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Chicanist August 26th, 2007 05:51 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
Hey, it was nothing personal. I felt that I needed to expand in order to stay competitive, and yes, you seemed to be the easiest target.

If it turns out you managed to weaken me enough so that I am the next player out, oh well - I would have lost the game eventually if I just sat and turtled anyways. I would make the same decision again. I'd just try to fight the war better the next time around http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Chicanist August 28th, 2007 02:31 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
so .... I just found out that I need to (yet again) travel for work, and will be gone through 9/3 (Monday).

If people don't want to delay the game I am OK with trying to find a last minute sub. Sorry, I know I've been by far the biggest cause of delays. Clearly I need to buy a laptop so I can play even while on the road http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

edit: I should be able to take turn 52 before I leave.

Ubercat August 28th, 2007 07:04 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
I'll delay the game.

Salamander8 August 30th, 2007 04:20 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
Apologies to all for the unexpected stale turn. I am visiting friends in Michigan and their internet has been out till just a couple of minutes ago. I do not anticipate any more problems.

Ubercat August 30th, 2007 05:49 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen

Salamander8 said:
Apologies to all for the unexpected stale turn. I am visiting friends in Michigan and their internet has been out till just a couple of minutes ago. I do not anticipate any more problems.

Where in MI? I'm originally from Flint and the woman I'll be marrying in two weeks was born in Grand Rapids.

Salamander8 August 30th, 2007 06:04 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
Jackson. I used to live here till a couple years ago when my once lucrative automotive supplier job went down the tubes and moved back to the Milwaukee area.

Burnsaber September 5th, 2007 02:01 PM

Re: Marignon has fallen
Panganea. Damn that was one hell of a fight! I thought I was gonna lose for a second. God bless that 1/4 left, route rule.

Got lucky in quite many things. Good thing my 70 strenght SC got to fight your Carrion Mammoths, they probably would have routed my army. It also nice that your minotaurs were at the center of your formation facing my Living Statues. And missing them.

Damn! I actually won because my god started casting unsripted Living Fires! That's gotta be rare.

Ubercat September 5th, 2007 02:42 PM

Pangaeas swan song
It was something to see all right. Good job. I loved that your god was setting so many of your own guys on fire with his aura.

I don't recall my Mammoths getting anywhere near your god. They injured your giant mummy and then died while your god stayed near the rear of your formation.

BTW, was that mummy a specific summons? I don't remember seeing that one.

Burnsaber September 5th, 2007 03:06 PM

Re: Pangaeas swan song

Ubercat said:
It was something to see all right. Good job. I loved that your god was setting so many of your own guys on fire with his aura.

I don't recall my Mammoths getting anywhere near your god. They injured your giant mummy and then died while your god stayed near the rear of your formation.

BTW, was that mummy a specific summons? I don't remember seeing that one.

I orginally didn't have any troops near my god. I just tried to get all of my troops to front lines, but they didn't fit and were pulled back. (That's why my mummy started in the middle of my mages and probably diseased all of them. I had placed him in front of my soulless.

When I said "strenght 70 SC" I meant my mummy. My god ain't SC with all of his 11 hps in enemy dominion http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif.

That mummy is my glorious ex-prohet Chuga, the Hunter Spider, that my mages have brought back from the dead ("Ritual of Rebirth"). It's quite difficult, you know, trying to make the mummy outfit to fit when it had only four extensions for legs and arms. When will the needs of Arachinds finally be reconised!

Burnsaber September 9th, 2007 10:40 AM

Deal with Machaka.
It's getting quite hot in here with the abysia attacking us and the summer coming. We need some air gems for out new air conditioner. We can offer any other gem type in exchange.

Ubercat September 11th, 2007 12:07 AM

Re: Deal with Machaka.
I've gone AI, as Pangaea was past the point of no return and it was all over but the screaming. Good job taking me down, Machaka.

Can someone please take over my admin duties so that I don't have to keep monitoring this thread?

Valerius September 11th, 2007 01:32 AM

Re: Deal with Machaka.
Hi, Ubercat. I'm willing to take over admin duties.

Ubercat September 11th, 2007 08:01 AM

Re: Deal with Machaka.

Valerius said:
Hi, Ubercat. I'm willing to take over admin duties.

Thanks! I PM'd you the Pword.

Burnsaber September 11th, 2007 03:34 PM

Re: Deal with Machaka.
Thanks Abysia for letting me kill that dude with Crystal Coin. I picked it up and I've been itching for a one for a while since I can't forge one myself.

Could you send a couple of Warlocks with Blood Stones into the fray?

(Disclaimer: I'm just doing some trash-talk, you're supposed to respond in kind)

Valerius September 11th, 2007 04:17 PM

Re: Deal with Machaka.
No problem, I'll trash talk as well. Just not about that last turn ... that was a fiasco.

Warhammer September 11th, 2007 05:11 PM

I\'ll say this...
I'll feel much better if I lose to the nation that wins the whole game!

dmentd September 13th, 2007 07:32 AM

Well, that battle went poorly. I never thought prison was a good spell until it was cast directly on my troops in the throat of the gate, stopping up the whole thing. Considering how long the fight went, that spell may have cost me the battle. Machaka definitely got the upper hand on me. Congrats.

dmentd September 14th, 2007 09:33 AM

This message is for Jotunheim. I apologize about the siren. I must have been holding down the control key when I moved ALL of my sirens this turn. Thus, I lost all of my scouts. One of them moved into one of your provinces, so I sincerely apologize. With my new job, I am clearly rushing my turns.

I guess you could say I violated our NAP. I was hoping you would give me leeway since I did lose 700 gold worth of sirens this turn for being an idiot and I really did start a new position Monday.

Valerius September 14th, 2007 01:58 PM

Re: Oops
I am also finding that I am rushing turns. We've gone very far with 24 hour hosting. I'd like to switch to 48 hour hosting.

Burnsaber September 14th, 2007 02:58 PM

Re: Oops

Valerius said:
I am also finding that I am rushing turns. We've gone very far with 24 hour hosting. I'd like to switch to 48 hour hosting.

Go ahead and do it (you're Admin, right?). I'm sure that no one will object, I've had a couple of close calls myself. And now for your basic scheduled trash talk.

Umm.. Oceania. I know my PD sucks, but 7hp sirens? It will take more than that.

Abysia, nice try to nail my Air Queen. Luckily Machakan Militia has a secret; their war paint resembles a giant targeting mark.

Valerius September 14th, 2007 03:24 PM

Re: Oops
Ok, hosting has been changed to 48 hours. Next host is 5:50 GMT Sunday.

Machaka: Maybe there's a lesson here that I should stop trying these teleport attacks. They never seem to work out. I think a big part of the problem is my scripting and troop placement. But it also surprised me because it seemed a couple castings of leech hit your AQ but had no effect. I thought leech/life drain bypassed MR?

Burnsaber September 14th, 2007 04:33 PM

Re: Oops

Valerius said:
Ok, hosting has been changed to 48 hours. Next host is 5:50 GMT Sunday.

Machaka: Maybe there's a lesson here that I should stop trying these teleport attacks. They never seem to work out. I think a big part of the problem is my scripting and troop placement. But it also surprised me because it seemed a couple castings of leech hit your AQ but had no effect. I thought leech/life drain bypassed MR?

Well, he lost one hp at some point of the battle. He got hit by leech once. I remember reading that Drain Life passed all defenses, but I'm not sure about leech. It was close call, anyways. Those Gifts went close!Btw, Why didn't you cast wind guide with your Air Enchantress? You do realize that casting Mass Protection also makes your warlocks suspectible to their own Heat Aura, since it lowers their fire res to 75%?

I'm really starting to like the Late Game portion of this game. There's always something intresting happening, and since you can do more stuff, you can also make more complex "plots". It's also been quite educational experience (like you can't out-poison Horrors with Hydra Hatchlings, Horros have Drain Life attacks). I need to come up with something else. Those horrors are nasty!

Oh, Oceania. About the siege battle. That Prison caster wasn't exactly planned. I was just using the cool artifact Pythium had traded to me, I really didn't considers its possibilites, until now. That's a good trick for a fire nation. Prison of Fire spam + Heat From Hell in a siege. Your trolls also seemed to have dislike for my Flaming Arrows..

dmentd September 14th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: Oops
I have to eat that crow right now, since you kept the fort and took the field. Next time I think I will bring a few more of my water mages. They were not so good against Pythium, but cleansing water seem to be denting your preference for undead, eh? Now if I can only figure out how to script to go after some of your commanders and we have a fight on our hands.

Valerius September 14th, 2007 05:31 PM

Re: Oops
Doh! I forgot wind guide. That's a really annoying mistake because I actually used it earlier in the game against Pythium.

As far as mass protection affecting my warlocks ... umm I never thought of that. I think I'll be avoiding that from now on.

The horrors are about the only thing that's gone well for me recently, though they were certainly no match for that earth king and army they ran into last turn.

Thanks for the feedback. And I agree this is turning out very interesting.

llamabeast September 14th, 2007 07:13 PM

Re: Oops
You guys have only just switched to 48 hours after 60+ turns? Wow, you're hardcore!

Salamander8 September 14th, 2007 08:10 PM

Re: Oops
We are a bit insane I think. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

It's been a fun game. Tien Chi came after me early and only my sacred statues' extreme protection and my infantry's kite shields saw me through the hordes of arrows he unleashed upon me. I'm glad I pushed my enchantment early to allow me to summon those statues. Pulling almost all my mages off research duty hurt my RPs badly, but they really helped keep my nation alive. I'm small but still alive and keeping lots of statues around. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bowling.gif[/img]

To Tien Chi (hopefully you are still reading this):It was a good fight. It sounds like we both did a couple of 'head smacking' moves (Like me forgetting to crank my tax rate at home down after pulling my patrollers out and not noticing till I couldn't build troops suddenly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif).As I said in our PMs, I have no hard feelings whatsoever. My own lack of diplomatic rapport with you was a big contributor to our war, and we never had any kind of NAP or other agreement, so it's not like you violated any kind of treaty. I look forward to seeing you in other MP games.

To my current neighbors (Caelum and Jotunheim): I feel like a buffer zone between you 2 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif, but I've found you both to be good neighbors.

My little corner of this world is isolated but I am still finding this a good game of Dom3.

Chicanist September 15th, 2007 12:20 AM

Re: Oops
Yep, I'm enjoying it as well. I admit I haven't been incredibly active diplomatically (probably mostly due to the somewhat isolated position I started in), but it is a lot fun. Much more interesting than trying to plow through another 500+ militia AI army http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Burnsaber September 18th, 2007 10:15 AM

The Dumb, Dead & Vengeful
Abysia: Err, that battle at your fort was completely planned to go that way! You see, I'm lulling you into a false sense of security! Ha-haa!

Ugh, sometimes I just hate the battle AI. I mean, my Earth King would only have had to go like two squares up to start kicking your Demon Knights around, but no!

"Durrr.. Me great melee King of Earth. Me good fight. Durr.. No fight. Dudes in way."

Nice plan with the Storm, otherwise he would flown right into your mages. How did he die, btw? I didn't watch the battle through, but I simply cannot believe that you could have gotten Paralyze through his MR of 32.

You finally nailed my Air Queen. Gongratulations. Well, he probably caused you enough headache to justify her gem cost. I had a clever paln to nail your next group of teleporters, but apparently, you decided to take a different route.

Well at least the filming for the movie "Chaga the Hunter Spider Mummy 3; Back with a Vengeance. Again." are well underway. Abysia, would you mind sending a couple of horrors against him? That'd make a kick-*** action scene.

We have taken some setbacks, but the lands of Machaka will not be yours for free, you vile fire-men! Be prepared to bury many,many of your kin in Machakan soil!

Valerius September 18th, 2007 11:10 PM

Re: The Dumb, Dead & Vengeful
Great post Burnsaber. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

I really lucked out that I had just researched flames from the sky. But it looks like I was even luckier that I chose to cast storm. I couldn't decide between storm and mass flight but in the end I decided I was better off fighting at the castle gates since I didn't have enough troops to surround you. I have no idea how the earth king died; it looked to me like he escaped but then I saw the message that I found the flying ship. It does seem unlikely that soul slay or paralyze got through that insane MR and he was still over 100 HP.

I'm even more confused that your AQ is dead since you put her on retreat and she was gone before my horrors attacked. She had two provinces she could retreat to; one of them my horrors cleared out but the other was still open. I had always thought that if any province was available for retreat you were ok. Does it not work that way? Maybe the game chooses a retreat province and if it's not available the retreating unit dies? Well, if she is dead it certainly cost me enough. What did I lose in the attempts, something like 8 mages or more and their magic items? And you're right: I had had enough of that and just decided to sit back and cast some horrors. I'm glad I didn't get to see the plan you came up with to kill my teleporters: as it was I was losing half or more of my mages with each attempt.

Now the mummy's back ... it's just an unending parade of SCs. And I know it's just a matter of a few turns until your GoH/Chalice-healed tartarians start arriving. But let me take alook at Chaga's stats, maybe I could oblige you by sending some horrors (it's less painful than losing mages in any case).

Valerius September 19th, 2007 03:20 PM

Delay in hosting
I need some more time to complete my turn so I've delayed hosting by four hours. New hosting time is 06:55 Thurs.

dmentd September 23rd, 2007 09:26 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Would we please delay this game for one day? I need to go back to work now and will be absolutley unable to get to a computer to do a turn today. I apologize for the inconvenience. THanks.

Valerius September 23rd, 2007 02:35 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
No problem. Hosting has been delayed until 7:00 GMT Tuesday.

Chicanist September 27th, 2007 03:30 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
can we delay hosting of turn 71 until 10/3? have to run out of town again....

Valerius September 28th, 2007 04:04 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Sure, I'll postpone hosting for turn 71 to 23:00 10/3.

Valerius September 29th, 2007 06:12 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Hi. I postponed hosting for turn 70 by 24 hours (it is now 09:05 Sunday). I could use the extra time and since turn 71 won't host until Wednesday anyway I figured no harm done.

Valerius September 30th, 2007 12:56 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
dmentd asked for some more time for this turn (70) so I have postponed it another 24 hours. 71 will then host late Wednesday.

Valerius October 1st, 2007 01:01 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
Forgot to mention it earlier but as per Chicanist's request turn 71 hosting has been delayed until Wed. (23:40 GMT).

Chicanist October 3rd, 2007 04:08 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
thanks valerius!

dmentd October 5th, 2007 11:52 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Could we please delay this game 24 hours? Real life is interfering with the good life...

Valerius October 5th, 2007 01:40 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
Ok, hosting has been delayed. New hosting time is 23:45 GMT Saturday.

Burnsaber October 9th, 2007 02:36 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
Umm.. Valerius, did you see the same battle movie as I did? My battle movie shows me winning the fight, but apparently this isn't the case.

Perhaps it's because I hastily (and stupidly) upgraded to 3.10?

I'm sorry Jotunheim for you being targeted by the Charlie's angels. I though they would be going against the big bad Abyssia.

Valerius October 10th, 2007 03:15 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
I do recall reading somewhere that an incorrect version will cause problems with the battle replay (though I think the battle summary is still supposed to be correct). That fight was so close that I could see any glitch in the replay showing a different result.

My replay shows both of us casting our buffs and exchanging artillery fire. Then your spiders and trolls advance to meet my PD and some undead. Your troops are held up long enough that the demons and occasional gifts from heaven take a toll. Still a half dozen spiders engage the storm demons and some trogs on my right flank and the trolls and the king of banefires engage frost demons on the left flank. And this is where I get completely lucky. One of my warlocks gets under 100 fatigue and using the last two blood slaves on the field (actually assigned to another mage) casts infernal prison at the king of banefires. After that the battle goes on for a while, all of my frost/storm demons are killed and many of my mages flee but again I get lucky and the commander with so many of my trogs on guard commander (a dumb mistake on my part - I accidentally had no trogs on attack orders) is killed and the trogs attack. At the end I think the only commander I have on the field is my PD commander.

BTW, the kindly ones had a huge effect on my planning. It was bad enough dealing with all the earth attacks. I got lucky (and Jotunheim unlucky) that he received two of three attacks last turn.

Burnsaber October 10th, 2007 01:39 PM

Re: Delay in hosting

Valerius said:
I do recall reading somewhere that an incorrect version will cause problems with the battle replay (though I think the battle summary is still supposed to be correct). That fight was so close that I could see any glitch in the replay showing a different result.

My replay shows both of us casting our buffs and exchanging artillery fire. Then your spiders and trolls advance to meet my PD and some undead. Your troops are held up long enough that the demons and occasional gifts from heaven take a toll. Still a half dozen spiders engage the storm demons and some trogs on my right flank and the trolls and the king of banefires engage frost demons on the left flank. And this is where I get completely lucky. One of my warlocks gets under 100 fatigue and using the last two blood slaves on the field (actually assigned to another mage) casts infernal prison at the king of banefires. After that the battle goes on for a while, all of my frost/storm demons are killed and many of my mages flee but again I get lucky and the commander with so many of my trogs on guard commander (a dumb mistake on my part - I accidentally had no trogs on attack orders) is killed and the trogs attack. At the end I think the only commander I have on the field is my PD commander.

BTW, the kindly ones had a huge effect on my planning. It was bad enough dealing with all the earth attacks. I got lucky (and Jotunheim unlucky) that he received two of three attacks last turn.

In my replay, the King of Banefires is not sent to hell, and I win easily as the Trogs can't stand the beating from the King and flee, trampling each other and your mages at the same time (you lost all mages expect one!).

It's such a shame that your version is apparently the correct one. *sigh* One can dream...

Valerius October 10th, 2007 03:06 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
I thought that might be the difference in the replays. If the King hadn't been banished I didn't have anything that could have stopped you and you would have won a decisive victory.

As it is it turned out to be a draw. You lost a fair amount of troops and the King but, as they always seem to, most of your mages escaped. I lost all of my warlocks and frost/storm demons that have served me so well. Still, I count myself lucky since I should have suffered a far worse loss.

Also, the llamaserver set itself to host on Friday at 10:40 GMT. I have turned it back a day. If anyone needs more time let me know.

Burnsaber October 11th, 2007 06:27 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
I'll be gone for the weekend (from 12th day to 15th). Any chance to delay the hosting while I'm gone?

Valerius October 11th, 2007 03:21 PM

Re: Delay in hosting
Definitely. If you get a chance to complete turn 75 I'll let that host as normal and then delay the next hosting. If you don't get a chance to complete turn 75 I'll delay the hosting for this turn. What time on the 15/16th would you like me set the delayed hosting?

Burnsaber October 11th, 2007 03:41 PM

Re: Delay in hosting

Valerius said:
Definitely. If you get a chance to complete turn 75 I'll let that host as normal and then delay the next hosting. If you don't get a chance to complete turn 75 I'll delay the hosting for this turn. What time on the 15/16th would you like me set the delayed hosting?

Make the turn 76 host on 12.00 gmt on Tuesday the 16th. I'll make it by then.

Valerius October 15th, 2007 05:43 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Sorry for the delay in changing the hosting but it has now been set to 12:50 GMT Tuesday.

Valerius October 18th, 2007 08:07 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Hi, sorry for the strange hosting. Oceania asked me to delay hosting. Right after I did so I saw his PM that it was unnecessary so I switched it back to the original time. Even though the llamaserver log shows +3 hours and then -3 hours it seems like the -3 hours took effect first and caused immediate hosting.

llamabeast October 18th, 2007 08:09 AM

Re: Delay in hosting
Yes, sorry about that, it's a "bug". If you give two changes at once it only uses the last one. I actually designed it so that you could override a change by giving a different change immediately after, but now that seems like a stupid design. I'll change it at some point.

Edit: Added to my "to do" list for the server.

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