![]() |
Re: Emailer b0rked, turn notification inavailable?
In some places this game needs a good overhaul.
Re: Emailer b0rked, turn notification inavailable?
Re: Emailer b0rked, turn notification inavailable?
I had a similar problem earlier in the game where the moves did not seem to go in the right order within my territory when Ulm was invading. I didn't ask for a turn redo because of it, though.
Turtles in the south
Less than an hour left and Ermor and Sauromatia still have to make their move. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif
If they don't have their turns in by then, I'll add another 12 hours to the timer or something, but I'll only do this once. MOVE! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif |
Re: Turtles in the south
24 hours added to the timer. I'll definately implement the script that sends a warning email 4 hours before hosting, but then I won't rig the timer again.
Re: Turtles in the south
Oops. I knew I had to play before the 10th, yet somehow I had convinced myself the tenth was today, not yesterday http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif
... Sorry. |
Re: Turtles in the south
Huh? Last turn I found two of my mages (an Augur and an Augur Elder) in amongst the troops in the province screen, i.e. they were no commanders anymore. Any idea as to what can cause that?
Re: Turtles in the south
Were they enslaved or hellbound by the enemy, then brought back on your side during a battle?
Re: Turtles in the south
Nop, no battle happened thereabouts. That was also the one reason I could think of. The only thing special that happened in the relevant provinces was a couple of seeking arrows. (who didn't hit the mages in question btw)
Status.php trouble
Meh, the status web page seems broken, dunno what the trouble is. I'll have a look at it later.
Re: Status.php trouble
Okay, I found out what the trouble was. The Newbies game updated the stats for the NewDawn game, too, it's fixed now.
Waiting on Sauromatia with 6 hours left on the timer. |
Vanheim, beware!
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Burger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Fish.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Burger.gif[/img] SCHLURP [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Burger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Fish.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Burger.gif[/img]
Oceania seeks new grazing lands for our cattle. We are claiming the lush shores of Vanheim in the name of the Watcher, who very much enjoys watching our cows and sheep grow fat on the weeds of the earth. Plus those Vanhere horses look mighty tasty too! Also our massive army of turtles is annoying us with their constant demands for salary increases. They will be sent to earn their keep, and be paid in blood! Mu ha ha ha ha. Bubble. |
Re: Vanheim, beware!
Vanheim shouts a mighty haroog! The entire nation revels in combat and drinks from the righteous cup of glory!
Re: Vanheim, beware!
Dedas / Sauromatia staled this turn (again?) and seems to have some trouble which is taking his time. If he doesn't respond that he wants to continue playing then I'll play for him before the time runs out and look for a replacement.
Re: Vanheim, beware!
I'll take over Sauromatia, I am getting very addicted to this game and I promise to take turns fast.
Sub for Sauromatia found
That's cool. I'll send you the password, I hope it's with Dedas' blessings. If you manage to get your turn in within 7 hours then you can do the current one yourself, otherwise I'll take care of it. For diplomacy, look at the status web page for the player names, I'll send you the email addresses, too.
Waiting on Arco and Sauromatia with about 7 hours left on the timer. |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Sorry for not noticing this earlier. Yes of course, you have my blessing. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Again, sorry. |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Ah, good, I was hoping that I don't decide this over your head. I'm generally looking for subs fast to keep the game interesting, few things are worse than players stalling indefinitely and other players taking advantage of that by taking their territory from a player that doesn't respond. I'm trying to prevent this ASAP.
You could give CUnknown a little briefing, maybe. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Sauromatia gives greetings to all her neighbors. Which one of you is Ermor?
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Why does that question feel ominous?
I am. |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Um... no reason, hehe.
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Hey temp Sauromatia: Agartha here. Mind dropping me a line when you get a chance so I can cover the situation?
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Whatever the Cave-dwellers tell you, it's a lie. The truth of what happened is he let you (and Arco) fight me while taking some undefended provinces, and then, after I smashed up Sauro's armies and Arco advanced to my capitol he decided to take advantage and take some more provinces without oppsoition.
Cave-dwelling scavanger he is, that one. (One could argue for the term calculating opportunist instead, but being the primitive cave-dweller that he is that would be too much honor for him. ) |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Whatever alliances Sauromatia was in, or whatever wars were being faught under the old Commander are null and void, at least from Sauromatia's new perspective. I'm willing to ally/go to war with anyone at this point, but to be honest I'm not too eager to do either until I get a better feel for what's going on.
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Vanheim declares war on Sauromatia. And we also declare war on Agartha. And we also declare war on Arcosephale.
It matters not that all three of these nations are located on the other side of the known world. Despite the hugensss of the distances, all your tracts of land are belong to us. We offer each of you instantaeous peace for the price of one gold piece. Now, who wants a Dwarvish Hammer upside the head? The Dwarves rule this kingdom. We just send the Vanir out to fight for us because they enjoy that sort of thing. RRRARRRGGHHHH!!! By Crom, Wode, Thor, Odin and all that is holy, we will cleanse the land of lesser beings and make the realm safe for Vanheimigian maidens to frolic in the snow. Long live the Vanheimigian Vanir of Vanheim. Dwarves rule! |
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Looks like Marverni is about to go stale. Since I didn't hear from him about any planned absence I won't extend the timer.
Re: Sub for Sauromatia found
Rather belatedly: welcome aboard to our new Sauromatia! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
We also wonder whether someone has been spiking the mead in Vanheim... |
Nay, mead does not need spiking, it does a fine job by itself in sufficient quantity.
Oceania can attest that even the beef burgers made from the cattle of Vanheim did have an unexpectedly strong spicey honey taste. Unfortunately there were no horse burgers to be made as the true warriors of Vanheim missed waking up for the battle. Altogether we very much enjoyed the experience and have decided we would like to stay for a little while. |
Re: Mead
The Vans were busy laying an egg^H^H^H^H^H^H^H raising a fort.
Oceania's preparations for the many deaths our armies will suffer in our border conflict with mighty Vanheim require certain rituals involving a small amount of Death Gems. Unfortunately we are a bit short on supply of these gems. We are willing to trade other gems in exchange, or even magic items.
Please PM vfb if you have 12+ Death Gems you would like to trade, for earth, fire, or nature gems. We are also looking to acquire water gems, since oddly enough they are in very short supply under the waves. Plus in our noobishness we thought it would be fun to make some clams, but turns out we are much too impatient to enjoy the benefits. We're selling Clams for 20 water gems a clam if any nation is interested. And of course, we do not exclude any nations from these trade offers. War is war, but business is business, or something along those lines anyway. -- Uz, Prophet of the Mad Watcher |
Re: Gems
In the New Dawn News there are reports of a war raging in the north west. The war has essentially evolved into a loose coalition of three nations on each side. It seems to be Vanheim, Helheim and Caelum vs Ulm and Marverni, with Oceania recently joining in to make it a 3v3.
So far it has been a pitched battle, with the war raging back and forth. Ulm has gotten deep into both Vanheim and Helheim territory at times with a nasty DragonWyrm leading the charge. Who knows what the outcome will be, but that is how it stands now in the Vanheim neck of the woods. This war has been raging for a while now. Anyway, if anyone has death gems to trade, I will make you a better offer than Oceania. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Gems
Uz would like to inform the nations of New Dawn that our current business transactions have been completed. We will be sure to inform you when further mutually beneficial opportunities arise.
-- Uz, Prophet of the Insane Kraken |
Re: Gems
10 hours to go with Marverni left to move. Darrel, if you're reading this, please don't forget to submit your turn.
Worthy Heroes mod updated
I mailed everyone an updated version of the Worthy heroes mod we're using which fixes lots of incompability bugs with the 3.08 patch. Please install it immediately. In case you have not received the mail, please PM me.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
I didn't get that mail.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
I got the email, and it says there is an attachment, but when I open the email I don't see an attachment.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
1 Attachment(s)
Ah, okay. Here it is again. Overwrite the file you have with this one.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
You can download the file from this link too, I think.
http://files.filefront.com/heroes1_7.../fileinfo.html |
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
Yes, but you have to rename it to heroes1_6.dm because that's the file that the game is recognizing.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
Really? I just sent in my turn and didn't rename it. It didn't seem to throw an error.
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
It won't throw an error. But the game is locked on the filename and if you use the old mod yourself and the server uses the fixed 1.7 mod then you might have some strange effects when you look at your turns, inconsistencies.
--- To all: Caelum is looking for all kinds of gem trades, too. For starters, we have 10 fire gems which we'd like to convert to astral for example, or water, or death. We got some other stuff, too, and can forge a variety of things. PM if you're interested. |
Re: Worthy Heroes mod updated
Almost 2 years ago the peaceful nation of Ermor, pinacle of civilisation, home to filosophers, engineers, and scientists got invaded by a warlike coalition of no less than three nations, envious of our culture, and yearning for the rich and fertile plains of our homeland. Brutal cavedwellers, ferocious warrior women led by man-flaying maniacs and calculating humans who in vain try to hide their greed behind a façade of learning and civilisation formed an unlikely alliance, whose only common point was pure, naked greed.
Backed into a corner out beleagered nation was forced to alter it's course, our only goal now being survival. Our plowshares were turned to swords, our aquaducts torn down to use the stones as barricades, and the farmers and craftsmen forming the lifeblood of our nation were handed a weapon and sent of to war. Less than a year ago, with grim determination and after a series of bloody battles all of Sauromatias forces were cornered and destroyed, and, now fearing for their own survival, the once-proud warrior-women pulled out of this war. Yesterday, after many more grim and dark months, in which a chariot-led assault on our capitol was repelled, and war raged all over our lands, our brave soldiers and mages launched a determined counterattack on the forces still surrounding our great city of Eldregate. Less than one quarter of the great host surrounding its walls managed to leave the field alive. Today, in it's infinite mercy, the Ermorian Senate extends this one-time offer to the Arcoscephalean invaders: Retreat from the old corelands of our nation, returning the provinces of East Gate and Ermorian Highlands to us, the rightful owners, (we're ready to claim them back by force of arms anyway) and we will forget about the vile treachery and warmonging that led you to assault our peaceloving nation. Refuse, and be prepared to endure many more grim months and years of war, in which our valiant defenders will inflict loss upon loss unto you, until your armies and your economy are so weakened that you will collapse at the first sign of any barbarian nation sending a small raiding party at your lands! So speaks first consul Amhazarius, in name of the Senate of Ermor. |
Resetting the timer
CUnknown had informed me in advance that he'd be away this weekend, so I am resetting the timer now.
We are afraid we must decline the Ermorian offer of peace. It was Ermor's rise, Ermor's swelling army, and Ermor's aggressive fortification that brought us to this situation. Now, Ermor's Prince of Death struts the land, and Longdead rise from soon-to-be-ashen fields. Our war machine has suffered a setback, but all is far from lost. In good conscience, we do not think now is the right moment to relent.
Re: Warrior Women
We're still involved in the war, and we're still proud! But, we have seen the error of our ways and have switched sides. Indeed, our mighty Warrior Queen herself rides with a contingent of our swiftest steeds into the lands of the cavedwellers, looking for an entrance to the deepest cave of all.
We shake our fists in the general direction of Arcosephale! Our people have begun to worship the death cult, the very same that is spreading through the lands of Ermor. Since we share a similar (although not identical) faith, we have joined with Ermor and will see them to victory! Those Arcosephaleans whom the male Emperor of Ermor does not wish to make his slaves can be sent to Sauromatia, where us Warrior Women will have our way with them. (edit: by the way, thanks for re-setting the timer!) |
Turtle price for me this turn. I am currently preparing something, and I'll do my turn shortly.
Hey, no rush... you got 30 hours left. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Gosh darn it, ich, wut de hold up manz? We gonna make de turtle soup outta you!
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif hahaha |
I organized the new game (Neo Xekinima, you're all invited) and then Morpheus got me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
New turn is finally up. |
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