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chrispedersen November 21st, 2008 02:36 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Minor trick:

Sieging a Lanka, or abysian castle? Wolven winter, changing the temperature scales, and hence the supplies, can help starve your opponent faster.

vfb November 21st, 2008 04:16 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
It was an accident for me too. Down to 1 HP on a diseased capitol mage, and Late Winter was approaching rapidly. So I sent him solo into the indies, just holding one turn then retreating, so I could at least get up to 2 or 3 HP and live one more year. I was surprised to see he had the full 9 HP after retreating from the battle.

MaxWilson November 21st, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger (Post 654519)
I think that's a great candidate for the Exploits thread, vfb :)

IMHO that's not an exploit. It *should* work like that even if you don't go into combat.

Note that the units you send in also gain an extra point of experience for being involved in a battle, according to the manual.


chrispedersen November 21st, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
It is an exploit. No reason for a unit to ever die of disease, if you can keep a battle nearby.

vfb November 21st, 2008 08:20 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
With regen they won't die of disease anyway, or it'll take a really long time (like 10 years) for 10 Late Winters to wear them down. In my case above, it was that I'd only reached Const 4 just as the mage was about to die.

I'm really surprised that anyone would think that this is an exploit. I thought HB was joking! Maybe he was? Chris sounds like he's not joking though.

cleveland November 22nd, 2008 03:38 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
1) Did you know that the "Charge Bonus for First Strike" that Lances receive is a damage bonus equivalent to 30% of the unit's action points?

So for example, a Lance-wielding indy Heavy Cavalry (20 action points, 16 damage, strength not added) will deal 16 + 20*0.3 = 22 damage. If he is Quickened, his action points will double to 40, so he'll deal 16 + 40*0.3 = 28 damage.

2) Did you know that with Strength of Giants, a Light Lance 1st strike becomes at least as deadly as a Lance?

Light Lances are 3damage plus strength of the wielder, while Lances are 16damage, but strength isn't added. The weakest Light Lance wielders are 9str (Jade Maiden, Nightmare, and Pegasus Rider), so after SoG they deal 9+3+4 = 16 damage before the 1st strike bonus, same as a Lance. Actually, most Light Lance wielders are stronger than 9, so Strength of Giants generally makes the Light Lance 1st strike more deadly than a Lance.

Fate November 23rd, 2008 02:14 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by MaxWilson (Post 629941)
...Forge of the Ancients counts BEFORE forge bonus? If the forge bonus came first, a 15% forge bonus on a 5 gem item would round down to 4 gems, and then Forge of the Ancients would halve that to 2 gems. Instead, Forge halves the cost from 5 to 2, and then a 15% bonus on top rounds down to 1.

It's also possible to forge items for free, if you can get the cost below 1. (It's almost never worth doing so, though.)


Are you sure it doesn't just stack?

50% FoA + 15% hammer = 65% off of 5 gems = 1.75 rounded down to 1 gems.

and for 8 gem ring of wizardry
50% FoA + 15% hammer + 20% site bonus = 85% off of 55 gems = 8.25 rounded down to 8 gems?

I haven't actually tested any of this, but I do know that natural construction bonus (such as on dwarven smiths) stacks w/ the hammer, so I would think FoA and site bonuses would as well.

Another one:
Construction bonus from the dwarven hammer applies to the cost of rituals and even globals, like FoA and Mechanical Militia.

So you could get a 64 gem FoA and follow it with a sub-40 gem mechanical militia!

HoneyBadger November 23rd, 2008 02:50 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
No no, I think it's funny, but I'm definitely not joking, sorry.

It's blatantly and obviously an exploit.

vfb November 23rd, 2008 03:33 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Fate (Post 655096)
Another one:
Construction bonus from the dwarven hammer applies to the cost of rituals and even globals, like FoA and Mechanical Militia.

So you could get a 64 gem FoA and follow it with a sub-40 gem mechanical militia!

Are you sure about that? I just tested the Mechanical Men ritual, and there was no difference in gem cost whether wielding or not wielding a hammer.

I though the only thing that affected both ritual casting cost and item construction cost is magic sites with a Const discount.

MaxWilson November 23rd, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...Lifelong Protection only summons imps while the "wielder" is conscious?


JimMorrison November 23rd, 2008 03:36 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by MaxWilson (Post 629941)
Are you sure it doesn't just stack?

50% FoA + 15% hammer = 65% off of 5 gems = 1.75 rounded down to 1 gems.

and for 8 gem ring of wizardry
50% FoA + 15% hammer + 20% site bonus = 85% off of 55 gems = 8.25 rounded down to 8 gems?

It is definitely not stacking, it is sequential. Because it is sequential, it matters not what the order is.

Anyway, if it were additive, FoA+Hammer would put a 25 gem item to 6 gems, but they will in fact be 9 gems every time.

thejeff November 23rd, 2008 04:13 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Well, if it rounds at every step it can matter what the order is.

Personal bonuses (Master Smiths, etc) stack with hammers.
The Forge and Site bonuses are applied separately.

Gregstrom November 23rd, 2008 04:16 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 655190)
It is definitely not stacking, it is sequential. Because it is sequential, it matters not what the order is.

Actually, I think it does. From my testing with the Steel Ovens, hammers and Forge up, I got results that only worked if rounding happened after each step in the sequence.

Prime example: You have The Steel Ovens, Forge and a Dwarven Hammer. You forge a Horror Helm. Applying the Forge puts cost to 5, then the Ovens for 4, then the hammer for 3. In game, the cost is 2 gems. To get this result, you must be rounding down between steps of the sequence, and you can't apply the Steel Ovens bonus first.

chrispedersen November 23rd, 2008 10:01 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
It does round down between steps.

JimMorrison November 24th, 2008 03:40 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
That's an excellent point, I wasn't thinking of the rounding ripple effects.

vfb November 24th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
You can press 'Shift-F' (free?) in the review battle screen.

This unlocks the numpad '7' and '9' keys to rotate the camera about its Y-axis, and the 'Home' and 'End' keys to rotate the camera about its X-axis.

It also unlocks limits placed on the normal battlefield camera movement keys.

thejeff November 24th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Very cool. Nice for storming forts, where you can never see what's going on in the gate.

It does seem to cause a seg fault if you rotate too far, though.

MaxWilson November 24th, 2008 05:46 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655358)
You can press 'Shift-F' (free?) in the review battle screen.

This unlocks the numpad '7' and '9' keys to rotate the camera about its Y-axis, and the 'Home' and 'End' keys to rotate the camera about its X-axis.

It also unlocks limits placed on the normal battlefield camera movement keys.

Wow! I have wanted this capability for the longest time. Thanks!


vfb November 27th, 2008 03:39 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
If you wield all three of the following items, you get Awe+0:

Whip of Command
Sceptre of Authority
Crown of Command

I needed to gate some units and wanted to increase my leadership, so I made all three, and ... ooh! Surprise, the Awe icon popped on.

Szumo November 27th, 2008 04:26 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655914)
If you wield all three of the following items, you get Awe+0:

Whip of Command
Sceptre of Authority
Crown of Command

I needed to gate some units and wanted to increase my leadership, so I made all three, and ... ooh! Surprise, the Awe icon popped on.

All those items increase leadership, and very high leadership value gives you awe.

vfb November 27th, 2008 05:37 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 655920)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655914)
If you wield all three of the following items, you get Awe+0:

Whip of Command
Sceptre of Authority
Crown of Command

I needed to gate some units and wanted to increase my leadership, so I made all three, and ... ooh! Surprise, the Awe icon popped on.

All those items increase leadership, and very high leadership value gives you awe.

Are you sure? I've got a prophet running around in a different game with 320 leadership, and he doesn't have awe.

And I've got Aboleths in a different game with higher magic leadership, and they don't have Awe either.

The unit I equipped has this leadership now:
Normal: 115 (15+100)
Magic: 55 (55+25)

Maybe a high leadership bonus, from items or the heroic ability, gives Awe?

Endoperez November 27th, 2008 07:30 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655929)
Maybe a high leadership bonus, from items or the heroic ability, gives Awe?

Leadership bonus from magic items gives awe after +100 ldr or so. This is why that artifact helm (Crown of Overmight?) gives Awe without it being listed in the manual, or why those twin artifacts (Picus/Procus axes of leadership) give Awe when wielded together.

Gandalf Parker November 27th, 2008 04:37 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Interesting. So a unit that already has high leadership, of like 120, might get awe with only a couple of those. Or maybe an awe over +0.

Endoperez November 28th, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 656008)
Interesting. So a unit that already has high leadership, of like 120, might get awe with only a couple of those. Or maybe an awe over +0.

No. Leadership bonus from magic items gives Awe, after a total of about +100 extra leadership. From magic items.

Innate leadership has no effect on what items are needed for Awe.

zzcat November 28th, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 655358)
You can press 'Shift-F' (free?) in the review battle screen.

This unlocks the numpad '7' and '9' keys to rotate the camera about its Y-axis, and the 'Home' and 'End' keys to rotate the camera about its X-axis.

It also unlocks limits placed on the normal battlefield camera movement keys.

It's very useful, thanks.

Anyone knows how to see the sommoned creatures and heroes' gold/resource cost and random path in the game?
I fould this picture in a wiki page. But when I right click the hero in the game, I can't see the gold and resource line. Is there an undocumented shortkey?

lch November 28th, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
They probably used modding to get that hero to show up in a recruitment screen.

P.S.: Yes, there's an undocumented way to get it, too. Dunno if I should document it here, though. :p

MaxWilson December 2nd, 2008 07:39 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
... the artifact Sunslayer does 8 AN damage to any non-undead in its 5-square AoE, and is NOT MR-resistable?


ryo_akashi December 5th, 2008 09:42 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
You can mod in a new nation, put the summon creatures as recruitables in the new nation. Viewing the units from "Recruit Units" will show the Gold/Resource cost and random paths.


Originally Posted by zzcat (Post 656107)

Anyone knows how to see the sommoned creatures and heroes' gold/resource cost and random path in the game?
I fould this picture in a wiki page. But when I right click the hero in the game, I can't see the gold and resource line. Is there an undocumented shortkey?

MaxWilson December 8th, 2008 01:09 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...Skullface gives undead leadership 10? This is useful if you want to Gateway some undead creatures to the front lines without giving the Rod of the Leper King to one of your powerful astral mages (thus diseasing him).

Skull Talisman gives undead leadership 1 but that's obviously not much good. The Rod of Death gives more (40?) but is an artifact.


Ylvali December 8th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...sometimes (though very rarely) the gurus and yogi of monkey nations reincarnates after they die. Sometimes in equal power but sometimes more (or less) powerful?

Gregstrom December 8th, 2008 04:18 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Mostly less powerful. White Ones can reincarnate on occasion, too.

lch December 9th, 2008 11:56 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Endoperez (Post 656056)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 656008)
Interesting. So a unit that already has high leadership, of like 120, might get awe with only a couple of those. Or maybe an awe over +0.

No. Leadership bonus from magic items gives Awe, after a total of about +100 extra leadership. From magic items.

Innate leadership has no effect on what items are needed for Awe.

To nail it down, a combined normal leadership of +100 from items gives Awe +0, only of interest for units that don't have Awe yet. Every +25 leadership after that increases Awe by an additional +1. Here are the items that give normal leadership:

Champion's Trident
Sceptre of Authority
Whip of Command
Sun Sword

O'al Kan's Sceptre
Twin Spear (both of them)
Sceptre of Corruption
Crown of Command

Crown of Overmight

An Ettin (three hand slots, two head slots) can get up to Awe +8 with that.

Gandalf Parker December 9th, 2008 12:14 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
So a Wyrm can get +5? Awsome!
I wonder what the highest is for one of those 4-handed gods

SlipperyJim December 9th, 2008 12:34 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
So a Wyrm can get +5? Awsome!
I wonder what the highest is for one of those 4-handed gods

How do you get to Awe +5 for a Wyrm? It has two head slots and no hand slots, so I think the best it can do is:
  • Crown of Overmight (+100)
  • Crown of Command (+50)
Combined bonus: +150

If lch has the formula right, that should be Awe +2, not Awe +5.

On the other hand, one of my Davanas (one head, four hands) could have:
  • Crown of Overmight (+100)
  • O'al Kan's Sceptre (+50)
  • Sceptre of Corruption (+50)
  • Twin Spear (both of them) (+50)
Combined bonus: +250

Again, if lch is right, the Davana gets Awe +6 from all of that. Nice, but I'm giving up a lot of slots that could be used for other things. Still ... good to know!

Tifone December 9th, 2008 12:38 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by lch (Post 658480)
Champion's Trident
Sceptre of Authority
Whip of Command
Sun Sword

O'al Kan's Sceptre
Twin Spear (both of them)
Sceptre of Corruption
Crown of Command

Crown of Overmight

An Ettin (three hand slots, two head slots) can get up to Awe +8 with that.

Hey, even you would freeze seeing an Etting with all those bauble on :shock:

@SlipperyJim: I bet mr Gandalf's talking bout the Wyrm at dom10, thus at Awe+2... The way we usually take it :)

I think a 4-armed god could get to Awe+9 then... Maybe we understood why the DoW doesn't come with Fear too, even if it would be thematical IMHO :D

lch December 9th, 2008 04:33 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by SlipperyJim (Post 658490)
On the other hand, one of my Davanas (one head, four hands) could have:
  • Crown of Overmight (+100)
  • O'al Kan's Sceptre (+50)
  • Sceptre of Corruption (+50)
  • Twin Spear (both of them) (+50)
Combined bonus: +250

Again, if lch is right, the Davana gets Awe +6 from all of that. Nice, but I'm giving up a lot of slots that could be used for other things. Still ... good to know!

You didn't count that there's two Twin Spears. Maybe I should have written "either of them", they give +50 each. The combined leadership bonus would be +300, resulting in an Awe +8 like the Ettin.

MaxWilson December 14th, 2008 06:03 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
...the Banefire Strike that comes with the King of Banefires has a built-in Plague effect in addition to Decay? Sometimes SCs *don't* need forged equipment to devastate an army...


Aeshi December 15th, 2008 12:23 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Kurgi's Gift causes insanity (around 12 but gradually increases)

fungalreason December 15th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
In addition to more accurate scouting reports over normal scouts, spies can see things like the exact amount of PD in a province, unrest amount, and the number of revealed magic sites (though not which specific sites they are).

Zeldor December 15th, 2008 05:27 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Won't you be able to check them via F1?

fungalreason December 15th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
I think you used to be able to, but now you can no longer see the enemy sites on the F1 screen.

vfb December 15th, 2008 06:41 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
You only see the site details on the F1 screen for enemy forts you are sieging.

Soyweiser December 16th, 2008 10:10 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Do you know that research points can go negative?
This has some effects:
First a magic user set to research will always add at least one rp.
Second you well never see if a magic user has negative research points.
Third rp increaser's will start to increase rp from the negative rp total.
Fourth, a rp experience bonus will decrease the negative penalty.

Fifth, an example:
Say you have a druid. Base rp 1, and you have drain -3.
The druid rp is now -1. When set to research he will provide 1 rp to your research.
After a few turns the druid gets experience. This increases his rp to 0.
After destroying Ermor, you have a few spare skull mentors. You equip one on the druid. His rp increases by 9. So now your druid has research ability 9. (Not 10 as you would expect from the druid status screen).

Tifone December 16th, 2008 10:28 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Nice spot Soyweiser ;)

Soyweiser December 16th, 2008 11:34 AM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 660454)
Nice spot Soyweiser ;)

Actually this strange behaviour had me wondering for a long time. I equipped rp increaser's on mages, and I didn't get the full bonus. So I went experimenting and this is what I found. Eventually the whole mess made sense.

lch December 16th, 2008 01:18 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Looks like Edi should add this to the bug shortlist. The minimum RP should be 0 or 1, it probably was an oversight that they can go negative. I'd think that this check would only be done after all the RP are added together, too.

Zeldor December 16th, 2008 01:23 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
lch: It's not negative. It's 1 RP base, -2RP from Drain2 + 9RP booster +1 from XP. So 9 total [but it had RP1 in description all the time, so you'd expect it to get at 10 or 11 with mentor and xp].

lch December 16th, 2008 01:26 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Yes, I understood that, Zeldor. The real mechanic behind it for performing research seems to be doing ok. But the infoscreen for the commander isn't.

Soyweiser December 16th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Originally Posted by lch (Post 660474)
Looks like Edi should add this to the bug shortlist. The minimum RP should be 0 or 1, it probably was an oversight that they can go negative. I'd think that this check would only be done after all the RP are added together, too.

I don't agree. If this is fixed, it would reduce the drain-3 penalty. With this 'bug', drain-3 is harder to circumvent with indy mages.

(edit: While I do think the effect must be make clear. Something like: Research ability 1 (-1).)
(edit2: I do think that the above description is not totally accurate. I doubt that under the hood it is really a negative research ability. I think that the penalty is just subtracted as the last effect. But research ability can never go lower than 1. It's a detail I know).
(edit3: I forgot to refresh this page, multiple tabs... meh).

sector24 December 16th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)
Isn't it a bug that -3 research = 1 RP but 0 research = 0 RP?

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