![]() |
Re: Live Graphs
Thanks for the new format of the graphs, Ich http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'm much more confident now (even though Cor has a plan (hope it backfires miserably)).
Re: Live Graphs
stage one of my plan complete! Muh haha!
Re: Live Graphs
Stage 1? I hoped that was the whole plan... I wasn't too happy with the the-spell-that-shall-not-be-named anyway, but I feel a bit uncomfortable now. What is Cor up to? Will R'lyeh after playing over 6 month survive turn 155 or will it be beaten by a substitute player who inherited the kingdom of Man? Is there a way to kill a Tartarian monster? Why the heck are there 400 water elementals in that sea provinces of his? Why are those darn phantasmal warriors so strong and aren't dispelled by the eye of the void? Where have my gems gone?! So many questions!
Re: Live Graphs
Not to happy? The spell that shall not be named (TSTSNBN) is giving me hundreds of gems! its awesome! 5 turns ago I was convinced you had won. Now I think i have a slight edge. We will see.
Re: Live Graphs
HUNDREDS? What kind of trickery is this? I got measly 4 to 40 a turn! With the cost to cast it I haven't made a big deal I think...
Well since the appearance of the Tartarian plague I was convinced that YOU had won. |
Re: Live Graphs
Hundreds of gems over multiple turns, maybe... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
The reason you didn't get much out of the Nexus was that Cor2 had to hold back on doing anything that required gems. Now that yours is down and his is up, he can freely spend all those gems that he has been storing up for so long. But yeah, I am kinda amazed how Cor2 thinks that he has only a slight advantage in this game. Ever since you're the only two nations left, Man definitely has a lot of aces on his side, what with the elemental queens, Tartarians, unique items etc. |
Re: Live Graphs
I will be happy after the game to disscuss at length why I thought I was slowly losing, it made sence to me anyway. |
Re: Live Graphs
SHHHHHHHHHH Ich!!! You don't have to push him on that!!! Gnarf! Now he'll come for me!!!
Is the server down?
Don't be shy Cor, you are under friends, discuss your thoughts about losing now. |
Re: oops
Now I have to take back all those lands. Your very agressive recently http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.
Re: oops
I have to take what I can as long as I can.
I'm getting a bit nervous over the recent changes and all that talk about gem-hoarding, hundreds and hundres of gems due to the STSNBN, elemental queens, the strange fact that all those Tartarians suddenly vanished and The Chalice that went "poof"... Wondering what horrors will march out of the deserts Man calls his home. I suppose a Tartarian army... |
Re: oops
You suppose correctly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I see you have some Tartarians as well. Welcome to the Tartarian wars!
I love that what ever you do I get gems for it, its so neat! |
Re: oops
Aaah here they come, in raw numbers, to see if R'lyeh is a coward.
Not for all I do. There's nothing to win from astral spells (if I read the manual correctly). |
Re: oops
Yup, astral and blood don't add up to it.
Never underestimate an air-queen
Ouch! I'll never underestimate an air queen again. Damn that hurt a lot.
Well, I think I'm done for... but I try to kill as many of those Manlings as I can before the Void gate is shut forever. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
I do sence the tipping point comming, but it can be averted.
This game is alot of fun, hope your enjoying it. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
What the heck are you afraid of? (Well I have one more plan. Wonder what will happen...) Ich can you tell me, how I can avoid my downfall?
In all the games that I was in, this is the one I learned most. The biggest victories in battles, the biggest defeats in battles, the biggest fun with plans that worked and the biggest frustrations with plans that looked good on paper but failed. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
Well, you know what they say, another turn, another three tartarians.
By the way I was inspired by one of your tactics, Cupido. You should be seeing it soon. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
Is Wolf-spamming really a tactic?
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
A very interesting turn of events. I did not expect this in the least... I have to do some re-planning. Is that a word? oh well.
Well played! And stealing the chalice was perfect. Kudos. I am glad I started a blood economy, looks like it will come in handy. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
I hope your spellcasters died by the dozens.
Revenge for the battle in Freightan Heights (or how that province was called...)! I'm still not sure what happend there exactly. Turned my flying Tartarians against my army?? I watched it twice but couldn't figure out what was happening. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
I had a crone casting charm. She charmed both the manticores. They didn't really stand a chance against a fully kitted tartarian anyway.
Thus far no spell casters have died, but I am a very cautious player. It certainly has cramped my style. The scary part is I have no idea how the spell works, i just know i am safe if i cast no spells. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
Undead horde anyone?
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
I think those undeads are my smallest problem (though they wasted my anti-tartarian-sleeper-experiment... sigh. That was my own fault to let them stand in that province). But have you noticed? I killed 2 of your Tartarians. Hooray! Only 24 to go.
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
I know your hiding Tartarians, I saw them. Send them out to play.
I missed your anti-tart sleeper experiment. I should pay more attention. youll have to tell me all about it after teh games over. i am interested in all teh tactics that you tried vs tarts. As a sad note a possibly an exploitable piece of info fro you, one of my Air Queens is now a troll. A troll with old age, nonetheless. Talk about a demotion. |
Re: Never underestimate an air-queen
Aaah not yet... they're a bit shy. You'll see them early enough.
Well, can't tell you much about the efficency of my sleeper experiment because you wasted it... the other experiment I wasted myself when I was blundering into your air queen. HA! Serves her right, that old hag! That will teach her to wear stolen pebble skin suits! Oh wow... the Horror Abomination of Desolation showed up.. are there unique horrors? |
Horror of horrors
Oh yeas very very nasty unique horrors. I finally got to see the Maker of Ruins last round. Its soo badass.
Re: Horror of horrors
Hmmm I'm even more done for now as I was before. My valiant god defeated the Abomination of Desolation, then Kurgi but got feeble-minded and then came Agos and gave him the rest. Good bye Huakar. We will miss you.
Re: Horror of horrors
That was a totally vicious tartarian battle!
Awesome! You really crippled most of them and I lost an artifact. It was a Pyrric victory. |
Re: Horror of horrors
Oh no. My Tartarians lost the battle? NOOOOOOO. I needed them to kill the other 20 of yours... All is lost.
(Can't wait to watch the battle, I am still in the office.) Btw I think all that I had to do against your tartarians was sending my god in a high dominion province of mine. If he fared that well against those creepy horrors he could have had a good chance against 2 or 3 of your tartarians... |
Re: Horror of horrors
Clash of the Titans
Hmmm wasn't very happy with that fight. Somehow the shroud-wearers weren't blessed... very bad for them. And all stood just around... hmmmmmmmm O.k. here comes the next tartarian horde! |
Re: Horror of horrors
I am going to need that grail back now, thanks.
Battle for the Grail
Sorry, I need it.
Stealing seems to be common in this game. It should be renamed "Grand Theft Chalice". |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Lol. That chalice is a hot commodity. Lets just trade it back and forth every turn.
Re: Battle for the Grail
Or we make an agreement against cruelty and act as idols for other games:
Treaty We, the noble nations of Man and R'lyeh agree hereby to the following points 1)Weapons of massdestruction like the Tartarians and the items that support the weapons of massdestruction like the Chalice and the Aegis are considered unmoral and inhuman and are herefor banned. 2) Slavery is considered a crime against humanity so all blood slaves have to be freed within 1 turn. 3) Weapons, skills or magic that mingles with the mind of beeings, be they living or undead, like Master enslave or charm are considered as slavery and are herefor forbidden. 4) The right for life and propriety is granted. Only artifical and mindless beeings are allowed to fight in battles. All artifacts found or obtained from the opponent have to be given back at once. 5) The civil population must stay untouched under all circumstances. Every spell or artifact that harms the population of a province and all pillaging and blood hunting is strictly forbidden. R'lyeh: Man: Basalt citadel, the 566/3435/49 AD Place/date +Haukar (sign here) |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Hmm. While this is brilliant. We must refuse. Although we really like #3 we are in contrvention of all the rest. I believe that Man's total count of constructs is around 30. It would make for a very short war. On the other hand we suspect that Rlyeh has a huge stockpile of Golems.
This is a holy war after all. It will decide the fate of all living things on the world for the rest of eternity (or until dominions 4 comes out). Any maens are justified. *rips up document* This is total war! |
Re: Battle for the Grail
What an offence! And that before Christmas! I hope Santa reads this this forums! I declare myself the moral winner!! Hooray! (Whew he seems to have 30 more constructs than I have.)
O.k. next proposal: We settle this matter like the noble barbarians did. You wish for a deathmatch and we both send our best warrior to the fight. The one that wins, wins the war. No unnecessary bloodshed. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Re: Battle for the Grail
The trial by combat idea wouldn't work because I have the Champion's trident already. That commander has to go and he is far from my best.
I say we trade the chalice until someone runs out of gems, its mine next. Are you tired of the game? you can always concede. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Would discarding the trident work?
No, no, don't get me wrong. I always fight to the end of a game (even in that game where I was Lanka and my only province for about 20 turns was a swamp with 0 income, lol, that teaches you modesty), I just try to win by all the means I have (diplomacy is all that you left me). Btw I read a thread about communions and didn't get it what was written there. I remember that in my first mp (where you were Arco and I Abysia) you used those communions. So, how does that work exactly and how is that secret magic buff calculated? |
Re: Battle for the Grail
For ever 4 (i think may be 5 or 6) communicants the effective path level of the master raises by one. It will not be shown in the battle but it will have an effect on strength of spells as well a fatigue that is accumulated.
The fatiuge from the master is spread out among communicants ( the master will still get a little fatigue). It is very easy to kill the communion slaves from fatigue. So its better to have alot of slaves and only one or two masters. Any personal effect spell that is cast by the master (such as twist of fate or fire shield) effects the communicants as well. Communicants will cast spells if they act before the master so its best to script them to do nothing. Is that what you wanted to know? Does that make sense? Discarding the trident by suicide would work. I will think about it. I do have a contender or two. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Yes, thank you. Just two more questions: So it doesnt matter what magic path the slaves have to increase all the master's path? Is it possible to have let's say normal commander or scouts without magic paths to be slaves and the master's spell level is still increasing?
Oh, you can't throw the trident away normally? Well, we could of course change the prize for an arena deathmach win. How about the warranty of keeping the Chalice for 5 rounds? (Hmmm does poking out the eyes of a commander make him immune to the Aegis?) |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Re: Battle for the Grail
Oh my, it's written in the manual! I should look things up before I ask stupid questions.
Re: Battle for the Grail
Your totally right, Ich. i forgot about the liner increase.
Cupido, You let me keep the chalice? Whats the matter? Communions are uberpowerful. You should totally be doing them as a strong astral nation. I wonder if empowerment attracts horrors... As for your offer. I decline,for now. You still have alot of fight left in you I am sure. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Yes, I leave the chalice to you. For now. I cannot win a battle of the gems right now.
lol, I drowned your commander together with the succubus that secuced him. Can happen when the capitol is underwater... My vassals are so loyal, they even drown themselves for me. Btw: I empowered one of my commanders and no horror showed up. Perhaps just luck, perhaps it doesn't draw horrors. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Actually it can happen with or without a water nation. Its a known bug. Best thing you can do is give her a water breathing ring or something.
Thanks for the chalice. I will put it to good use. I wonder how many gems have been spent to control this thing this game! at least 1000? Clearly its the best artifact. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Yep, already forged those rings.
It's surely the best artifact when you massproduce Tartarians. Omg what happend in that strange fight between your Tartarian and my Demon lord? Those undead just butchered both of them. lol. |
Re: Battle for the Grail
Happy birthday Cor.
Re: Battle for the Grail
Thanks Ich and cupido! I have nothing better to do on my birthday than lurk on this forum, which makes me the coolest person in the world. hehe.
Those sucubi are nasty. good assasins. It was the lich that the demon lord was trying to corrupt. the tartarian was a bodyguard for the lich. the demon lord charmed the tart and thats why it was killed by an undead horde. Then I made a mistake and removed the ring of regen from the lich after the move order so he stayed behind and was killed. Luckily he is immortal. Still the loss of 65 gems worth of items hurts. The battle between my undead gods escaped from hell and your monsters of the neither void was something to watch. It would make a great novel. BTW that is how you pwn a bogus, ouch! Thats what he gets the traitor! And the insane raged tartarian was perfect! so funny. |
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