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CyborgMoses August 16th, 2008 09:49 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Uh, this last turn was chrispedersen's. The new turn should have gone to Pretorian.

chrispedersen August 17th, 2008 12:21 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I submitted 2 turns for Sauromatia, both timely. The account was switched shortly after the second turn. I sent two emails to the new person.

So, no, I am not responsible for any stales.

Best wishes.

namad August 17th, 2008 02:04 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
sorry chris i didn't mean to accuse you... i was just indicating that until whoever is currently doing the turns is brought up to speed we need to delay the game.. and if no one ever does another turn for sauromantia we need them set AI...

i have a feeling the newest player simply didn't get enough of a chance because of the transition? if the nation is really so undesirable then AI is certainly a better choice than endless stales

Pretorian August 17th, 2008 07:02 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Sorry, guys. I had a bad day yesterday.
In future I'll try to make turns in time.

CyborgMoses August 17th, 2008 10:19 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Oh! My apologies, chrispedersen. I had thought that switching the e-mail would cause the next turn to go out to that address, leaving the current turn to the previous player; I must have been mistaken.

namad August 17th, 2008 07:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Aren't we supposed to be on 48hour hosting cycle? cause we're so far into the game now? yet it seems with our new admin we are set on a 24hour cycle?

am i wrong? which cycle should we be on?

Pretorian August 17th, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
24hour cycle is more suitable.

CyborgMoses August 17th, 2008 10:49 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by namad (Post 632093)
Aren't we supposed to be on 48hour hosting cycle? cause we're so far into the game now? yet it seems with our new admin we are set on a 24hour cycle?

am i wrong? which cycle should we be on?

We have been on a 24-hour cycle all along, or at least, I have not changed it.

namad August 18th, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
ooops... my bad i guess i got confused...

with how forgetful i am it's a testament to how little of a life i have that i haven't staled yet :)

GrudgeBringer August 18th, 2008 07:40 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I have met our new sub Pretorian and have tried to accomadate him.

He blasted into my area and came up with a plan tostay in my area for a length of time.

However kallisa my ally is the party he was going to attack and I had to tell him to leave my lands EXACTLY as he entered them and I would not attack or hold a grudge (no pun intended)agianst him as long as he made war on someone else.

You that have played with me before know that I am fiercely loyal to my allies and will go down with the ship if need be.

I hate to welcome our new sub with a War declaration but I declare war effective immediately.

We are about the same in all areas so it will be interesting.

I would appreciate those without an intrest in this conflict to let us settle this.:cold:


Three Toed Pete, Prophet to the People of Helheim

namad August 18th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
would anyone like to sell me some earth gems? i can pay in other types of gems or in gold

Pretorian August 19th, 2008 03:48 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
It sounds loud!
But what do we have in reality: there are no troops of mine on the Helheim's territories. Only one territory (№55), (which I have inherited from my forerunner) might belong to that country, and I don't mind, if he brings it back. My forces entered only Kailasa's provinces.
And one more question: why did you capture upper province (№70) of your ally Kailassa? I didn't have enough troops last turn to do it myself.

Several month in a row GrudgeBringer told what my troops have to do and where they must go, and was changing his plans every half of an hour. At last I was tired of it, and I do as I planned from the begining. And I didn't climb into Helheim territories.

So war? War is good...

GrudgeBringer August 19th, 2008 08:43 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I believe I have stated my case to you in privite with just an overlay on the forum.

I took more than one of my allies provinces with his permission in order to have a better permission to defend agianst you as an agressor.

You have not shown the courtesy that you seem to imply and YES, you have decided to do what you want in my teritory.

I will let this game rest on the next few turns, but don't let kalissa fool you..he is a strong player and has set many traps for the unsuspecting.

Also I think you may have a suprise in store for you.;)

However, there are never any hard feelings or carry over to another game...so good luck, we will both learn some things and If you win you will have HUGE territories to bask in!!

Pretorian August 19th, 2008 09:43 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I repeat: these territories are not yours! Doesn't matter. I'll destroy both of you :))) ...if I can. :)
Nothing person.

CyborgMoses August 19th, 2008 07:36 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Is anyone selling Dwarven Hammers at the moment? If so, then Fomoria would be interested in buying one.

chrispedersen August 19th, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
From my own perspective, a non agression treaty means you will take no actions to harm the person with whom you have a treaty.

So for example, If I am about to invade a territory - and you conquer it specifically to prevent it - you have violated the nap.

Territories 55, 70, 46 were all kailasa's when I invaded 55.
Words otherwise simply aren't the truth.

CyborgMoses August 19th, 2008 10:21 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 632577)
From my own perspective, a non agression treaty means you will take no actions to harm the person with whom you have a treaty.

So for example, If I am about to invade a territory - and you conquer it specifically to prevent it - you have violated the nap.

Territories 55, 70, 46 were all kailasa's when I invaded 55.
Words otherwise simply aren't the truth.

I have never heard of such an interpretation of the phrase "non-agression", for what it's worth. Attacking a third party hardly seems like an aggressive action.

namad August 19th, 2008 10:34 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
i think it's pretty common for people to do this... generally it makes you hate the person and want to go to war with them... but i don't believe it specifically breaks the NAP terms...

i think it's a pretty grey area... and i suppose if you wanted to avoid having it happen you'd have to PM someone before you invaded a 3rd party that was adjacent to both people...

i mean in another game i had someone teleport into a province that i was going to attack.. win the battle then rout me off as well... then claim well... we have a nap and i was here first so i'm keeping it... it makes you hate them but i don't think it counts as an outright lie... unless maybe you specifically ask them not too

i think generally a nap has the terms you agree upon plus no attacking... any additional terms about neutral provinces probably just have to be included as separate terms?

i've also discussed specifically which independents each party would claim and then had the other person just take the ones he promised to me and say... well i didn't attack you so you shouldn't complain even though we spent ages specifically discussing which independents each party would take...

CyborgMoses August 20th, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
The Fomorian nation is struggling to come up with the funds necessary to survive. We are now selling all the gems we can for 15 gold or best offer. We are not in possession of any astral pearls, but all other varieties are up for grabs.

namad August 21st, 2008 04:39 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
is llamaserver down or something? two of my emails from today weren't accepted (no acknowledgement no error)

GrudgeBringer August 21st, 2008 09:30 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
LLama is out of town until the 26th of August...there is a post on that

namad August 22nd, 2008 02:43 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
a) would anyone like to sub for me? there is a solid chance of winning the game if you do b) can we switch to 48hour cycle otherwise? now that everyone has declared war on me all at the same time i need a lot more time to plan my turns and if the cycle doesn't increase and i don't get a sub i'll just have to go ai

i may be overreacting but i'm pretty drunk and I'm nearly so upset that i am contemplating quitting all the games i am in simultaneously and never playing again...

i think i am mostly mad at myself for not listening to the intuition that diplomacy was pointless in this game and should never be attempted

but yeah seriously now that everyone is at war with me I am going to require 48hour cycling to even consider continuing to play

WingedDog August 22nd, 2008 07:56 AM

2 namad
I hope you reconsider your behavior when you sober.

I support the idea of 48h turns.

chrispedersen August 22nd, 2008 11:07 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I'd offer to sub for you namad, but it would be bad for the community - why lose a player.

I doubt everyone is at war with you - I think kailasa and helheim are busy with sauromatia.

I hope they will bump it to 48 - but just remember its supposed to be fun. Think of the bragging rights if you win - all against one.....

GrudgeBringer August 22nd, 2008 01:25 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I think I speak for Kalissa as well as myself...We arn't and don't look to war with you. In fact you have been nothing but gracious to us so as far as I am concerned.You can concentrate on the others and don't worrry about your back door.:angel

GrudgeBringer August 22nd, 2008 01:26 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I don't want to lose a player....48 will be ok with me if he doesn't reconsider.

namad August 22nd, 2008 02:36 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
well i calmed down after sleeping.. and i think i might be more of a blitz'er than a pbem'er... pbem... i just get waaaaaay too focused about stuff...

i don't even think i really enjoy the concept of finishing a game.... like I was going to try to make sauromantia wet himself with just two units... and even though i knew arco was going to backstab me i focused on poison immunity items instead of winged helmets for several turns just cause well i didn't really want to fight arco :) he has so many provinces even if i won a war with him it'd take too long and i'd get bored...

i should have taken arco's personal insult as the declaration of war it likely was... thats what i like about blitz's and small maps.... short game short fuses low number of provinces.. everyone knows what everyone is on about....

honestly i think i'm just still mostly mad at jazzepi, not wingeddog... what do you think would be better for the game? taking chris as a sub? or me finishing it up when I don't really give a damn about winning and i am just hoping to see the coolest looking battles i can?

namad August 22nd, 2008 03:44 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
i haven't even really looked at my turn, due to disgust with myself... and the hosting is set for 6hours... not 30hours... so theres little chance me or chris will have a chance to do this turn on this time table?

chrispedersen August 22nd, 2008 07:03 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I'm paying attention to the thread -
But I'm a fairly picky player too namad - I substituted the sauromatia position only for a few turns, as I believed it has no long term viability.

I agree the turn should be switched to 48 - but in the interrim why not do the best you can - and of course if you really have no interest in playing the game.. I'll pick it up.


namad August 22nd, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
sauromantia had no chance to win the game (sorry sauromantia)

at this point either arco wins, niefelheim wins... or somehow arco and niefelheim destory eachother in a massive war and someone (helheim or sauro win)

or the admin fails to set this cycle to 48hours ... niefelheim stales and then arco probably just wins i reckon

CyborgMoses August 22nd, 2008 07:50 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Oi, see what happens when I dare to sleep for a while... hosting has been set to 36 hours, if that isn't enough then I'll extend it to 48, but I'd like to try and keep things going as quickly as possible, so let's give this a shot first.

PS: I'm not at war with you, Namad. Of course, I'm barely in the game at this point.

namad August 22nd, 2008 09:48 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
i sent chris my turn but he probably needs the admin to change things over to his email?

CyborgMoses August 22nd, 2008 10:30 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Is there no e-mail entry on the new profiles? I just can't seem to find it. chrispedersen, if you could send me a private message with your email address, that would be great. I have delayed hosting by twelve hours to allow time to get the switchover taken care of; the game will now host at 01:02 GMT on Sunday August 24th, although I hope that the Niefelheim turn will be in before then.

GrudgeBringer August 22nd, 2008 11:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
In these games are we required to honor an alliance if there is a sub or does it continue?:confused:

CyborgMoses August 22nd, 2008 11:53 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer (Post 633369)
In these games are we required to honor an alliance if there is a sub or does it continue?:confused:

I would say that the alliance is with the nation, not the player, and thus such alliances continue. Of course, you aren't REQUIRED to honor an alliance anyway.

namad August 23rd, 2008 01:07 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
i've informed chris of all my plans and prior dealings as best as i could very briefly..... so ideally the game can continue unchanged except for it will have his brain not mine...

if chris emails me his .2h before he is officially on-duty i can submit his turn that way...

i would hope chris would contact the players in the game i have told him about to reaffirm any deals i had with them... but honestly... like i said i'm in a buncha other guys and the stress was just getting to me but i'd like the game to not be ruined... me going ai would totally have shaken things up too much.... me playing in a foolish dramatic fashion wouldn't've been to great either

i hope i didn't cause anyone to suffer a lose of enjoyment... I'm diverting a lot of my dominions time to another pbem game now :)

CyborgMoses August 23rd, 2008 04:36 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Chrispedersen has not yet sent me his email address so that I can switch things over to him. Namad, if you would be willing to play this turn, that would be helpful.

WingedDog August 23rd, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Chrispederson was already a sub for Sauromatia, so you've got to already have he's e-mail.

CyborgMoses August 23rd, 2008 06:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 633530)
Chrispederson was already a sub for Sauromatia, so you've got to already have he's e-mail.

I was not the admin at that time.

Namad has sent me chrispedersen's email, and I've put it in for Niefelheim. I have postponed hosting for a further eight hours. I will not postpone it again.

chrispedersen August 23rd, 2008 06:40 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Thanks Moses, that should be fine
(great handle)

I tried submitting it a few hours ago - wouldn't take it.
When I get back to dominions computer I'll upload it.
No delay should be necessary.

GrudgeBringer August 23rd, 2008 09:14 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I had a 10 turn alliance with Named and a 3 turn warning in the third turn of it.....just wanted to kake sure it was still in effect.

If we DON'T honor pacts made with the previous player it unbalances things as you probably have a weaker Defense on the side towards the ally.

Sooooo, whoever is taking over for Named we have a 7 turn alliance and a 3 turn warning after that.

Welcome to the Game!!!!!!:)

chrispedersen August 23rd, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Thank you.

Namad spoke very well of your alliance, and that he had planned on helping you with either kailasa or sauromatia.

He indicated which - I just don't have it in front of me at the moment.

Nief is in pretty bad situation at the moment, having lost 6-7 territories this turn.. and will lose another 6-7 next turn.

I will be able to turn it around, I think.. but it will be tough.

chrispedersen August 24th, 2008 12:13 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
You are being watched. Your armies are being watched. Your servents are being watched, your magic sites, your dancing girls.

Recall that this allows Arcosephale to know where everyone of your magic sites are. Will you ever know if those random events that happened - were just that.. random?

And of course, the eyes of god were what allowed him to attack with such deadly efficacy, removing 4 of Niefleheims best magic sites in one turn.

I do not know about you - but I don't like being watched. I suggest we blind this peeping tom - and I have the ability to do it, but not the means.

I will contribute 40 gems and a mage to do it, to the casting of 'Fate of Oedipus' - that leaves 40 gems. What say yea...

Is it worth 10 gems for four of you - to regain your privacy?

WingedDog August 24th, 2008 03:38 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Alas, it seems Niefelheim is already way to strong for me, and gets even stronger with time. Many of his Niefel Jarls have a full set of artifacts and are able to slaughter my entire army, so best I can do is just to harass him by raiding random provinces with pegasii. Still, since time only works for him, I'm willing to fight till the end and hope for some mad luck.

CyborgMoses August 24th, 2008 07:32 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 633615)
Alas, it seems Niefelheim is already way to strong for me, and gets even stronger with time. Many of his Niefel Jarls have a full set of artifacts and are able to slaughter my entire army, so best I can do is just to harass him by raiding random provinces with pegasii. Still, since time only works for him, I'm willing to fight till the end and hope for some mad luck.

Ah, so this is like how I was supposedly going to raze your capital and slaughter your people when you attacked me during our peace treaty, right? I'm sure Niefelheim's giants are putting your pegasi in much distress when they dodge the flying horses' poop.

chrispedersen August 24th, 2008 11:43 PM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 633615)
Alas, it seems Niefelheim is already way to strong for me, and gets even stronger with time. Many of his Niefel Jarls have a full set of artifacts and are able to slaughter my entire army, so best I can do is just to harass him by raiding random provinces with pegasii. Still, since time only works for him, I'm willing to fight till the end and hope for some mad luck.

Lies. Show a screen (verified with a moderator) of me with an artifact, and I will resign.

I am quite confident in making this claim, as I am at Con-6.

WingedDog August 25th, 2008 03:15 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen

Lies. Show a screen (verified with a moderator) of me with an artifact, and I will resign.

I am quite confident in making this claim, as I am at Con-6.

Oh, I didn't mean the unique ones.

CyborgMoses August 25th, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Geez, WingedDog, how many skeptics do you need in my capital? Shouldn't you be spending your resources on the HORRIFYING MENACE of Niefelheim?

WingedDog August 25th, 2008 08:01 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Naaaah, I think you are the most dangerous one. I'm pretty sure you are building nuclear weapon or nasty virus that would kill us all.

CyborgMoses August 25th, 2008 09:41 AM

Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 633817)
Naaaah, I think you are the most dangerous one. I'm pretty sure you are building nuclear weapon or nasty virus that would kill us all.

If I recall correctly, nukes are Construction 9, and since you killed all of my researchers a couple years back, I'm not getting there any time soon.

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