![]() |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Indeed the walking dead grow close to critical mass and all living men should fear them. They expand like a cancer in all directions and with blood flowing in their veins would do well to oppose them. Our squabbles will come to aught when we all serve the lord of the dead.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Baalz (Tien)just wants a free hand to crush Utgard, one of the few nations that have been civil to the dead. His concern revolves around keeping me busy so he can plunder my more civil neighbors.
"Crushing Jomon"?!? When did I start doing this? Sure I can raid his lands but if anyone has scouts in the northern wastes they will see 2 large "anti-undead" armies advancing deep into Ermor territory. And any "crushing" I one day get around to is totally justified... I offered Jomon peace and he tried to force me to pay a ridiculous bribe. Wanting to "rest in peace" I reluctantly offered to give him what I could, but still Jomon rejected it and attacked me first! I think Jomon sensed he could take advantage of C'tises misfortune (who, btw, attacked me first as well) and now that someone is taking advantage of him he wishes to complain! The Dead Laugh! P.S. Everyone knows that my huge armies can be almost completely wiped out with combination of priests and anti-undead spells... The graph is impressive, but ultimately misleading. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Oh ho ho, the lord of the dead speaks out the back side of his skull. The horselords do not prance around to attract sympathetic bystanders, we simply let one and all know that we stand with any who stand against the legion of dead and their necrophilic giant companions. Let those who stand on the sidelines not complain when thousands of frozen dead begin tearing down their walls as the Ermor/Utgard unholy alliance conquers the world. You claim the score graphs are misleading, I claim my scouts have sighted an undead army numbering several thousand and growing every day. There are naught who can stand alone against that.
Thrice you have breached our borders, and thrice been flung back bloodied. Twice have the giants attacked us, and twice had cause for regrets. Enough I say. Let the hands of men send these abominations back to the grave for good before it is too late. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
But jomon seems to be death already, so everything of jomon i get will hurt ermor on the long run. btw. glamour sucks, its somehow bad to invade an empty province, and then to discover that 100 vans are sitting inside. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Jomon is dead? They've a lot of provinces and second most troops. I've no scouts there but the graph says something else.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
By diplomatic pressure from our friends, Arcoscephale decides not to attack Jomon and to let all his provinces fall into ermorian hands.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Has Micah stopped playing? I think he's staled the last 1-2 turns, and he hasn't taken this turn yet.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
He didn't stall, thats for sure.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Ah, okay. During the last turn, I checked the tracker and saw that he was the last one who hadn't played; when I went to play this turn, I saw that nobody had played yet, so I figured that there was a stale, since normally the last person will play their turn first, and the game had hosted right around when the counter would have hit zero. I guess he must have played just at the buzzer, and was running his new turn right then.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I think he's been on the road traveling this weekend.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Yep, check the Radiance thread and a few others where he is playing.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Yep, I didn't take my 2nd turn in a row due to the fact that it would have cut into the 3 hours of sleep I got that night =)
Trying to stay on top of everything, but it's a busy weekend for me, about to run my turns now though. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Baalz seems to be suffering from the "always connected" bug again.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I reconnected, re-uploaded my turn, and re-finished it. Let me know if it's still showing as hanging.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Yep, you're still shown as connected. But since you uploaded your turn file, I guess it shouldn't matter. It's still strange that it always happens with you, and with you only. What OS are you using, again? Do we have any other people with that OS on here?
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Oh, Windows XP. Is it holding up the hosting? Nobody has mentioned anything in the other MP games I'm in, and it doesn't seem to effect my orders....
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I got the email from the server that a new turn was hosted but I can't connect to the server at all at the moment. Am I the only one with this problem? I am now in Italy and I had some problems to get my net connection up here, but I could connect to my own server and download the turn just fine...
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Server needed to be restarted. Should be up and going now.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
My internet service has disappeared; depending on the reason, it might take a day or two to get reconnected. If you folks would be willing to wait, I'd appreciate it.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Okay, the problem's fixed.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Would anyone be interested in selling a water booster item or two?
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
PM me for water boosters.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Okay, water is taken care of. Thanks, folks.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Man missed the last hosting. I'm hoping he wont miss the next one, but if he is about to I'll be looking for a replacement.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Atlantis would like to trade for water gems. We offer earth gems in return, one earth for one water.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
When will the filthy giants learn that their fetid bulk is not enough to allow them to stand against real cavalry? Utgard again brought all the strength it could muster to the field against our warriors, this time bringing their idol to prance around for our amusement. Spies and scouts were thick as fleas in this province, the giants had employed an assassin and our responding patrols turned up nearly a dozen spectators waiting to see our troops clash. Here is what transpired for those who had their eyes removed.
The great giant host drew up around their false goddess, a hugely fat great mother. Our heavy cavalry pawed the ground eagerly, relieved to have a break from the monotony of seiging the onetime capitol of Argatha. The giants had been thoughtful, and brought more than enough of their kin for every of our mighty warriors to blood themselves. Having felt the sting of the giant’s frost magic in the past, our Celestial Masters began the battle by enchanting all of our forces with a winter ward, fortifying them against the chilling arts. Meanwhile, our great hero Li T’ieh-Kuai summoned a group of valkyries to harass the giant’s spellcasters, while some of our ancestor guides sent waves of shadow blasts into the giant’s ranks. Then our warriors charged forward screaming for blood, the towering forms of Celestial Soldiers hot on their heels in a second wave. Seeing their fate glinting on the end of 12 foot ashwood lances, the cowardly earth mother summoned up the powers of the earth in a great earthquake, attempting to drop our battlemages before the battle was truly joined. This first attempt caused only mild damage for our army is uniformly dextrous, but the earth mother seemed inclined to cast this all day which could have caused a problem, so one of our Celestial Masters quickly paralyzed the fat figure to put an end to that. Our wave of thundering doom broke over the giant ranks and scores of giants were skewered in a bloody, screaming impact that cracked like the thunder our Celestial Masters rained down in the giant’s back ranks. Such was the ferocity of our warriors that our ancestor smiths scarcely had time to finish their enchantment of them before the majority of the giants lay unmoving in the shallow snow. Stellar Cascades rained down among the giant sorcerers, and those who were not quickly paralyzed found that even their ineffective frost spells could scarcely be cast as their energy was leeched out their skin. Our third wave of water elementals never even had a chance to join the fray as the few remaining giants ran for their lives, abandoning their paralyzed false god, prophet, and sorcerers. Not one in ten giants lived through the day, and not a single of their spell casters walked off the field. Their false goddess was drawn and quartered, her paralyzed body torn limb from limb to prevent it from regenerating and show one and all her true lack of divinity. Having slain the only leadership the giants know, it is only humane to continue through and finish them. Let it not be said that the horselords would leave a lame horse to shuffle around in pain! |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Hehe, if I knew I was attacking a role-player I would have held off :/
I have never played with the giants before (I don't play SP) so I am kind of just throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. I didn't realize that there was a defense check for earthquake or I would't have bothered. I feel as though it might be worth it just to bring out all the death casters and drop 20-30 shadow blasts and see if its worth the gems. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I officially give up trying to storm castles with anything but lots of sacred undead calverly. 2.5K troops demoloshed by 100+ defenders. *sighs*
It's going to be a long, slow, painful, cruel, grind for me. Meanwhile Marignon continues to roll over the rest of the world... *sighs*. Is anyone even fighting him? |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I still don't understand why in the other fight your undead commanders routed. Plenty of skeletons still to fight and they did let them dissolve.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Patala just donated a few hundred gems to Calmon (Marignon) to speed his inevitable win, I save scorched earth for wars I don't start.
I asked for help against him a long time back and none came. I think it's too late now to do anything about him. As I said, it would be a lot better for the world to have Patala having a whole island than Marignon with an island AND the mainland foothold. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
You seem to be under the impression that other players are obligated to protect you. Considering that it is necessary to destroy you to win the game, this does not seem like a reasonable expectation.
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I agree with him that someone should have helped him as it is quickly growing apparent that Marignon is the super-power to beat (if it is even possible anymore). If I was in his position I would have probably thrown the gems to a weaker empire that was completely removed and isolated from Marignon with the hope that they would one day have revenge against Marignon and all of his neighbors that never helped. I do disagree with the thought that you should punish everyone else in the game by giving up everything to the current leader. Is anyone even fighting Marignon now? I don't border him so I don't know... |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Everyone is free to do what ever they want with their gems. There is nothing wrong with giving them to Marignon.
annoying those that don't even border Marignon probably isn't helpful for future games... Carrying grudges from game to game? Classy. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Thanks Tera.
Marignon didn't start the fight on the island, I did. I was hoping to get rid of him before he got too established. But, between Marignon's best-in-the-game PD and what seemed to be archer indies in every single one of the provinces Calmon had, combined with flaming arrows and my shieldless troops, I failed. I don't think waiting would have helped any though, since he was already in a fairly dominant position. Ich: I spent my research going after arrow fend, and not anything I could dump massive amounts of gems into. By the time I got it I'd lost too much territory to recover, owing to Patala's amazingly bad PD and Marignon's financial/research dominance. I managed a couple of inspiring battles, including killing their pretender, but I was doomed to a phyrric loss. Alchemy wouldn't have helped me, I was doing alright until the bottleneck broke. I went from viable to near-hopeless in the space of 2 turns, it wasn't a gradual thing that could have been stopped with some gold...I needed arrow fend, and you can't alchemize research. Moses: I don't think people are obligated to protect me. I told people that they should attack Marignon while I had them distracted. They didn't, and now it's too late to stop Calmon from winning. My expectation was not that I should be protected, but that people should look to their long-term interests. Why should I hold a grudge against Calmon for beating me in a fight that I started? I fought until there was no hope left, and then a little longer to be sure, but the loss of half my mages and my pretender sealed the deal. Patala was done and I had a pile of gems to give out. Giving them to a nation that beats me fairly seems a pretty good choice to me. Here's why: Assuming that meta-gaming happens: If I can provide a precedent that a nation might get a couple of hundred gems by waiting the last turn or two before attacking me to let a NAP expire instead of jumping the gun I will be gaining a few turns of advantage from that. Whereas if I insist on punishing everyone I fight and going scorched-earth all of the time it just encourages people to try to surprise me so I have less time to make my empire implode. As I said, I save that for the times when I get backstabbed. If you're more of a role-player: Not having an ally to evacuate their magical treasures to, Patala's store of gems was left inside their jeweled city, and was found and looted by Marignon when they successfully stormed the castle. On top of that, as I said, I'm pretty sure the game is done at this point. Marignon leads all of the graphs, by far, and also has blood magic, which isn't reflected in any of them. The arch devils he has running around count for a bit more than 6 size points on the army graph, trust me. If Calmon doesn't win at this point I'll be VERY surprised. I honestly believe that I'm merely speeding the inevitable along with my donation so people won't get stuck playing out a foregone game for quite as long. I'm sure people will take exception to such a deterministic view of the game, but Marignon's lead at this point is just too big. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I don't resent your choice of giving your gems away, but you just seemed to be angry about something that can't be helped. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Edit: Note that I didn't say that *I* would carry over this grudge, only that Micah's actions might create one. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
You're right Ich, I should have checked about some staves, but it didn't look like either of them was anywhere close to cons 6 from the research graph, so I took the lazy route.
I didn't mean to come off as angry, I was just trying to be matter-of-fact. Tone is a casualty of the internet though. |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I have created a thread concerning the server that hosts this game. Please check it before posting that the server is down.
Velusion's Game Server Update Thread |
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Should be about 42 hours left...
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
I'm curious, I played the last turn, and the in-game message tells me I had a stalled turn, wonder what's going on...
Re: Random Nations , Late Era (Players Wanted)
Always check the status page:
You were marked with 'Turn Pending' at least 1 hour before hosting. |
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