemy there (Army A will appear as if it refused to move)
3) Noone will move and no combat will occur.

According to the manual (page 68):
1) Both armies will fight in territory A
2) Both armies will fight in territory B
3) They will miss each other and switch provinces
So according to the manual, you are wrong.

The DarkOne October 15th, 2006 10:13 AM

Re: Bug thread
Moonvine circle doesn't let you recruit echanter as it is supposed to.

haileris October 15th, 2006 12:03 PM

Re: Bug thread
Bug 1 - Major: My one player game crashes consistently and reliably when generating a turn straight after the "AI thinking" stage of the turn generation. If I do nothing but move existing armies around then the turn generates fine but if I do other stuff, such as building armies or casting spells, the game crashes. I'll try to tie it down at some point - save game available if anyone wants to look.

Bug 2 - A tip states that Man temples cost only 200, but AFAIK they still cost 400.

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