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hEad January 8th, 2008 03:18 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Man is under new management and keen to begin with a clean slate. An armstise is offered to former enemies. Let there be a cease fire to see if differences can be accommodated.

Also, would it be possible if there could be an update on the state of relations between all other nations?

And hi to you all..

parcelt January 8th, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
hEad, thanks for stepping in and welcome to the game!

I am playing Abysia, and so far had little contact with Man. We are at peace with no formal treaties in place.

DonCorazon January 8th, 2008 03:42 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Cleveland , Feel free to weigh in if you have a break from your honeymoon but I will give you the Ulmish perspective for all the world to hear.

As for your eastern front, basically Ulm came to your rescue many moons ago when Shinuyama attacked Man. And Ulm has been at war with Shinuyama ever since. As part of the rescue package, Man and Ulm had agreed to a NAP that expired on turn 65 but Man allowed us to move through its Eastern territories to maneuver around Shinuyama’s impregnable western Maginot Line. Since then Shin has been giving Ulm a smackdown that included executing Ulm’s pretender and prophet (causing us to deeply regret Grom’s decision to aid Man). Nevertheless, what is done is done and Ulm remains a steadfast ally of Man in these darkest of times.

spacht January 8th, 2008 06:05 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Hi hEad, welcome to our little newbie game

Will try to give you an overview of my current relations especially concerning your nation. Yes, i did join T'ien Ch'i in their war against Man in the early game but after Ulm and its allies invaded me i never again shared a common border with Man until now. The war against Ulm/Bandar Log/Abysia still rages on (you can get a hint of that looking at the hall of fame). I am openly allied to Arcoscephale and still consider T'ien Ch'i a friend.

Zeldor January 8th, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Oh, C'tis is played by Mozkito.

Firewalker January 8th, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Bandar Log has had no dealings with Man thus far in the game. However, if Man has a pile of water gems to trade, we are all ears!

Zeldor January 8th, 2008 06:54 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I am sure I can offer better price for water gems http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

hEad January 10th, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Thanks all for the update. Depending on what has transpired with this months actions, i will contact you all in time as neccessary. Thanks for the warm welcome to the game.. tis not easy jumping halfway in on someone elses idea!

Eomi January 10th, 2008 06:14 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Lowly Arcoscephale greets you as well.

What the Ulmish barbarians have not told you is that they have ravaged our lands, and that we are on the brink of defeat. We continue to support Shinuyama, but our time is short.

DonCorazon January 10th, 2008 10:31 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
And what the treacherous Arcosephaleans (sp?) failed to mention is that once, long ago, King Eomi and the Mighty Grom agreed that a province between our countries would remain the unclaimed border between us, and so it remained, until Arcos was seduced by Shin’s sweet lies and preemptively invaded this no-fly zone, inviting the harsh justice of Ulm upon his weak lands.

As for Shin, if someone can explain to me how to post a screen shot, I will start to document the brutal slaughter he inflicts upon the once-proud but no longer so warriors of Ulm in every single encounter.
Even worse now that he has discovered some foul enchantment that darkens the sky, leaving the hawk-eyed Ulmish crossbowmen helpless in despair.

spacht January 11th, 2008 02:13 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
How dare you call the Arcoscephalans treacherous. They were the only ones who had the courage to step up and challenge the mighty Ulmish empire in the time of our greatest need. Without their help Shinuyama would have fallen long ago. The ulmish barbarians have visited untold suffering on the people of Arcoscephale and Shinuayama. It is only fitting that they shall live in fear of the dark from now on.

Firewalker January 11th, 2008 03:41 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I would just like to take moment to thank Arcocephalae for handing us a sizable peice of real estate by declaring war on Bandar's noble friend and ally. In retrospect, the Skeptical Ones probably should have attacked Bandar rather than Ulm given the long border we share.

I have a creeping intuition though that Shinuyama will be doing the same as soon as he decides Ulm has taken an adequate beat down and comes after us!

hEad January 12th, 2008 02:05 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Man condemns the contemptible T'ien Chi. Amidst our negotiations they attacked with out provocation. All nations that currently have dealings with this upstart nation, be warned - they are deceiving and untrustworthy; negotiations should not be considered. They will ultimately backstab you, so devoid are they of honour!

DonCorazon January 12th, 2008 02:55 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Hmmm...that sounds similar to some accusations made many turns ago from the Old Man somewhere in this thread

Zeldor January 12th, 2008 11:06 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game

Man received no guaranties of peace from T'ien Ch'i. Man attacked us treacherousle 30 turns ago and now tries to stop our armies by fake peace talks. We got no real offer, just a messenger that failed to answer any of our questions.

Zeldor January 12th, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Ok, there was no contact with owner of C'tis and he staled more. Acenoid will take it over. I have no idea what relations previous player had, so talk with Acenoid now about everything. I hope game will move faster now.

DonCorazon January 12th, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
The eastern gates of Ulm have fallen (think Osgiliath in LOTR). Shin has now taken over 3 forts once held by us and will soon be at the doorsteps of the great Iron Keep of Ulm. If anyone has earth gems to trade for any other kind of gem or can recommend some good Earth spells that can be cast by low level smiths, let us know - destruction and bladewind have had little effect. Ulm is trying to find some way to stop this menace and our only hope is to find some earth magic that might stop these stinky sorcerous hordes that threaten all good men.

Firewalker January 12th, 2008 07:59 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
The great Ahirbudhnya has fallen in battle, killed by Trollish arrows. His wise words and clean white fur will be sorely missed in Bandar lands. The White Council of Rishis will have to retreat to consider who among them can carry on the struggle in his stead.

On a brighter note, Bandar finally won a battle against the trollish Shinuyama. The aptly named Fort Love Lost will soon be in our hands.

To the new leader of C'Tis: If you have water gems to trade, PM me!

Acenoid January 14th, 2008 04:39 AM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
C'tis greets all other pretender (demi-)gods and goddesses http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

In the previous turn we began to re-organize our troops, assess the current situation with our neighbors and to answered all incoming messages.

It seems that we are not on best terms with some of our neighbors, we are going to respond to all diplomatic and trade requests shortly again.

OOC (out of character): What is the best way of communicating with the other empires? How about having an IRC channel for our game?

Firewalker January 14th, 2008 04:05 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
I guess we have mostly been using the forum to publicly taunt one another and PMs to conduct diplomacy, lest I am out of a loop somewhere.

DonCorazon January 14th, 2008 10:29 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
You can send any correspondence via PM to Arcos straight to Ulm - we will soon have a puppet government in place! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

(caveat: any correspondence to Ulm might soon be going to Shin)

spacht January 16th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: MA newbie PBEM game
Once again the proud warriors of Ulm have demonstrated their courage. In what will be remembered in our chronicles as "The last charge of the black knights" a whole generation of young ulmish nobles took to the field and mounted a valiant but futile assault against the massed ranks of shinuyaman troops. And when all was lost and the ulmish host was already in flight their god, the mighty Grom, refused to leave the battle and fought a desperate rearguard action. Yet, a closer look revealed that he had overexerted himself during the battle and was already asleep when the order to retreat was issued.
(Btw, how did you heal Grom's afflications? I thought recalled pretenders retained them.)

cleveland January 17th, 2008 07:59 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Hi all, Old Man here. While a tough choice, it was ultimately the right one: honeymoon was definitely better than Dom3...

Though I won't be rejoining the game, I just wanted to wish everyone good luck and thank everyone for a good game; I look forward to facing you all again in the future.

And especially eHad: thanks for taking over for me, I'd have felt bad if nobody took my place (and sorry for the lousy hand you consequently received...)


Zeldor January 17th, 2008 08:03 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

I think I will make a new game in some time. Also newbie, probably for more people [about 12], new patch and so on. And I would want to see all people from Urapara there. I guess we all learned a lot. Everyone about nations, pretenders, how game and diplomacy works and so on. And I as host that there are unbalanced maps, finding subs is harder than making turns and so on http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

DonCorazon January 17th, 2008 11:31 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
The Last Legion of Ulm has been scattered to the winds. Hats off to Shinuyama. Typical of Grom's lackluster management skills that he should doze off in the midst of our retreat. Even watching the battle, it is hard for me to tell what went wrong. Certainly we needed more magic.

Now, the golden age of Ulm has passed and soon only broken, moss-covered statues of the Mighty Grom carved into a few forgotten passes of the mountains that were once Ulm shall remain.

(Spacht, I am not sure how Grom healed - not that it did him much good)

hEad January 18th, 2008 12:34 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

cleveland said:

And especially eHad: thanks for taking over for me, I'd have felt bad if nobody took my place (and sorry for the lousy hand you consequently received...)


no probs mate. Anyways, Zeldor is especially pleased with Mans weakness - rotten TC opportunists! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

vfb January 18th, 2008 12:54 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

DonCorazon said:
(Spacht, I am not sure how Grom healed - not that it did him much good)

When you Call God, there's a chance for some of your god's afflictions to disappear.

DonCorazon January 18th, 2008 01:16 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

cleveland said:
While a tough choice, it was ultimately the right one: honeymoon was definitely better than Dom3...

Good thing, Cleveland. If that weren't true you might be in for many years of suffering.

Firewalker January 24th, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Hail, Nations of Urapara!

Our new Prophet has deemed a stock of blood slaves that an evil rishi has been hoarding to be anathema to the good Dharma of Bandars. Anyone interesting in trading for astral or water gems at 1 to 1 ratio can have them.

DonCorazon January 24th, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
The Iron Keep of Ulm has fallen. The legions are scattered and Grom has passed on to the great quarry in the sky. Ulm renounces all treaties and invites former allies to stake out their claims in Ulm lest Shinuyama be the sole beneficiary of our collapse.

Firewalker January 27th, 2008 03:15 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Is anyone else interested in moving to 72hr turns? I'm having some difficulty keeping up.

Zeldor January 27th, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I don't think that so long hosting is acceptable in any MP games, except for extremely huge one in really late stage [there is only one with 72 hours and it is on turn 106].

How many games are you in?

DonCorazon January 27th, 2008 03:50 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
My turns are getting easier so my preference would be to keep hosting the way it is to speed things along.

But if others need more time, I don't mind slowing down.

Firewalker January 27th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Hmm, perhaps one game too many.

If 72hrs is too long for most, then I'll continue and do the best I can. I don't think it is such a problem that I will leave a game yet. We'll see how it develops. If it gets to be too much, I'll let you know.

spacht January 28th, 2008 10:23 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I'm glad i heeded llamabeast's advice not to get into more than 2 games at once, although i was tempted at first. The later turns take quite a bit of time.

At the moment i'm very comfortable with 48h-turns but would not mind switching to 72h.

Zeldor January 28th, 2008 12:27 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I manage to get in 3 games, though other 2 are in rather early stage and it can be problematic if I manage to survive long enough there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

hEad January 31st, 2008 02:16 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Man is defeated.. and i take my leave.

Good luck with the rest of the game.

DonCorazon January 31st, 2008 03:21 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
hEad, thanks for stepping in. I am sure Ulm will be following you out the door here soon. Hope to see you in a full-blown game one of these days.

hEad January 31st, 2008 10:56 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

DonCorazon said:
hEad, thanks for stepping in. I am sure Ulm will be following you out the door here soon. Hope to see you in a full-blown game one of these days.

Your a gent DonCorazon, I hope so too! Subbing for Man was to put it mildly, a hellish experience - getting clobbered from the get go is a tough meal to eat...

Just as long as Zeldor doesn't win! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Zeldor January 31st, 2008 01:08 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]

My chances for winning are really tiny, to be honest.

Anyway, thanks for trying. I am sure that hard games teach most and you will be much better in next MP games, when facing enemies that won their first games. I know I've learned a lot from my start here, when I almost got rushed and killed by Man.

P.S. I think it is time to announce new MP game for newbies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Eomi February 4th, 2008 11:29 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Well, despite the fact that we've been on our way to defeat for most of the game, I'm pleased to see that Arcoscephale will bow out second instead of first. Granted, we had continuous (if uninspired) leadership, but we'll take consolation however we can get it.

Now if we can just get that last shipment of gems off to Shinuyama before our final provinces fall.

DonCorazon February 4th, 2008 11:36 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Ulm is like a nation of penguins running to jump off the cliff once there is no where further west to run.

I am curious how Abysia will fare? They have been like Switzerland as far as I can tell - raking in the $ while the fools clobber each other.

Zeldor February 5th, 2008 04:41 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I have started a new MP game for semi-newbies. It will use Conceptual Balance Mods with Worthy Heroes. Map will be Alexander. There are still a bout 5-7 places free. Linkie.

Acenoid February 11th, 2008 08:56 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Iam not able to access internet from Home until 16th again.

I realize it is very annoying to wait all the time for someone. So sorry for the hassle.

Zeldor February 11th, 2008 10:39 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I will postpone hosting, but try to do that turn earlier. You can copy installed Domions 3 folder into usb stick, take it to work or where you want and open Dominions without installing it. Or just make a turn at home and take .2h file with you and send it from cafe/school/work.

P.S. There will be also no hosting between 29th and 3rd [or even 2-3 days more] as I am traveling to China, so no Internet for me. There is a chance I will have it on 2nd, but rather small.

Acenoid February 13th, 2008 11:05 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Hi there!

Next time it will be better prepared. I went w/o laptop and no game. Therefore it was too late to take anything with me. Believe me i would have liked not to stall the game.

At work we have some strict policies which i will follow - therefore that is not a possibility. But making the turn from home and just uploading the file from work would have worked.

Next time it will be all a bit better planned.

parcelt February 16th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
I just found myself travelling abroad with a broken laptop. I won´t be able to get another turn in until wednesday (eastern US). I´d greatly appreciate if we could postphone hosting until then.

I apologize to everybody for the late notice.

Zeldor February 16th, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Of course I can postpone it. Next time take a copy of dominions on usb drive http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Firewalker February 22nd, 2008 11:59 AM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Nations of Urapara, a Message from Animesa, prophet of Nararaja:

These are dark days, for the true Dharma wanes and great evils are on the rise. To the East, darkness and death befalls the land and to the West the flames of Hell lick the feet of all living beings.

The White Council has convened to commune with the one true God, whose light of wisdom bathes less and less of this world. It is unclear what He may choose to do, but all the Council feels his growing anger at the events that are transpiring. There is an uneasiness amoung the senior Rishis, for it is difficult to say what may come.

However, whatever the future may bring will come in due course. For now, the demons of Abysia should quake and every hair on their bodies {if demons have hair -- do demons have hair?} should stand on end in dread: The divine armies of Bandar Log are coming to cleanse the world of their stench.

parcelt February 22nd, 2008 01:04 PM

Re: Urapara - MA newbie PBEM game [starting]
Bandar, we can inform you that no, our demons do not have hair. They did once, but you know, playing around with all that fire...

Your divine armies will be prepared a 'warm' welcome.

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