![]() |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I don't have any problems with a delay, and your potential enemy is normally the last one to finish his turn, so I don't think anyone will mind.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Second-last or better, most turns. This turn it's Ulm that's last, last turn it was Man. I was really only dead last for a brief stretch in the middle, iirc before we went to a 48-hour schedule. ; ) That having been said, I am going on a business trip this Saturday. I should still be able to get the turns in, but there's a chance I'll be too busy to keep to even a 48-hour shedule. I will need us to go on a 72-hour quickhost for two or three turns next week myself, unless there are severe objections. Just in case, I think I'll be PMing Velusion about it now... |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Oh I didn't mean any offense, I figured it was due to all that micromanagement http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.
As far as delaying the turn, no problem here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Its a players right to use all the time alloted to them. Its when they stale thats the problem. That is my two cents.
Anyway, I support the delay. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
DELAY! Curse the delay. I am mopping up Oceania right now.
Sigh. I realize some must get on with other aspects of their life though. I am OK with the delay this weekend. Hopefully I can crush Oceania before then. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Delaying is fine with me as well. I know that sometimes it is me who needs the extra time!
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
For future delays it is always helpful to get a reminder right before it is needed - otherwise I forget!
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Ok, now I've gotten confused. Since I don't want to nag Velusion, what delay have you asked him for, IndyPendant?
Edit: And now Velusion replies as I was typing that. Hi, Velusion. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Ermor has cast Gift of Health. Since Ermor is a land of death not of life, there can be only one reason. He seeks to raise and heal the ancient gods of Tartarus. This abomination must not be allowed.
Man can try to replace it or someone else can try to Dispel. I'd rather steal it, of course. I also have more Nature gems to put towards an attempt than I have Astral for Dispel. I'm willing to try on my own, but if he threw enough extra gems in, I won't be able to help much with a second attempt. Any support I can get will help. I am not a death nation and have no mages near capable of summoning Tartarians, so it would be much less of a threat in my hands. If people would rather donate to a Dispel, I can understand that. I could only donate a few gems to that, since my Astral income is miserable, and I'm sure someone has a better Astral caster than I do. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Heh. I haven't PM'd Velusion yet, after all. Since he is aware a delay requests are incoming, I can combine our requests into one PM for him on Friday if you would like.
..."Tartarians"? Vhat iss diss ting, "Tartarians"? I merely am trying to look out for my mages, who suffer from old age as well. After all, it's not like Well of Misery is anywhere near Tartarians... *cough* |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I can donate a healthy lump of astral gems to a dispel. I can't cast though.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Tithonos speaks for Stheno in that the United Forest Loving Peoples (UFLP) shall send 20 astral gems for a dispel attempt.
Other actions are being taken as well. So uhh who is going to do it then? My astral mages are somewhat weak. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hmm, is the Priori server down? I can't upload my turn...
Edit: Never mind, just a hiccup. Working now... |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Bump. Who has a large astral mage and is willing to dispel the gift of health?
Or as thejeff said but referring to himself, anyone want to toss me a few extra nature gems so I can take it and nail it down forever?! Anyone?! Bueller? Buuueller? |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
R'lyeh has no nature to spare, unfortunately. We would be willing to do the dispel, but I am sure someone else has a higher level Astral mage.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Yeah, it doesn't seem anyone wants to take me up on that offer. I'm not really surprised. I will reiterate it though:
I'm nowhere near Tartarians, so the biggest threat of GoH is not relevant. I will even promise to announce to the world before I summon any, if I ever do. I'd try to just cast it myself, if I didn't think it would just get shot down in a couple turns. If someone doesn't volunteer an astral mage soon, it'll have to be me or Rathar. I'd argue for me, because I'll be actively at war only with Ermor. Last time I saw, Pan was fighting Tien Chi. As I said before, my astral income is pitiful and precious, so I could only spare a handful to the cause. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hmm for some reason which is either true or made up in the depths of my mind I seem to recall that Thejeff is in new zealand in which case friday (when he requested a delay) is Now for him and thus they need that delay asap.
heh heh you would post at the same time.. Nm then I guess you aren't gone yet! Tithonos has forced a state of vassaldom upon Tien-Chi in which we returned most of our gains and are providing economic assistance to them in return for them agreeing to smile and nod as they plot sudden vengeance. 2 provinces closer to Ermor at any rate.. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Thejeff is not in New Zealand. (Though he was long ago and liked it much.)
Thejeff will be able to play this turn and the next one tonight. After that he will be gone until Monday night. Thejeff will stop talking in the third person after this post. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Look I can throwdown 70 astral gems to the dispel, but I have no one to cast it. Someone step up with a caster and lets do this.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
R'lyeh probably does have the highest native Astral mages
left. All the other astral nations are out. (Which is weird.) Unless someone has a pretender they're willing to use. I could do it, but I've got no boosters and I did have other plans for him before war actually starts. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Loathe as I am to give my scheming web of enemies more time to plan my demise... ; ) I am leaving for my business trip tomorrow.
thejeff, if I understand you correctly, you will need the next turn delayed until Monday evening (call it a 4-day quickhost, just to be safe). Then I will need a 72-hour schedule for the next two turns, for a total of 3 turns delayed. Does that work for you? |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Works for me.
We could also just have him turn off the timer until we're back to a regular schedule. It might be simpler and I think the rest of us would keep up. And if you weren't scaring us, we wouldn't all be scheming, at least not all against you. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Heh. Oh, I know. I'm just worried I'm going to fold like a paper tiger, with so many opponents ganging up on me...; )
And actually turning off the quickhost sounds like the perfect solution! *waves to Velusion* |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
You might. Vast hordes of long dead horse are fragile.
I am, however, remarkably unsuited to fight you. Only H1 priests and no native access to any of the anti-undead paths. It should be interesting. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Allright. I'll cast it. I have a guy in mind that I think is up to the job. Send me your astral, and let me know, by PM or here, how many you want me to cast it with.
I have to say, this is the most public diplomacy I have ever seen. Usually this sort of thing is plotted out in PMs. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
And since we R'lyehns are being so nice to the surface-worlders, dispelling globals and all, would some one be so nice as to make me an Amulet of the Fish? We can pay for it. Please PM me with details.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I don't have a mage that could make an amulet of the fish, but Vanheim will donate 70 astral pearls to the dispel. I just edited my turn and put them in the mail.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Indy, you probably meant the right thing, but we want the timer off. Not the quickhost.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
20 astral on their way to the insanity causing crab people.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'll take the timer off now... but leave quick host on.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I will Dispel with whatever astral pearls have been sent to me at the beginning of next turn then. Don't blame me if it is not enough.
And, btw, we do not cause insanity. That's my younger brother. We do have some insane priests, but my my, if you had seen the places they have been, you would be insane too. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Doop, yeah my bad sorry. Thanks, Velusion.
And...*watches his Gift of Health wash away in a mass of loathing* |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I'm not dead yet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Earth for Air
Would someone trade me 30 air gems for thirty of my earth gems? I can even throw in a few extra random gem types to sweeten the pot.
-R'lyeh |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I've sent my pittance of Astral gems.
As for the publicity: it seemed sufficiently obvious that there was little point in concealment. And I couldn't face sending off separate messages to everyone, then trying to coordinate responses... The PM system doesn't have any Send to Group or Reply All features does it? |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Afaik, there is no send to group feature in the PM system. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Well, I'm back. I got in late last night. I took a look at the turn, but didn't have the time or energy to actually play it. I'll do it as soon as I get home from work tonight.
And then we'll be off again. At something of a slow pace, but moving at least. |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Edit: ARGH! Post deleted. Wrong thread. ; )
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
The global spell Gift of Health has been dispelled. You're welcome.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Hrmf. The Axis of Evil (heh) wins this round. *shakes fist*
I should have my turn submitted in 24-30 hours btw, after which we can go back on a 48-hour timer if everyone wants... |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Umm... You gonna come in, or we gonna die of old age here? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
/popcorn sounds are heard from a nearby bush
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
/In fact it's hard to pay attention to the siege with popcorn being crunched behind nearly every bush.
Who's got the popcorn concession for Agartha? |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I will have to go away over this weekend. Will be back on sunday. I will try to find a sub, guess IŽll stale otherwise. If the current turn comes in during the night IŽll do it before I go.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
(You know what would be hilarious? If the Axis of Evil <tm> succeeded in defeating me...and I lost before Agartha...) |
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Found no sub. IŽm not in a very good position so I donŽt care so much about staling anyway.
Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Well, I'm sorry you found no sub Ylvali, but this game has gotten extremely bogged down with pause requests. I guess because Velusion is no longer in the game, and so pays little attention to it.
Personally, I think we need to get this game rolling again, and on a true 48 hour quickhost. Too many will just drop out if we leave it on just quickhost, like it is now. |
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