![]() |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Aaah, no. I just don't want to make you wait for the Wolven Winters I promised some... err... I mean to protect your captiol from unknown secret evil forces that invented a weather-control-machine. Ahem.
And Oceania: You still owe us 1000 gold. Please pay that money soon or I have to pillage it out of your prov... I mean please pay or we have to take legal steps. |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
just a little bump, so the gamethread does not fall from the first page of the forum.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
I set myself to AI, lost my capitol and have only one province left. GG to Tir na N'og!
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Can the admin please set TC to AI too? Rasko has disappeared out of all his games, and TC has staled the last 3 times.
Oh, and please tell the AI that TC has pledged not to attack C'tis, and promised to forge a Crystal Coin for us too. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
TC should go to AI now, if he is not password protected.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
I set Tien Chi to Ai for Hadrian. Poor guy's empire is crumbling around him and he is trying to get to constr 8. Meanwhile some of his better combat paths are at 1 and 3.
Tip of the day-if you are at war, research combat spells. those cool artifacts do not do you any good if you are dead. |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
thx xietor
I tried to create a small ranking, so that we can see who the leader is in this game. (well, i just read the graphs, and count provinces, gems and research double) Provinces 1. Ulm (12) 2. C'tis (10) 3. Pangaea (8) 4. Oceania (6) 5. Tir na n'Og (4) . Arcoscephale (4) Forts 1. Ulm (6) 2. Oceania (5) . Tir na n'OG (5) . Sauromatia (5) 5. C'tis (2) 6. Abysia (1) Income 1. Ulm (6) 2. Oceania (5) 3. Tir na n'OG (4) 4. C'tis (3) 5. Kailasa (2) 6. Sauromatia (1) Gems 1. Ulm (12) 2. Ctis (10) 3. Abysia (8) . Oceania (8) 5. Kailasa (4) 6. Arcoscephale (2) Research 1. Ctis (12) 2. Arcoscephale (10) 3. Tien Chi (8) 4. Vanheim (6) 5. Sauromatia (4) 6. Ulm (2) Dominion 1. Ulm (6) 2. Ctis (5) 3. Pangaea (4) 4. Tir na n'Og (3) 5. Abysia (2) 6. Oceania (1) Army Size 1. Pangaea (6) 2. Ulm (5) 3. Ctis (4) 4. Kailasa (3) 5. Abysia (2) 6. Oceania (1) What gives the end Ranking of: 1. Ulm (49) 2. Ctis (46) 3. Oceania (26) 4. Pangaea (18) 5. Tir na n'Og (16) . Arcoscephale (16) 7. Abysia (13) 8. Sauromatia (10) 9. Kailasa (9) 10.Tien Chi (8) 11.Vanheim (6) So out of this rankings there are 2 things to say: 1. Please gank Ulm and Ctis 2. Marveni, Agartha, Helheim, Nifelheim, Atlantis, R'lyeh and Lanka are as Death as they can get. (and i personally would add Vanheim and TC to this list) I suspect, there are lots of errors in my calculations. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
First of all...I'm hurt that I'm listed lower than TC...I was knocking on the door of TC's capital before C'tis hamstrung me. you're just bitter that I killed your scout http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Secondly while my army is small in size it is of exceptional quality...My Vans are exceptionally stealthy, they could be anywhere...they could even be in YOUR LANDS! |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
C'tis is hurt too. Here we are, stuck in a huge desert. The only offensive action we have taken was to defend poor TC against the depredations of Rlyeh, who tricked us into attacking Vanheim too. And then even TC abandoned us.
Rituals bombard our capitol, and nothing grows in our lands. Our research has been cranked up just to get some shields up in our homeland. We suspect the monkeys have an ulterior motive in posting these rankings at this time, seeing as how they've just planted a huge army of Gandharvas on our border. Very well, monkeys: enter the land of sickness and death. You will find your stay in our lands most unpleasant, and will be begging us to show you the way out before long. C'tis |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Very interesting,
thanks Hadrian, |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Atlantis is as dead as it can be??? What an insolence! We have a healthy cash flow, held off several attacks from Oceania. We are a healthy company you can trust and ask compensations for this calumny! So pay us 1000 gold damages next month!
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Ulms armies bleed as they attempt to invade Arcoscephale. Any who do want to attack them could have worse timing than right now.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
Vanheim is interested in trading its nature and/or death gems for air and/or earth gems.
EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Sorry to disapoint you guys but I (playing Tir Na n'Og) will need a sub.
I will do this turn and can do the next one most surely (and possible even more, but it's very uncertain). If by some reason a stale happens it is not very bad. I will post asking for a sub in the main forum. Once again, my appologies, I was having a good time. Regards, G. Rodrigues |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
1 Attachment(s)
Now this is a very ugly peace of SC god equipped with artefacts.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...0-saurogod.jpg Well soon he will be cursed and horrormarked. btw. who thinks that SCs need to be nerfed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
I never relealized until now what a ridiculous number of icons that thing has. I am glad I am not the one who needs to face him. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
I apologize for the stales, for some reason the llamaserver has some issues with this particular game for me resulting in me staling a couple times. After being destroyed by Ulm I set Arco to AI, but apparently it didn't take and this morning I literally received in this order turns 42, 43, 41, THEN notification that turn 40 had been rejected because I failed to attach the 2h file (unlikely as I use an automated script to do this and it's never failed before). At any rate, I'm attempting again to set Arco to AI, but it looks like there's just a couple territories left to conquer anyway.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Tir na n'Og seems to have staled 3 times in a row. Should we set him to AI or is there a chance he will come back?
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Not sure if he's coming back...but if he's not you probably want to go AI since I'm not sure someone would want to take the country over...
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
He got set to AI.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
C'tis publicly provides notice of cancellation of the NAP with have with Ulm. We are busy with our own war against Agartha, but we cannot sit idly by while you prepare to lock away in Tartarus the immortal soul of holy Sssla and all the other pretenders of this land.
It is now the 50th month. We expect you may start doing nasty things to us in month 53. At that time, we will also be released from our commitment to refrain from hostile acts against Ulm, and we will do what we can to bring your Well down. C'tis |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Kailasa is happy to announce that sauromatias god was slain today. May his horrormarked corpse rest in peaces. Too bad we did not get the unquenshed sword he had equipped, but krupps bracers are nice too.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
The Well of Misery is a blessing upon the land that enriches the economies of all nations. The extra gem income for Ulm is simply a lucky coincidence http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
C'tis speaks of locking away in Tartarus, yet he has opened its gates and enslaved the dead gods within to serve his empire. We shall refrain from doing "nasty things" upon C'tis until the form of his opposition materializes. Depending the outcome and egregiousness of his actions our response may be either relatively benign or of such fury that the immortal soul of holy Sssla is not simply locked away in Tartarus, but held until his mind is shattered and remains subsequently released from the gate to serve as a thrall to Ulm. |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Sauromatia thanks Kailasa for slaying the Moloch. He was wicked and cruel, and had us enslaved. We would now like to appologize for the damage that we have done to you. Can we send you a large supply of banana's and then all will be forgivien?
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Kailasa accepts your offer of unconditional surrender, please wait until kailasan forces can takeover all your provinces, then we will see that all sauromantian amazons will be integrated as whole citizens in our empire.
btw. the markata would like the bananas, but as the markatas have no authority, it is still unconditional surrender for you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Gah...2 stales in a row! That first one my net went down inexplicably for half a day/the night of the hosting and this time I was just unprepared...I'm used to it hosting a little later at night.
But I am still here and playing |
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
That is why I generally prefer QuickHost off. Then the game always hosts at a predictable time each day.
Re: EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\", sub needed
Kailasa would like to thank ulm for the artifacts, we will put them to good use.
C'tis would like the thank Sauromatia AI for the Rain of Bane Lords from Hell. We will flee in terror and go hide in a swamp. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Sauromatia
C'tis has been unable to Dispel the Well of Ulm. We have been forced to resort to more drastic measures.
Update: Please be aware that Ulm is using the Infernal Sword in his war against C'tis. It is *so* not the fault of C'tis if any of our forces should happen to return from their toasty vacation and fall out of the sky into the lands of the neutral nations. With any luck, they will make landing in the vast territory of Ulm itself. C'tis |
Re: Sauromatia
Ahm, what's going on in the world out there? Since those nasty Oceanians drove us out of the oceans, we haven't had much news from around us.
Re: Sauromatia
C'tis fears for the safety of the free world!
We have sent forces to the land of Ulm, to find the caster of the Well of Misery, and persuade him to undo his Global Enchantment. But Ulm has responded with great force, and has captured key provinces of ours, and won many battles. The Oracle of the Graphs tells no lies! The nation of Ulm increases its strength each month. Those who sit idly by must know that when the cities of C'tis are reduced to rubble and overrun by the barbarian hordes, your lands will be next in line to fall. Sssla |
Re: Sauromatia
A year ago i created the last ranking, so i just got the urge to create a new one.
Im still just reading the graphs, counting province, research and graphs double. Provinces: 1. Ulm (12) 2. C'tis (10) 3. Pangaea (8) 4. Kailasa (6) +3 5. Oceania (4) -1 6. Vanheim (2) +1 no big changes here, just kailasa coming out of nowhere to a whopping 4. place. (i suppose the kailasa player is really good http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif) Forts 1. Ulm (6) 2. Oceania (5) . Ctis (5) +3 4. Pangaea (3) +3 5. Kailasa (2) +2 6. Abysia (1) We will all gonna miss sauro and tir na nog from this ranking, but as pangaea has gift of natures bounty on, i think the next year he will lead this graph. Income 1. Pangaea (6) +6 2. Ulm (5) -1 3. C'tis (4) +1 4. Kailasa (3) +1 5. Oceania (2) -3 6. Abysia (1) +1 Gift of natures bounty strikes again, so pan is now the leader of this ranking out of nowhere. Gems 1. Ulm (12) 2. Ctis (10) 3. Pangaea (8) +4 4. Kailasa (6) +1 5. Abysia (4) -2 6. Oceania (2) -3 We cam see strong growth in pangaea, oceania is flatlining for the time being. Research 1. Ctis (12) 2. Ulm (10) +4 3. Pangaea (8) +4 4. Tir na n'Og (6) +3 5. Vanheim (4) -1 6. Abysia (2) +1 We are missing Arco and TC here whatchout for pangaea on stereoids. Dominion 1. Ulm (6) 2. Pangaea (5) +1 3. Ctis (4) -1 4. Oceania (3) +2 5. Abysia (2) 6. Kailasa (1) +1 Nothing interesting is happening here, move along please. Army Size 1. Pangaea (6) 2. Ulm (5) 3. Ctis (4) 4. Kailasa (3) 5. Oceania (2) +1 6. Abysia (1) -1 No real change here, but can someone kill pangaea, before the unit limit wrecks this game? Totals 1. Ulm (56 +7) 2. C'tis (49 + 3) 3. Pangaea (44 +26) 4. Kailasa (21 +12) 5. Oceania (18 -8) 6. Abysia (11 -2) 7. Vanheim (6 +-0) 8. Tir na n'Og (6 -10) 9. Sauromantia (0 -10) 10. Atlantis (0 +-0) Perished since the last time: Arco (By Ctis), Tien Chi (By Ulm?), Marveni (By Kailasa), Agartha (By Ctis), Helheim (By Pangaea), Nifelheim (By Pangaea), Rlyeh (By Oceania?) and Lanka (By Pangaea) Please Gank Ulm and Pangaea. C'tis and Kailasa are still running for championship Oceania, Abysia and Vanheim might still be able to influence the outcome of the game. Sauro, Tir na n'og and Atlantis are death, but atlantis does not yet know it. About ulm: kailasa is at war with ulm, and after we have mopped up the rest of sauromatia, we will use our forces to engage ulm and get back the provinces they stole from us. |
Re: Sauromatia
Atlantis doesn't believe in rankings and is far from being dead. We have a good income, a good dominion, good research base and wait to watch the Oceanian scum being slaughtered.
Re: Sauromatia
The Atlanteans know their days are numbered, inspite of their bravado. Oceania waits for Atlantis to use their "good income" to build more forts and save us the bother.
Re: Sauromatia
Well we haven't seen many heroic deeds of yours on land yet. When that band of haughty Oceanians led by that false prophet came to Kreta... aaaah sweet memories.
The barbarians of Ulm have begun to turn out the lights of civilization in the cities of C'tis. If the other nations of this land are planning on waiting for Christmas or something, you're gonna be too late to save your own skins.
Hiss. |
C'tis may need to go AI in a few days. I've posted for a sub here but did not get any offers.
The nation of C'tis is pretty much a lost cause in any case. Congratulations to MrSparkle on their well-deserved victory in the C'tis wars! |
Re: AI
The momentum may have shifted back into Ulm's favor but C'tis has many powerful combatants and artifacts that would make a normal invasion difficult to sustain.
Fortunately for us the harsh climate of Ulm kept the cold-blooded lizards at bay until we racked our barbarian brains for ways of dealing with Tartarian super-combatants. On a side note, I checked your substitute thread to see if you had any games in the early stages to sub for and was shocked to see 5 mid to late stage games. I'm having trouble keeping up with two late stage games as its all beer and skittles early on but once you get past turn 60 it starts turning into Tri-Dimensional Chess with hundreds of pieces. |
Re: AI
I used to live on beer and skittles! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Why don't you give Loemander a shot? It's kind of a no-diplomacy game, so that simplifies things a bit. The turns in that game really don't take very long. |
Good news! Psycho has agreed to take over the dying nation of C'tis. I've asked him to PM Hadrian_II with his email. Could we please delay the game for a day or so to give him a chance to catch up?
Re: Sub
OK, delayed.
Re: Sub
vfb informed me that he was in war with Ulm and had NAP-6 with all other nations. I don't intend intend to change anything there. I just hope that NAPs will be respected.
Re: Sub
Neighbors! Not nations, all other neighbors. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Sub
All neighbors, not nations. As for non-neighbor nations - beware. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif
Just kidding, I'll be too busy with Ulm. to vfb: If you read your PM again you will see that you wrote nations. |
Re: Sub
Yeah, but I meant neighbors. Sorry about that! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: Sub
Good luck Psycho!
Re: Sub
Thanks! According to vfb this is a lost cause. And this is my first late game - I'm a complete noob. So I will certainly need it.
Re: Sub
Hrmph. Arrow fend should protect from rain of stones http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
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