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-   -   What other games complement your Dominions 3? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39385)

Tifone January 21st, 2009 06:24 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I've played the UFOs and I'd say aren't that bad. The whole thing of "a tactical squad that goes around in a futuristic/apocalyptic/fantasy setting - turn based" is exactly my kind of game... pity except JA2, Silent Storm (mediocre) and some of the fantasy ones (IW2, Baldur's gate) there isn't much to play :o If you know some decent games of this kind plz tell me, guys :happy:

BTW as we're on the topic of other games, I'd love to try Dwarf Fortress, I'm sure many of you guys know it, but I have problems with that graphic. Can anyone tell me the best way to play it graphically (best graphical mod, I know there are many) and gameplay-wise (if there's a mod ala CBM) for Dwarf Fortress? :)

sector24 January 21st, 2009 12:41 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
UFO: Extraterrestrials is ok, not as good as the originals. Eventually you'll wish you shot the UFO down in the water so you don't have to do the combat. The maps are not randomly generated and the aliens don't hide randomly on the map so it's very formulaic.

Sombre January 21st, 2009 12:51 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
It's pretty simple really. All games in the 'genre' following Xcom Apocalypse are bad to below average in quality. Xcom Apocalypse itself promises far more than it delivers, but is still an excellent game.

All the awful ripoffs and remakes (primarily the UFO After____ series) are actually worse than the original UFO. This is not acceptable.

I guess you could argue the gba one, rebelstar tactics I think, and the online Laser Squad Nemesis are acceptable, but again they are by no means better than the original UFO.

Ironhawk January 21st, 2009 04:47 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
UFO:Afterlight was only $10 on Steam so I got it and I've been playing it for a week or two now. As was pointed out the sqaud combat is really nothing like XCOM. Its more run-and-gun shootouts relying more on equipment than planning/strategy which is a disappointment. But I found the strategic level game in terms of construction & research to be similar to XCOM and enjoyable. The resource model (which replaces budgeting) is an interesting change. Overall I'm enjoying the game pretty well. May try and look for mods that beef up the AI tactics but I'm not super hopeful.

DonCorazon January 21st, 2009 06:33 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Anyone have any good iPhone apps/games? I was looking at this one here - looked kind of fun.

licker January 25th, 2009 02:27 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.

Endoperez January 25th, 2009 03:37 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

HUGE list of upcoming PC games. The info isn't always 100% correct; as an example, it looks like Deus Ex 3 will be released on 2010.

Even so, there are titles like Simon the Sorcerer 5, Gish 2, Beyond Good & Evil 2, Gobliins 4, Majesty 2, a sequel to Fool's Errand (1987)... And screenshots for all the games!

It's not perfect. As an example, it's missing certain fantasy strategy (whose name starts with a D) game from the list of worthwhile games released in 2006, and the list of freeware games isn't perfect either. It's fantastic even so.

Tifone January 25th, 2009 04:02 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well it doesn't complement my games, as it isn't mine, lol :p but a friend of mine has bought the game Armageddon Empires, I gave it a couple of tries and seemed quite nice, despite the interface being TOTALLY non-user friendly (looks like there's a ton of rules which will modify the att and def stats of your units, from terrain to infantry to fortresses, ad many other things like chance of heroes being captured and killed etc. etc. and NONE of those rules are listed on screen but just on the manual).
It was funny, though having in one game my base nuclearized on turn 9 or 10 by some aliens' aircraft with no clue on how they managed to score such a shot so early... :confused:

Has any of you guys tried the game? Is it worth buying? :)

Hadrian_II January 25th, 2009 06:15 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669453)
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.

Is it now possible to loose again the AI, or is it still not invading you?

hEad January 26th, 2009 03:48 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II (Post 669607)

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669453)
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.

Is it now possible to loose again the AI, or is it still not invading you?

Totally different game these days - excellent in fact!

But you need a mod. Best in my opinion is The MUU:BaA! one


It changes so many things about the game for the best. Higher resolution, balanced techs, a different start up where by you cannot build colony ships until you get the light cruiser tech etc...

Initial expansion is based on emigration from the home worlds and this little change in mechanics means that you fleet build at the begining - only small ships mind - you have to research all the hulls.

The AI invades - this was fixed by a patch Bhriuc made a while ago. Aparently, the AI would disband its transports the turn after they were dispatched, so they never actually reached the system they sought to conquer. - Infact there has been so much repair work done by the community that there is left, narry a bothersome bug

Do you self a favour - any one who likes a good space/strategy game and still has the moo3 discs lying around, give the mod a shot. Its now one fine game.

Humakty January 26th, 2009 11:20 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Romance of the Three Kingdom XI is a great strategy game !
The various factions are really unbalanced, so even hardcore players should find something interesting to do. (just try playing Lu Bu !)

Different genre : Sacred 2 is great, full of humor, very complete, a crossbreed between RPG and Hack'n'slash. Just gorgeous. And, best of best, it runs on my 1 gig RAM PC.

DuncanIdaho January 26th, 2009 12:33 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 669566)
a friend of mine has bought the game Armageddon Empires [...]
Has any of you guys tried the game? Is it worth buying? :)

Yes, it is great. It's single player only but the AI is good and does not cheat.

I love the deck building part, the four factions are really different and there are many ways to victory : you can deploy big armies and crush the enemy or use sabotage and win without a single battle. After a couple of games, you should try with the cults of the wasteland which is a great add on.

However, as there are only four factions in Armageddon Empires, you can find it too short. But it's a good game and the art is great :

licker January 26th, 2009 12:37 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
RotK series games are all quite good, though not all available on the PC.

MoO3 is a completely different game, as elaborated on already, the bugs are gone, and the game play is tightened up.

You are still better served embracing the macro management ideas put forth, but frankly, the tools you have and the rebalanceing done make this work out reasonably well once you get past the smallish learning curve on using your DEA plans and ship designs so that you actually get the roys to build what you want.

I've been playing it on medium, and finding it challenging, but easy to beat short of very bad initial placement or galaxy set up. Going up a level makes me really have to work much harder to get to just even with the AIs who come out on top after the initial expansion, and really makes you stress diplomacy to keep yourself from being ganged.

The community at the atari forums is small, but happy to help anyone coming back to the game.

MoO3 really destroys the other space 4x games in my opinion. GC2 is just silly at some point, SE5 completely lacking in my opinion, and SotS is a good one, but lacks significant depth. I've never played SOASE so have no comment on it.

Of course they are all different from each other, and as such have their own appeals depending on each persons own likes.

Tifone January 26th, 2009 01:49 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Tnx Duncan, I've given a look around and seems that they have even a forum now, thing that Vic didn't put up for a quite long time, so I could eventually solve there my questions on which boni (or bonuses, whatever :D ) are cumulative and which are not, and which is the difference between the Consume and the Flesh tactic cards of the Xenopods... :)

I'll still gladly wait another bit hoping for an eventual price reduction, the game starts becoming a little old and while I like to support indie developers 30$ seems still a bit too much for it :o

Baalz January 26th, 2009 02:06 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by DuncanIdaho (Post 669763)

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 669566)
a friend of mine has bought the game Armageddon Empires [...]
Has any of you guys tried the game? Is it worth buying? :)

Yes, it is great. It's single player only but the AI is good and does not cheat.

I love the deck building part, the four factions are really different and there are many ways to victory : you can deploy big armies and crush the enemy or use sabotage and win without a single battle. After a couple of games, you should try with the cults of the wasteland which is a great add on.

However, as there are only four factions in Armageddon Empires, you can find it too short. But it's a good game and the art is great :

Yeah, I second this, Armageddon Empires is a fun game, it's too bad there isn't a MP component. That game would gain an immense amount of replayability past the "ok, I figured out how the AI thinks" point that way and just screams for MP. Still, I got my money's worth out of it, mostly just lamenting the potential I see there. I'm gonna have to go pick it back up and play some more. :)

Ironhawk January 26th, 2009 02:25 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
To the people who are promoting MOO3 - I'd love to play a Moo game again but MOO3 seemed crippled by a handful of really serious problems. The foremost, in my opinion, was the inability to even detect the composition of enemy fleets in other systems. Has that been fixed?

Thilock_Dominus January 26th, 2009 02:26 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Battle for Wesnoth (Open Source, Turnbased fantasy Strategy with RP elements)
OpenTyrian (Open Source, Remake of the Original Tyrian - Arcade)
Quakewars (FPS)
Lost Labyrinth (Open Source - Rogue Game).

Humakty January 26th, 2009 02:40 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669765)
RotK series games are all quite good, though not all available on the PC.

Well, for Kohei aniversary they've put RotK XI on PC. (I don't know if it is a limited edition). The system of action points is nice, as well as the context. It was available in store in france, so I think you can find it pretty much anywhere.

hEad January 26th, 2009 02:40 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Ironhawk (Post 669792)
To the people who are promoting MOO3 - I'd love to play a Moo game again but MOO3 seemed crippled by a handful of really serious problems. The foremost, in my opinion, was the inability to even detect the composition of enemy fleets in other systems. Has that been fixed?

You can see what the mission of the taskforces are in any system which you have previously visited. i.e SR LR IF etc, but you cant see individually what gear is on the ships. No biggie really, if you know what tech they have you can make an educated guess as to what weapons you will face.

Double click on the system - check the right hand column- there are two tabs, one of them tells you the taskforces currently in the system. (just in case you didn't know.. ;) )

And there are no serious problems left - its a different game matie!

DonCorazon January 26th, 2009 03:05 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by DuncanIdaho (Post 669763)

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 669566)
a friend of mine has bought the game Armageddon Empires [...]
Has any of you guys tried the game? Is it worth buying? :)

Yes, it is great. It's single player only but the AI is good and does not cheat.

I love the deck building part, the four factions are really different and there are many ways to victory : you can deploy big armies and crush the enemy or use sabotage and win without a single battle. After a couple of games, you should try with the cults of the wasteland which is a great add on.

However, as there are only four factions in Armageddon Empires, you can find it too short. But it's a good game and the art is great :

Loved the theme and I messed around with the demo but seemed like it really needed an Auto-resolve for some of those minor combats. Eventually I got tired of clicking and figured I wouldn’t enjoy the game

licker January 26th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Humakty (Post 669798)

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669765)
RotK series games are all quite good, though not all available on the PC.

Well, for Kohei aniversary they've put RotK XI on PC. (I don't know if it is a limited edition). The system of action points is nice, as well as the context. It was available in store in france, so I think you can find it pretty much anywhere.

Yeah, I recall there being some difference between the European version and the US version though.

Asian version is still the best apparently, but it's in Japanese and Chinese...

Still I think the DtD was fairly cheap, and it has a ton of scenerios and different factions to suit most difficulty levels.

Burnsaber January 26th, 2009 03:37 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Currently I'm playing Medieval: Total War 2 with the "stainless steel" mod. Playing with templars is awesome, althought dangereous, especially now that I crusaded Cairo...

Tifone January 26th, 2009 03:42 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
@ Baalz - I'd bet from your playing style as it appears from your Dom3 guides, that in AE you're a master in doing things like... using those extremely niche "air assault units" to drop on the back of enemies armies to cut their supply lines, and then attack them in the out of supply malus with a few optimal cost-efficiency-wise minimalistic outfitted units all in one round :D (me and my friend are for now stucked with the "build a big army and smash them" and sometimes "build a big nuke bomb for aircraft and smash them" :o )

JimMorrison January 26th, 2009 05:15 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669453)
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.

I recently dug up the MoO3 disks and reinstalled, and it actually upset me pretty badly. Since I last had played, I upgraded from Win2K to WinXP, different video card, different drivers, etc etc. I played a little and it was fine, and then I discovered a mod pack, and once I installed the mods, I can no longer start a game, as I get the (supposedly generic?) DirectX Surface Not Found (or something like that) error. Starting the game on another machine, I could load the save on this one and play, but the error would consistently crop up again, ruining the game.

I haven't checked out what these people are saying, and I want to give this mod pack a try, but is there any discussion of this DirectX Surface error, and anything that can be done differently to avoid it?

licker January 26th, 2009 05:48 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

If you are having the error after loading a certain mod post in the thread for that mod and I think you will get help fairly quickly.

I recall having this issue as well, but unfortunately do not remember the solution provided for me to fix it. Though I was able to fix it.

I think it may have had something to do with missing .dll files specific to the mod, but that may have been something else I encountered back when I was fooling around with the mods.

For what it's worth, I have it running smoothly on XP.

JimMorrison January 26th, 2009 06:05 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I got the mod pack from the MoO3 Guardian, and their downloads are separate from their forums. They also seem to be completely clueless on the DirectX Surface errors, stating that it's a catchall generic error message that MoO gives, and that it sucks to be me (or anyone getting the error).

All I was wondering, was if it seems to be a common problem with this pack, and/or if you had seen any mention as to an actual fix for the problem.

The thing is, the other mod pack installs differently, so I just reasoned that if there doesn't seem to be a prevalent problem, that the pack that you've linked to is simply put together better. :p

licker January 26th, 2009 06:17 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Ahh you're at the wrong forums then...


And then this thread


For what is probably the best (and best supported) modpack.

Baalz January 27th, 2009 02:04 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 669816)
@ Baalz - I'd bet from your playing style as it appears from your Dom3 guides, that in AE you're a master in doing things like... using those extremely niche "air assault units" to drop on the back of enemies armies to cut their supply lines, and then attack them in the out of supply malus with a few optimal cost-efficiency-wise minimalistic outfitted units all in one round :D (me and my friend are for now stucked with the "build a big army and smash them" and sometimes "build a big nuke bomb for aircraft and smash them" :o )

Haha, cleverly outmaneuvering the AI has a bit of a stale feel. What good is it to crush your enemies if you can't hear the lamentations of their women? :) That's exactly a great example of why I wish that game had MP, there's a lot of fun potential things which I wouldn't really enjoy without picturing my opponent shaking his fist at his screen.

JimMorrison January 27th, 2009 08:00 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669857)
Ahh you're at the wrong forums then...


And then this thread


For what is probably the best (and best supported) modpack.

I'm confused, with all of the flavors. ;) Is Chocolate as final as it's going to get? Typing this while it downloads, but I doubt I'll reinstall until tomorrow - trying to minimize the chances of disappointment.

calmon January 27th, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I found (by reference) a quite cool webbased TCG game. Its a lot of fun and i really like the mechanisms in gameplay and the tourney modes:

Urban Rivals

(with this link you can choose out of 3 different starter decks and i'm automatically your sponsor/buddy)

Try it out, the rules are really simple but you'll find out the game is a tactic game par excellence!

licker January 27th, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 670001)

Originally Posted by licker (Post 669857)
Ahh you're at the wrong forums then...


And then this thread


For what is probably the best (and best supported) modpack.

I'm confused, with all of the flavors. ;) Is Chocolate as final as it's going to get? Typing this while it downloads, but I doubt I'll reinstall until tomorrow - trying to minimize the chances of disappointment.

Yes the chocolate 0.999 version (I think that's the one) is the most 'current'. She is working on some new stuff, and has some changes to the .999 that have to be 'manually' done, though i haven't done them as that mod plays quite well as it is I believe.

I can help you with some questions, but you're probably best off asking directly in that thread (or make a new thread in the general discussion forum) and get the info straight from the developer.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and remember to do a complete wipe of MoO3 and reinstall everything from scratch (also need the 1.25 patch).

Ruminant January 30th, 2009 04:26 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by calmon (Post 670021)
I found (by reference) a quite cool webbased TCG game. Its a lot of fun and i really like the mechanisms in gameplay and the tourney modes:

Urban Rivals

(with this link you can choose out of 3 different starter decks and i'm automatically your sponsor/buddy)

Try it out, the rules are really simple but you'll find out the game is a tactic game par excellence!

Nice call, Calmon. Tried it out on your recommendation and I have to admit, Urban Rivals is quite an engaging game. It's got a really original blend of, I don't really know what to call it, strategic turn based poker? The back and forth bluffing is really very fun. I fully recommend people to follow Cal's link and give this one of a kind online game a try.

Ruminant February 23rd, 2009 02:16 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 668602)
BTW as we're on the topic of other games, I'd love to try Dwarf Fortress, I'm sure many of you guys know it, but I have problems with that graphic. Can anyone tell me the best way to play it graphically (best graphical mod, I know there are many) and gameplay-wise (if there's a mod ala CBM) for Dwarf Fortress? :)

I was exactly the same Tifone. Took one look at the ASCII 'graphics' and thought "pass". Recently I took the plunge with a newer graphics set and my god, it really is -that- awesome. Try this link, it includes the client so you just need to download this and run it basically: http://mayday.w.staszic.waw.pl/df.htm I've only been playing for a week so I'd have no clue about gameplay mods.

It's hard to imagine an ASCII game could be this complex, I really don't think I've ever encountered another game (apart from Dominions, of course :p) with as much effort poured into it as this one. One part dwarven The Sims, one part city builder, one part realistic combat simulator, one part fantasy world builder, one part diablo (in adventure mode) theres just so much in here. And the developer still has INSANE development goals posted on his website and is still plugging away at it with semi-regular fixes and updates.

If anyone was hesitant to give the game a try because of the graphics you now have no excuse! :mad: It's almost, kinda, not really dominions quality graphics now. You really don't know what your missing until you too witness your pet cat being slaughtered by evil ratmen, your loner woodcutter finally decides to slaughter Bob and make a legendary mug out of his skull or you realize you've inadvertantly declared war on the entire elven nation by trying to sell them the toy hammers that are all that's left of the primeval forests that used to surround your fortress ;)

In case you still need some convincing, or a good laugh, I submit the following account of a certain legendary Dwarf Fortress game for your viewing pleasure: http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Boatmurdered/intro.html

licker February 23rd, 2009 06:54 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

If a fine game. Dom like in some ways, but much simpler, and of course its Steve Jackson games, so there's the whole sense of humor thing.

Oh, and the best thing?

Still in Beta, so still 100% free!!!

Doesn't look like the Beta will last past the summer (though who ever knows), so give it a shot.

Dedas February 23rd, 2009 07:56 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Yes, Dwarf Fortress actually beats everything out there by a factor of ten. No, kidding.

Deadnature February 24th, 2009 09:20 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Wow, Ultracorps! I first played this game 11 years ago! I've wanted to check up on it but couldn't remember the name. Thanks Licker

krpeters February 24th, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Regarding Dwarf Fortress:

I've tried this game... I can't seem to get into it. Perhaps the learning curve is just too steep? Or maybe it is the too-open ended playing style. The text based graphics isn't an issue -- I've spent countless hours playing Moria and Angband. But there you have a clear play style (walk around and smack things) as well as clear objectives (pile up gold, items, and levels)

In dwarf fortress, I always get stumped by two questions, "what?" and "how?". Specifically, "What the heck am I supposed to be doing", and then "how the heck do I do it?" I tried building a farm, but I couldn't even figure out how to keep my poor mining dwarf from drowning when I opened the door, let alone how to plant seeds and grow anything.

The interface has to be improved. When I can tell my dwarves, "dig an underground farm here, and figure out how to irrigate and plant it yourselves", that's when I'll give it another swing.


thejeff February 24th, 2009 12:49 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I've only gotten anywhere with DF by making heavy use of the guides and advice on the wiki.

Simplest way to build a farm is just to dig it out of soil instead of rock. Then you don't even have to irrigate it.

Dedas February 24th, 2009 12:53 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
In a year or six(!) we will probably see an interface overhaul:

As of now the learning curve is to say the least steep, but there are help to be found:

krpeters February 24th, 2009 07:12 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Yes, the Dwarf Wiki was very helpful -- that's how I figured out as much as I did. But it was still pretty painful.

As for farming outside... well, that defeats the purpose. After reading the story of Boatmurdered I figured I'd probably get overrun by the first goblin invasion that happened by. My only hope was to be entirely self-sufficient indoors -- but that means I need to farm indoors!!!

JimMorrison February 24th, 2009 07:28 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Can you build up a food storage? Crops can be resown, homes can be rebuilt - but your people can survive within the Fortress at Helm's..... err, whatever your particular Fortress is called. ;)

thejeff February 24th, 2009 08:52 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Not outside. Often there is a layer or two of non-rock that you can mine away to produce an underground farm. My current farm is in "Silty Clay." No irrigation needed.

To move completely inside, wood is more of a problem than food. You need some for beds/barrels and a few other things. But unless you find coal, you really need wood to run the furnaces.
(Dwarfs are not particularly ecologically conscious.)

Dedas February 25th, 2009 05:41 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
You could build farms outside and then wall them in. You should be safe, at least in the latest version. In the next version, well, probably not so much.

Meglobob February 25th, 2009 07:59 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Has anyone played the brand new 3D Kings Bounty (originally a precursor to Heros of Might & Magic series) and if so, is it any good? Just seen it in the shops and as I loved the original Kings Bounty (still got it) I am tempted to buy it.

Ruminant February 25th, 2009 08:59 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I have Meglobob. In a word: Awesome. I wasn't expecting very much, some kind of watered down Heroes of Might and Magic game, but it's so much more awesome than any of those. I don't recall much about the original KB but this version has an awesome combat system, a surprisingly engaging world with quests that have actually had some thought put into them (many offer multiple solutions and your choices can actually impact the world, which troops you can recruit, etc) and a quirky sense of humour. Its also filled with little touches that really make you appreciate the effort that went into the game. If you liked the first one I don't really think you can lose springing for this version ;)

Oh, I should add it's also a long-*** game. I'm probably less than halfway through and I've literally played for days. It also features a completely randomized game world with different troops you can recruit, different items and different enemies each time you start a new game. There also seems to be a reasonable change in the strategy you need to employ depending on which of the three classes you choose.

Edit: Thinking back to the original, you had a set timelimit and had to choose which 'villains' you went after within that timeframe, right? The game is a bit more linear this time in that there is a single major storyline you follow, although most of the game lays in taking your time and exploring the atmosphere and sidequests of all the regions you go through.

Meglobob February 25th, 2009 09:22 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Thanks Ruminant, I was concerned it was just the original kings bounty with 3d graphics and little additional content but it sounds every bit as addictive as the original.:)

Dedas February 25th, 2009 11:22 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Sounds great! I'm adding it to my list of games to buy.

Ironhawk February 25th, 2009 01:36 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I played it and had a different experience. It seemed like just that - a watered down HoMM clone. In what ways is it different? Combat appear to me to be a total knockoff. Same with leveling and moving around the map. Basically just HoMM again...

Ruminant February 26th, 2009 01:29 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well, the combat -is- almost exactly the same. Its the same hex based two sides lining up and beating the crap out of each other. In my opinion though its much more fun. Mostly because in HoMM combat often devolves down to 'whoever has the most troops is gonna win'. In this you are hard capped in the number of troops you can recruit, and can only slowly increase that by leveling/finding items. Winning against numerically superior foes, which are quite easy to find usually, can be done by utilizing your troops abilities (theres way more variety in abilities than in HoMM and most creatures have more than one) and thoughtful use of spells and choice of creatures/items that synergise.

As for leveling, I like the new system. It gets rid the random element that could sandbag you with abilities you wouldn't really want and lets you build your hero the way you really want.

It's all subjective of course. You might hate the fact that base building, the struggle for map control and logistics (trying to get your creatures to where you need them on the map at the right time) has been blown out the window, I love it.

Trumanator February 26th, 2009 01:51 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
lol, I play RTS games when I'm not playing Dom3. RA3 and CoH. Now if only I could justify getting a better laptop to myself so I could get DOW2...

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