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Executor November 8th, 2008 02:55 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well that nasty global is down at least. Mictlan can now continue it's conquest of the world.

Bwaha November 9th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Yeah I agree about the hunt being lousy. What a waste of gems, it only claimed about five of your mages. Won't do that spell again thats for sure. I'm opening a store for all who are in need of that certain item. I should have a while ago but I was rather busy with Formoria. The prices of items will depend on your level of alliance with me. But I will consider all offers, I will hold all requests in confidence as well. Deals will only be done by pm. Any public requests will be refused. Thanks for your time. :D

Bwaha November 10th, 2008 02:11 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Alright, Ye Old Magic Shop is now taking orders, first come first serve. Good pricing too.:D

PS I went thru a couple hundred gems this turn, building stuff, so there will be a one turn shipping delay for most orders.

tgbob November 21st, 2008 06:38 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
:D Good game, Mictlan wins.

Asking Mictlan all out assault on my capital, I want to see what your armies look like all together.

Bwaha November 29th, 2008 12:25 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Due to a business emergency I have to leave for a few months. Please find a permanant sub. Sorry this was unforseen. Game on.:D

Bwaha November 29th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Due to a business emergency I have to leave for a few months. Please find a permanent sub. Sorry this was unforeseen. Game on.:D

Executor November 29th, 2008 05:26 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Sorry to hear that Bwaha.

I certainly didn't expect that siege breaking, tgbob.

I've posted for a sub, the game will be on hold until someone is found.

tgbob November 29th, 2008 08:12 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Oh see, now you got me all curious like.

GrudgeBringer November 29th, 2008 11:18 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
(Sigh) First Anticipatiant and I where allies agianst Fomoria and he broke his computer.

Now Bwaha has to go on an emergency, and he had taken over for Anti and we finally had just took out Fomoria BUT....I just pulled all my armies out of that area with a number of provinces with small PD and surrounded by Pangea with a VERY small army left just to keep out the Barbarians.

I will now have to fight my way back into that continent and while Mictaln taked him down in his area (I think Mictlan is in position to attack by his territory).

I can wait until we get a replacement or we can continue as we have 60 some turns invested.

Now that Bwaha is gone I think we all know who the winner is going to be.....but I am willing to try and take out the rest of the AI's and then learn something from Executor aboout how to finish off a game.

Let me know....:(

Executor December 3rd, 2008 02:54 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Nobody seem to be interested in taking Pangaea, got any ideas people?

GrudgeBringer December 3rd, 2008 03:45 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Here is how I see it....

Executor Is WAY ahead and if we where all human players and no AI's we might have a chnce to gang up on him and make a go at it.

As it stands there is no way in Hell that I am going to defeat him as I have got my hands full with Pangea as AI.

Even if Mictlan went AI I would be fighting a Late era war on two sides that I couldn't win.

I was really having a good time winning my first war in concert with an ally but in Dom 3, 70 turns is around 3 months or more and folks have life get in the way.

I suggest we declare Executor the winner and as much as I would like to finish Pangea off it would be very boring for Mictlan to just get stronger and not attack anyone.

I am open to ideas though.

But I want to say THANK YOU to all that have hung in there and to Bwaha for taking Anti's place when he broke his Comp. I had a good time and enjoyed playing with all of you. And I have learned a LOT about this game watching you guys!!

tgbob December 4th, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I am lukewarm towards either solution.

Executor December 5th, 2008 04:59 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I'd hate to have to switch Pangaea to AI, so tgbob, maybe you'd like to step in as Pangaea?

tgbob December 5th, 2008 10:16 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
If you really really really can't find a sub, sure.

Executor December 6th, 2008 08:08 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well I really really really can't find a sub, but it's up to you.

GrudgeBringer December 6th, 2008 11:33 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Pangea was my ally until Bwaha had to go.

I have set in motion my troops to head toward pangean land but in a few turns can be back to normal IF he is still my ally...


AlgaeNymph December 6th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
In spite of the fact that I've been mostly lurking in this thread, I'm still interested in playing. However, there's no pressure on anybody to do anything.

Executor December 6th, 2008 07:00 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Tgbob, I've delayed the game 24 hours until you decide.
If you take Pangaea, great,
If not, it's OK, like DryaUnda says no pressure about anything, just a suggestion on my part.

It actually suit me better if you let it slide, don't take up on my offer that is. I'm doing this in the spirit of fair play. :)

tgbob December 6th, 2008 11:08 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Oops, really need to check the forums more. Go ahead and take it DryaUnda seeing as I can't guarantee I'll actually put up a fight with Pan.

AlgaeNymph December 7th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Sure, okay.

Bwaha December 8th, 2008 01:27 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Hi, I'm back for the next few months, I just retired so I won't be called up anymore. I would like to resume playing in this game if thats okay. :D

Executor December 8th, 2008 01:41 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Oh damn, Bwaha, I'm sorry but I've got some really bad news.
I tried to find a sub for some time even posted 3 threads and sent several PMs looking for a sub, but seeing that nobody was interested we switched Pangaea to AI just this morning, only several hours ago.

tgbob December 8th, 2008 09:31 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
You can do a roll back from the admin menu.

Executor December 9th, 2008 09:46 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
But can that change a nation from AI?
I'd PM Llama but I don't think he's back yet.

tgbob December 9th, 2008 10:03 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I'd guess so since it's a ingame during the turn setting that sets them to AI.

GrudgeBringer December 9th, 2008 10:07 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well, lets set it on hold till we find out.

It honestly makes a HUGE difference on my particular Attitude on the game.:confused:

Executor December 10th, 2008 09:06 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Llama's back, I'll PM him.

Executor December 10th, 2008 05:11 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Hi Executor,

No, it won't.



Originally Posted by Executor
Hi again,
I have a quick question again>
If you set a nation to AI and roll game a turn back, will that nation still be AI?

-So Bwaha you're back in! I've rolled back a turn.
I hope this works.

Executor December 10th, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
And Pangaea is back on the game status!
I'll PM Bwaha now.

tgbob December 10th, 2008 06:56 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Let's all have a hearty bwahahaha to celebrate!

Bwaha December 10th, 2008 07:47 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Bwahahaha. :D

GrudgeBringer December 10th, 2008 08:53 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!

Bwaha December 11th, 2008 12:30 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Heh, As soon as I get my turn from Llama server I will do something I think will be fun... I've been experimenting with some new tricks... :D

Bwaha December 12th, 2008 07:06 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well guys I have some bad news. My pretender disappeared during the last turn. See "The case of the vanishing pretender" for whats happening. I ask for a delay till this gets fixed. Thanks. :D

Executor December 12th, 2008 08:49 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Delay is OK, but How do you mean your Pretender disappeared?
What can be done? This is the first I've heard of something like this.

GrudgeBringer December 12th, 2008 10:08 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Hey..............errrrrrrrr, now that you mention it 10,000 gold and 200 gems dissapered from me also (they could be replaced easily I think from Executors privite stash).

Bwaha December 13th, 2008 12:45 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Well its like this, I ran my turn and my pretender ran into the Ghost Ship Armada. The pd broke so she ran. Then I looked for her, nope not in the game. I checked and looked using various methods but she's not in the game. Then I tried calling god and that option wasn't available. In the hall of fame she's fine, and in the pretenders screen she's fine. You can imagine the problems that ensued. I will never buy anouther computer that runs vista. Never again I swear. I was fine with win98. This &o$ $!mn os sucks worse than a shop vac. I almost used my laptop as a frisbie this morning...:smash:

Executor December 13th, 2008 06:53 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Looked at my turn, everything seems fine with me, maybe it's not a vista problem? You should PM Llama or someone.

Executor December 15th, 2008 04:22 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Bwaha what's happened with you, still here?

Bwaha December 15th, 2008 06:19 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Yes, I'm still around, I may of ticked Llama off though. I still haven't got a response from him. Maybe you would have a little more luck than I. See if you can get the turn looked at. I think the roll back caused the problem. Otherwise the Pan won't have a pretender. Yep she really is gone. Download the turn if you don't beleive me. Sigh, I'm never going to try uploading files again til I get a new OS. Linux here I come. :D

tgbob December 15th, 2008 11:59 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
It might be an issue caused by the pirates than say OS or turn roll back. I'd ask on the main forums.

Bwaha December 16th, 2008 05:08 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I'm the one who has problems with vista. Not the game. Your probably right about the admiral causing the problem. I will try again to get some help. :D

Bwaha December 19th, 2008 07:31 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Okay, I got a message from on high, This problem will have to wait for a bit. Holiday vacations and all that. I think a solution that might work is rolling the turn back two turns and for me to change my orders so I don't end up on a coastline. Sorry, thats the best I can come up with. :D

GrudgeBringer December 23rd, 2008 09:34 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I just got a message and a turn that says we have rolled it back to 69...

I sent it back in but got a wrong turn error (says we are on 70) I think its due this evening...Any Ideas?

Executor December 23rd, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Take the 69 turn from the roll back and put it in your Blitzkrieg file but be sure to delete what's in the file first. Than you do your turn again (do not send the old turn it will cause the game to crash) and send it.
I see the other turns have been received so I don't think there should be any problems.

Bwaha December 24th, 2008 07:12 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
In homage to Executers excellent service I offer:

:D Happy Holidays, Bwaha

Executor December 25th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Thanks, Happy New Year Bwhahahahahaha!!!:):):)

If anyone need extension during holidays say so I can change the hosting interval.

GrudgeBringer January 5th, 2009 03:43 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
It was bound to happen, with this stupid economy I have been working more and enjoying it less!!!

I Staled last turn (no, don't roll it back) and to be honest I have gone about as far as my limited knowledge will allow me to.

I want to compliment Executor on his great handling of his nation and Admining this game.

I also want to thank Bwaha for subbing for Anticipatiant and wanting to give it a go,

I will hang on if you want but I honestly don't know what or how to do anything but build up troops that can be slaughtered by the hundreds!!

I would use it as a learning expieriance but I don't know what I am learning..

Who is left in here anyway, besides Bwaha, executor, and Grudgebringer?:confused:

tgbob January 6th, 2009 12:18 AM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
Sauro should be dead next turn, finally.

Bwaha January 12th, 2009 03:17 PM

Re: BlitzKrieg - EA Private Game, Started!
I wish I could continue but my computer is messed up. Tg do you want to take over? Someone will have to take my place. Sorry guys, I hope to be back after this summer. Have fun and stay safe. Bye :D

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