![]() |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
Version 1.0 is up and at them.
If there's a problem let me know. -- FIX - Skrolk now in hero slot 6 -- TWEAK - Upped some stealth values -- FIX - Reordered unit ID numbers -- TWEAK - Seerlord pretender now cheap -- TWEAK - Warlords autosummon sword armed clanrats rather than stormvermin -- TWEAK - Rat Ogres lost a claw attack but also have much lower gold upkeep -- TWEAK - Made eshin shuriken a bit worse in light of the power of poison missiles -- TWEAK - Added little bit of head prot for eshin troops -- FIX - No more screaming bell multiheroes -- CONTENT - Added Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes commander and spell to summon it -- FIX - Leadership values sorted out -- CONTENT - Added Skitterleap spell -- FIX - Changed name and epithet to better suit dominions -- FIX - Changed .dm name and mod folder name to fit my new conventions |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
Sombre your Skaven mod is a work of Dominions art!!!!
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
Yep, Sombre's one of our Forum national treasures.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
I have to say I am really, really pleased how well both Ogre Kingdoms and Skaven have turned out. I have probably spent too much time on them rather than doing more Warhammer nations, but I feel like it's worth it when I get feedback or go back and try them myself. Skaven in particular really captured the feel of the race I was after.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
I really do love what you've done with the Skaven. It just feels so... right.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Great mod, plan to use it for my Dom 3 LAN party tomorrow. 'twil be awesome.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Redid preview image. Thanks Shrapnel for your arbitrary filesize limits.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it\'s fecund
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I know this is "kind of late", but I just noticed a conflict with the Magic Site Mod and the Skaven mod.
The Undercity allows recruiting of Wizard, and the site Council Chambers allows recruiting of Longbowman. The other conflict happens if you activate the Skaven mod before the Magic Site Mod. When you try to create a new game, Dominions 3 closes down and a "NĂ¥got gick fel!" window pops up saying "Bad #startsite command". |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Basically the only way to avoid mod conflicts is to use a combiner script or a compilation mod, or mods that were specifically designed to work together.
Other than that, you'll have to fix it yourself. I can't change numbers around to try and avoid conflicts - it's an exercise in futility. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I don't think I'll bother to change it. I mostly play this mod in SP, so I can simply ignore it.
Good luck with your Empire mod, by the way ;) |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I can't make it work with the single age mod. The nation simply doesn't appear in the list when the mod is on. Any idea why and how I could fix it? I love the nation and would like to use it in a single age game with friends thanks in advance |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Most likely a nation number conflict? Other more experienced modders can say for sure. To be fair, this mod is really meant to be played with the other Warhammer mods, sans any other mods being turned on (Possible exception is CBM mod but I can't say for sure). It would be an enormous headache for the modders to make sure their mods are compatible with every combination of mods that are out there.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
All current warhammer mods with the possible exception of nehekhara are 100% cbm compatible. But yeah, the warhammer mods are really only worried about themselves and CBM. The reason skavens don't play well with the single age mod is that SA uses nation slots normally used by mod nations iirc. I would be vaguely surprised if any mod nations are compatible with the SA mod.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I've said it before but now its officially done and such..
This really is one of my favorite nations to play as.. Good stuff all around Look forawrd to your other mods |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I can't comment on that particular mod, because I've never looked in the dm. But it should be trivial to get skaven to work with the mod. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Meh, I'm just not thinking today. Anyway, it is the following that is the problem:
#selectnation 72 #name "Filler 72" #era 0 #end #selectnation 73 #name "Filler 73" #era 0 #end #selectnation 74 #name "Filler 74" #era 0 #end #selectnation 75 #name "Filler 75" #era 0 #end #selectnation 76 #name "Filler 76" #era 0 #end #selectnation 77 #name "Filler 77" #era 0 #end #selectnation 78 #name "Filler 78" #era 0 #end #selectnation 79 #name "Filler 79" #era 0 #end All of that is at the end of the mod. The easiest fix is just to delete these lines since they don't really do anything useful. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Yeah get rid of that crap. It's pointless.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Sadly, I don't have any kind of mod programming experience...how do I do that pointless thing? :)
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Open up the dm of whatever the single age mod you're using is - use a text editor to do this.
Find the code that reads like the above. Delete it. Save. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Thanks ! :)
I actually had to add that part to make it work after deleting the rest. It wasnt too hard, even for me, after your advice... #selectnation 73 #name "Skavenblight" #era 1 #end |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Sombre, I'm still testing the mod and you can't know how much I like it. I was a dedicated Skaven fan in my warhammer days and I feel like I just lost 10 years :)
2 things about the national heroes : - they all seem to get random names despite the text description clearly identifying them - if I may ask, why did you lock their weapons and other slots ? this seems a bit odd to me. I clearly remember equipping those heroes in my warhammer games (that may have been in older versions, I haven't played for 10 years at least so I don't know about any new rules) and they're the only heroes I know of in dominions who can't equip a slot they actually have... |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
If I remember correctly, you cannot actually mod names into Dominions or rather, you cannot give a specific name to a specific unit. The best you can do is create a list that the game will randomly assign to units as they appear. Just turn Renaming on when you start a new game...Voila!
I'll let Sombre answer why some heroes have no item slots. My guess is he desired them to fill specific roles and thus gave them items that are already superior to anything the player could craft for them. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
It is possible to give heroes specific names... IF you are willing to dedicate an entire nametype to give that hero a name. Since there are only, what, 2? nametypes available without overwriting any of the base nametypes, sombre chose not to waste an entire nametype on one name, and assume that in any game you'll have renaming on so you can easily rename your hero properly.
And yeah, in later editions at least heroes always have specific unalterable euqipment. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Basically these guys already answered for me!
Since you can rename I don't consider the hero name thing to be an issue. It certainly isn't worth overwriting an entire nametype just because people don't want to go to the length of renaming them. I always rename them to their correct names, it's become a little ritual that makes getting them more memorable. The equipment issue,... well let's take queek for example. He wields dwarf gouger and a sword. They're both magical weapons iirc and pretty decent ones. They are unique to queek. If I left him with hand slots and just a sword/mace, people would have him armed with a fire brand and a charcoal shield. Or, more likely, they wouldn't arm him with anything anyway, because he isn't actually a very good thug (being a mere size 2 noncaster). By giving him limited slots and replicating the effect of the magic items taking those slots (warpstone armour, dwarf gouger, warpstone charm iirc) he's better out of the box and only requires limited equipment to be something of a badass. Stick boots of quickness on him for instance, and he can kill thugs. Give him a horror helm and a luck amulet, he's better against chaff. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
thanks for the answers. I didn't intend to criticize, it just seemed odd to me.
Actually, I'm quite fine with them as the national heroes are really nice imo :) |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I posted a guide to this mod there :
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44290 thanks again Sombre :) |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I think it's great that people are posting (really excellent!) guides to your mods, Sombre. Yours are the "gold standard" of mod Nations out there, and you clearly put a great deal of effort and thought into each and every one of them.
I'll point out that putting in specific, unique equipment is actually a lot harder and more time-consuming than not. Maybe at some point, someone will decide to go back to these Warhammer mods and add in sets of alternate sprites for the various units, so that the player could pick and choose what each (mechanically identical) unit should look like. That kind of graphic customization is just about the only thing Dom 3 lacks over real tabletop miniatures, other than the risk of lead-poisoning. :laugh: |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
"Gold standard"
I couldn't have put it any better. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
-- version 1.1
-- CONTENT - Tretch Craventail Hero added -- TWEAK - Improved Pitbreeding now B2E1 -- TWEAK - Plague Rats now 5 for 7 (were 10 for 13) -- TWEAK - Rat Ogres now use normal bite and claw and have boosted strength -- FIX - Warpblades and weeping blades now magical -- CONTENT - Doomflayer weapons team + summoning spell added -- CONTENT - Arch Plaguelord pretender choice added -- CONTENT - Keeper of the Pillar pretender choice added -- FIX - Doomwheel summon no longer a commander -- TWEAK - Eshin Shuriken +1 ammo (now 4) -- TWEAK - Removed the 'mass production' versions of skryre spells and greatly increased magetime requirements -- TWEAK - Warlock and Warlock Engineer picks made more consistent, warlock now +2 RP (was +1), engineer +3 (was +1) -- TWEAK - Grey Seer leadership reduced -- TWEAK - Basic commander/scout costs changed to reflect the opportunity cost of a fort turn -- TWEAK - No more slave autospawn for chieftains -- CONTENT - Warp Static 'buff' spell added -- TWEAK - Moulder blood summons made more mage intensive -- TWEAK - Packmasters now summon a pack of 10 rats at the start of battle, as well as training them via summon allies -- TWEAK - Heroes stats further boosted, especially hp - numerous other minor tweaks -- TWEAK - Single slaves now a recruitable option, with sensible bonus given to groups -- TWEAK - Plague Rat now has same name as giant rat to allow fooling scout reports -- TWEAK - Boneripper given recuperation and better prot + now autosummoned in combat + not unique means doesn't carry over injuries -- TWEAK - Death Frenzy now mr negates to avoid frenzying your casters -- TWEAK - Skyre troops have boosted mr to deflect death frenzy - slaves etc have less -- TWEAK - Fortune Teller values brought closer to line with vanilla -- TWEAK - Warplightning now greenish |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
You'll go to paradise, have 66 Hot Virgins and Mod for Eternity !
Oh, yeah, you can have that candy bar too. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Ooh, pretty. I know what I'm doing tonight now <3
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Oops, found a little error. The bubonic sceptre weapon used by the arch plaguelord needs the #bonus flag set.
I'll wait until tomorrow to see if anyone spots anything obviously wrong and do a 1.15. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Somehow the undercity now allows the recruitment of wizards, and the council chamber allows the recruitment of longbowmen.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
That's either a mod conflict or you need to start a new game as skaven rather than continue an old one. I'm definitely not seeing that problem, anyway.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Indeed, its a conflict w/the magic site mod.
Edit: Though now it seems that you have the council guard as a commander rather than a unit. I redownloaded from the OP to make sure and its still there. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Other problems brought up so far - keeper of pillers is way too expensive, the bubonic sceptre's instant death effect is also a drain attack - so if it kills someone you get 999 health and fatigue restored as far as I can see. I'll change that for a simple soul slay effect.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Skaven 1.1 has no overlap with cbm 1.6, bretonnia, tomb kings, ogres, lizardmen, dwarfs, but I didn't check it against the magic site mod. |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
huh, it seems that when I unticked and reticked CBM and the Skaven mod it fixed itself. Oh well, so much for my bughunting :(
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Yeah, ditto on the arch plaguelord. I've gotten 5 hp from bubonic scepter kills, but nothing crazy. And no matter how much I want to thug the guy out, I can't justify taking him over getting a Nature bless on my guys, unfortunately.
On another note, I can't help but giggle with glee when I use Warp Static on Skavenslaves, then suicide them into a pack of Knights. It's just so beautiful. ...I wonder how it works against elephants... |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
heck, I'd use it on the rat spawn from the packmasters :D
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Wonder how well does the packmaster work as an assassin once you give him a black heart...
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
I dunno... I think it would either fail miserably or be a fantastic success depending on what you were going after. Most indy commanders will probably die, but anything with decent guards and unscripted mages with decent evoc has a good chance of sending your packmaster running.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
I had a random event assassin kill _2_ rats, which then sent the rest of them plus my packmaster running. No, I don't think he's assassin material.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Rats (and packmasters) really do have abysmal mr. And really if you want a cheap assassin, just give the eshin one a skull amulet or one of the stronger summoning items. Or hell, just send him in naked, he'll still kill stuff until they bodyguard up.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
Yeah, the eshin assassins are pretty cool. Almost definitely a safer bet than a packmaster. Even if they die they have a pretty good chance of killing their opponent.
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.15 hotfix
-- version 1.15
-- TWEAK - Plague Priest picks evened out at 100% DB not 50/50, increased second pick to 30% not 20 -- TWEAK - Keeper of Pillars now 125 points, not 175 -- FIX - Thanquol got the correct baseprot -- FIX - bubonic sceptre no longer lost when equipping arch plaguelord, no longer drains life when it instakills -- TWEAK - Seerlord gets 5 researchbonus |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.15 hotfix
Wow, it all sounds really exciting :)
I'll give it a run the coming weekend and let you know if I find anything odd. Keep up the good work :up: |
Re: MA Skavenblight 1.15 hotfix
I'am playing the update and I really am pleased with the new content and fixes. I especially like the new god choices. And I love the fact that you keep adding more heroes to the mix. I've said it before and I'll say it again this is my favorite mod nation!!
The only odd thing I noticed is that the two newest heroes, Grand Chieftain Trech Craventail and Skweel Gnawtooth Greater Packmaster, don't get a heroic ability even though both of them are in the Hall of Heroes in the game I am currently playing. |
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