![]() |
Re: Assistance.......
Good news elders, the demon king has apparently been driven mad from a festering wound delivered in battle by our most noble warriors. Why else would he appeal publicly for aid to denizens of this world when clearly we are cleansing a foul cancer for the good of the whole world?
Regardless, the plea you no doubt heard was mostly true, we are but days from reaching the dark citadel which is the foul heart of this demon plague. According to our scouts the maddened demon lord was correct, our assault should prove successful, though who knows what tricks demons might have in store. On graver news, the small demon attack you were able to repulse this month was but their outriders. A larger and terrible host including the very ghost king himself seems likely to move on the very heart of Marverni soon so prepare well. We will return as fast as possible to relieve you - once we have slain the heart we will come for the head. Hold out as you can, your salvation comes. |
Re: Assistance.......
Psst! Vfb.. Put me out of my misery!
Damned Oceaneans frolicking everywhere and plague in the capitol to boot. Be ready Ry'leh, be ready soon! |
Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Well I'm out.. I'd like to say it was fun.. but my posterior was handed to me so bad it wasn't. Capital taken momentarily - and no army to speak of left.
Malverni and his blade wind will have no problem taking the remaining 10 territories or so. And those too indifferent to aid poor yomi - I hope they choke on him =). <wink> Best wishes to all. |
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
GG man, hope to see you around. Better luck next time!
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Guys I don't know what the hosting time is for the next turn, but I am out of town until tomorrow night. If necessary can we postpone by a few hours???
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Oh, also just wanted to make it clear that with Yomi's public concession all Yomi territories are considered Marverni territory and snatching one will be considered an act of war.
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Wow, Marveni has big Baalz! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Thanks for not postponing! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
So, you want a piece of that Cyclops Sauromatia? Then come on... he is waiting for you... muuhaahhaa
Re: Good bye and thanks for all the fish
Thanks for all the squid
The nation of Oceania is happy to announce that we held the first annual Calamari feast in the oceans this month.
The giant squid was larger than expected, and it is likely all of our frolickers would have perished, but for divine intervention from the RNG itself. Who knows what happened! Is there a witch living under the waves? Did the light of a Baleful Star somehow penetrate the ocean depths? In any case, the huge squid had become cursed, and took a lance to the chest. With its ticker trashed, the kraken soon tired and perished. Now Oceania will set about trying to bring growth and life to the shoals where once only death, misfortune, and misery were seen. |
Re: Thanks for all the squid
is that a declaration of war on anyone in particular?
Re: Thanks for all the squid
Oceania does not war! We are a nation of happy frolickers.
We are merely spreading the news of our happy frolicking, and complaining a wee bit that the former waters of Atlantis are a dark, dreary, and sad place (for now). We already declared frolicking on Atlantis a few pages back. Plankton |
Re: Thanks for all the squid
Ah, I thought you might be intending to frolic elsewhere in the near future. My apologies.
More fish please
Mictlan is looking to trade for a pair of Earth boots. We can pay in nature gems, water gems, astral gems, or blood slaves. In addition, we will say nice things about your pretender on the forums.
Re: Thanks for all the squid
Re: Thanks for all the squid
We described your dilemma to the old bishops of Oceania. They tell us there are far too many Death gems in your lands! These Death gems are dampening everyone's spirits. You can alleviate the problem by trading your sad Death gems to Oceania. We will send you 5 happy Water gems for every 4 sad Death gems you send to us.
Oceania |
Re: Thanks for all the squid
Very good try. Good thing Oceania's ruler is not into selling used sea turtles. He would rob all his neighbors blind with his cunning frolicking ways. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Unfortunately we have no use for water gems, since we lack water mages. I guess we will have to suffer sad death gems for now. Woe to my nation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Now if you would happen to have happy earth gems it would be trade I would be interested in, with 1:1 rate. |
Sauromatia, are you so afraid of my Pretender that you send troops around him, rather than attacking him. Sad. A ruler should have more confidence in his troops.
Re: Cyclops
There is something about that eye on that shield of yours that makes my pretender uneasy... Besides my archers are not eager to shoot at someone with prot 30 and poison resistance 150%. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif But no worries, his turn will come. |
Re: Cyclops
I love that shield. I love the vine shield as well when you are fighting people who tend to route. Two of my favorite items http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Cyclops
The mighty Atlanteans are done. Too much frolicking for us crabs!
Except for the whole getting obliterated thing I had fun! How does one counter those oceanean knights anyways? I have nothing with an attack skill above 11 and human wave tactics are both expensive and ineffective. Oh well, never had played em before. |
Re: Cyclops
Check out my strat guide for MA Atlantis, a lot of it is applicable.
Re: Cyclops
Hmmm, Larry the Cyclops thinks to himself, after killing dozens of Sauromation troops. "That was easy. I should have thrown myself into combat before".
Hundreds of Sauromations lie dead on the battlefield. The victims of the wrath of Larry and numberless thunderstrikes. Will they come at us again? Who knows, but death surely awaits them if they do. |
Re: Cyclops
The smiths of Vanheim seek to craft a necklace of astral pearls for their queen, and are willing to trade earth, air or nature gems for astral ones.
Thanks kindly nations of Figment. |
Re: Cyclops
Ok, the quick storm has failed. Prepare for a long siege. Or get out of the castle and let's dance outside. Paraphrasing what you have said earlier "A ruler should have more confidence in his troops - he should not hide behing castle walls and peasant PD." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Cyclops
Well, my castle is all I have left. I think I will try to defend it.
And why the fraidy cat move of just massing on my border? Bring them on in. Larry thirsts for blood. |
Abysia LIES
The giants of Niefelheim think the nations of this world should know that Abysia is not to be trusted. They have invaded our lands with absolutely no warning despite our having negotiated a NAP-3 nearly a year ago. Do not trust these foul demons. If any nation feels that those who develop diplomatic relations in bad faith should be punished, we urge you to help us crush the foul demons of Abysia.
Re: Need (clean) earth boots
The Prophet of Mictlan looked down at the 9th set of boots before him. Like the previous 8 sets he had tried on, they were large, stained with blood, and mind-shatteringly odoriferous.
"No. I'm not trying on another pair." "But sir, these were the boots we recovered from the slain Argathan mages. Any one of them could be the Earth Boots that we seek. With a pair of those boots, we could open up entirely new fields of magical research. It would revolutionize our infantry combat, and" "No! I'm not putting my feet in another one of the Argathan cesspools. Send out another wave of messengers. Send them to Marveni, Oceania, Tien Chi, even the duplicitous Abysians. Let them know that we seek Earth Boots. I don't care about the cost. Just make sure...just make sure that they are clean." |
Re: Abysia LIES
While it is true we ourselves are a bunch of unwashed, hairy, bloodthirsty berserkers, we do comply with our NAPs but now wonder how much faith we should be putting in some of them. - Vanheim, We Do Not Sow |
Re: Cyclops
Time is working for me, and I will attack as soon as I will feel that I can win the battle without taking too much losses. I don't need another hundred of my precious poison archers killed by your stuborn defenders. |
Re: Cyclops
Niefelheim LIES
Re: Niefelheim LIES
Vanheim recommends trial by warfare. Let the Gods decide. The victorious nation will be the one who was lying. Innocence can only be proven by defeat.
- Vanheim, We Do Not Build See, we really need those skull mentors to come up with more edumacated solutions. |
Lame lame lame. It says I staled last turn, all that work down the drain.
Re: Niefelheim LIES
Re: Niefelheim LIES
It looks like it was a good month for the giants. My scouts sent this engraving back from the front lines:
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/159/4...182cbf070d.jpg Ooh, popcorn. Can I have some? |
Re: Niefelheim LIES
Re: Niefelheim LIES
Marverni prospers
The ghost king is dead…er…more dead, and the rebirth has begun. A monument to the brave barechests and Atavi mercenaries is erected on the site of the toppled throne of skulls, and a heart tree even now spreads its sapling branches in the second capital of our lands where once only bile, black fear and hopelessness reigned. The personification of rebirth is among us, and has given us the weapons to slay that which blights the earth. From the very mouth of this god on earth we have learned the devastating evocations which slew every demon on our blessed isle, clouds of spinning blades dropping hundreds of the foul creatures before our axemen got to the bloody work of finishing the job. The roots of Marverni dig deep as our heart grows strong and we begin to look beyond our isle.
The burning halo of our new god urges more work for us, the world cries for the cleansing and rebirth that only we can accomplish. We begin to forge the bonds of friendship with those who seem like minded, helping those who can help us. With the chance to catch our breath after the demon cleansing we have been able to focus our magical crafts on forging wondrous items, and can now begin to answer the large cry for such. Any desiring items should contact our nation, most will be forgeable shortly. |
Re: Marverni prospers
Now xavier,
when you did not respond to my offer of a nap and instead invaded me a few turns later with your earth/nature blessed giants i did not maufacture lies that we had a nap. I have quietly fought a losing battle as hard as I could without spreading mistruths about any agreement we might have had. Now i hear you are spreading lies about false naps with other players. Having played and fought with and against tyrant before many times I will say he has never once misled me in any treaties. Refused treaties , yes, ruthless attacks yes, but always followed his agreements completely. |
Re: NAPs
I am *not* lying.
I don't know tyrant, but I've been thinking about this and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that one or the other of us got confused somewhere. This is a mature community and I quite like the players I've gotten to know here, so if he has a history in this community that doesn't include breaking pacts I'm willing to assume that this is a mistake. I can't believe that I would've written down that we had a NAP if we didn't, but I suppose it's not impossible. I think it's more likely he forgot about it, but I imagine he'd say the opposite. I probably should've discussed it with him before announcing it here, but I had just gotten invaded by Pangea a turn or two before so when I got attacked by someone I thought I had a NAP with I was pretty pissed off. Anyway. I'm willing to call it water under the bridge, and just get on with crushing him. A glance at the score graphs will show you what's happening to Pan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Oh yeah, and you're doing a *very* good job of being incredibly annoying. I'm quite impressed with your tenacity Xox. Sorry I didn't respond to your NAP offer at all, but I already had units on the way to your capital. I didn't want to announce that I was about to invade you by actually sending a refusal. |
Re: Marverni prospers
Our brave warriors turned their cheek after receiving an early smiting by Lanka, but this is not the Vanheim way. Old wounds can only be healed with blood. We hereby terminate our NAP -3 with the nation of Lanka. DC of Vanheim We Do Not Farm |
Re: Niefelheim LIES
What was that Sauromatia? You suiciding troops on me? That ain't gonna win you any provinces.
Re: Marverni prospers
Geez the amount of lies and false promises given out by both Sauromatia at Vanheim is pretty disgusting. (edit: once the 3 turn NAP is over you can have my lands Vanheim. I'm going to bring all my resources to bear and try to completely squash Sauro if at all possible. Heck I'll even give you my gems when I'm done!) |
Re: Marverni prospers
Oh...Ok. Then we declare war on Lanka to!
Re: Marverni prospers
Re: Marverni prospers
I didn't lie to anybody, and I *never* break any in-game agreements, neither in this game no in any other games of mine. And I've been playing MP Dominions 2/3 for several years. You have attacked me this turn without declaration of war. Vanheim did the same (or so I thought). Your attack I have repelled, since I saw it coming last turn when you have suddenly moved 2 armies to my border and ignored my messenger. But stealth attack by Vanheim caught me completly by surprise, and he conquered my province next to the castle that I just successfully defended against your armies. I assume you have put some scouts over my territory in preparation for your attack? They can confirm my words - see that new red province to the west of my castle? Now because you and Vanheim both attacked me at the same time and at the same spot, naturally I've assumed that you are acting together in alliance against me. Clearly you are strong and experienced player, so ask yourself please - would you not assume the same if you would be in my shoes? Since I knew I have no chance in hell of winning the war against both you and Vanheim, and after I didn't get reply to my "WTH?!?" PM from Vanheim, I have tried to convince you to break away from your alliance with Vanheim. Re-read my original PM to you that I've sent two hours ago. It is very clear that I was acting based upon an assumption that you and Vanheim are attacking me together. I spelled it in the beginning of the letter. But then I have received PM from Vanheim who said that his attack on me was just an accident - he was simply moving stealth troops over my territory, and that he didn't want to attack me. He apologized for this accident and I believe him. After that I've sent my 2nd message to you, explaining the situation in details and apologizing for my own role in confusion. I swear that every word of this letter is true, that's what happened this turn. You can ask Vanheim if you like. And you have your own scouts to confirm it. If you still don't want to believe me - it's your choice. But frankly I was very surprised that you blame me for some "lies and deception". Now if you want to go after me with all you have - that's fine. You have attacked me this turn yourself, didn't you? If you for some unknown reason will decide to throw this game to one nation or another - I don't think it is a very sportsman-like choice - but it's your call, I can't do anything about it. But I dislike being blamed for something that I have no part in whatsoever. |
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Go Go Lanka!!!
Van.. join in on the Sauromatia gank fun. |
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