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-   -   VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37943)

Zenzei April 20th, 2008 10:42 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I just played turn 35 for C'tis and it was my last turn in this game. I lost this turn's fight against Man but I killed half of his army and routed the rest, so it gives a short breathing period as Man has to bring in at least some reinforcements, if Heidegger really intends to punch through the remaining sauromancers. Good luck to the new sub and good game to everyone else remaining in the game. This is Zenzei signing out from VesperBat.

PS: AreaofEffect, hopefully the casualties I caused to you during our short war period at least made you feel the price of fighting C'tis. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
PPS: I hope the new sub takes over immediately because it's his and C'tis' best interest to do so and I don't want to get any useless turn notifications into my email. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AreaOfEffect April 21st, 2008 01:00 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Indeed you fought the good fight. Though I would think you paid the greater cost in research. Good luck to you and to the new player of C'tis.

zenphos April 21st, 2008 05:05 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Good luck in your other games Zenzei and I hope the new guy puts up as good a fight as you.
By the way apparently he said he PM'ed Gowb so he should be in this turn.
If not let me know and I will send Gowb his email address.

Wookie1977 April 21st, 2008 10:39 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Could I please get the game suspended from 14:00GMT Wednesday 23 April until 14:00GMT Saturday 26 April as I am going away.

Please let me know if this is ok as I will not have access to a computer in this time

gowb April 21st, 2008 03:43 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I haven't received any PMs.

Oh and a warning to you guys - don't trust Arcosephale. He has long been planning a betrayal of his supposed allies the Utgard giants, and despite my aid and support during his war with Atlantis is entirely ungrateful and evil. Just wanted to warn anyone he has a NAP with, he will not give warning of his intentions before he attacks - he did not with his ancient and friendly allies, so why would he with those he is only bound to by a mere treaty? The majority of his forces are engaged to the south, so if our northern neighbors with to stage an invasion of our continent, now is your chance.

zenphos April 22nd, 2008 04:53 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
That is a little odd because C'tis is putting in turn files.

4 days is a big wait. But since it looks like you and Gowb and well whoever else just went to war missing 4 turns could sting a little.

Wookie1977 April 22nd, 2008 08:08 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
it is 72 hours not 4 days, but I could try and get a sub if people prefer

Wookie1977 April 22nd, 2008 08:15 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
And to clarify things
The giants broke a deal we had over Marignon land split so I went to war against him.
So I guess for those of you who have deals with me if you don't break that deal then there is nothing to worry about.

I mean what were the Gianst expecting when they broke the deal for me simply to ignore it? what would you do?

gowb April 22nd, 2008 01:58 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Arco had the intention of breaking our deal from when we first went to war against Marignon - his armies were in place way too soon for it to be a reaction against my own actions. And we offered viable alternatives for our deal, which were ignored by our "allies" who demanded we give up more than half of our empire instead. And when we rightly refused, they were suddenly in position to attack immediately. Coincidence that his main armies, who were supposed to be in position to attack Marignon, were suddenly on my opposite border, completely around the world? I don't think so [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Panda.gif[/img]

gowb April 22nd, 2008 01:58 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Arco had the intention of breaking our deal from when we first went to war against Marignon - his armies were in place way too soon for it to be a reaction against my own actions. And we offered viable alternatives for our deal, which were ignored by our "allies" who demanded we give up more than half of our empire instead. And when we rightly refused, they were suddenly in position to attack immediately. Coincidence that his main armies, who were supposed to be in position to attack Marignon, were suddenly on my opposite border, completely around the world? I don't think so [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Panda.gif[/img]

Oh yes and a sub would be preferable. If you can't tho I will pause, I wouldn't like to be accused of abusing my admin powers to stop your unjust war http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Wookie1977 April 22nd, 2008 06:04 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Lets get this straight, the Giants send me a PM to break our agreement before I had my go for that round.

Upon receiving the Oathbreakers message I Move all my Northern armies towards the south as a back up should diplomacy fail and as I signal that these alternate viable options suitable for the Giants are not exceptable.

3 turns later Diplomacy fails and we go to war.

Now we are at war lets just get on with it and stop crying.
I mean Marignon did not cry when you crushed him and started singing your warcry.

gowb April 22nd, 2008 07:14 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Crying? I'm just warning others of your treachery, and treachery is exactly what it looks like from my end. I had scouts in your northern territories - you never had an army there, you never planned on attacking Marignon with me, and I suspect you manufactured this war as a diversion for your own treacherous purposes. Solve is not pleased, though he does whole-heartedly anticipate the great bloodshed this will bring about. It is a dire task serving a warrior god...

Wookie1977 April 23rd, 2008 08:56 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Ok looks like I have a sub so dont have to delay

gowb April 24th, 2008 04:23 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Cool! Do you need me to set up the server to send him the emails? Shoot me a PM if so.

We're about to hit turn 40, so if any of you guys are having trouble with the 24 hour turn limit, lemme know.

Kyosti April 25th, 2008 11:24 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I'd like the turn limit set to 36 hours, because I have quite insane work schedule at the momentt, and lots of other stuff going on also. So I get lot of stale turns and It's not so fun.

Profanicus April 26th, 2008 03:48 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I have no problem with 36 hour turns

zenphos April 26th, 2008 04:19 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
While I prefer 24 hours, Vesper is my favourite game because the turns come and go so quick, 36 hours is fine with me.
I would prefer to have to wait a bit longer for my turns than have Kyosti quit.

jmb April 26th, 2008 04:22 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
36 hours is fine by me.

gowb April 26th, 2008 08:43 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
36 hours it is!

zenphos April 27th, 2008 06:57 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Seeing as how this will be marignon's 3rd stale in a row maybe he should be set to AI. I think he only has 4 or 5 provinces left anyway.
And I would rather not have to keep waiting for him until all his provinces can be taken as this may take another 4 or 5 turns which means another 4 or 5 stales.

Wookie1977 April 27th, 2008 09:37 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Yeah I agree put Marignon on AI unless someone knows where he is

gowb April 28th, 2008 01:51 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Alright! I PM'd llamabeast, who should be back by now, to help me set him to AI. I can't really do it myself and risk staling this turn.

zenphos April 28th, 2008 06:18 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
I think Llama is the only person who can do it.

Be good to know if he is going to be AI before turns get submitted though. AI may not be all that bright, but he is a little more cunning than someone who stands still and doesn't spend his taxes. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

gowb April 28th, 2008 11:25 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Llama took care of it. Anyone can actually set a nation to AI, you just have to resend their turn to another email, but if someone currently in the game does it I think it has a chance of making their real nation stale because of copy protection or something. I managed to set Atlantis to AI when he left earlier without any damage but I didn't want to risk it again.

Profanicus May 4th, 2008 10:40 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Kyosti, you still playing? Even with 36 hour turns Jomon has staled the last 2 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

zenphos May 8th, 2008 09:11 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Jomon has now staled the last 4 turns. Time to switch him to AI. 3 in a row I feel is enough.

Wookie1977 May 8th, 2008 09:43 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Due to Lack of time and RL commitments I am going to have to sub this one out.
Arco is in a great spot and have just about conquered the giants.
Now if only we could keep the Vulturous Agarthians away from our spoils of victory.
Anyway not sure how to go about finding a sub, does anyone know anyone?

gowb May 8th, 2008 06:50 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Whoops, sorry for the lack of response time all! I've been having trouble with my computer lately, the graphics card shorted out, so it can barely even run Dominions 3 without crashing! Pretty sad. I'm getting a new computer on the 12th, so I should be back in full force by then.

As for the moment, I will set Jomon to AI and I concede the war to Arcosephale, who simply overwhelmed me with sheer volume of troops - summoned and recruited. I didn't get to watch the last battle, but I had a couple supercombatants who I thought would turn the tide and apparently didn't. Oh well! Good game everyone. Zenphos, would you like to be the new admin? I won't be able to check the thread for a while and don't want to leave you guys hanging.

zenphos May 8th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
No worries. I am happy enough to be admin. Well played Gowb and it is a shame you are leaving. I felt a little safer with the giants on my border than I do Arco.
I will see what can be done about a sub.

Wookie1977 May 9th, 2008 10:21 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
It's all good a sub has been found.

The giants fought bravely in the last battle , luckily in any fight I had against the Giants I outnumbered them 4 to 1. Unfortuneatley the supercombatants fell to the paralyse spell, and then Solve the frost Giant Pretender got Soul slayed. Well played Gowb, and good luck to the new arco player.

gowb May 9th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Well I've learned a valuable lesson: never ignore magic resistance on your SCs. I think the final battle would've also gone differently if Angerboda (one of my heroes) had been able to cast Call Horror like I wanted...I dunno if I would've won, but it certainly would've made things more interesting! Unfortunately I forgot to give her the three blood slaves it cost. I don't know how strong horrors are, but I'm sure it might've mussed up your formations a bit, hehe.

AreaOfEffect May 9th, 2008 06:17 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
Sorry about the bad luck there Gowb.

Also, as a side note... I'm not dead yet!

zenphos May 12th, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
So I noticed.
Heading back up the province charts I see.
Give him hell before you go I say. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

AreaOfEffect May 12th, 2008 05:06 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open
That's the plan. I'd rather die then turn AI. Which will be soon enough.

jmb May 13th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Well, this is it I'm done for. Thanks everyone for a great game and good luck to those still there.

AreaOfEffect May 16th, 2008 10:18 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I'm still not dead yet???

Come on, this is just starting to get silly. That last province I took didn't even have any PD.

zenphos May 17th, 2008 07:02 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
I have a sneaky feeling this may be it. Nothing makes a waste 3 hours checking every province to make sure it has PD in it like losing a province you just ook.
Well played Area and well done to hang around and be a thorn in Midgards side.

AreaOfEffect May 17th, 2008 09:52 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
It was my pleasure. Of course now I must bow out and never return, as I have finally been annihilated. Good game.

Time saving hint: I do my overall check of PD in the national overview, as it is much easier to do. Each provinces' stats are all laid out for you to see. Just press F1 one to get there and adjust the PD from there. That should cut those hours down to minutes.

zenphos May 30th, 2008 10:06 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Wookies replacement, which is his brother so if you need to get in touch with him then you can still contact wookie, apparently they stay in touch. Wookie must be a back seat dominions player. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Anyway False Wookie, or maybe it should be SubWookie, is away for the weekend so hosting will be put back a bit. He got his turn in before he went so should only be an extra day or so. May as well take some deep breathes and focus on this turn as the next one will be about 48 hours away.

Zogger June 13th, 2008 04:51 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
This is it, I am soon done for. My troops and magic were no match for Midgård and Arcoscephale. There are few fight still to come but then it is over. But still I think this was good enough result for my first MP game.

Have fun with the end game.

zenphos June 15th, 2008 05:55 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Congrats Zogger. Sorry I was not more help in the fight but midgard simply swarmed the entire northlands far faster than I thought was possible.
Good game and I hope top meet you again in the future.

zenphos June 18th, 2008 05:36 AM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Congrats to midgard for sneaking in a win. Long game but it is now all over. Will see what can be done about getting him into the hall of honour.

Profanicus June 18th, 2008 06:01 PM

Re: VesperBat - LA newbie game - upload pretenders
Thanks all it was a great game and I really enjoyed it. Time to start hunting around for another one to occupy the next few months!

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