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Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Very well, our alliance continues against the hated seraphs.
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Your hordes of devils and undead minions can never win against such divine power.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Jim, thank you for storming that castle. I was afraid you would pull your troops out. Even if Carkaton hadn't staled and stormed it last turn, he would have had zero chances of success.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
HAHAHA!!! Psycho....I don't know what happened. I think my Tartarian went mad!!!! Anyway...he'd a got his arse whipped. I woulda had a lot more troops in there. But don't worry, more are on their way. With some special treats for the Seraph. Where did the Golems go?? Man those guys are nasty!!! I don't think I can whip you by myself. I sure need some major help from Abysia!!!
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Ooo I like treats. Can't wait to get them.
Golems safely teleported to my capitol. It's the spell Returning. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Hey, what happened to my treats? I was really looking forward to them.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
HAHA....Is Abysia still playing? I don't see how C'tis can defeat Kailasa. And with all the units to order, it's just too much work.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Sorry I staled, real life got in the way.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
OK....was just wondering.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Darkstone, why didn't you just extend the turn? That is the point of having the password.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I would have, if I thought I wouldn't have made it home in time.
:| |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Postponing for 24 hours, as I'm leaving now for a party, won't get back in time.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Have a good time
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
8^) Treats delivered, as promised, Psycho!!! |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Yes, valiant defenders of the Hesperia castle won yet another battle. And this one was no less devastating for the enemy than the previous ones. But be proud new Ctissian leader, for never before has Hesperia suffered so many loses in one battle (3 units). The great evil of this world, Daidalos the Tartarian Titan, is no more. Free people of Hesperia will celebrate this day. (It was a very lucky shot paralizing him in the first attempt.)
Jim did you know that the odds of getting a tartarian titan with 7 astral levels is 0.2%. What exactly were your treats? I guess they didn't work quite as planned. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
You didn't find all those Wight carcasses tasty??? Lore has it that Monkeys LOVE dead Wight!!!
Daidalos was an S9 when I got him with his boosters. I have no idea if the original guy got him as an S7 or if he empowered his way up the ladder. He will be missed, and woulda been far more effective doing other things rather than succumming to a paralyze spell on a battlefield. Sheesh!!!! |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Oh, so wights were the treat. Well I knew about them.
He got Daidalos as an S7. Tartarian titans (the male ones) have 7 random levels. I am very glad I killed him, he could cast some very mean spells. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
So, C'tis had a S9?
I assumed it was Kailasa, but now I have to ask: Who wished for the chalice? |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
It was me. I had several feebleminded mind hunters, a lot diseased troops from those leprosies and Tartarians were on the way. Don't worry, your ally was trustworthy.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Alright, that was a pretty good move, though the only reason I had the chalice was because C'tis sent it to me to keep the game challenging for us both against you...
I never even used the chalice myself (don't use tarts), so it was just sitting in my lab. Now though, I suspect the game should be more than challenging for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I know he sent it to you. He told me in our massive PM conversation at the time. It was so that you two would be more balanced, that is, so that he wouldn't surpass you by too much, thus keeping you on his side. You realized I was becoming too powerful, so you allied with him. If you thought he was the most powerful, you would have allied with me.
I think I cast the Nexus too soon. I should have gotten you on my side against Ctis first. But then again, at that time I thought Ctis was my ally and I was ready to strike you. And he did tell me in a PM, when he put the well of misery up, that he is OK with me casting nexus. Actually that's when I got the idea to do it. Oh, and if he didn't send the chalice to you at that time, I would have wished for it then. It wouldn't help me then, but it would keep him from becoming too strong. And Darkstone, you could have used tarts if you wanted. In fact you still can. You certainly don't lack magic levels to reach them. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Since we are in the late game stage where we access to practically everything, but didn't agree up front about what is bad sportsmanship and should be avoided, I thought putting here things that I saw are generally agreed on in other games. So to be avoided are:
1) Mists of Deception + Battlefield Enchantments + Retreat 2) Filling someone's lab with slave collars (or any other items) - basically no sending of items to anyone you didn't agree with. 3) If you capture Bogus company, you can leave them with their "attack mage" or "attack commander" orders, but not copy/paste those orders to other commanders. 4) Casting a battlefield wide continuous spell and then immediately running away. All mages that cast a battlefield wide enchantment need to stay on the battlefield for 5 complete turns. The very last order can be to retreat. 5) Moving slow troops quickly, that is moving troops more provinces than they can using a commander on move and patrol orders. 6) Sallying from your sieged castle into a neighboring province with non-stealthy troops. I hope there are no objections on this. If there are, lets discuss them. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I find tarts to be too much of a standard strategy (though I admit I've never used them outside of one SP game). If I used them, I most likely wouldn't sit here trying to come up with some different methods of winning battles or strategies to win the game. I find that by being forced to do the unexpected, I both grow as a player, and it gives a minor advantage tactically.
I also find going for tarts somewhat significant of an investment, you really need to summon a decent number of them to get the really good ones, and you need to get either the GOH global, or the chalice to make the most out your investment. Not to mention the huge amount of nature gems you'd likely be going through. Rushing artifact construction was definitely not part of my strategy, (I haven't even gotten around to it yet, though hitting 6 early was very important), and my nature income is rather limited. All of this would be a much bigger problem for me, if I wasn't reasonably equipped with some Anti-SC capability... as Abysia blood and astral are relatively common. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I've had a lot of luck with tarts. The first one I summoned was exactly the one I wanted and he was a commander and not feebleminded. But yes, it was an investment getting to them.
I suppose hitting 6 was important because of lanterns? I didn't rush to construction either. I knew Cits would get there first, so there was no point. I rushed for alteration 9 and thau 6 to get all the buffs for my yavanas (and wish of course). I look forward to seeing what surprises you have developed for me. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Lanterns were very important to make up lost research. Despite the horrormark malus and the attention skull mentors get, lanterns are actually the best research bang for the gem buck. And I've only lost one mage to a horror throughout the entire game.
Also, while I realize it's strange to ask someone about their strategy as they're employing it, I just don't get what you're doing with the yogi / golem pairs. You're losing yogi's... wasting tons of astral gems moving them back and forth, and you keep feeding me starshine skullcaps all for the price of a few slaves. Not that I'm not complaining, but it just seems real wasteful for you, and stands in stark contrast with most of the other things you've been employing. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Well I thought it was obvious - it's a demonstration of might. If I am throwing this many astral gems per turn, then think how big my astral income must be.
Seriously, though, those were some rather unsuccessful attempts to destroy your blood economy. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Hm, yeah I suppose it's hard to take them out without risking losing whatever you're sending.
Still, it's nothing like the eye-rolling mistakes I keep making... most notorious the non-seperation of fire-immune troops/mages from all the heat-aura ones. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I am going on my vacation on 8th july. I've booked 15 nights, which means that with days lost in transport and preparation/packing I won't be able to play for about 20 days. I wanted to ask you guys whether you could wait for me. I'd hate to give my nation to someone else now. But then again, I also don't want you to lose interest in the game. So tell me - can you wait for me or should I look for a sub? And don't worry, there will be no hard feelings if you can't wait for me, although it would mean a lot to me if you could.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
We'll wait. Speaking for only myself, of course. I don't have the vested interest in this game that you 2 have, and in fact am just now getting comfortable with what I have and where I am on the map. But, I see no reason to drop the game when one goes on vacation. One nice thing about computer games vs. table top games.....you don't have the maps and pieces layin around forever taking up space. Just load it in 3 weeks from now and the cat hasn't been able to touch it!!!!
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I can be patient, after all, it is just a game... (waits for people to gasp and cry out in horror)...
So I'm with jimkehn on this one; besides, it wouldn't be very much of a friendly game if we did otherwise. Enjoy your vacation... also I should probably mention Psycho, I totally hate you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif With the American dollar weak, and (due to the vast debt and China&Japan acquiring more treasury bonds) getting weaker for the forseeable future, there's no real vacation (like a trip somewhere nice like Europe) for me this summer. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Out of curiosity, where are you going? |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I owe you one now. Just don't change your mind while I'm away.
Don't hate me Darkstone, I'm not going anywhere glamorous. The idea is just to spend some time at the sea. I'm going to Chalkidiki, Greece. Oh, and tell me who of you guys is sending those assassins? Jim is it you? |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Assassins??? Moi???
I see my turn staled?? I was sure I sent in the turn!!!! |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
On the server it says we all staled, but I received my turn in the mail normally. Try the "Request turn resend" option if you didn't receive your turn.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Alright, but that still sounds real nice.
I have tons of assassins throughout Kailasan lands, most of them biding their time to strike, though some mages always insist on killing now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif -- Also, I received two turns. So it seems like the llamaserver hosted twice, which is why we all have stales. The turn should still be rather fair, since when everyone stales, only the AI wins. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I didn't mean slayers, but the actual assassin unit, or do you have those as well?
I didn't receive two turns, just one. So now I asked for turn resend and received the staled turn. But the thing is that the staled turn is turn 72, and in the mail it said I received turn 71. I hope this doesn't cause further problems. Edit: I asked llamabeast to rollback the turn. I already did most of my turn and spent a lot of time, I'd hate to have to do it all again. Edit 2: I just realized that maybe you were playing on the staled turn and spent a lot of yours time. In that case lets leave it as it is. I'd prefer to rollback if you didn't do much though - for consistency, my almost done turn and lost research. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Just in case you didn't get the message, we've rolled back, and the one to play is the one where you didn't stale.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Yeah, let's go ahead and play the original turn 71 as the llamamessage says. I did get two turns, and I did load in the latter turn. I have now saved the original turn over top that one, and have the real turn 71.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
OK....I just cannnot defend against Kailasa. He has way too powerful units for me. We can either find a sub, or the two of you divide the C'tisian spoils as you wish.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Giving up after just 2 weeks? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
He's barely taken any of your territory, though you did drop the ball with Ulm. Look, I'm losing units left and right as well, mostly useless scouts and commanders, but mages too, to nearly endless amounts of mindhunts. That's what happens when he has the nexus, and the chalice to heal those feebleminded yogi's everytime he stumbles on one of my astral mages. He's also teleporting tons of stuff with tons of astral pearls. My strategy is all about using a lot less resources than he is, and I'm feel I'm certainly succeeding in that, though I'm still building up patiently in preparation of overwhelming power. All you have to do is hold on. Playing against a more powerful (as well as skilled) opponent has been a very great experience, and very educational. Don't give up just yet. I'll leave you with this quote, "You can only become smarter by playing against smarter opponents." |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
What actually happened with Ulm when I set it to AI? Psycho said something about the AI busting out, which it was obviously going to do, but details would be nice to know. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Jim please don't leave yet. Yes the scales have tipped in my favour and now I am on the attack, but you can still mess me up. Just bunker yourself into castles. As you've seen while sieging my castles, it's much easier to defend then to attack.
Edi, Ulm has now taken several provinces around capitol. What details would you like to know? I saw the battle when he broke the siege, but not the later ones. But I think he mostly defeated just pd in the surrounding provinces. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
What? Is the AI Ulm still alive?! Yes, I'd like to know the details of the the breakout and just how much damage he did. It's probable that Shardoz & company have been mauling PD in the surrounding provinces, but he had a pretty serious stackof equipment when I went AI, so taking him out is not going to be easy without anti-SC methods, especially if the AI kept the script I'd put on him.
What happened to the Gift of Health? Did that go down and did the AI screw up with the mage who cast it? Because he was nowhere near my capital when it was under siege to make certain it didn't come down due to bad luck. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I finally stormed Ulm's castle. Ulm's PoD killed my PoD. Then he started expanding into C'Tis territory. C'Tis is building an army to counter him, but hasn't attacked yet.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
I just knew that Duskdagger had to be good for something and the scavenged Monolith Armor was certainly a better alternative than a Hydra Skin Armor. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'm starting to get a grip on why C'tis's once seemingly unstoppable advance has slowed down some. First Carkaton sent his main army chinfirst into the springdriven fist I'd been winding back for several turns (see battle report pics earlier) and then Shardoz goes berserk and exacts personal revenge, that's goddamn priceless! I see that my prediction of not going quietly came truer than I ever expected... http://www.badhippo.com/sue/pics/smilies/rofl.gif |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Yeah, you were right about that!! Ulm is exacting revenge, on helpless PD of onesies and twosies. I doubt I will be able to harm him much now, as Kailasa is chewin me up and spittin me out like a handful a sunflower seeds!!
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
If I remember correctly, your PoD was sieging my castle jimkehn - I killed him with some solar rays. And you didn't storm Ulm's castle, but the defenders broke the siege. Maybe you intended, but breaking the siege comes before storming. You had a bunch of unfrozen who were near your mages and their chill aura screwed the mages. After that Ulm first expanded into some abysian territory and then into some ctisian territory. Gift of health is still up.
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
OH!! I thought it was in Ulm's castle. It was like my first turn as C'Tis that I stormed the castle, and I did give them the order to storm castle, but you are probably right about them breaking forth, as you were probly more engaged in the game then.
Now that I think it about it, you are right. That was the battle where you had like 25 or 30 yogis and brahmas communing and cast solar rays all over the place. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
How many gems did you use?
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Darkstone, I may have won that battle, but you are the real winner of this turn. I am really curious - how many gems did you use?
I am traveling in less than 24 hours. I won't be able to finish this turn before I leave. I've put 1000 hours on the clock, but don't worry, I'll come back a lot sooner. Thanks again for agreeing to wait for me. |
Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Psycho....I am in the middle of wheat harvest and was ready to ask for a delay, anyway. Maybe I will have time to do a decent turn for a change!!!
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