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Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
This game has been running very fast. We have lucked out and collected a fine group of people that get their turns done well ahead of time.
That being said, if anyone needs the timer lengthened because of real life stuff, I have absolute faith that those people really need the pause/extension just because of how good all the players have been getting their turns in this game. |
Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
It will be sad for jimkehn to stale. I don't think he deserves that. I agree to lenghten the timer over this week end.
Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
OK with me.
Thanks for the thoughtfulness, Eressil3, but now I am done farming and should be able to get more than one turn per day. |
Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
I managed to get in the current turn, but if we could please have a 48 hour timer for the remainder of this weekend, I'd appreciate it. |
Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
I'm cool with extending the time as well. Foodstamp is correct, we've all done exceptional on our turns (minus the rough start we had) and I think we've built up enough good will to know noone hwere would intentionally keep us waiting. In other words, if someone needs an extension, that's cool. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: The fabled treasures of Helheim
OK its on a 48 hour now
Time extension
Thank you!
Re: Time extension
Yes thanks, although I caved in and took the laptop with me. I had a neighbor with a key available for a pinch, but he scared me. "So, I can attack the yellow guy?" "No", "pink guy" "no, that's you".. "er, this game sucks". Yeah, a bit slow on the uptake.
But if the rest of the turns come in I should be able to get mine in tomorrow morning. |
Re: Time extension
Sure glad it wasn't the "red" guy you were contemplating attacking, jutetrea
Re: Time extension
Anyone else notice anything wierd with the update site/turn last night? Got off the plane, got home, checked update page - Mictlan still needs to play. Checked again before going to sleep, Mictlan had played turn (little red asterick gone) but there were now zero little red asterick's. Figured it was hosting, checked back a bit later..same thing. Logged on with the laptop (cuz it seems that until the turn is uploaded each action is stored locally...so if I log on with my desktop before a turn is hosted I lose all the actions) and the game itself says Ermor hasn't played. Signed, confused |
Re: Time extension
The asterisk will be gone on the update page if the player downloads the turn. So my guess would be that Ermor downloaded his turn last night but did not play it. All you have to do is view your turn for it to show as played on the update page.
Re: Time extension
I "touched" Ermors .2h file so that the web-check will properly reflect the games status.
Re: Time extension
If all you do is:
Connect Download the Turn Immediately Disconnect then the turn status does not get hosed by strange timestamps. But if you: Connect Download the Turn Look at the map while connected Exit without saving then the files get touched and the timestamps get out of whack. Anyway, thanks for the extensions. Who wants to go back to 24 hours, and who would prefer to stay on 48? It's taking a bit longer to shuttle units around. Not that Mictlan has any units of course, except for the militia I am trying to kill off. Expect if you are contemplating invading Mictlan. Then I have lots and lots of horrible, evil, dastardly units who will try to eat you for breakfast. Myself, I'd prefer to remain on the 48 hour clock. I'll still try to do 2 turns a day though, of course! Sleep is for the people without Dom3. |
Re: Time extension
I prefer 24 hours, but usually can do 2 turns a day. If they are spaced right. One in the morning and one at nite. I can almost always do one. I take my laptop out of town with me. Very rarely do I not have internet.
Re: Time extension
I would vote for going back to the 24 hr clock. It is a bit early for a slow down.
The turns still do not take much time, or at least they don't for us Giants as we have simple minds and simple plans (must crush Ermor). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif |
Re: Time extension
24 hours for me kthx
Re: Time extension
Same here, 24 hours... ok, I'd really like 12 hours http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif but can live with 24. I gotta say, for an MP newbie this is like crack... I'm always checking the status page or jumping back in to make a useless tweak. I know its unfounded, but I have a sneaking suspicion the server notification takes like 10 minutes to get sent out. Which is 10 wasted minutes before I can see my turn results!!! Yeah, I need help. I'm in the mid/late game of a newbie game as Atlantis, and its a complete 180 from this game in terms of size, complexity and fun. Then I made the mistake of jumping in two other MP games... one with trying a bless strat with LA TC (sucks) and the other with picking the exact wrong scales with Pangaea (sucks)... so those will both be early defeats http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif so, ramble off... 24 hours is good. |
Re: Time extension
Im glad that the status page is being useful. I see many of the other servers coming up with versions also. But come to think of it, I did put the email notification at the end of the post.sh (after hosting) and with all of the zipping and moving and swapping files it might have gotten abit long. OK Ive moved the email notification to the beginning of post.sh which should get the emails out immeadiately after the turn finishes hosting. They dont get sent to any major ISP mail server for sending. I am my own mail server so Im pretty sure that they do get sent pretty instantly. |
Re: Time extension
Yes, very useful and thanks. I'm probably on the more rabid edge of turn checking (since I work from home) but thanks anyway! |
Re: Time extension
I dunno Jutetrea. When I AM home, I am the same way. The game surely should be outlawed. At least for married folk.
Re: Time extension
To beat that addiction, sign on to the Dominions IRC channel and have some blitzes. Then do some MP games. Once you have played a couple, you're developing a more laid back personality about it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Time extension
We, the glamour people of Hellheim are almost finished... We do need support as fast as possible. Our lands are rich so if we will be beaten by Mitclan and Cits, they will get a huge amounts of gems... Others will loose and become slaves.. Stop them or they will win... We have plenty (400+) of gems so if we start loosing, we will tranfer them to the strongest nation (doesnt counting Cits or Mitclan of course).
Re: Time extension
The High Council of Sauromancers are glad that they will not be the recipient of cursed treasures. Those cursed gems would bring ruin upon the strongest of nations, as the world unites against the suddenly overwhelmingly dangerous opponent.
We would, however, gladly take the hen that lays the golden eggs as compensation for the scores of our lizard kin that were slaughtered in the foolish Hellheim rush against the C'tis Capital. |
Re: Time extension
The Nation of Mictlan desires only a small amount of puddlefront property (well, it looks like a lake). C'Tis has borne the brunt of the Helheim assault through many months, so they deserve the land they will be getting. It is a hard fight, battling scores of glamorous heim warriors. C'Tis has done well, and deserves their reward of the Helheim capital.
There is no alliance of C'Tis and Mictlan that threatens the world. We are united in this fight by our common history of conflict with Helheim, though Mictlan chose to pay in land rather than battle Helheim, when first threatened. That said, Helheim has been an honorable neighbor, and respected our pact once they received payment for their peace. We are sure their remaining warriors will defend their lands valiantly and bravely against our hordes and hordes of militiamen. |
Re: Time extension
Looks like I am holding this game up. I have a few more things I have to do this afternoon, then I will get my turn in, I am sorry for the delay http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Time extension
...we will hold just for a few days more... those will be probably the last words the world will hear from us as a Nation...many refuges are looking for their new homes... The High Council deicided to give all the money and gems to the Choosen nation, closest to our hearts... We belive they will free our people from jungle people... We belive that we will rise again... soon...
virgins: run away!!!! Mitclan is coming http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Time extension
Mictlan has found many beautiful women in the (former) lands of Helheim, but unfortunately none of them were virgins. So now we know what all your mages were up to when they should have been researching or summoning or crafting http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. That's why you have so many gems left over to donate to your mystery ally!
And anyway, honestly, it's true, we're only paying a visit to the South. The remains of our armies will soon be heading back to our jungles in the West. |
Re: Time extension
Gandalf - are we staying on a 48 hr timer or can we still move to a 24 hr timer? |
Re: Time extension
Up to you guys
Re: Time extension
Saw 4 votes for 24 hrs, 1(2) for 12 hrs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif and didn't see any for 48 hrs. Anyone have a problem with switching back to 24 hours after the next turn? |
The nation of TC regrets to inform all that we have sacked our marketing and business development VPs and will be discontinuing the previous pricing model. It proved wildly...unpopular.
Two mildly abused and previously overpaid executives are available for hire. We'll throw in their detached bits for free. In the future we will be willing to purchase/trade for gems or trade/construct items on an individual basis at any time. |
Re: Bankruptcy!
R'lyeh once again has found itself in possession of more gems than we need. Currently we have massive stockpiles of Fire, Air and Earth gems we wish to trade for Death gems on a 1 to 1 basis.
If you are interested in such a trade, PM me and we will discuss the quantities that R'lyeh can exchange. Mindlord-mart thanks you for your patronage! |
Re: Bankruptcy!
ok game back at 24 hours
Re: Bankruptcy!
DAMN!!!! I can't connect at this motel with my computer. Using a friends to post this. I guess I'll just hafta stale.
Will keep trying |
Re: Bankruptcy!
If you want to email your turn to gandalf at dom3minions.com I will slip it into the directory for you.
Re: Bankruptcy!
Can't email. Can't get online.
Re: Bankruptcy!
Can you transfer 2h file to your friends computer?
Re: Bankruptcy!
I think he can't download the current turn either. Would it help to get the current turn for Abysia in an email? Or does that not work if it's a network game?
Re: Bankruptcy!
Well you still got 19 hours and 2 other people to go before you have to stale. |
Re: Bankruptcy!
It was a great game - thank you. Im under impression vfb - next time when we meet together at the begining I will change my strategy http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Congratulations vfb (hope you like our tourist infrastructure built especially for you;) |
Re: Bankruptcy!
Good game Kojusoki!
You are right, if you had attacked early on instead of letting me capitulate and buy you off, I would have been toast. I'm actually scared to death of Helheim (and Vanheim), otherwise our nations could have remained friendly much longer. |
Re: Bankruptcy!
Well Hellheim as a nation with water bless should be banned in my opinion. I was negotiating with you simply becouse I had no money http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I had a large production, good scales but... provinces were poor so I couldn't produce as much as I nedded... That is why my research was so low - I cannot afford for mages. In normal cicrumstanes, with moderate provinces (not hills, wastelands and forests only) Hellheim is unstoppable for the first 20 turns I belive. Movement 2 or 3, glamour ability (cut a bit in new patch) makes all other nations in an early stage an easy prey. Anyway - game was nice:)
Re: Bankruptcy!
Random Q: Can we removed Atlantis and Agartha from the check/status page? Or different font/color? Very minor, just curious. |
Re: Bankruptcy!
Yup, good game Kojus. Those legions of yours are just too tough! Good thing you didn't have enough income to make more, although I would say 100 galmored cavalry is quite big already =)
Re: Bankruptcy!
LoloMo, you had quite a good strategy againts them - maybe not in the first battle but in the second one:)
Re: Bankruptcy!
Yomi heard something about a black lamb roaming somewhere in the unlucky realm. A dark night may fall on this realm. Tartarians may come. We don't care !
It's a human matter since humans eat lambs. Humans are Yomi's matter since demons eat human's flesh. This month one of our army tried to eat a big two headed snake, but scales seems to cause severe injuries to the delicate stomac of our demons... The next time we should try to roast it before biting it even if it taste bad this way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif |
Consider me your financial Advisor
R'lyeh is now managing your retirement accounts free of charge! This month and for now on, expect the incomes in all your provinces to be increased. R'lyeh is willing to take donations for our services, but it is not required at all. If you do wish to make a donation, we will accept gold, gems, magic items and even blood slaves, though we have no use for them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.
Re: Consider me your financial Advisor
Mictlan salutes the brave warriors of Helheim, who fought valiantly in their last stand against the forces of the Jungle.
Re: Consider me your financial Advisor
Moving to a different motel tonite. Nervous cuz I don't know what if any internet I will have. I am suspicious of the new laptop's wireless capabilities. It doesn't work at this motel, but I am plugged into ethernet. I will have my old laptop, so maybe I can get on with it. What will happen if I have played a couple turns with the new laptop, but the turns have been skipped with the old. Will it just download the new turn on the old laptop and all is well?? OR will something be amiss?
Re: Consider me your financial Advisor
Its only turn by turn. i.e. the .2h file uploaded by one laptop will overwrite an existing, but only for the current turn.
If you start a turn on one, then go to another without transferring the .2h file you essentially start over. I think http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
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